Martinez 2011-12 Syllabus - Alum Rock Union School District

Welcome to your 2011-2012
Social Studies Class.
6th – The Ancient World
7th – The Medieval World and Beyond
Your conductor to the past, Mr. Martinez
Portable 2
Welcome to Clyde L. Fischer. I am excited to begin another school year. I would like
to take this opportunity to share with you the expectations for our social studies
(history) class and classroom. Also, we will take this time to go over what you will
be learning this year. Please keep this in your binder.
My Contact Information: Meetings only by appointment only
Mr. Martinez
Phone number (408) 928-7500 (ext. Portable 2)
**If your parent or guardian needs a translator, please let me know.
Things you need to have to be successful in class, school, and your education.
1- Positive Attitude (Remember that you are getting a free education, but you have
to work hard to earn it!)
2- Responsibility (You must be responsible. If you need help, ask. If you don’t
understand something, ask. If you are absent, make sure you ask for missed
3- Parent/Guardian Involvement (Ask your parent/guardian to help, teach your
parent/guardian what you learn, get them involved in your education.
Parent/Guardian, please be involved in your child’s education.)
4- All classroom supplies (If you aren’t prepared for school, then you aren’t prepared
to learn, and you are not taking yourself and education seriously.)
5- Follow all school and classroom rules (Rules are here to help us and guide us.
They help make the learning environment safe and positive. We must and will follow
our school and classroom rules.)
Our Classroom Guidelines
1) Enter the room under control and please stand by your assigned seat. Please ask
for permission to get out of your seat.
2) Treat each person with dignity and respect. We must respect everyone’s opinion.
3) Please follow directions when first given. Repeating directions takes away from
instructional time.
4) Please bring all materials to class and make sure you take all your materials and
belongings when you leave.
5) This classroom is a No Whining Zone. That means there will be No Whining for
any reason. Everything we do in this class is for your learning and education. Please
respect the No Whining Zone.
6) Follow all rules and procedures set by Clyde L. Fischer M.S and Alum Rock
Unified Elementary School District.
Grading Policy
Home You Will Be Graded
Mr. Martinez’s Grading Policy
Classwork (TCI Workbook)
Project/Class Participation
You shouldn’t Get an F
Students should expect some type of homework assignments.
Homework will not be given daily, but will be given weekly.
Homework is the responsibility of the students and should be turned in on time.
It is best to do your homework than not to do your homework.
Late Homework:
If you are absent, homework must be turned in when you come back to class.
If you fail to turn in homework, you will loose points for every day not turned in.
It’s best to turn in your homework late, than not to turn it in at all.
Late homework will not be excepted 3 days after due date.
Extra Credit:
Extra credit is seldom given, so please do and turn in all work.
Helpful Phrases: (These will be done everyday prior you taking your seats.)
Thank you/No Thank you
Yes Ma’am/ No Ma’am
Yes Sir/ No Sir
I am sorry
Excuse me
You are welcome
Discipline Policy:
1) Warning- If you are given a warning, please correct what you are doing wrong.
2) Warning 2 Time Out- Is used for reflection. Please fill out and complete
3) Conference with students- Will take place after warnings and all discipline
4) Call home- Will be given if the above 3 steps have failed.
5) After school detention- Will be given for 2 hrs. after school on Wednesday and
6) Referral- Will be given if the above 5 steps have failed.
What you will be learning:
6th grade- T.C.I History Alive: The Ancient World
7th grade- T.C.I History Alive: The Medieval World and Beyond
We will be using a fun and informative book. This book will help transport us back in time
and help us understand and learn about the way people lived many years ago. Textbooks
will be used for homework and classwork. Students and Parents will be responsible for
the financial cost to replace a lost or damaged textbook.
Along with the textbook, each student will be given a T.C.I workbook that will be used
mostly everyday in class. It is very important that you have your workbook with you. Your
completed workbook will be used to determine your classwork grade. Please be responsible
and take care of your workbook.
The following units will be covered in class this year.
6th Grade: The Ancient World
Early Humans from Hunter-Gathers to the First Farmers
Early Civilization of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush
Ancient Hebrews
Ancient India
Ancient China
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
7th Grade: The Medieval World and Beyond
1) The Roman Empire
2) Islamic Civilizations of the Middle Ages
3) China in the Middle Ages
4) Sub Saharan Civilizations in the Middle Ages
5) Japan in the Middle Ages
6) Europe in the Middle Ages
7) Mesoamerica and the Andean Civilization
8) The Renaissance Period in Europe
9) The Reformation in Europe
10) The Scientific Revolution
11) Changes in the 16ht and 18th Century
Supplies Needed for Class:
T.C.I Workbook and Social Studies Binder
College Rule Paper
Pencils, No Mechanical Pencils will be allowed
Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils
2 Dry Erase Markers (no red or blue)
Container to hold materials.
Due on Thursday, August 25, 2011
Last Name Initial
Name: ____________________________________________________ Period: 2 3 4 5
Date: _______________________
Mr. Martinez
Assignment: Parent/Guardian and Student Homework
Directions: Please go home and read over the syllabus with your parent or guardian.
Please read the following questions and circle the correct answer.
1) Do you and your parent/guardian understand the syllabus? Yes or No
2) Do you and your parent/guardian understand what it takes for you to be successful
in school and in your education? Yes or No
3) Do you and your parent/guardian understand the Classroom Guidelines? Yes or No
4) Do you and your parent/guardian understand the grading policy for your social
studies class? Yes or No
5) Do you and your parent/guardian understand the homework and late work policy?
Yes or No
6) Do you and your parent/guardian understand the importance of us saying the
Helpful Phrases? Yes or No
7) Do you and your parent/ guardian understand the discipline policy for your social
studies class? Yes or No
8) Do you and your parent/ guardian understand the financial obligation if you loose,
destroy, or vandalize a textbook? Yes or No
9) Do you and your parent/guardian what you will be learning? Yes or No
10) Do you and your parent/guardian understand that you need school supplies to be
successful in school? Do your parent/guardian promises to make sure you are
prepared for school by buying you school supplies and do you promise to take care of
these supplies that are bought for you? Yes or No
Write me a paragraph and tell me a little about yourself.
Please have your parent or guardian tell me something they would like me to
know about their child.
You Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________
Contact Phone Number: ______________________________________