6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis


6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis


The study of genes, heredity, and variation.

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

• Onion Root Mitosis Lab

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

• Onion Root Mitosis Lab

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

• Onion Root Lab Makeup Grade:

– See Biology calendar on my web site (click Friday 10/24) for a makeup assignment that will replace lab grade

– Make-up assignment due by Wednesday 10/29

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis


Process that creates sex cells (sperm/eggs)

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis


Bundles of DNA that form during mitosis

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Human cells contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs)

• 22 of these pairs are homologous pairs

– One came from Mom, one from Dad

– They are almost identical

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Chromosomes that are NOT sex chromosomes are called


• Humans have 44 autosomes

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Sex Chromosomes (X and Y) determine gender


• XY = BOY

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Two Types of Cells in your body

1. Somatic Cells

• Normal body cells

• Found everywhere in body

2. Gametes

• Sex cells

• Found in ovaries and testes

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Two Types of Cells in your body, continued

1. Somatic Cells

• Diploid: they have 2 copies of each chromosome (46 total)

2. Gametes

• Haploid: They have only 1 of each chromosome (23 total)

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

• Fertilization occurs when a sperm and egg combine

– Sperm (23 chromosomes/haploid) + Egg (23) = New human! (somatic cell, diploid, 46 chromosomes)

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

Different species have different numbers of chromosomes (whatever works!!)

• Fruit fly, 8

• Human, 46

• Goldfish, 100

• Tongue fern, 1,200

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

6.1 Study Guide due @ end of class

6.1 Chromosomes and Meiosis

• Contrasting MITOSIS and MEIOSIS
