Functional Programming Lecture 6 - Algebraic Data Types 1 Algebraic Data Types A powerful mechanism for defining your own data types. All other types in Haskell can be defined using algebraic data types. We will start with simplest cases and work toward the most complicated. 2 Enumerated Types Example: data Colour = Red | Green | Blue data is a keyword - defines an algebraic data type. Colour is the type name. Red, Green, Blue are constructors. Red :: Colour, Green ::Colour, etc. Red:: Colour Green :: Colour The type name and constructors must begin with an upper case letter. Variable must begin with lower case letter. 3 Pattern Matching You can pattern match on this enumerated type. Example: value :: Colour -> Int value Red = 15 value Green = 42 value Blue = 5 In general, define equations by function-name pattern = expression pattern is a constructor. data Day = Mon|Tues .. weekend :: Day -> Bool weekend d = (d==Sat) || (d==Sun) 4 Deriving Often when you define a new data type, you also need to define a function that shows it. (show -- convert to string, for printing) Example showColour :: Colour -> String showColour Red = “Red” showColour Blue = “Blue” …... showInt :: Int -> String showInt 5 => “5” 5 deriving Show data Colour = Red | Blue | Green deriving Show deriving Show tells the compiler automatically to define show :: Colour -> String Example: let c = Blue in “The answer is” ++ c ++ “\n” wrong! let c = Blue in “The answer is” ++ (show c) ++ “\n” today :: Colour -> String today c = “the sky is “++ (show c) ++ “.” 6 Example: The Bool Type data Bool = False | True deriving Show This is a built-in declaration in Haskell. False, True are the boolean constants constructors of type Bool. 7 Data Fields Example: data Thing = Item Int String deriving Show A value of type Thing consists of a constructor Item (indicating what it is), a data field containing an Int, and another field containing a String. u :: Int w :: String Item u w :: Thing Examples x, y :: Thing x = Item 3 “small” y = Item (2+3) (str++”\n”) show x => “Item 3 small” 8 Polymorphic Data Fields Allow type a (where a is a type variable) instead of a specific type like Int. Entire data type has type parameter a. data Object a = Obj Int a x = Obj 15 True y = Obj 27 13 z = Obj 39 “Hello” :: Object Bool :: Object Int :: Object String compare :: (Eq a) => Object a -> Object a -> Bool compare (Obj i x) (Obj j y) = (i ==j) && (x == y) Examples compare (Obj 27 13) (Obj 27 6) => compare (Obj 27 13) (Obj 27 “hello”) => compare1 :: Object a -> Object a -> Bool compare1 (Obj i _) (Obj j _) = (i ==j) 9 Example: Tuple Types data Pairs a b = Pair a b data Triples a b c = Triple a b c data Tuple4s a b c d = Tuple4 a b c d ……. The builtin tuple types behave essentially like this, except they have a special syntax with (, , ,) So, Pair 2 3 :: Pairs Int Int (2,3) :: (Int,Int) 10 Constructors and Union Types There could be several different cases each case has its own constructor and can have different fields. Example data PhoneNumber = LocalPhone Int | BritishPhone Int Int | InternationalPhone Int Int Int Localphone 3304969 :: PhoneNumber BritishPhone 141 3304969 :: PhoneNumber InternationalPhone 44 141 3304969 :: PhoneNumber 11 Union Types data Course = FP String String Room | DSA String [String] [Room] FP “Calder” “Haskell” lect2 ::Course DSA “Miller” [“Ada”,”Java”] [lec4,lec5] ::Course 12 Computations that might fail Sometimes a computation may succeed or fail but the program should deal with failure, instead of crashing. Example average :: [Double] -> Double average xs = sum xs / fromInt (length xs) average [4,12] => 8.0 average [ ] => divide by 0 error - crash! Also, head [] 13 The Maybe type data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing Represents result of a computation that maybe gives you a value of type a, but could give you nothing. Normal values of a Nothing Just 0 Nothing Just 1 Just 2 Just 3 Just 4 Just 5 Just 6 ….. Maybe Int 14 The Maybe type average :: [Double] -> Maybe Double average [ ] = Nothing average xs = Just (sum xs / length xs) head :: [a] -> Maybe a head [] = Nothing head (x:xs) = Just x f xs ys = x : ys where Just x = head xs What is type of f? [a] -> [a] -> [a] Why? 15 Recursive Types A type T which has some data fields of type T. Example data T = T0 String | T1 Int T s ::String TO s :: T x :: Int t :: T T1 x t :: T x, y, z :: T x = T0 “aardvark” y = T1 31 (T0 “cat”) z = T1 17 (T1 86 (T0 “dog”)) 16 Integer Lists data List = Empty | Cons Int List All equivalent representations! Cons 3 (Cons 4 (Cons 1 Empty)) 3:(4:(1:Empty)) [3,4,1] 17