Credo Academy

Credo Academy
Fall 2012 Catalog
Class Description
JH classes are for 7th-8/9th grades. SH classes are for 9th-12th graders. Exceptions can
be made for 8th graders who wish to take HS classes with board and teacher approval.
This course will explore the literature of Great Britain beginning with the AngloSaxons and proceeding through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Romantic
Period, the Victorian Period and into the Modern World. Selections from various
genre (fiction, drama, poetry, non-fiction) will be included. The class will read at
least one classic novel and one full Shakespearean play each semester, plus one
novel independently. Students will have approximately 6 hours of homework per
week. Grades will be based on class discussion, essays, literary analysis papers and
projects. This course is available to those in 10th grade or above.
Jan Hoener
Language Arts
Prerequisite: at least one year of High School English Composition or equivalent.
(A good way to prepare for early British Literature readings is to read the Psalms
and the Gospel of John in the King James Version.)
Required books and plays: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, A Tale of Two
Cities by Charles Dickens, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, and As You Like It by
William Shakespeare.
Class supplies: 3-ring binder, notebook paper, pens.
AP English
Language and
This course is designed to teach students expository, analytical and argumentative
writing, demonstrating an awareness of audience and purpose. Readings will be
primarily nonfiction, including a number of different rhetorical forms (essay,
speech, autobiography, biography, commentary, etc.) and covering a variety of
themes. Students will read primary and secondary sources in order to synthesize
material from these texts in their own compositions, citing sources appropriately.
All readings will be discussed using a Christian worldview. Students will have
approximately 7 hours of homework each week. At the end of this course, students
may take the AP English Language and Composition test. Those who score high
enough on this test may receive college credit. There is a separate fee for the test.
Prerequisite: at least one year of High School English Composition or equivalent.
Required textbook: The River Reader. 10th ed. Cengage Learning (Pub.), 2010.
Trimmer, James F. and Maxine C. Hairston.
Jan Hoener
Required books: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley; The Road from Coorain by Jill
Ker Conway.
Class supplies: 3-ring binder, notebook paper, pens.
New and
Improved Novel
After three years of polishing, this class combines the best of short story and novel
genres. Topics covered will include character development, plotting, the "three
disaster formula", description and action, and the nuts-and-bolts of how to get
published. Students will have some outside reading and writing homework (1 to 2
hours per week), including book proposals and query letters to editors. In-class
critiques will hone their skills. Students will be asked to make copies of some
assignments so that all class members can read along in critique groups. Class is
available to all high school students, and to lower ages with instructor review and
approval. Novel Writing benefits from the instructor's two decades of experience in
the book-publishing field.
Prerequisite: at least one year of High School English Composition or equivalent
(can be taken concurrently)
Middle School
This class will teach students the core principles of writing from fiction to essay. It
will use elements of “Structure and Style” by Andrew Pudewa, as well as some
other writing philosophies. It will build the foundation of skills that will benefit the
student as they move forward into high school and beyond. It will give them the
knowledge and base they need to be proficient in writing. Class supplies: notebook,
paper and pencil
Shea Porter
$90 per
High School
“The Essay and Beyond” will teach students how to write essays and research papers, the
two core types of writing that are most prevalent in colleges. This class will also delve into
other types of writing to give students a grasp on a variety of genres. It will teach students
to become proficient in writing an essay, from the beginning brainstorms to the finished
product. The class will not only teach students how to create an essay with plenty of time
and thought, but it will also teach students to do timed essays. “The Essay and Beyond”
will also teach students how to write a research paper, from choosing a topic to research to
the finished paper. “The Essay and Beyond” will give students the tools they need to
succeed in writing after High School. Required Text for second semester: MLA Handbook
for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition by the Modern Language Association
Shea Porter
$100 per
Introduction to
This course is designed to have young people think more critically about the world
and more clearly about their faith, keeping Christ central. Logic is a powerful tool
that will be taught in a series of chapter readings, homework, quizzes and lectures
that will emphasize self-examination and biblical humility in the use of God’s gift
of reasoning. This is a participatory class with weekly assignments and discussion.
This is a one semester stand alone class with the intention of teaching an
apologetics course in the spring.
Text: The Fallacy Detective By Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn ISBN 0-9745315-0-2
Shawn Mathis
$70 per
Spring Semester
SAT Prep Class
This course is designed to help young people interact with unbelief while
deepening their understanding of the Christian worldview. The course will teach
basic Christian worldview thinking along with presenting traditional facts of
history and science that corroborate the Christian faith. Although an introductory
course, it will be intensive as they begin to tear "down arguments and every
high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought
into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).
Text: Every Thought Captive, Richard Pratt, Jr. ISBN-10: 0-87552-3
Mr. Corson negates the public perception that psychology is the domain of
unbelievers and views it simply as the study of God's workmanship. The more we
study our brain and behavior, the more we appreciate God's greater purposes. The
notebook is written to help prepare students to face the challenges of strengthening
their faith in a college/world environment where their faith is challenged every
day. The challenge of comparing academic learning to God's Word is a lifelong
skill he emphasizes. He plans to prepare students to take the AP test in May, but
also to reinforce their love for learning. See for
a complete write up of the course.
Students must be at least 16 years old for this class.
Class text: Sonlight Psychology package $274.18 Must buy the whole package and the newest edition. Used copies will not
This class is designed to help you prepare for the SAT and PSAT. It will focus on
specific strategies for approaching test questions and you will be memorizing
acronyms to help you remember patterns and tricks found on the SAT and PSAT.
There will be about 1-2 hours of homework each week. In class we will be
watching a weekly DVD and working through practice questions.
We will be using College Prep Genius materials. You will be required to purchase
the textbook and workbook for $50.00. I will put in a group order. Additional
materials: The Official SAT Study Guide first or second edition and 3 ring binder.
Shawn Mathis
$70 per
Mr. Corson
$125 per
Lynn Sorteberg
$75 per
$200 per
($175 for
Fall 2012)
fee per
High School
This is a high school physics course taught from a distinctly Biblical worldview
using Apologia Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd Ed. A “young earth”
creation point of view will be assumed throughout the course. One hour is lecture:
teacher will explain concepts, work example problems, and prep labs. The second
hour is lab: students will do the experiments from the textbook and compare
results. Homework to be graded by the teacher consists of documenting the
experiments; that is, maintaining a lab notebook. Homework to be monitored by the
parents consists of working through the textbook (both reading and problemsolving). Tests (one for each module and quarterly) will be proctored, graded, and
kept by parents. Students should expect about 5-6 hours of homework per week, or
10-12 hours per module (this is only an estimate, of course). The class will not
meet the first two Thursdays in November.
Prerequisites: Student has completed Algebra I, II & Geometry (or Saxon Algebra
I & II); taking Pre-Calculus (or Saxon Advanced Mathematics) concurrently with
Physics is strongly recommended.
Class Supplies: scientific calculator, plenty of pencils and a good eraser, two quadrule composition books (one for lab notebook, one for class notes and homework,
not spiral), metric-English ruler, protractor, ball point pen, scissors, stop watch,
magnetic compass, “mini-Mag” flashlight or the equivalent (with fresh batteries),
new 6-V lantern battery; access to a photocopier to submit work for grading.
Student textbook, plus “Solutions and Tests” manual for parents.
Introduction to This lively class will touch upon fundamentals of Earth science, including geology,
Earth and Space meteorology, volcanoes and earthquakes, tectonics and glaciers. After studying the
unique qualities of our own world, we'll touch on the similarities between Earth and
other worlds, the design of the cosmos and its reflection on—and proof of—its
Creator, and how Earth's design supports life. This class is designed as an
introduction to terms that students will encounter in high school level sciences.
Paul Von
$150 per
$75 lab fee
per year
No new students spring semester.
Science with
Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space. It is an exciting
science with many interesting and practical applications. The four basic areas of
Earth science study are: geology, meteorology, oceanography and astronomy. This
is a lab-based class with weekly activities, labs, and experiments. Several class
presentations will be made by students on a variety of topics that are of individual
interest to them. Parents will need to purchase the " Exploring Creation with
Physical Science 2nd Ed 2-Book Set " with the test pack. All tests and quizzes will
be done at home, the lab teacher will provide a lab grade and special topic lecture
to supplement and enhance the curriculum. Students will need to create their own
note taking system and bring these notes to our weekly sessions. Earth Science is
designed as a "short" year-long curriculum, however we will supplement this into a
full coop year class. I will have a printed schedule available in early August for the
coming school year. Please plan on visiting the School of Mines mineral museum
in Golden some time prior to the start of the fall term. Daily home work in the form
of reading, note taking, vocab memorization, reviews, and test taking will be done
at home and will require approximately 40-50 minutes of study, five days per week.
Family members may share the text book, but blank copies of the tests will need to
be made.
Biology w/Lab
God tells us that he created us to be the caretakers of His garden and that He gives
us dominion over all the earth and its inhabitants (organisms). As "caretakers" we
have been given the responsibility to make wise choices that can only be made if
we are educated/wise about the complexity of all living things. Biology: "bios =
living" logos = "the study of" is a year-long lab curriculum that meets Colorado
Academic standards for High School. This is college prep curriculum and it will
require homework, tests and quizzes to be administered by parents. General
Biology w/Lab is taught from a Biblical world view yet wise like a serpent as we
use the scientific method to judge science and its theories.
Paul Von
$200 per
$80 per
This is a fun, intellectually stimulating class full of demonstrations, examples,
models, poster activities and weekly labs. Mr. Von, the instructor, has taught
Science for over 5 years in a Christian school and has collected a lifetime's worth of
background materials, specimens, scientific lab equipment, microscopes,
centrifuges, incubators, etc. However, it is a college preparatory class and requires
good reading and note taking skills. Instructor will grade all lab reports.
Class Supplies: Calculator, metric ruler, color pen/pencil set (40+ Colors),
composition book for lab and notes. Exploring Creation with Biology - 2nd Edition
with test pack. $85 at Christian Home Educator's of Colorado book store or
Materials Fee: $160 per year or $80 per semester
Provides for a fully stocked Biology laboratory. This includes all lab manuals paper
handouts, compound microscopes, dissection microscopes, microscope slides,
dissection specimens, dissection materials, supplemental preserved specimens,
posters, displays, study skulls, skeletons, centrifuge, bacterial incubator and
genetics materials.
Prerequisites: Grade 10 reading level or higher and good note-taking skills.
Science Process
Spring Semester
This is essentially an applied mathematics course designed for students who anticipate
taking Chemistry or Physics in the near future. My goal is to teach (review) the various
math skills that make Chemistry and Physics less intimidating while helping students think
scientifically. A unit on writing lab reports will also be included. (This is a course I wish I
had in middle/high school!) Reference books include Teaching Science Process Skills by
Ramig, Bailey and Ramsey and Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry and
Exploring Creation with Physics (purchasing these is not required). The one hour class
time will be divided between explaining concepts and applying them. There will be no
graded homework. Students will be expected to take notes and keep track of worksheets.
The course will culminate with a comprehensive take-home open-notes exam.
Prerequisites: Student has completed or is taking both Algebra I and Physical Science.
Class Supplies: scientific calculator; quad-rule composition book (not spiral); protractor,
metric-English ruler
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Graphic Design
and Illustration
The Spanish 1 student will learn to pronounce, speak, read, and write beginning level
Spanish. Four skills areas will be developed: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Language learning strategies and techniques will also be taught. The course will
concentrate on communicative competence attained through vocabulary acquisition and
mastery of grammatical concepts. Aspects of the Hispanic culture will also be explored.
This course is open to 8th-12th graders. Expand your mind; learn a new language!
You will need to purchase a textbook. Barron’s Spanish Now Level 1 Seventh Edition
Spring semester is a continuation of fall semester. No new students spring semester.
Rebecca Bernai
Spanish 2 develops the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills learned in
Spanish 1. Students will not only learn additional vocabulary and more complex
grammatical concepts, they will learn how to combine these elements to express
themselves in a more proficient way. The textbook is Barron’s Spanish Now Level
2, third edition, 2009. Spanish 1 is a prerequisite for studying Spanish 2.
Rebecca Bernai
Class surveys elements of design, layout and printing. Typography and design
styles are covered, as well as fundamentals of illustration in both traditional and
digital media. Laptop with any version of Photoshop is preferred, but not required.
Computer with Photoshop (Elements or CS) at home is required.
Prerequisite: some computer skills, intermediate drawing skills
Beginning Art
Students use clay, markers, acrylics, watercolors and colored pencils to learn
elements of composition, color, texture and content. These elements are reflected in
sketchbook work outside of class. Additionally, each class covers a different
movement in art through “Five Minute Time Travels”. Outside work includes
sketching and take-home art history assignments, 1-2 hours/week.
Pencil Drawing
Drawing a portrait that resembles someone or has the right shading and proportions is hard
to do. In this drawing class, students will not only learn how to draw portraits, but will also
work on still life drawings and learn perspective drawing. Students will learn to use the
right side of their brain through many fun, and sometimes challenging exercises.
Homework will include practicing what was learned that week or sketching.
In this class students will learn the basics of the watercolor medium. Through learning
about differences in brushes, paper and paint, students will learn how to manipulate water
and pigment with different watercolor techniques to create beautiful paintings. Through
many projects, color theory and the basic elements of art will also be taught.
Prerequisite: previous drawing experience.
The theater class will be putting together and performing a play. This class will teach the
students the basics of the theater from blocking to character work to performance. The
students will need to memorize lines, blocking, etc.
Due to the nature of this class, parent volunteers would be greatly appreciated for such
things as costuming, stage work, etc.
Shea Porter
plus $16.00
script and
$25 per
Performance will be an evening performance on .
This semester there will be 2 class times. One for 7-9th graders and one for 10-12
graders. Please see schedule for times.
Private Voice
Voice lessons are very individualized based on the age, skill level, voice type, physical
make-up and musical experience of each student. First and foremost, students will learn the
fundamentals of good singing, including work on breathing, posture, register alignment,
clear and correct diction and range extension. By learning the discipline of applying these
techniques, students can find the freedom to express themselves musically. We will use
classical, musical theatre, and sacred song repertoire to learn these techniques. Students
can expect to learn music-reading (if they don't already know how to read music) and
sight-singing skills. I will also work with students on interpretation of their music. Through
an exploration of character, dynamic control, phrasing, the use of words and other elements
of musical interpretation, we will explore ways to communicate the meaning of their songs.
$32 per 45minute
These are
• Students will be expected to purchase the appropriate music book(s) as music is assigned
for them to study.
• Students will also be encouraged (but not required) to participate in local recitals,
auditions and/or competitions.
Weekly 30-minute or 45-minute lessons.
Openings available for motivated middle school and high school voice students. Classical
and musical theatre training offered. Students registering for this class are making a
semester commitment to the teacher.
Credo Choir Ensemble is offered to students who want to sing for enjoyment while
continuing to develop their musical knowledge and vocal skills. Emphasis is on the
development of proper vocal techniques, rhythmic and melodic music reading skills, and
ensemble singing. Students are introduced to a varied repertoire, including classical and
modern choral literature and folk music from around the world. Class time may be audio or
video-recorded as an aid to learning pieces and/or for evaluation. Choir members will
participate in a performance at the Student Showcase at the end of the semester (and any
other performances as determined by the director). Students are expected to review their
choral pieces during the time between class meetings, practice vocalises, as well as review
sight-reading or written music notation as discussed in class.
Prerequisites: Teacher’s approval. Basic music-reading skills. Audition required for new
$20 music
supply fee
students to determine skill level and voice part.
Please bring a pencil and a water bottle to each rehearsal. A music folder, handouts and
repertoire will be distributed in class.
Music Theory
and Ear
Learn how the fundamental components of music function; including rhythm, melody,
harmony, and form. Learn to identify, transcribe, and sing music by ear. Prepares
students, along with Music Theory and Ear Training 2, for Music Theory AP test,
which allows students to test out of 1-3 semesters of college music theory.
Music theory is often the most feared college course for music students. This class will
give the benefit of one-on-one instruction tailored to the student’s progress at a fraction of
the cost. Students will be given a theory/analysis assignment for each weekday that class
does not meet. Each assignment will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. The
student will also be expected to do 15 minutes of ear training each day.
Text: Techniques and Materials of Music (6th edition): Use ISBN: 978-0534517595
Prerequisites: The student should already be involved in the practice of music.
Aaron Walker
$125 per
and Music
Learn how the fundamental components of music function; including rhythm,
melody, harmony, and form. Topics beginning with basic musicianship to
beginning diatonic harmony will be covered. Each assignment will take
approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. The student will be introduced to
beginning ear training as well.
Text: Basic Materials in Music Theory: A Programmed Course (11th Edition):
ISBN-13: 978-0131931008
Prerequisites: The student should already be involved in the practice of music
Aaron Walker
$125 per
Gypsy Jazz - a virtuosic style of early jazz guitar pioneered by Django Reinhardt.
Performed on a jazz acoustic guitar, Gypsy jazz utilizes a specialized right-hand picking
technique which produces uniquely crisp and clear solo lines.
Bluegrass, classical, finger picking, “straight-ahead” jazz, etc. Nearly all styles taught
except for metal/rock.
Students will be given both exercises and repertoire assignments each week. 1 hour of
practice each weekday class does not meet will be expected.
Aaron Walker
$25.00 per
Private Piano
Joan Twedell offers all levels of piano instruction: Traditional style for beginners
(5-7 years of age) to adult students with possibilities including sonatina festivals,
achievement day (non competitive incentive) and regular recitals. Music theory is
also available for any student wishing to include it in his/her instruction.
Mrs. Twedell offers hymn playing in a classical gospel style for the advanced
Students of Mrs. Twedell will be expected to practice on a daily basis five to six
days per week. A thirty minute lesson would require a minimum of thirty minutes
of practice per day; a forty-five minute lesson would require forty-five minutes of
practice, and so on.
Joan Twedell
$25 per 30
$32 per 45
$40 per 1
Fencing class is designed to teach you the sport of Olympic Fencing, one of the world’s
oldest sports. It is not only fun, it is also good for you! Fencing burns more calories per
hour than almost any other activity, and the United States Air Force has proven that fencers
have better reflexes and a faster response time than their fellow pilots. The class will
consist of training in the fundamentals of fencing, including rules, techniques, and
terminology, in addition to an intro to the history of the sport. We will learn footwork and
blade work in training drills and fence with electrical scoring equipment. The class will
build muscle memory to increase speed and response time. We will progress from the
basics to more advanced techniques at the students’ pace.
Class Supplies T-shirt, Long pants (Jeans not recommended), Tennis Shoes-Other
equipment provided by teacher.
Sibling Classes Elementary School Classes are available to students who have a family member
enrolled in one of the Jr. or Sr. High classes listed above.
This class will teach dance as a form of worship. Each week students will learn
about our amazing Savior, Jesus Christ through an interactive devotional. Throughout the semester students will learn basic ballet techniques and practice a
choreographed worship dance to be performed at the end of the semester for the
Credo Showcase (Students signing up must be capable of coming to the showcase).
1. It is recommended that students wear comfortable pants for practice time.
2. A pair of ballet shoes for class and performance.
3. Pink or white tights and a white shirt for performance (Skirts and
accessories will be provided).
Grades: 3rd-7th
Mary Sorteberg
Credo Academy serves private homeschoolers and does not open its programs to families who have chosen to participate in public school
programs. We pass no judgment on the sincerity or Christian commitment of the families, but Credo is committed to ensuring that there is
always a private, Christian education alternative of excellence.
JH is age 12 years by 8/22/12 and grades 7-8. Senior high is grades 9-12, unless otherwise stated.