PowerPoint - MarkeTel Systems

Predictive Dialer Controller Software
428 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK
Canada S4N 0P6
Toll Free: (800) 289-8616
Phone: (306) 359-6893
Fax: (306) 359-6879
Key Features
Real-time web-based reporting
Run multiple campaigns simultaneously
Use multiple phonebooks in each campaign
Large seat capacity
Windows Explorer style Interface for Ease of Use
Dialer chains can be stored in a remote location
Real-time reports and vital campaign statistics
Import call-lists and change settings “on-the-fly”
Main Screen Interface
Main user interface resembles Windows Explorer,
making Prospector® very user-friendly and easy
to navigate and execute tasks
Prospector® allows users to carry out the same tasks
in 3 ways, with minimal number of clicks!
1. Right-click in
the tree node
When double-clicked,
the status bar shows
Chain, Prospector® and
Database message history.
This provides useful
information for our
technical support team
to help quickly solve
any problems!
2. Use of top menu
3. Double-click icons
Add and Name a Campaign
Simple step-by-step clicks make it easy to add
and name your new campaign
Add and Name a Phonebook
Now that we have added our new campaign called
Demo we can move onto this next step of adding
and naming a phonebook
Import Numbers into Phonebook
Stage 1: Select File to Import
Now we are ready to import some phone numbers
into our newly created phonebook!
Phonebook Import Wizard will guide
you through this process with ease
Browse and select the file containing
your phone numbers
Compatible with various file types!
Import Numbers into Phonebook
Stage 2: Map Fields
Now we map our common fields,
and if desired, we can also map
extended fields as well as results!
We can even browse through some
of the records to ensure that we have
mapped our fields correctly!
Import Numbers into Phonebook
Stage 3: Complete Phonebook Import Wizard
Now we can choose whether we want to: •
Filter out duplicate phone numbers
Filter duplicates against all phonebooks/entries
Allow duplicate phone number entries to be created
Update existing records with any new information
Reset result when updating
Import Numbers into Phonebook
Stage 4: Numbers Imported and Task Complete
While the call records are being imported into our
phonebook, we can see a progress bar that shows
us how many records are being imported, the current
number of records that have been imported as well as
how many records are being imported per second!
Once importing is complete, a message box appears
showing us how many records were imported, how
long it took, the location of the file from which the
records were imported as well as how many duplicates
were filtered out!
Add and Name a Skiplist (DNC List)
Pre-existing Default and National DNC folders!
Now that we have our phonebook ready, we can
add and name our skiplist (do-not-call list)
Import Numbers into Skiplist
Stage 1: Select File to Import
Now we are ready to import some phone numbers
into our newly created skiplist!
Skiplist Import Wizard will guide
you through this process with ease
Browse and select the file containing
your phone numbers
Choose the type of skiplist import
Import Numbers into Skiplist
Stage 2: Select Telephone Field and Complete Skiplist Import Wizard
Then we select which field is the telephone field
in our skiplist file
Import Numbers into Skiplist
Stage 3: Numbers Imported and Task Complete
While the phone numbers are being imported into our
skiplist we can see a progress bar that shows us how
many records are being imported, the current number
of records that have been imported as well as how
many records are being imported per second!
Once Skiplist Import is complete, a message box appears
showing us how many records were imported, how
long it took and the location of the file from which the
records were imported!
Add and Name a Keytone Set
Now that we have our skiplist ready, we can
add and rename our keytone (results) set, or
choose to use the pre-configured default
keytone set
Set Up New Keytone Set
Simply click in the new line
to add a new keytone
Here we can set the number,
description and result type
of our keytones
Includes real-time export
Add and Name a New Operator
Now that we have our keytone set ready, we can
add and name our new operators
Operator Settings
It is simple to change
an existing operator’s
passcode, too!
Once we have created a
new operator, it is here
that we can set their
passcode to log onto the
This section enables us
to view existing operators
call statistics for all or
specific campaigns!
Assign Phonebook to Campaign
Now we are ready to assign our phonebook
to our Demo campaign
Here is where we select which campaign
we would like to assign our phonebook to
Assign Skiplist to Campaign
Next we assign our skiplist
Assign Keytone Set to Campaign
Then our desired keytone set
Assign Dialer Chains to Campaign
Finally, we assign our dialer chains
Set Dialer Chain Properties
Before we are ready to start dialing we set
the chain properties
Here we tell Prospector® what access codes
are needed to be dialed before and/or after all calls
Burst mode feature further increases
efficiency when dialing!
Hot transfers!
Prevent operators from making manual calls!
Simple call monitoring set-up!
From here we have the option to name
each Virtual DisplayTM workstation for all
dialer units in each chain
Ability to automap operator stations
and test Virtual DisplayTM
Set Campaign Properties
Compliance Set-up
Now that our chain properties have been set
we can set our campaign properties
Advanced speed setting
feature enables you to set
how aggressively you wish
to dial while operators are
waiting for a call and while
they are currently on a call!
3 simple speed settings
including the option to set your
own target abandonment rate
Also includes auto-adjust
speed settings!
Comprehensive call and do-not-call
management settings!
Set Campaign Properties
Operator Stations and Dialing Rules Set-up
Quick and easy configuration of
caller ID displays
The dialing rules feature enable us to
set the format in which calls will be dialed.
Includes time zone functions!
Set Campaign Properties
Real-Time Email Set-up (optional)
Here we enter our
server and e-mail
account information
… and then we specify
where we want our realtime e-mails to go!
Tools Menu and Prospector® Properties
Global Campaign Properties and Global Chain Properties enable
you to set the configuration for all campaigns as opposed to the
chain and campaign properties (as demonstrated earlier in this
presentation) under individual campaigns
Here we set the database connection
for Prospector® as well as the
database time zone
Then the Virtual DisplayTM connection
And the COM ports
Prospector® Properties
Here we enter our registration name
and password to register Prospector®
Using MarkeTel AutoCodes we can get
the rights codes for our dialer chains at the
click of a button (requires internet connection),
or we have the option to enter our rights
codes manually
The Local phone numbers grid allows viewing of
prefix replacements for local phone numbers.
Phone numbers which start with the prefix will be
dialed as local numbers (omitting the long
distance prefix on the Chain Properties Page),
and will have the prefix replaced with the
replacement. The prefix replacement map is
applied to any phonebooks that do not have the
local dialing checkbox checked
Prospector® Properties
Here you can choose to
group tree nodes
automatically or manually!
This area helps us to better
navigate and manage
campaigns as they grow by
enabling us to better organize
phonebooks, skiplists
(do-not-call lists), keytone
sets, dialer chains, operators
and campaigns
Starting a Campaign
Now we are ready to start our campaign!
Once we’ve clicked to start our campaign, it is listed under
the “Tasks” node. By default the campaign will be paused
so we simply double-click on our campaign icon to proceed
with the final settings and to start dialing!
Starting a Campaign
Task settings give us further control
when starting a campaign, including
the ability to change dialing orders!
Here is where we can set primary
and secondary dialing orders!
Campaign Dialing
Change dialing order and
other campaign settings
Pause or stop dialing
whenever you desire!
Import more phone numbers
or add more phonebooks to
campaign while dialing!
Add more operators and
assign more chains while
Perform multiple tasks or
change settings while dialing
multiple campaigns!
Easy to monitor vital stats!
Campaign Dialing Statistics
Dialer Chain Statistics
Individual Operator Statistics
Dialer Chain Queue Statistics
Campaign Dialing Results and Queries
Browse through the campaign’s dialing results
You can even perform searches
to find specific dialing result records!
Session Reports
Session reports enable us to view important reporting
data to better monitor our operators performance
Keytone Count shows a break-down
of results by individual operators as well
as all operators, including totals!
Session Reports
Current Status shows the status for each operator,
how long they have been in that status and if they
are on a call what the phone number of that call is!
This section shows comprehensive time
statistics for each individual operator as
well as that for all operators, including
Web-Based Reporting
Easy navigation!
Build your report simply by entering
the dates and times of your choice,
then click the ‘show report’ button
and your report will be built in seconds!
Accessible from anywhere, MarkeTel’s
web-based reports enable you to view
an abundance of statistics! Includes,
well-written information explaining what
each area means to you!
Productivity pie-chart clearly illustrates
the level of production for all operators
Call summary table shows supporting
data for operator connect behaviour!
We can even choose to view individual
operator statistics!
Web-Based Reporting
Individual operator statistics shows us
two productivity pie-charts – one for
operator production on all campaigns
and one for operator production on
selected campaign for you to compare
Below the pie-charts is a table showing
supporting data of the selected operator’s
connect behaviour
Included in the individual operator statistics
section are candlestick charts to clearly
illustrate how good or bad that operator is
performing under specific results
Red is generally bad, unless the result is a
not interested or skiplist and green is generally
good, unless it is a not interested or skiplist
Web-Based Reporting
The result entry table shows a break-down
of results by individual operators as well as
all operators!
The result summary table shows the
latest call results as well as overall
phonebook statistics
Web-Based Reporting
This graph clearly illustrates the no answer trends
during the two selected time slots chosen to generate
this report. A highly useful tool when planning which
areas are best to call at which time of day, or what
times are best to schedule your shifts!
The Compliance Report helps us to see
whether we are within the guidelines of
the U.S. telemarketing regulations by
highlighting anything that we may have
missed whilst setting up our campaign
Thank you for viewing our slideshow!
Easy to Set Up
Simple to Use
Total Call Compliance
More Agent Control
Database Management
Increase Productivity
Great Technical Support
Many Financing Options Available
No Risk
No Commitment
Don’t delay … sign up to increase your productivity today!