2013 Cascade District Camporee Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse May 3rd – May 5th, 2013 Guide Book Welcome to the 2013 Camporee! You are invited to participate in Cascade District’s 2013 Camporee. There’s something for everyone – Webelos, new Scouts, Scouts on the trail to First Class, senior Scouts sharing knowledge with others, Ventures, and Team members. This Guide Book will explain the events, rules and logistics for this year’s Camporee. Your participation will help to make the Camporee a huge success. If you have questions or need more information, please contact the following people: Max H, Camporee Director max-hummer@hotmail.com Clay Wilson, Camporee advisor scouterclay@comcast.net Kenna Burch, District Executive KBurch@Seattlebsa.org Contents Introduction Camporee Fees and Registration Things You’ll Need for Registration Pre-Registration On-Site Registration Check-In Procedures Check-Out Procedures Important Dates for Work Party and Camporee Work Party Schedule Camporee Schedule Camp Information and General Rules Camp Site Assignments Patrols Camp Rules and Guidelines Webelos at Camp Bring a Friend Program OA Brotherhood Ceremony Adult Training at Camporee Recognition and Competition Camporee Events Overall Scoring for Camporee Honor Ribbons Patrol Inspection Campsite Inspection Field Events High Adventure, Low C.O.P.E. Obstacle Course Special Event Additional Point Opportunities … Patrol Flag and Yell Competition … Dessert Competition … Gateway Competition … Campfire Participation Daily Schedule of Events (Subject to change) Suggested Equipment List Individual Items Patrol Items Patrol Campsite Items Troop Items Scout Spirit Driving Directions & Maps Forms Authorization for Medical Care and Treatment of a Minor Unit Organization Sheet Work Party Pre-Registration Camporee Pre-Registration Camporee On-Site Registration 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 Introduction The 2013 Cascade District Camporee will be held at Ensign Ranch in eastern Washington near Cle Elum (see Driving Directions page 15). As you plan meals, please “Be Prepared” for potential fire bans. Units are encouraged to pre-register. Pre-registered units receive a discount on participant fees, will get priority service at check-in, and will have first choice of camp sites, based on the order registrations are received. Units can begin pre-registration on March 1, 2013. Preregistration can be mailed in or turned in at the March or April roundtables. Last date to preregister will be at the Camporee Work Party on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Check-in starts at 6 pm on Friday, May 3rd, 2012. Please advise check-in staff upon arrival of your intended check-out date (Saturday or Sunday). Check-out starts at 9:30 am for units departing on Sunday, May 5th, 2013 and at 7:30 pm for units departing on Saturday, May 4th, 2013. Work party patrols (6 hrs per Scout average) will get first choice of campsites. Work party will be held one week prior to Camporee, on Saturday, April 20th, 2013. Units are encouraged to pre-register for the work party. This will help the staff plan for work that can be accomplished … Remember a Scout is helpful! Camporee Fees and Registration We offer rates based on how many nights a person will be in camp. We hope that this will encourage more units to pre-register and allow more units and youth to attend Camporee. Pre-registration saves time at check-in, and gives your unit higher priority for campsite assignments. The guest rate is for friends of scouts that are considering joining scouting. If your unit does not pre-register, bring full payment and all required paperwork with you. You can register on-site at check-in time on Friday evening. You can pre-register by mail (must be received before the April roundtable), bring it to roundtable, or bring it with you to the work party. Youth Webelos Guest(non-scouting youth) Adult 1 night $16.00 $12.00 $12.00 $16.00 2 nights $20.00 $14.00 $14.00 $20.00 We are not able to offer refunds if you pay for more scouts than actually attend. If more people come than are pre-registered, they will be charged the on-site rate. Things You’ll Need for Registration Full payment and all required paperwork (listed below) must be submitted to Camporee administration before a unit is fully checked in. NOTE: while the tour permit is required, you do not need to turn it in at Camporee. The tour permit is required for the unit to travel to Camporee and should be in the possession of unit adult leaders. You’ll need the following paperwork for Camporee: Full payment (rates listed above and on registration forms at end of guide) BSA Class A/B medical forms for all Scouts and adults. Be sure Sections A and B are completely filled in (don’t need C for Camporee). This form gives permission for Camporee medical staff to provide any required treatment at camp. Camporee medical form (included at the end of this guide) for campers who are not members of BSA. This form gives permission to be treated by Camporee medical staff if needed. Unit Organization Sheet (attached below, be sure to list patrol member names) Local Tour Permit (does not need to be turned in) Also … make sure every member of your unit has 10 essentials with them, and Scout uniforms for all events! Pre-Registration Pre-registering saves you time at check-in and gives your unit higher priority for camp site assignments. (It helps us plan ahead, too.) You can pre-register for the work party and Camporee. Both forms are at the end of this guide. To pre-register, do one of the following: Turn in payment and paperwork at the March or April roundtable Turn in payment and paperwork at the work party on April 20th Mail payment, medical/permission slips, and the troop roster to the council office: Cascade Camporee Registration Chief Seattle Council PO Box 440408 3120 Rainier Ave. S Seattle, WA 98114-4408 ATTN: Kenna Burch, Cascade District Executive Check-in Procedures Check-in will begin at 6:00 pm on Friday May 3rd. Upon arrival, Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader should report to administration with all necessary paperwork. Campers who plan to participate in the OA Brotherhood Ceremony should arrive by 8 pm; Brotherhood will begin promptly at 8:30 pm. You’re not checked in until ALL required paperwork is turned in (medical/permission, roster, payment, and permit). You can send all your paperwork in with pre-registration – this will allow the fastest possible check-in at camp. We must have the number of campers at pre-registration. You may submit a full roster with names at pre-registration or turn it in at check-in time. Units that participate in the Camporee work party on Saturday, April 20th can pre-select campsites and turn in completed paperwork. Campers with medical concerns should check in with Camporee medical staff upon arrival. During check-in have your troop prepare to leave for the campsite. Following check-in, troops will be escorted to campsites and Patrol inspections will be conducted at the campsite. THERE WILL BE NO CARTS AVAILABLE AT THE CAMP! Check-out Procedures A member of the Camporee Staff MUST inspect your campsite before you leave. Prior to inspection, please complete the following: Ensure the campsite is litter free. Restore the campsite to its original (or better) condition. Pack all gear and be ready to depart. Carry out all garbage to be disposed of at home. Request a site inspection of a Camporee Staff member. Both the Scoutmaster and SPL should complete a Camporee evaluation. The check-out sheet will be signed when the inspection is completed. The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol leader must then present these forms at the administration area. Patches, judging forms, and participation ribbons will then be presented to the Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader with the signed check-out sheets. Any outstanding fees must be paid before departure. Important Dates for Work Party and Camporee Read on for key dates/times for pre-registration, registration, check-in and check-out. Work Party Schedule Units that help at the work party get first choice of camp sites for Camporee. The work party will take place on Saturday, April 20th. For units that would like to camp either Friday or Saturday night, please let us know, so that we can let the camp know. Please bring tools like shovels, rakes, loppers, etc. Most of the work will be site cleanup. To help us plan what we’ll be able to do, please pre-register for the work party. The preregistration form is at the end of this guide book. Date: April 20, 2013 8:30 am arrive and check in with administration, get work assignments, turn in any paperwork you have with you 9:00 am begin work 3:00 pm end work, choose campsites, check out No meals are provided at the work party. Please bring your own food and drinks NOTE: There is no charge to camp either Friday night before the work party or Saturday night after the work party. Units camping either night must inform the Camporee staff prior to arrival. Contact information is on the first page of the Camporee guide. If you camp over Saturday night, please respect Ensign Ranch’s request that you leave as early as possible on Sunday morning and do not perform any work items on Sunday other than picking up your gear. Camporee Schedule March 1, 2013 Pre-registration begins April 20, 2013 Pre-registration ends (at Camporee work party) May 3, 2013 6:00 pm Check-in and on-site registration begins at Ensign Ranch. Even if you’re pre-registered, check-in is not complete until all paperwork is turned in! If you don’t mail in all required forms, turn them in at check-in. May 5, 2013 7:30 pm Check-out begins for units leaving on Saturday May 5, 2013 9:30 am Check-out begins for all units. Prior to check-out, camp sites must be cleaned and confirmed by staff, and units must sweep assigned camp areas. NOTE: Regular check-in is available until 9 pm Friday. However, any campers who will participate in the Order of the Arrow Brotherhood Ceremony Friday night need to arrive by 8 pm. Brotherhood will begin promptly at 8:30 pm. Camp Information and General Rules Campsite Assignments Units who participate in the work party will be given first choice of camp sites. Units who pre-register will receive priority in campsites after work party assignments are made. Units that register at Camporee will be assigned sites at the time of registration Patrols The Patrol is the basic unit of Scouting, and Camporee is a great place to reinforce the concepts of the Patrol Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide an opportunity for youth leadership. Test basic Scouting skills. Promote teamwork and team building. Demonstrate Scout Spirit Create an environment to have fun. Camp Rules and Guidelines The Scout Law is the law of the camp. The seven principles of Leave No Trace should be practiced all weekend. Absolutely no vehicles will be allowed on Camporee grounds at any time. No cars or trucks will be allowed past the parking lot (except Ensign Ranch staff). Port-a-potties are provided. Alternative latrines (e.g. trees, car tires) are not allowed. No trash dumping in the latrines at any time. Water will be provided, bring your own water containers. No dish washing is allowed at the water hydrants or in the river. All trash must be carried home with your unit for disposal. Please report all accidents, injuries, or other emergencies to a member of the Camporee staff. There will be EMTs on site who will be prepared to handle these situations, as needed. Please turn in lost and found items at the administration area. Unclaimed items will be available at the May Roundtable and the Scout Office after Camporee. Scouts are encouraged to invite parents and friends to visit Camporee on Saturday May 4th to watch the day's events and attend the Campfire. The patrol flag is to be carried to all events. All Scouts are required to be in Scout uniform for check-in, check-out, campfire, and flag ceremonies. Patrol or Troop activity uniforms are encouraged for all other activities. Wood tools must be properly stored and used in the ax yard (please see the Scout Handbook for proper Patrol campsite set up). Improper use of wood tools is prohibited and will result in point deductions. Sheath knives and fixed-blade scabbard knives are prohibited. No wood may be cut from trees, it is suggested that troops bring their own firewood. The Yakima River is off limits, no exceptions. If fires are allowed, fires must be in fire-pits and attended at all times. Leaving the campsite while the fire is anything but COLD to the touch will terminate fire privileges, and result in severe loss of points. NO EXCEPTIONS. If your campsite does not have a fire-pit, a metal fire ring may be checked out from the administration area. Scouts may not enter other campsites without permission. Scouts must remain in their campsite after taps at 10:00 pm. Patrol Leaders are requested to teach and enforce the Buddy System during Camporee. The Parking lot is off limits, except for loading and unloading. No Scout may leave the Camporee site unless pre-arranged and approved by your Scoutmaster. Please have the Scout checkout at the administration area before leaving the camping area. Scoutmasters, if appropriate, please advise Camporee Staff of Scouts’ special needs. As at any Scout activity, there will be no illegal substances, alcohol, fireworks, or firearms or other weapons. No radios, tape decks, CD / DVD / MP3 players, walkie-talkies (except devices designated for Camporee staff use only), or other such devices are allowed within the campsite area. A Scout is Courteous - please be considerate of your campsite neighbors. Bicycles and other wheeled vehicles will not be permitted on the field. Any wheeled devices (wheelbarrows, carts, etc.) used for hauling gear to and from campsites, will only be permitted for use during check-in & check-out, and must be returned to the parking lot with the vehicles. Wheelbarrows and carts will NOT be available from the ranch. If you need a wheeled device be sure to bring your own. Ensign Ranch bans dogs from the camp due to their horse program. Note: Failure to comply with any of the above regulations may result in the loss of points or a scout’s parents being called. Webelos at Camp Webelos Scouts are encouraged to attend Camporee. Recognition and points will be awarded in the Webelos category for the Den Flag and dessert competitions. Dens will camp in a Webelos area with their adults or with the Scout troop they will be joining. This is a great opportunity to introduce Webelos to Scouting. Fees for participating Webelos are $12.00 for one Night or $14.00 for the entire weekend. Adults with Webelos will pay the full adult rates. Bring a Friend Program Recruiting opportunity! All BSA members can bring a (non-registered scout) friend to Camporee. Friends can participate with their hosts at the guest fee rate. Guests will have some form of identification to prevent patrols from being penalized during field events. If you bring a friend, bring his medical/permission slip too! Guests should use the Camporee medical form at the end of the Camporee guide. BSA members should use the BSA Class A/B/C medical form. Fill out Parts A and C of the BSA form, fill out the entire Camporee form. OA Brotherhood Ceremony Any Ordeal Order of the Arrow members who qualify (see below) may participate in the Brotherhood ceremony. Members need to meet in front of the Camporee Administration Area. Brotherhood activities will begin promptly at 8:30 PM on Friday, May 3rd. If you are an Ordeal member in good standing and dues paid, there is no cost for the Brotherhood. Members who complete the Brotherhood ceremony will receive the Brotherhood Sash.. To qualify, Brotherhood candidates need to meet the following requirements: 1. Know the Obligation, Song, Admonition, Ordeal sign and Arrow Handclasp. 2. Advanced understanding of the Ordeal. 3. Serve a troop as an Ordeal member for at least 10 months. 4. Plan for service in your Lodge. 5. Write a letter to the lodge (bring with you) that includes: What you think the Obligation means How you have been fulfilling your Obligation How you plan to continue serving your unit, chapter or lodge Any member of the T’Kope Kwiskwis lodge is invited to serve as staff for the camporee. If you are interested please talk to the Camporee director. Leave No Trace Trainer Course This 16-hour, overnight course trains interested individuals to serve as Leave No Trace Trainers. Trainers are the backbone of Scouting’s outdoor ethics program, providing instruction to individuals and units wishing to adopt cutting edge outdoor ethics into their unit programs. Trainers are specially commissioned to teach the BSA Leave No Trace 101 Course and to qualify individuals for the BSA Leave No Trace Awareness Card. Completion of this course or another recognized Leave No Trace Trainer course is required for a youth to hold the Boy Scout/Varsity Scout Leave No Trace Trainer position of responsibility in their unit (counts towards 6 months of leadership for Eagle). Each BSA Trainer course is taught by a recognized Leave No Trace Master Educator, so your Trainer standing is recognized nationally by BSA’s partner, the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. This Course is normally $100 dollars and is being offered for $50 at the camporee. Pre-registration is required Recognition and Competition Camporee Events Want more fun? Do more stuff! Camporee will include the following activities: Patrol inspections (uniforms, 10 essentials, gear, etc) Patrol method (flags, yells, PL leadership, teamwork) Campsite inspections Patrol flag competitions (den flags for Webelos) Dessert competition (separate category for Webelos) Field events(based on Camporee theme) Special event (it’s a surprise!) High-adventure (Low COPE) participation Historical merit badge mini-sessions and counselor time Adult training during Field Events and Special Event Overall Scoring for Camporee 2013 For each event, all patrols entered from a single troop will be averaged for that event, so regardless of troop size, the highest score achieved in each event will go to the troop with the strongest patrol method. The maximum score any patrol can achieve in a single event is 50 points (except for high adventure). In the event of a tie, the troop which has participated in the most troop activities (regardless of number of patrols entered) will achieve the best troop award. The “Best Patrol Award” will be awarded to the patrol that best demonstrates patrol method and teamwork throughout Camporee. Points will be totaled to find the best overall patrol. To achieve patrol awards, a patrol must participate in field events, and bonuses will be awarded to patrols for participating in extra activities such as the flag and dessert. Honor Ribbons Each Patrol will have the opportunity to earn an Honor Ribbon for their Patrol Flag. The Camporee staff will award three levels of honor to participating Patrols: Honor, Excellence, and Merit. Every patrol can earn the highest level and we want to encourage every Patrol to make this their goal. Points will be awarded in four areas: 1. Patrol inspection at check-in 2. Campsite Inspection 3. Field Events 4. Special Activities (gateway, flag competition, dessert competition, etc.) Patrol Inspection Patrol Items: Completed Duty Roster Enter campsite in Patrol formation (see Scout Handbook) Demonstrate teamwork Display Patrol Flag Patrol Yell Personal Items: Each Scout in field dress uniform All equipment is inside packs Sleeping bag and pad are rain protected Each Scout has their 10 Essentials 10 10 10 10 10 50 10 10 10 20 50 Campsite Inspection Patrol campsites will be inspected during the field events on Saturday for a maximum of 50 points. Troops are expected to have the American and Troop flags on display to mark the troop area. To prevent any confusion during campsite inspection, patrols need to obviously mark their area including: tents, gear storage, food storage, and garbage bags. Points Added: Cans of water and dirt (or sand) and shovel by each fire pit Campsite thoughtfully laid out Food stored properly Garbage receptacle thoughtfully placed Equipment stored in an orderly manner Points Deducted (during inspection): Unattended fires or fire not completely out (each occurrence) Paper, food, clothing on ground (each item) Evidence of destruction of plant life (each evidence) Loud noise (each reported occurrence) 30 5 5 5 5 50 - 250 - 10 - 20 - 10 Field Events Field Events will emphasize the patrol method and will focus on Scout Skills up to First Class as well as activities related to Wilderness Survival and Emergency Preparedness. The goal is for scouts to have fun while being challenged. There will be 11 field events this year. Each Scout should bring the following to Field Events: 10 essentials (including personal first aid kit, water bottle, rain gear, fire starter, map and compass) Patrol Uniform and neckerchief Map Provided at Check-in Scout spirit and attitude for FUN!!! Each Patrol should bring to Field Events: Patrol First Aid Kit Patrol Flag Scout Book Field Event Supplies listed on Page 14 Scoring for Field Competition: Patrol Flag 5 Patrol spirit (enthusiasm and yell) 5 Patrol Method & leadership (PL in charge, patrols works as team- all /most scouts are included and participate in some way) 20 Performance (proficiency at skill) 20 50 Patrols need to be prepared with a strong working knowledge of First Class-level Scout skills. These skills include, but are not limited to: first aid, knots, lashings, map & compass, fire building, citizenship, camping, cooking, wilderness survival, and plant & animal identification. Leave No Trace camping, teamwork, ingenuity, and the patrol method will be heavily stressed. High Adventure, Low C.O.P.E., Obstacle Course 100 This area is designed to challenge the teamwork and leadership skills of a Patrol. Events in the course will encourage scouts to demonstrate team building and problem solving skills. Each scout, Webelos, and guest will have an opportunity to participate in these adventure courses. Each patrol will be assigned a time and if they are late they will miss their opportunity. We need to emphasize this so that all scouts can have a turn. As patrols enter the High Adventure Course they will be handed a slip of paper to be filled out by the patrol leader and returned to one of the Staff members at the end of the course. Patrols will receive 100 points for completing this (if the paper is not returned, patrols will receive no points for High Adventure). Special Event 50 Patrols should be prepared to exercise requirement 4 of the Emergency Preparedness merit badge which is the ability to conduct a search party for missing persons. They should as well have their 10 essentials. Additional Point Opportunities Patrol Participation Events: 1. Patrol Flag and Yell Competition 50 Patrol flags will be turned in during check-in. All flags must include the Patrol name and Troop number, and must be fixed to some sort of flag pole. The flags will be judged with regard to design, workmanship, originality, and aesthetics. The flags must not be commercially manufactured. Other than materials, the flags must be 100% Scout made. First place receives 35, second place receives 30, third place receives 25, and all participating patrols receive 20 points. 2. Dessert Competition 50 Each patrol may prepare a competition dessert on site. Bring one serving of a dessert, cooked by the scouts to the Administration Area by 7:00pm on Saturday. Late submissions will not be accepted! A tag that provides the Troop number and Patrol name (or Webelos) must accompany all entries. Anyone who submits a dessert must, upon request, taste his or her own dessert in front of the dessert judges. Submissions will be judged on presentation, appearance, and taste. First place receives 65, second place receives 60, third place receives 55, and all participating patrols receive 50 points. 3. Campfire Participation 50 Patrols are invited to participate in the campfire through preparing a skit, song, or run on. All acts that will be performed during campfire must be appropriate and first be given the OK by Camporee staff. Inappropriate material will be pulled immediately from the stage, and the troop will lose 100 points. This event is based solely on participation; there is no award or bonus for having the best skit, song, or run on. Daily Schedule of Events Note: times and events are subject to change. Final schedule will be provided at Camporee. Breakfast is NOT scheduled … we encourage your Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) to schedule this meal. FRIDAY May 3rd 5:00 – 9:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 Check-in, turn in patrol flags for competition, and set up camp Order of the Arrow Brotherhood candidates report to administration Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader cracker barrel, final briefing Adult High Adventure Staff briefing Taps – All scouts in campsite SATURDAY MAY 4th 7:00 Reveille 8:00 - 8:20 8:30 – 11: 30 11:45 - 12:45 1:00 - 4:00 4:00 - 5:30 5:30 - 7:00 6:15 - 7:00 7:00 - 7:45 7:30 - 8:00 8:15 - 8:30 8:30 - 9:30 9:30 10:00 Morning Colors, pick up Patrol flags at morning colors Field Events, High Adventure, Campsite Inspections, & Adult training session 1 Lunch Field Events, High Adventure, Campsite Inspections, & Adult training session 2 Special Event Dinner Turn in entries for dessert competition Order of the Arrow Chapter Meeting Check-out for Troops departing Saturday night Retire Colors Campfire and OA Callout Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader cracker barrel Taps – All scouts in campsite SUNDAY MAY 5th 8:00 - 8:15 Morning Colors 8:15 - 8:30 Scout's Own Interfaith Worship 9:00 - 11:00 Strike Camp and Field Sweep – remove all gear and complete all check-out procedures by this time. Let’s leave the camp better than we found it! Suggested Equipment List Individual Items: * The Ten Essentials * Scout uniform with proper patches (for check in, flag Ceremonies, camp fire, and check out) * Activity uniform (for field events and obstacle course) * Tent * Sleeping Bag * Insulated Ground Pad * Backpack (optional for hiking) * Neckerchief for high-adventure * Daypack * Extra Footwear * Personal Eating Utensils, etc * Rain Gear & Hat * Underwear & Sleep Wear * Toiletries – toothbrush, soap… * Personal Medication (if any) * Emergency Medical Form (permission slip) Patrol Items (bring to all events): * The Ten Essentials * Patrol Flag * Scout uniform * First Aid Kit * Scout Handbook * Field Event Necessities (see pg 9) Patrol Campsite Items (properly stowed, see your handbook): * Food/Group Supplies * Axe * Patrol Shelter or Dining Fly * Menu for all Meals * Cooking Utensils * Patrol Duty Roster * Matches/Fire Starter (have a backup plan in case of fire ban) Troop Items: * American Flag * Troop Flag * Special Event Necessities (1 two-man tent) * Troop Shelter or Dining Fly * Shovel, sand (or dirt), and water cans for fire area *Gateway Materials Scout Spirit: * Appropriate uniform: * Patrol Yell * Patrol Flag * Scout Oath, Law, Slogan & Motto * Flag Ceremony & Pledge of Allegiance Have fun! * Troop First Aid Kit * Drinking Water Containers Driving Directions & Maps Ensign Ranch - Located about 80 miles east of Seattle near Cle Elum. Take I-90 East to exit 78, Golf Course Road. Turn Left on Golf Course Road, under I-90 to Hundley Rd. Left on Hundley Rd (at fire station); drive 2.5 miles to Ensign Ranch entrance. Ensign Ranch 3551 Cle 98922-9431, USA Hundley Elum, Rd WA 2013 Cascade District Camporee May 3rd – May 5th “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” ============================================================================== Authorization for Medical Care and Treatment of a Minor Use this form for guests who are not members of BSA. ALL BSA members: submit a copy of your complete BSA medical form. I do authorize that (Scout) _______________________________ may be given medical, surgical, hospital care, treatment, x-ray’s and procedures to be performed by a licensed physician or EMT when deemed necessary in the case that I cannot be contacted. I also give my permission for the Scout to be transported by ambulance or aid car to the nearest emergency center or hospital for treatment. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________, 2013 Parent or Guardian Medical Information Scout Full Name: _______________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _________ Last Tetanus: ___________ Chronic Illness: ______________ Allergies: ______________________________________________________ Regular medications: ____________________________________________________ Other pertinent medical information: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Scout’s Physician: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Personal Health/Accident Insurance Carrier: ___________________ Policy ____________ Emergency contact Information ______________________ Primary Contact ______________________ Relationship __________________ Phone ______________________ Secondary Contact ______________________ Relationship __________________ Phone 2013 Cascade District Camporee May 3rd – May 5th “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” ============================================================================ Unit Organization Sheet Boy Scout Troop: ___ Webelos Pack: ___ Crew ______ Unit #: ____________________ Scoutmaster: ____________________________ SPL: ___________________________________ Asst. SM: _______________________________ ASPL: __________________________________ Asst. SM: _______________________________ ASPL: __________________________________ ============================================================================ Patrol Name: ____________________________ Patrol Name: ____________________________ Patrol Leader: ____________________________ Patrol Leader: ____________________________ Asst. Patrol Leader: _______________________ Asst. Patrol Leader: ________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ============================================================================ Patrol Name: ____________________________ Patrol Name: ____________________________ Patrol Leader: ____________________________ Patrol Leader: ____________________________ Asst. Patrol Leader: _______________________ Asst. Patrol Leader: ________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 2013 Cascade District Camporee May 3rd – May 5th “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” ============================================================================= Work Party Registration Please return this form no later than the April roundtable. You can deliver it to the Camporee director at a roundtable, or mail it to the council office. Early registration will help us plan the work party better. There is no charge for the work party. No meals will be provided; all units need to bring their own food and supplies. Units have the option of camping at Ensign Ranch on Friday before the work party, or on Saturday after the work party. If you plan to do this, please mark the appropriate nights on this form. You MUST inform Camporee staff prior to the work party if you plan to camp either night. If you attend the work party, you will have the opportunity to choose your preferred campsite! The mailing address for the council office is: Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America PO Box 440408 Seattle, WA 98114 Attn: Cascade District Camporee 2013 Unit Number: ___________ Number of youths: ____________ Number of adults: __________ Scoutmaster: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________ Address: ______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Second Adult Leader: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ What tools can you bring? ________________________________________________________ Do you plan to camp Friday night? ________ Saturday night? ______________ For Office Use Only: 2013 Cascade District Camporee May 3rd – May 5th “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” ============================================================================== Pre-Registration Form This form must be completed and returned with your payment to the Scout Office or to Camporee Staff. Pre-registration form may be mailed to the council office or given to Camporee staff at the work party or at district roundtable. Chief Seattle Council Boy Scouts of America PO Box 440408 Seattle, WA 98114 Attn: Cascade District Camporee 2013 We must have the number of Scouts attending for pre-registration. You may submit unit organization sheets with patrol and scout names with pre-registration or when you check in. Please estimate the number of scouts carefully. We will not be able to give refunds if fewer campers attend than you register. If additional campers come, they will pay the higher on-site registration fee. Unit Number: __________ Number of youth: __________ Number of adults: ________ Scoutmaster: ______________________________________Phone: ______________________ Address: ______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Second Adult Leader: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: _______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Fee Information: One Night Full Weekend Scouts: ________@ $16.00 _________@ $20.00 = Registration Fee: Webelos: ________@ $12.00 _________@ $14.00 = $________________ Guests: ________@ $12.00 _________@ $14.00 = $ ________________ Adults: ________@ $16.00 _________@ $20.00 = $ ________________ Total Attending: ________ We will check out: Sat, May 4th____ Total Fee: $ ________________ $ ________________ Sun, May 5th ____ For Office Use Only: Account Number: 1-6801-661-20 Date Received: _________ Paid $__________ Recpt #: ______ Cash ___ Check #: ________ 2013 Cascade District Camporee May 3rd – May 5th “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” ============================================================================== On-Site Registration Form Complete this form, as well as your unit organization form, and bring them with you to check in onsite at Camporee. Note: you will also need a completed medical release/permission form for EACH participant (youth and adult) when you arrive, as well as a tour permit for your unit. Unit Number: _________Number of youths: ___________ Number of adults: ______ Scoutmaster: _ ____________________________________Phone: ______________________ Address: ______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Second Adult Leader: ________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ______________________________City: _____________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Fee Information: One Night Scouts: ________ $16.00 Full Weekend _________ $20.00 = $ ________________ Webelos: ________ $12.00 _________ $14.00 = $________________ Guests: ________ $12.00 _________ $14.00 = $ ________________ Adults: ________ $16.00 _________ $20.00 = $ ________________ Total Attending: Registration Fee: ________ We will check out: Sat, May 4th____ Total Fee: $ ________________ Sun, May 5th ____ For Office Use Only: Date Received: _________ Paid $__________ Recpt #: ______ Cash ___ Check #: ________