April Newsletter

A Tale to Tell
Whitnel UMC Newsletter April 2015
Statistics tell us that 73% of Caldwell County is unchurched or dechurched. If we figure at least half of those are children and
youth, imagine how many children have never heard the story of Easter! It isn't the story that tells about the Easter bunny, or
chocolate eggs, or jellybeans or baskets laden with candy. It is a story that, if genuine, should knock their socks off!
As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We say it every Sunday in the Apostles' Creed! "...and in Jesus
Christ, his only son, our Lord." We believe not only that Jesus is God's son, but also that he died a physical death on Good
Friday. Then, he was buried in a stone tomb; sealed in like a mausoleum. We have too long backed off of the story because it
involves death - yet, kids watch movies, play video games and see TV deaths all the time! It's our job not only to talk to them
about it, but also to teach them about the one who conquered death.
On Sunday morning, after the Jewish Sabbath was over, Jesus was brought back to life by God. He walked and talked and met
with various people and disciples AFTER he came back to life! Then, after meeting with all those whom he held dear, and giving
them specific instructions on what to do, and how to interpret his death and resurrection, He went to heaven to live. He sent the
Holy Spirit to live with us, to give us strength and comfort, and to teach us God's will for our lives.
Many of the stories that capture the imaginations of our young people today are tales of heroes that defy all odds and defeat the
bad guys. But rising from the dead! Even Hollywood hasn't managed to pull that off yet! They may have people saved from
death with robotic parts, but brought back to life from full on death - only God can do that. AND THE POINT OF EASTER IS
We need to tell THAT story to the children. For the generation that seems to be infatuated with heroes who rise about their
circumstances, let's tell them about Peter or Paul who defied God and yet, through Christ, were redeemed and became heroes
in their own right. Let's reframe salvation in terms that they can understand. Maybe we need to write some graphic novels (aka
"Comic Books") about OUR hero and our hope, Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the most powerful and influential figure in all history! 2000+ years after his resurrection we are STILL
in awe of all he has done, is doing and will do in the future! Jesus Saves!!!! What an incredible story!
If you'd like some help in telling the story, here are some online links:
I'll close with a story by Dennis Rainey.
As Grandpa Bob drove into the driveway he could see his 4-year-old granddaughter, Julie, and a couple of her friends playing in
the backyard. It was almost Easter and he wanted to know how much these children knew about the Easter story.
Approaching the three little girls he asked, "Who knows why we celebrate Easter every year?"
One friend chirped up first: "Oh, that's when you go sit on the big bunny rabbit's lap and tell him what you want in your Easter
Her second pal's answer was no better: "No, no, no! It's when you get a tree and hang eggs on it — and you wake up on Sunday
and there's presents under it and..."
At this point Grandpa interrupted and gently said, "Those are good guesses. Julie, do you know why we celebrate Easter?"
Julie nodded her head. "It's when Jesus was crucified. He died, and His disciples put His body in the grave. Then, on the third
day, the stone rolled away..."
Grandpa was really encouraged that Julie knew so many details.
"...And then the entire town would come out by the grave," Julie continued. "And if Jesus came out and saw his shadow, they
knew there would be six more weeks of winter!"
It is so vitally important that we know, believe and share the story of Easter. After all, isn't that the whole foundation for our faith?
And, it IS the greatest story EVER! Really! We need to let those beautiful, wide-eyed children and young people know we have a
really GREAT story to tell them! Then, we need to tell them, their parents, their friends and anyone else who hasn't heard.
Easter people "Go, therefore, into all the world and make disciples of .Jesus Christ."
Victorious Love in Christ,
Pastor Caren
Proudly serving the Caldwell county churches of
Mount Hermon United Methodist Church
2695 Alfred Hartley Rd.
Lenoir NC 28645
Whitnel United Methodist Church
1373 Delwood Drive SW
Lenoir NC 28645
Email: cmorgan1@wnncumc.net
Jim Prestwood
Judy Wilson
Jerry Johnson
Glen Byrd
Christine Eller
Pat Keefer
John Thomas
Esta Correll
Justin Walker
Dottie Clark
Our church growth and fellowship.
Whitnel UMC is in the process of updating the
church directory and the church website. If you
do not want your email address published in the
church directory, please email the church office
at umcwhitnel@gmail.com and let Claricea
“I will be loyal to the United Methodist Church and
uphold it with my Prayers, my Presence, my Gifts,
my Service, and my Witness.”
March 1
By Our Presence
March 8
March 15
March 22
March 29
Apr. 3
Apr. 5
Apr. 7
Apr. 8
Apr. 11
Apr. 18
May 3
Good Friday
Sunrise Breakfast 7:00am
Sunrise Service 8:30am
Easter Cantata, “I Know My
Redeemer Lives!”
Worship Committee Mtg. 6:30pm
Community Meal 6:00pm
Movie Night Out for KFC
Lay Servant Training-Wilkesboro UMC
Lay Servant Training-Wilkesboro UMC
Preschool Baked Spaghetti
Fundraiser & Cornhole Tournament
#2 Noon in the Fellowship Hall
Free Community Meal
Whitnel UMC
Fellowship Hall
By Our Gifts
Needed Weekly…………. $1,550.00
Received Mar. 1, 2015…... $
Received Mar. 8, 2015…. $
Received Mar. 15, 2015…. $1,072.16
Received Mar. 22, 2015…. $
Received Mar. 29, 2015…. $
April 8th
By Our Service…. March – April 12th
Nursery Attendants: Patricia Triplett or Katy
Greeters / Ushers
All on call.
Children’s Sermons
Apr. 5
Apr. 12
Apr. 19
Apr. 26
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
No Children’s Sermon
Judy Cline
Donna Laws
Judy Wilson
Kathy Sigmon
Claricea Mitchell
Pastor Morgan
Paul Merkwa
Donna Laws
Scott Triplett
Mitchell Prestwood
Jessie Keefer
Kelly Keefer
Chris Triplett
Edna Robbins
Jason Mikeal
Sara & Jeremy Wallace (Anniv)
Barbara Starr
Ethan Clark
Becky Sullivan
Frosty Strick
Robin McRary
Max Prestwood III
Jordan Ann Elizabeth Owens
Savannah Woody
Lisa W. Boston
Melissa Johnson
Larry Clark
Ed Keefer
Pat & Pat Keefer (Anniv)
Terri Miller
Christopher Klutz
Mary Lou Klutz
Ethel Parlier
Ansley Morgan Wallace
Ashley Jordan Wallace
Our Facebook Page:
FYI…The Church will sometimes use candid
photos of various church activities on its website
or other publications. Those not wanting their
photos depicted should inform the Church
Office. Call 828-754-4012 or email
Greetings Faith Community!
What a year we had, and Im hopeful that now that
LEOS is open, we can return to some semblance of a
schedule. I’m glad to communicate with you regularly
Several points today:
 Our Yokefellow metal building has gutters – and that
was news to us! When we started having leaks, we were
shown where the gutters were and that when they overflow
we have leaks. That being said, is there a men’s group that
would like to come to Yokefellow and clear the front and
back gutters?
We need a cardboard bin! Is there a group of
carpenters that could design and build a cardboard bin for
us outback? Our guys have fashioned a bin with pallets –
but this winter took a toll. We really try to be good
neighbors and keep our premises tidy and a nicer bin would
go a long ways in that effort.
VOLUNTEERS: We need volunteers in the food
pantry and the thrift store! If you could commit to 3-4 hours
every week, or one entire day a week, you would be making
a huge contribution to our ministry. Call Amy, our volunteer
coordinator, at 754-7088.
LEOS – we still need afternoon intake – 3:30-8pm –
volunteers at LEOS. Today we have 23 in shelter, and I
just got a call that we may be adding another before dark
tonight. Due to the severe weather conditions we have
been staying open round the clock, and need more
volunteers to take the training to help us out.
FOOD! – Please review your food choice in support of
the food pantry. We are serving an average of 400 families
per week! That takes a lot of food on the shelves. PLEASE
make this a priority at your church.
TRANSPORTATION – So many of you call and ask,
what can we do for LEOS? TRANSPORTATION is a huge
barrier right now – for dr. appointments, trips to Goodwill
Career Center and NC Works, RHA, DSS for food stamp
and Medicaid appointments. Please consider letting this be
a part of your church’s outreach ministry. We could sure
use a list of churches/church members who would be willing
to be available to help with this. We have two residents that
are waiting on placements, one in Asheville and one in
Charlotte. Please call Elizabeth at LEOS, 726-3634.
As you can see, there are many missions/outreach
opportunities right here in our midst. Please consider
partnership in one or more of these areas of service. I
hope you will share this communication with your
fellow church members.
As always, many thanks for your support of this
incredible ministry.
Sharon H. Osborne
Executive Director
Caldwell County Yokefellow, Inc.
Post Office Box 2422
Lenoir, North Carolina 28645
(828) 754-7088
FAX (828) 754-7158
LEOS (Lenoir Emergency Outreach
Shelter) is located at 1129 West Avenue in
downtown Lenoir – 2 buildings past the
Lenoir Police Department. The phone
number is 726-3634.
New for 2015: Summer Day Camp, for
ages 5-8, will run from June 15-July 31.
Our mission is to help your child grow in the
knowledge and love of God
while also growing in as a whole person.
Activities will include not only
Bible stories and devotions, but crafts,
swimming, creek-walking, games,
zip line, and more! Call 828-758-1467 or go
to www.campcarolwood.org for
more information. Registration is available
If you are interested in attending,
please contact kpoplin@wnccumc.org
and Katie Poplin will provide the application
Click here for flyer
Appalachian District
District Superintendent:
The Rev. Lory Beth T. Huffman
1710 Parkwood Dr., South Suite,
Wilkesboro NC 28697
Phone - 336.667.5401 | Fax 336.667.2911
DS Email: lhuffman@wnccumc.org
Upcoming Webinar Training
Monday, May 4th - 7:00 PM - Leading
Through Change- This will be for any and
all church leadership as this crosses over the
whole church. We will discuss the challenges
of going through change, typical but often
painful steps in the process to recognize and
coping techniques that require pastors and lay
people to lead through so the Back to Egypt
folks don't cause everyone to turn around and
go home.
Date: April 11th and 18th
Place: Wilkesboro UMC
Address: 309 West Main Street Wilkesboro
Time: 10AM to 5pm on the 11th
10AM to 3pm on the 18th
Cost: $30 Registration
The classes offered include:
Basic Lay Servant Training
Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition
Transforming Evangelism
Network: Spiritual Gifts
You Can Preach
The Ministry of Administration
Western North Carolina Conference Weekly
Update> http://wnccumc.org/weekly-update022715/
Western NC Vitality Team (articles, forms,
suggestions, etc.) http://vital.wnccumc.org/
Leadership Development > http://leadwncc.org/
Greetings Appalachian District!
What an awesome opportunity we had this
past weekend to work with Phil Maynard to
unpack what it looks like for us to live as
disciples of Jesus in our world today. My
prayer is that those of us who attended will
be able to continue to take the steps that
lead to true discipleship by being covered in
the dust of our Rabbi.
I've been thinking about my own discipleship
journey over the years - ways that I have tried
to become more like Jesus - I think I've
stumbled along a "litmus test" of sorts that
may be helpful.
One of the conclusions that was possible
todraw from Phil's teaching had a lot to do
with "it's not about me". The measure of our
spiritual journey toward maturing as disciples
is all about our relationship with other
people. Our willingness to build relationships
with other people so that we have the
opportunity to share Jesus with them; our
generosity that meets the needs of other
people without any real self-benefit; our
actions that put other people ahead of our
own advancement. These are some ways to
measure our growth as disciples, and they are
the kinds of things that happen to us as
individuals every day of the week not just on
Sunday morning.
So, if we connect the dots, it is possible to
measure the effectiveness of our discipleship
as a church by the decisions we make and how
they impact other people. If the decisions
about the style or type of worship we use is
based on the preferences of the people who
are already in the pews, what does that say
about our discipleship? If the decisions we
make about our building reflect how the
church members want to protect the past,
what does that tell us about our discipleship?
If our outreach and service is based on giving
money to causes and doesn't give us the
opportunity to meet new people, what does
that tell us about our discipleship? Ultimately
the question becomes - how can God bless our
ministry when it is only about meeting the
needs of ourselves?
When you read how Jesus interacted with his
disciples you see that often his words to them
were challenging, pointing them first to God,
then to others. How can it be any different
for us?
your criminal
background concerns
and move towards
FUTURE employment?
It’s all about your
Reasons why someone would want to
hire you!
Emphasize strengths in Resumes,
Applications, & Interviews!
Sell yourself with Self-Management/
Soft Skills!
Explain the Past (How to)!
By Kim Shockley
Network and Never give in/ never
*Pictures of the retreat are located on our Facebook Page.
give up!
To Tell or Not to Tell is the Question?
If you haven't already,
/ Tax Credit and Federal Bonding!
How do you move PAST
Coward or Confident?
How do you see it? How do they see
Overwhelmed or Optimistic?
Interviews, Incentives to Hire?
Certifications, Computers, and
Education? / Certificate of Relief
Expunction/ Expungement is it
Stay employed … once you are hired
Tuesday, March 31st --- Tuesday, April
28th --- Tuesday, May 26th
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
NCWorks Career Planning and Placement
(RSVP/Appointment requested but walk-ins
welcome as space allows)
NC Works Career Planning & Placement Center
1909 Hickory Blvd.~ Lenoir, NC 28645 ~
828.759.4680 ~ www.ncworks.gov
Caldwell is
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Thursday, April
J.E. Broyhill Civic
Center, Lenoir
Meet and talk
with local
Explore current
job openings.
Sponsored by:
 Economic
of Caldwell
 Caldwell
College &
 NCWorks
Planning and