Clickers! • Grab the Clicker which corresponds to your Astro 2 ID number (EX: If your Astro 2 ID number is 3460 grab the clicker which has “60” on it) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 1 Announcements • Remember to attend third hour! – Which Third Hour you are assigned is posted online – IMPORTANT NOTE: 3RD HOUR DOES NOT FULFILL A LAB REQUIREMENT: IT IS SIMPLY THE 3RD HOUR OF THE LECTURE • Astro labs: Astro 11 and Astro 14 – Bring the 3rd hour sheets (found in the Astro 2 Handbook)! • Homework – Assignment 01 is due on Friday by Noon! – Homework assignments from MasteringAstronomy at – Do Assignment 00 to get used to the style of online homework • Remember your 4-digit Astro 2 ID number – That was the number printed on the green cards – Put this Homework Answer Sheet (found in Student Handbook) • We’ll be practicing the use of the “clickers” © Sierra College Astronomy Department Fall Semester 2 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Describing positions • Representing position with coordinates: –Flat surface: 2 dimensions • coordinate system of this room • coordinate system of Rocklin –Surface of a sphere: 2 dimensions • coordinate system of Earth • coordinate system of the Sky © Sierra College Astronomy Department 3 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Position on the Earth E-1 • Describe with the Terrestrial Coordinate system: longitude-latitude –Points of reference: North pole, equator –Two angular coordinates: latitude, longitude –Zero point of longitude: prime meridian © Sierra College Astronomy Department 4 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Angles Measuring the Positions of Objects on Spheres • A minute of arc (arcmin or ´) is one-sixtieth (1/60) of a degree of arc. • A second of arc (arcsec or ´´) is one-sixtieth (1/60) Arcmin arcsec of a minute of arc. • A fist held at arm’s length yields an angle of about 10°. • A little finger held at arm’s length yields an angle of Fist & Finger about 1°. • Angular separation, measured from the observer, is the angle between two objects in the sky. © Sierra College Astronomy Department Angular sep. 5 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Position in the Sky - I • Describe with the horizon system Horizon system –Two angular coordinates: altitude, azimuth –Points of reference: zenith, horizon –Zero point: north D-1 • meridian stretches from north to zenith to south –But this won’t work as a permanent designation!!!! Why? © Sierra College Astronomy Department 6 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Position in the Sky - II CS • Positions: Use the Equatorial Coordinate System on the Celestial Sphere CS Hor Celestial sphere is the sphere of heavenly objects that seems to center on the observer. Celestial pole is the point on the celestial sphere directly above a pole of the Earth. In the Northern Hemisphere one can see the north celestial pole directly above the North Pole. In the Southern Hemisphere the south celestial pole sits above the South Pole. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 7 CS ship 01-03 Fig 1-19 Clickers! • Grab the Clicker which corresponds to your Astro 2 ID number (EX: If your Astro 2 ID number is 3460 grab the clicker which has “60” on it) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 8 Announcements • Remember to attend third hour! – Which Third Hour you are assigned is posted online – IMPORTANT NOTE: 3RD HOUR DOES NOT FULFILL A LAB REQUIREMENT: IT IS SIMPLY THE 3RD HOUR OF THE LECTURE • Astro labs: Astro 11 and Astro 14 – Bring the 3rd hour sheets (found in the Astro 2 Handbook)! • Homework – Assignment 01 is due on Friday by Noon! – Homework assignments from MasteringAstronomy at – Do Assignment 00 to get used to the style of online homework • Remember your 4-digit Astro 2 ID number – That was the number printed on the green cards – Put this Homework Answer Sheet (found in Student Handbook) • We’ll be practicing the use of the “clickers” © Sierra College Astronomy Department Fall Semester 9 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Position in the Sky - III CE • Two angular coordinates: declination, right ascension – Points of reference: north celestial pole, celestial equator – Zero point: vernal equinox • The Altitude of the celestial pole above the horizon is equal to your Latitude Dec RA 01-03 Fig 1-19 © Sierra College Astronomy Department 10 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky trails Position in the Sky - IV CS • Stellar motion: “Stars are fixed on the celestial sphere, which rotates from east to west (on a minute-by-minute basis) completing one full turn each sidereal day.” – This is called diurnal motion CS ship CS CE • The circular region around the north celestial pole in which stars never set is referred to as the North Circumpolar Region. 01-03 © Sierra College Astronomy Department 11 Fig 1-19 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Motions of the Stars in California • East: stars rise, altitude increases, azimuth increases • South: stars rise and set, altitude increases and decreases, azimuth increases • West: stars set, altitude decreases, California azimuth increases • North: stars neither rise nor set, but rotate around a pole (circumpolar motion); altitude and azimuth both alternately increase and decrease © Sierra College Astronomy Department 12 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Pole Differences in Latitude • Consider a star on eastern point of horizon • Equator: straight up (altitude increases, Equator azimuth unchanged) • California: up at an angle (altitude and azimuth increase) 40 N Latitude • North pole: horizontal motion (altitude unchanged, azimuth increases) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 13 Look up into the sky Looking High Southeast, 9:30PM, early September Vega LYRA Albireo AQUILA Northern Cross Summer Triangle SAGGITA Altair Deneb CYGNUS DELPHINUS © Sierra College Astronomy Department 14 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Celestial Sphere Constellations Constellation (from the Latin, meaning “stars together”) is an area of the sky containing a pattern of stars named for a particular object, animal or person. The earliest constellations were defined by the Sumerians as early as 2000 B.C. Summer The 88 constellations used today were Winter established by international agreement. Asterisms are unofficial arrangements of stars. (Ex: Big Dipper, Pleiades, Northern Cross) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 15 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Sun’s Motion: How Long Is A Year? • The Sun appears to move constantly eastward among the stars (on a day-today basis). • The time the Sun takes to return to the same place among the stars is about 365.24 days. • Consequently, the stars rise about 4 minutes earlier each day. Ecliptic Sun’s path SC001 01-10C © Sierra College Astronomy Department 16 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Sun’s Motion: How Long Is A Year? CE The Ecliptic Ecliptic • The celestial equator is a line on the celestial on CS sphere directly above the Earth’s equator. Sun’s • The ecliptic is the apparent path of the Sun path on the celestial sphere. • The zodiac is the band that lies 9° on either Ecliptic on Map side of the ecliptic on the celestial sphere and contains the constellations through which the Sun passes. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 02-05CC 17 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Solstices and Equinoxes Ecliptic on CS • As the Sun marches on the ecliptic it encounters 4 special points • Equinoxes: The 2 intersections of ecliptic and Ecliptic celestial equator – Vernal (March 20) – Autumnal (Sept 22) Seasons • Solstices: The 2 extremes in declination of ecliptic – Summer (June 21) – Winter (Dec 21) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 18 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Length of a Day Solar Day Vs. Sidereal Day • Sidereal Day – The length of the day with respect to the stars. It is 3 min. 56 sec. Solar Sidereal SHORTER than the solar day. space • Solar Day – The length of the day measured with respect to the sun. It varies from day to day and is about 24 hours. • All clocks measure the day as a 24 hour period. This is called the mean solar day. 07_08C SKIP? Solar sidereal © Sierra College Astronomy Department 19 Lecture 2: The Moon The Moon’s Phases phases phasePicture • Elongation is the angle of the Moon (or planet) from the Sun in the sky. • Phases of the Moon - The changing appearance of the Moon during its cycle are caused by the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun (different elongations). 06-11C • The phases follow the sequence of new Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third (or last) quarter, waning crescent, back to new Moon. • Web tool: © Sierra College Astronomy Department 20 Waxing Phases FQ © Sierra College Astronomy Department 21 Full Moon, Waning Phases and New Moon FM TQ NM © Sierra College Astronomy Department 22 Lecture 2: The Moon The Moon’s Phases • Phase age is the number of days past new (1st Quarter ≈ 7.5 days etc.). • A sidereal period is the amount of time phases required for one revolution (or rotation) of a celestial object with respect to the distant stars. • A sidereal revolution of the Moon takes about 27 1/3 days. Synodic And Sidereal © Sierra College Astronomy Department 23 Lecture 2: The Moon The Moon’s Phases Synodic • A synodic period is the time interval And between successive similar alignments of a Sidereal celestial object with respect to the Sun. • A synodic revolution of the Moon takes about 29 1/2 days • Lunar month is the Moon’s synodic period, or the time between successive phases (e.g. new moon to new moon): 29d12h44m2s. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 24 Lecture 2: The Moon Rotation and Revolution • The rotation and revolution period of the Moon are exactly equal and can be 06-09C explained by the law of universal gravitation. • Rotation is the spinning of an object about Revolution Rotation an axis that passes through it. • Revolution is the orbiting of one object Scale and around another. Rotation © Sierra College Astronomy Department 25 Lecture 2: The Moon When and where can you see the Moon? • The Moon is bright enough to be seen easily in the daytime • When and where the moon is in the sky is completely determined by the elongation angle (i.e. phase) – EX: a first quarter moon should be crossing the meridian at sunset • There are certain phase combinations that cannot be seen at certain times – EX: a waxing crescent high in the sky cannot be seen at 1 AM – EX: A full moon cannot be seen at noon © Sierra College Astronomy Department 26 Lecture 2: The Moon Eclipses • Eclipses occur when the shadow of one Anatomy celestial object falls on the surface of of an another celestial object (solar and lunar eclipse eclipses). • Umbra is the portion of a shadow that Eclipse receives no direct light from the light source. Types • Penumbra is the portion of a shadow that receives direct light from only part of the light source. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 27 Lecture 2: The Moon Lunar Eclipses Geom Types of Lunar Eclipses • Penumbral lunar eclipse is an eclipse of the Moon in which the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra but not Lunar through its umbra. Types • Partial lunar eclipse is an eclipse of the Moon in which only part of the Moon passes through the umbra of the Earth’s shadow. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 28 Lecture 2: The Moon Lunar Eclipses • Total lunar eclipse is an eclipse of the Moon in which the Moon is completely in Lunar Types the umbra of the Earth’s shadow. • A total eclipse of the Moon is never totally Red dark because some light is refracted toward the Moon by the Earth’s atmosphere. Most of this refracted light Red reaching the Moon is red; the blue portion has been scattered out. Total Lunar © Sierra College Astronomy Department 29 Lecture 2: The Moon Solar Eclipses Types Total Solar Pic • Solar eclipse is an eclipse of the Sun in which light from the Sun is blocked by the Moon. • Total solar eclipse is an eclipse in which light from the normally visible portion of the Total Sun (the photosphere) is completely blocked by the Moon. Umbral • The corona - the outer atmosphere of the Width Sun - is visible during a total solar eclipse. 06-19C © Sierra College Astronomy Department Path 30 Lecture 2: The Moon Solar Eclipses Annular Solar Pic The Partial Solar Eclipse • Partial solar eclipse: only part of the Sun’s disk is covered by the Moon. The Annular Eclipse • Annular Eclipse is an eclipse in which the Moon is too far from Earth for its disk to cover that of the Sun completely, so the outer edge of the Sun is seen as a ring or annulus. © Sierra College Astronomy Department Annular 31 Lecture 2: The Moon Solar and Lunar Eclipses Earthmoon • Eclipses does not occur at each full and new Moon because the Moon’s orbital plane is tilted 5° to the Earth’s orbital plane. • An eclipse season is a time of the year during nodes which a solar and lunar eclipses are possible. • Only during the two (or three) eclipse seasons that occur each year are the Earth and Moon positioned so that the Moon or the Earth will falls on the other to create an eclipse. • 1 or 2 solar and 1 or (2 or 0) lunar eclipses occur each eclipse season (maximum of 3 of both types) • Viewing of eclipses is dependent on observer location (more so for solar than lunar) © Sierra College Astronomy Department NODES 32 Lecture 7: The Earth-Moon System Solar and Lunar Eclipses • Upcoming Lunar Eclipses • • • • Total: 2007 Mar 03 (~15:20 PST) Total: 2007 Aug 28 (~3:40 PDT) Total: 2008 Feb 21 (~19:30 PST) Partial: 2008 Aug 16 (~14:10 PDT) Total Solar Annular Solar • Upcoming Solar Eclipses • Partial: 2007 March 19 (E. Asia, Alaska) • Partial: 2007 Sept 11 (Southern S. America, Antarctica) • Annular: 2008 Feb 08 (Antarctica, e Australia, N. Zealand) • Total: 2008 Aug 01 (ne N. America, Europe, Asia) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 34 © Sierra College Astronomy Department 35 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Equation of Time • The correction to get true solar time is done with the equation of time. This is the amount of time added to (or subtracted from) the sun’s time (due to elliptical orbit of Earth). D-36 SKIP – See Sky Gazer’s Almanac • The analemma is a graphical representation of this as well. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 36 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Length of the Day • The world is divided up into (more than) 24 time zones. • In most countries Daylight Savings Time Time zones (or Summer Time) is used to allow for more daylight hours when most people are active. • The International Date Line is defined as the position on the earth where the current day ends and the next day begins (add a day traveling west). © Sierra College Astronomy Department 37 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky International and Astronomical Time • To indicate time internationally (and astronomically), we use one specified (Standard) time zone • The time zone along the prime meridian is used and the time there is called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Universal Time (UT) or Zulu (Z) • In the Pacific Standard Time Zone (PST) we are eight hours behind UT PST + 8 = UT – Pacific Daylight Time (PDT): PDT + 7 = UT • Astronomers use a 24-hour clock (like military time; e.g. 20:00 = 8 pm) © Sierra College Astronomy Department 38 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky The Length of the Year • Many types of years may be defined • Calendar, Sidereal, Anomalistic, Tropical How many days on the calendar? How long does it take for the Sun to appear to go around the celestial Sphere? How long between successive perihelion passages? © Sierra College Astronomy Department How long is it Between successive Vernal equinoxes? 39 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Observation: The Planets • Five planets are visible to the naked eye: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. • Planets lack the simple, uniform motion of the Sun and Moon. • These planets always stay near the ecliptic. • Mercury and Venus never appear very far from the position of the Sun in the sky. Thus their elongation is small. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 79 dome 40 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Observation: The Planets • The early observers noted several planetary configurations Inferior Configs – Opposition: when a planet and Sun appear in the opposite part of the sky (Elongation = 180°) • Only happens for Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Superior Configs – Conjunction: when the planet and Sun appear together in the sky (Elongation = 0°) – Greatest Elongation: when Mercury or Venus reaches a maximum elongation angle during a particular apparition • The time it took a planet to return to a particular configuration (e.g. conjunction, opposition) was called the synodic period. © Sierra College Astronomy Department 41 Lecture 2: Patterns in the Sky Observation: The Planets • Planets sometimes stop their eastward (direct or prograde) motion and move westward against the background of stars. This is called retrograde motion. – Mars, Jupiter, Saturn do this near opposition – Mercury and Venus do this near every other conjunction – The would be the most difficult motion to account for when modeling the solar system © Sierra College Astronomy Department Retrograde 01-20C Retrograde Ptolemaic Model 01-22 Ptolemy, Mars 01-23C Ptolemy, Mercury and D-7 42 Venus CANIS MINOR Procyon Looking up into the sky Betelguese Winter Triangle Belt ORION Rigel Sirius CANIS MAJOR Looking South, 10PM, late January