
Year 11 Analysing Repertoire Task
Name: ___________________________________________________
Year level: ____________
Task choice (see below): __________
Assessment Format: ________________________________________________________________
Song/s analysed: __________________________________________________________________
Teacher: Andrew Kennedy
Handed Out: Mon 04/03/2013 (Term 1, Week 6)
Draft Due on or before: Mon 25/03/2013 (Term 1, Week 9)
Assignment Due: Mon 22/04/2013 (Term 2, Week 2)
Context of Assessment: Finding Your Feet
For students entering Senior Music in year 11, music analysis helps students become more aware of the elements
of music such as Texture, Structure, Rhythm, Dynamics, Timbre, Melody and Harmony. By analysing songs and
compositions, students will gain a deeper understanding of how musical elements can be manipulated for
various artistic purposes.
Emphasis is also placed on helping students become aware of the ways that Music Technology can be used to
manipulate the musical elements.
Task Choices
You are to choose one of the following three topics and present a response in written, oral or multimedia form.
1) Compare and contrast two songs of your choice with respect to a hypothesis or journalistic angle.
2) Analyse one song of your choice with respect to a hypothesis or journalistic angle.
3) Your own choice of analysis or hypothesis negotiated with your teacher.
In your analysis you are to determine the ways in which musical elements & compositional devices have been
manipulated and the relationships between them. You should communicate detailed and substantiated
judgements (evaluations) about how these relate to context, genre and style.
Help and Resources
Assessment Format
You may choose the assessment format that best suits your strengths.
Extended written task: approx. 600-800 words
Formal exam (s): approx 1.5 hours, minimum 300 words
Oral: 4-6 minutes approx.
Multimedia: minimum 4 minutes presented or navigated by student
Note that all choices will require an equal amount effort and preparation. See Preparation Timeline for details.
Assessment Conditions
After the draft date has passed, you cannot change your assessment format choice.
Drafts will not be given a grade, rather, feedback will be given about how the draft could be improved
to meet the requirements of the marking criteria.
While you will receive some class time to complete your assignment, you are expected to do the bulk of
it in your own time.
Any written materials such as research, notes, drafts and/or the final essay must be written in an online
Google Document that your teacher can view online at any time. Your final essay should be printed and
handed in as a physical copy.
Multimedia and oral presentations will be filmed for verification.
In responding to this task you should aim to:
demonstrate higher-order thinking skills including hypothesising, deconstructing, evaluating, synthesising
and justifying.
support your judgments about the relationships of the musical elements & compositional devices to
context, genre and style within the two pieces of repertoire with evidence.
communicate these judgments clearly, logically and cohesively.
At least one chosen work must be one not studied in class. Neither chosen work should be from the exemplars
provided in class.
Presentation of Assignment
Student responses are to be accompanied by the score(s) and/or sound source(s). Please note:
Youtube links are not suitable, you must provide audio on CD or DVD disc. This may require you to
purchase the song.
In multimedia and oral presentation, the score(s) and sound source(s) should be linked to arguments.
You are not required to do research, however, any quotes or excerpts from external sources such as
websites or books should be correctly referenced in a bibliography.
Name Yr 11
Music Analysis Assignment
 Assignments will not be accepted unless DVD is properly
labelled as shown on the left
 Assignments will not be accepted unless attached to this
task sheet. CD/DVD discs must be in a paper envelope also
stapled to the task sheet. Do not staple the envelope closed or in
such a way that would prevent the disc from being easily
Audio Files (etc)
Term 3, 2012
The following charts gives an indication of where your progress should be in your assignment preparation leading up to the assignment deadline.
Extended Written Task
Term 1, Week 6, 1st lesson
Term 1, Week 6, 2nd lesson
Term 1, Week 7, 1st lesson
Term 1, Week 7, 2nd lesson
Term 1, Week 8, 1st lesson
Term 1, Week 8, 2nd lesson
Create blank google doc
Must choose song and have initial
hypothesis (write it down). Must
have answered context
Must have answered texture
Must have obtained or
transcribed chord chart
Must have answered structure
and dynamics questions
Must have completed duration
and timbre questions and
obtained or transcribed melody
Must have answered melody and
harmony questions
Create blank google doc
Create blank google doc
Must choose song and have initial
hypothesis (write it down). Must
have answered context
Must have answered texture
Must have obtained or
transcribed chord chart
Must have answered structure
and dynamics questions
Must have completed duration
and timbre questions and
obtained or transcribed melody
Must have answered melody and
harmony questions
Pros: Your choice of song, time on
your side, opportunities for direct
teacher feedback, good
alternative for those who would
rather “show” than “write”
Cons: Multimedia presentations
can be time consuming and hard
to fix/change
Create blank google doc
Must choose song and have initial
hypothesis (write it down). Must
have answered context
Must have answered texture
Must have obtained or
transcribed chord chart
Must have answered structure
and dynamics questions
Must have completed duration
and timbre questions and
obtained or transcribed melody
Must have answered melody and
harmony questions
Draft Script Due 300-500 words or
3-4 minute audio/video
Draft Script Due 300-500 words
(written or audio/video)
Continue writing and refining
script/audio/video for
Continue writing/filming/editing
and refining script/audio/video
Revise/refine presentation, add
scores, references, tablature,
chord charts to support
arguments. Obtain video/audio
to include with presentation
Revise/refine multimedia, add
scores, references, tablature,
chord charts to support
arguments. Obtain video/audio
to include with presentation
Term 1, Week 9, 2nd lesson
Continue writing and refining
Term 2, Week 1, 1st lesson
Pros: Your choice of song, time on
your side, opportunities for direct
teacher feedback
Cons: Must be well prepared for
presentation, may have to
elaborate or answer questions on
the spot if required
Draft Due 300-500 words
Term 2, Week 1, 2nd lesson
Oral Presentation
Pros: shorter word length, notated
chords & melody provided
Cons: must rely heavily on aural
listening skills to analyse, no
teacher feedback during exam,
short time limit, no choice of song
Term 1, Week 9, 1st lesson
Term 2, Week 2, 1st lesson
Formal Exam
Pros: Your choice of song, time on
your side, opportunities for direct
teacher feedback
Cons: Longer word length, chords
& melody not provided
Revise/refine essay, add scores,
references, tablature, chord
charts to support arguments.
Obtain video/audio to include
with assignment
Assignment Due
Practice exam: unseen song 1
- must answer as many checklist
questions as possible
Practice exam: unseen song 1
- must write 300 word essay using
checklist notes
Practice exam: unseen song 2
- must answer as many checklist
questions as possible
Practice exam: unseen song 2
- must write 300 word essay using
Practice exam: unseen song 3
- full exam in 1.5 hours
Practice exam: unseen song 4
- must answer as many checklist
questions as possible
Practice exam: unseen song 4
- must write 300 word essay using
checklist notes
Assignment Due
Assignment Due
Assessment Criterion
You will be assessed according to the following standards for analysing.
Standard A
The student:
 Uses initiative to
explore a range or arts
making processes and
 Generates workable
“solutions” to familiar
and some unfamiliar
arts making
 Makes considered
choices to effectively
purpose(s) through arts
Standard B
The student:
effectively evaluates music by
deconstructing repertoire,
and determining the
manipulation of, and
relationships between
identified musical elements
and compositional devices,
communicating substantiated
judgments about how these
relate to context and genre
and the expressed style.
Standard C
The student:
evaluates music by
deconstructing repertoire,
and determining some of the
uses of identified musical
elements and compositional
devices, communicating
partially substantiated
judgments about how these
relate to context, and genre
and the expressed style.
Achievement Grade:
Teacher’s Signature:
Standard D
The student:
recognises some uses of
identified musical elements
and/or compositional devices
and states opinions which
may relate to context, genre
and the expressed style.
Standard E
The student:
states opinions that may
relate to musical elements
and/or compositional devices.