poster (ppt file) - The Leitzel Center

The Effect of Soil Grain Size on Ground Surface Acceleration During a Shaking Event
Don Wason
Dover High School
Experimental Design: Soil Surface Acceleration
Earthquakes occur worldwide and can often be related to global tectonic processes. Ground shaking
during an earthquake, which is the primary cause of property damage and the resulting loss of life, is
controlled by the earthquake’s magnitude, the distance to the epicenter and the characteristics of the
bedrock or soil at the surface. Understanding how different types of soil respond to ground shaking is
essential for scientists and engineers seeking to mitigate potential earthquake damage at specific locations.
Ground surface acceleration was measured on four dry soils of different grain size using a shake table
moving through a sine wave frequency sweep from 0.01 to 5 Hz with a magnitude of 0.3 inches. When
considering the complete frequency scan, root mean square (RMS) acceleration normalized to the shake
table indicates that each soil experienced more overall acceleration than the shake table itself, and that the
finer grained soils showed greater acceleration than the coarser soils. This general pattern, however, was not
consistent at all frequencies. At the highest frequencies, the finer-grained soils lost their ability to support
the surface accelerometer which began to move independently and sink below the surface. Ground surface
motion during shaking is clearly complex and can not be predicted by soil grain size alone.
Earthquakes have occurred on every continent and regularly occur in specific seismic belts (Figure 1)
associated with tectonic activity at the lithospheric plate boundaries ( Tarbuck and Lutgens, 2006). Hundreds
of millions of people, worldwide, live in these
regions where their property and their very lives are
at risk from earthquakes. When an earthquake occurs,
stored energy is released in the form of seismic
waves that radiate outward from the focus and travel
through the earth, eventually reaching the surface.
These seismic waves cause the earth’s surface to
shake for seconds or even minutes. The extent of this
shaking, in strength and duration, at any specific
location, is controlled by the magnitude of the
Figure 1: Distribution of earthquake epicenters with magnitudes of
earthquake, the distance from the epicenter, and the
greater than or equal to 5.0 over a ten year period. (Data from National
surface characteristics of this location. It has been
Geophysical Data Center/NOAA) (From figure 7.11 of Tarbuck and
recognized for almost two centuries that one of the
Lutgens, 2006)
most important site characteristics controlling seismic shaking is the type of bedrock or soil that makes up the
surface. Soil will change the effect of the seismic waves, in general, by attenuating motion at certain
frequencies and amplifying motion at other frequencies (Kramer, 1996). For Example, damage occurring
during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake in California’s Bay Area was greatest (MM IX) in regions of San
Francisco and Oakland that were underlain by bay mud, alluvium, and especially loose sediment dumped into
the Bay to create “buildable” land as these cities grew. These cities are more that sixty miles north of the
epicenter which was located just east of Santa Cruz, a city which experienced less damage (MM VIII) because
of ground characterized by more seismically resistant soils and bedrock (Plafker and Galloway, 1989).
This relationship between earthquake damage and the type of soil or bedrock at a specific location provides
the impetus for the following investigation. The purpose of this investigation, therefore, is to measure the
surface acceleration of soils with different grain size distributions while being shaken by the Shake Table
housed in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of New Hampshire.
Experimental Design: Soil
Figure 4: Shake Table setup for measuring acceleration at the soil’s surface. Accelerometers
are placed on the surface of each soil sample as well as taped to the outside of each soil
container and directly to the shake table platform.
Results and Discussion (continued):
Approximately one hundred pounds of each
variety of dry soil was placed in a large plastic
storage container (16”W X 25”L X 11”H). Soil
samples, in their containers, were clamped to the
shake table with the container’s long axis
parallel to the direction of shake table motion.
Soils were tested two at a time due to shake
table size constraints as shown in Figure 4. The
shake table was set up initially to run a sine
wave frequency sweep from 0.01 to 5.00 Hz
with a magnitude of 0.3 inches. Five
accelerometers were simultaneously measuring
the resulting acceleration of the surface of the
two soil samples, the two sample containers, and
the shake table itself. Two runs were required to
measure the surface acceleration of all four soil
Results and Discussion:
Figure 5 is an acceleration vs. time plot for the sine wave frequency sweep showing the surface acceleration for each of
the four soils and the shake table (the two shake table traces record shake table acceleration for each shake run). Root
mean square (RMS) acceleration values for each soil type normalized to the shake table for that run (Table 1) indicate that
the Top Soil showed the greatest overall surface motion, followed by the Fine Sand, the Coarse Sand, with the SandGravel Mix showing the least surface motion. All four soils showed greater RMS acceleration than the shake table itself.
See Figure 9
Four soil samples, with different
grain size distributions, were
created for shake table testing,
these include Top Soil (Figure
2A), Fine Sand (Figure 2B),
Coarse Sand (Figure 2C), and a
Sand-Gravel Mix (Figure 2D). The
grain size distribution of each of
these soils was characterized
through standard soil sieve
analysis and is summarized by
Figure 3. Although each soil
contains a wide range of particle
sizes, there is a general trend of
increasing average grain size from
the Top Soil (0.365 mm), to Fine
Sand (0.455 mm), to Coarse Sand
(0.761 mm), to the Sand-Gravel
Mix (3.387 mm).
RMS Acceleration
(normalized to shake table)
Top Soil
Fine Sand
Coarse Sand
Sand-Gravel Mix
Table 2: Root mean square acceleration for each of the four soil types
normalized to the shake table for the 30-45 sec. region of the frequency sweep
shown in Figure 5.
The middle section of the frequency sweep shows a different Figure 8: This graph shows the effect of soil grain size on measured surface
acceleration during the middle section of the frequency sweep shown in
pattern in the measured acceleration at the soil surface. All
Figure 5.
four soils continue to show greater acceleration than the shake table itself, and the Top Soil continues to show the
greatest acceleration of the four soils. The other three soil samples however, show increasing acceleration in reverse
order compared to the complete scan (Table 2). Figure 8 shows the relationship between soil grain size and acceleration
for the middle section of the frequency sweep. Although the trend line is similar to that shown in Figure 6, the
normalized RMS acceleration has changed for the three coarser soils.
Figure 9 shows an expanded view of the end portion of the acceleration vs. time plot for the sine wave frequency
sweep (Time = 70 to 100 sec). This section, at the highest frequency motion, shows several irregularities. The Top
Soil’s acceleration trace is no longer centered over zero on the acceleration axis. This is probably due to the Top Soil
accelerometer beginning to move independently over the Top Soil surface. Figure 10 shows the final position of the
accelerometer after the shaking stopped. Not only was it no longer parallel to the axis of shake table motion and the Top
Soil container, but it was starting to sink below the Top Soil surface in what resembled liquefaction. This also happened
with the Fine Sand to a smaller degree during the first run. Accelerometers placed on the containers indicated that
during this last portion of the frequency sweep the containers themselves began moving independently of the shake
table. In this situation the Top Soil surface accelerometer was perhaps recording a motion vector that had greater
acceleration than it would have if it had not shifted. While this suggests that Top Soil acceleration indicated by the
complete frequency sweep is skewed toward higher values, a qualitative look at the surface acceleration prior this
region shows the Top Soil acceleration to be consistently greater than that of the other soils.
See Figure 7
Figure 5: Acceleration vs. time plot for the complete sine wave frequency sweep showing the surface acceleration for each of the four soils and the shake table.
Soil Type
RMS Acceleration
(normalized to shake table)
Top Soil
Fine Sand
Coarse Sand
Sand-Gravel Mix
Table 1: Root mean square acceleration for each of the four soil types normalized
to the shake table for the complete frequency sweep in Figure 5 above.
Figure 2. Soils with different grain size distributions used in this investigation. These include: A: Top Soil, B: Fine Sand, C: Coarse Sand, and
D: Sand-Gravel Mix. (Pencil is 14.5 cm)
Soil Type
A consideration of the acceleration data produced over the
complete frequency sweep (0.01 – 5.0 Hz) suggests the
Figure 6: This graph shows the overall effect of soil grain size on measured
relationship illustrated by Figure 6, where finer-grained soils
surface acceleration during the complete sine wave frequency sweep.
experience greater acceleration. The reality is however, more
complex. Visual examination of Figure 5 shows portions of the frequency sweep (e.g. 50 to 55 sec.) where the shake table
acceleration is greater than that of some or perhaps all of the soils except the Top Soil. Figure 7 shows an expanded view
of the middle portion of the acceleration vs. time plot for the sine wave frequency sweep (Time = 30 to 45 sec).
Figure 9: Acceleration vs. time plot for the end of the sine wave frequency sweep showing the
surface acceleration for each of the four soils and the shake table. This is a subset of Figure 5
above and represents the time range of 70 to 100 seconds of the complete sweep.
Figure 10: Top Soil and sample container at the end of the sine
wave frequency sweep showing the misaligned and partially
buried accelerometer. Note initial orientation in Figure 4.
The results of this investigation suggests several conclusions:
1. When considering the complete frequency scan acceleration data, all soils tested showed higher RMS
acceleration than the shake table, with acceleration inversely proportional to grain size. At specific frequencies,
however, certain soils showed acceleration that was lower than that of the shake table.
2. At the very highest frequencies the finer grained soil’s surfaces became unstable.
3. The dynamics of soil surface acceleration during shaking is complex and is influenced by soil grain size as well
as other factors including motion frequency. It is these “other factors” that warrant further investigation.
Works Cited:
Kramer, S. L., 1996, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice-Hall, Inc., 653p.
Plafker, G., and Galloway, J. P., eds., 1989, Lessons Learned from the Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17,
1989. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1045, Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 48p.
Tarbuck, E.J., and Lutgens, F.K., 2006, Earth Science, 11th. Edition, Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Figure 3: Grain size distribution for each of the four soils used in this investigation.
Figure 7: Acceleration vs. time plot for the middle section of the sine wave frequency sweep showing the surface acceleration for each of the four soils and the
shake table. This is a subset of Figure 5 above and represents the time range of 30 to 45 seconds of the complete sweep.
This research was supported with funding from the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Teachers
in Engineering grant (ENG-1132648).
Thanks goes to:
Dr. Tat Fu, who guided this research experience, coached me as I grappled with the data, and provided access to
the UNH shake table and other resources in the Department of Civil Engineering at UNH.
Rui Zhang, who worked with me day to day, advised me on the design of this investigation, ran the shake
table and the associated computer equipment, taught me how to analyze and refine the data, and graciously put
up with this strange geologist and high school teacher invading his research time and space.
Dr. Majid Ghayoomi, who provided welcome advice and access to references and equipment.
Special thanks goes to:
Dr. Stephen Hale and the Leitzel Center Staff, who provided funding and support for this research experience.