Course: - Blackboard Learn

Tulsa Community College, West Campus
Spring Semester 2015
Course: BIOL 2313 – Principles of Ecology
Day(s) and Time(s): Online
Section No.: 490
Course record no.: 25971
Course dates: January 12-May 11, 2015
Instructor: Dr. Bryan Coppedge, Assistant Professor of Biology, West Campus
Office Location: WC S-276
Phone: 918.595.8186
Email: (Email is the best way to contact me. I will respond within 24 hours except for weekends).
Office Hrs:
Mon.: 8:30-9:30am /11:00am-1:00pm
Tues.: 8:30-11:00am (online/virtual only)
Wed.: 8:30-9:30am /11:00am-1:00pm /4:00-5:30pm
Division: Science and Mathematics
Associate Dean: Dr. Bryan Coppedge (interim)
Office: West Campus S-160
Phone: 918.595.8193
HELP DESK 918.595.2000
Distance Learning Office 918.595.7282
TCC Operator 918.595.7000
West Campus Testing Center 918.595.8060
CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: A study of key ecological concepts introducing the student to the foundations of the
various sub-disciplines and terminology used in ecology, along with resources and resource management in the environment and
the interaction of species. Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems will be covered in considerable detail.
COURSE OVERVIEW: The Principles of Ecology course is designed for the science major interested in Ecology, Wildlife,
Fisheries, Forest Management, Agricultural or Natural Resource Management, or similar subjects related to natural or manmade
environments. The course will introduce students to the basic concepts of ecology, including evolution, hierarchy of biological
relationships, and ecological attributes of individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. Students will become familiar
with ecological terminology and how ecology demonstrates the interdependence and interconnectedness of biological communities
and physical conditions found on earth. Students will be introduced to the peer-reviewed ecological literature as the basis of
knowledge in ecology and other natural sciences.
COURSE OBJECTIVES AND STRUCTURE - After completion of this course students will be able to:
Describe ecological adaptations of organisms at the individual level (Evolution and Adaptation).
Describe ecological concepts that apply to and affect populations (Population Ecology).
Describe ecological concepts that determine community structure and function (Community Interactions).
Describe ecological concepts that operate at large spatial scales (Ecosystem Functioning).
Unit 1:
Evolution & Adaptation
1 – Intro to Ecology
2 – Life on Land
3 – Life in Water
4 – Pop. Gen. & Nat. Sel.
5 – Temp. Relations
6 – Water Relations
Unit 2:
Population Ecology
7 – Energy and Nutrients
8 – Social Relations
9 – Pop. Dist. & Abund.
10 – Pop. Dynamics
11 – Pop. Growth
12 – Life Histories
Unit 3:
Community Interactions
13 – Competition
14 – Exploit. Interactions
15 – Mutualism
16 – Species Abund. & Div.
17 – Species Interactions
18 – Primary Prod. & Energy
Unit 4:
Ecosystem Functioning
19 – Nutrient Cycling
20 – Succession
21 – Landscape Ecology
22 – Geographic Ecology
23 – Global Ecology
TEACHING METHODS: The course is segmented into 4 units of material (see above) lasting 4 weeks long. Each unit has two
parts, each with a due date (deadline) when assignments are to be completed and/or submitted. Units begin and end on select
Mondays at noon (see schedule at end of syllabus). Only one unit will be active and available on Blackboard at any one time, and
students may work ahead within a unit and even complete it ahead of the deadline if they need to for activities such as a business
trip, vacation, surgery, or military service. Therefore, students are encouraged to be proactive rather than reactive, and stay caught
up and ahead with their unit work, because if students delay doing the work, something might happen to prevent completion.
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Students – you have been warned – procrastination on your part, coupled an unexpected challenge, does not constitute an
emergency on the instructors part and no late assignments of any kind will be accepted for any reason.
The course will be taught by a combination of lectures and student participatory activities. Lectures will be supplemented by
videos and other visual materials to aid in the comprehension of concepts and knowledge-based information. The student is
expected to participate in all class activities and to complete all assignments. Students will have regular reading assignments from
the textbook and the peer-reviewed literature and is expected to complete all readings and assignments for each of the 4 units. In
general, submitted assignments will be graded within 72 hours. However, discussion board posts will not be evaluated until the
end of each unit.
This course will primarily utilize two methods of whole class communication. Each Monday, weekly overview announcements
and emails will be sent to all students from the Announcement section of the Blackboard course site highlighting certain aspects of
assignments, alerting students to important issues, or as general reminders.
Email is the preferred method of individual communication between students and the instructor. Email is typically checked daily
except for weekends but please allow for a 24-hour response time. Please do not post private questions intended only for the
instructor to the unit discussion boards UNLESS you want everyone else in the course to know about it (not recommended).
COMPUTER ACCESS: It is highly recommended that you have regular (daily) computer access, preferably a home computer
with broadband Internet access. This course can be completed using public computers at TCC or other public access areas.
However, be aware that using public computers may create a hardship. All course requirements remain the same whether your
computer access is public or private (home).
TECHNICAL SKILL REQUIREMENTS - You should be to do the following with ease:
 use a word processor (changing font, spell check)
 use email for communication
 navigate the Internet
 download and install appropriate plugins and programs
 use an Internet search engine
 use all the features of Blackboard
1. TEXT: Ecology: Concepts and Applications by Manuel C. Molles, Jr.; 6th Edition; McGraw-Hill. This may be obtained from
the TCC Bookstore at the Northeast Campus where all online class texts are sold or online at
2. SOFTWARE: Students need to use Microsoft Word to complete their written assignments. Microsoft Office software (which
includes Word) can be downloaded for free at the Blackboard site under the Student Resources tab. Students will also be required
to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser to complete their unit exams. This software is also free and can be downloaded at
1. EXAMS (300 points): Students will be administered 4 unit exams. Each exam will be worth 100 points, and will consist of
multiple choice questions and a few short answer/essay questions. Make-up exams are not offered. However, only the 3 best
exam scores out of the 4 will be counted towards the final course grade (lowest exam score will be dropped). Exams are timed at
90 minutes and require the Respondus Lockdown Browser software be used to access Blackboard to complete the exam.
2. QUIZZES (80 points): 4 online quizzes worth 20 points each will be administered to students covering the material for each
unit of the course. Make-up quizzes are not offered. Students will have the opportunity to take each quiz 3 times and the highest
of the 3 scores will be retained and recorded in the gradebook.
3. LITERATURE REVIEWS (80 points): Students will complete and submit 4 literature reviews worth 20 points each as assigned
throughout the semester in each unit (specific articles will be chosen later; review format and details below). Reviews will not be
accepted late.
4. DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS (40 points): Students will make 2 discussion board posts at 5 points each per unit. Posts must
be at least 3 sentences in length and consist of either 1) an observation of an ecological current event in the national or local news
(which may include a link to a website if applicable); 2) a commentary on any of the unit reading assignments; 3) a summary of
and link to an online video (such as YouTube) showing an ecological process in action (Crash Course Ecology videos are excluded
from this option as we are already using them in this course); or 4) a commentary on the Crash Course Ecology videos used in
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each unit. Any inappropriate or offensive posts or links as judged by the instructor and per the Classroom Etiquette policy
described later in the syllabus will result in a loss of points for the offending post, and may also result in suspension from the
discussion board for the remainder of the class and therefore forfeiture of all remaining points available from the discussion board
5. FIELD TRIP REPORTS (100 points): Students will submit two reports worth up to 50 points each resulting from the 2 course
field trips (see schedule). One trip will be to a forest ecosystem, the Keystone Ancient Forest Preserve near Sand Springs and
Keystone Lake, Oklahoma during Unit 2 ( The other trip will be to a
grassland ecosystem, the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve near Pawhuska, Oklahoma during Unit 4
The instructor will make every effort to schedule trips far enough in advance that students will have adequate time to adjust their
schedules since these are all-day events. Dependent children and immediate family members are welcome to join us on these trips.
However, please keep in mind that hiking and walking trails in natural areas such as these locations may be difficult to navigate, so
keep this in mind and please contact the instructor in advance for any logistical concerns, especially if there are any anticipated
mobility challenges.
If you cannot participate in these trips due to your work schedule, military service, reside outside the Tulsa area, etc., you must
contact the instructor for permission and instructions on how to complete a similar field trip and report for an alternate location.
This exception to the class trip will be given only in the most extenuating circumstances and the instructor reserves the right to
request documentation in support of a requested exception. Field trip report format details and grading rubric are described below.
Final grades will be calculated based on the total points earned during the semester from the total of 600 possible points as follows:
600-540 points = A
539-480 points = B
479-420 points = C
419-360 points = D
359 or less = F
TESTING POLICY: All unit exams and quizzes have time limits and are delivered and taken online through Blackboard. Exams
require you to use the Respondus Lockdown Browser to login to Blackboard to complete (see required items above). The
following apply as well:
 You are to take unit exams by yourself. No group efforts or help from other people in answering questions.
 You have 90 minutes to complete the exams. Exams will automatically submit after 90 minutes.
 If something happens and your computer freezes, send the instructor an email detailing your problem ASAP.
DO NOT leave a voicemail on the office phone number as email is a better way to reach the instructor.
SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS: All assignments are to be submitted through the assignment item in the unit folder in
Blackboard. Instructor comments and corrected (graded) assignments will be returned to this same location. Please do not wait
until the last minute to submit assignments. You are submitting items over the Internet and there are many things that can go
wrong between your computer and the Blackboard server. Your computer/Internet Service Provider problems are not acceptable
explanations for missing assignments. Assignments will only be accepted by email during emergency situations when connection
problems are the result of equipment or Internet failure at TCC. In addition, if TCC problems create a significant hardship to the
submission by the due date, the date will be adjusted and this information will be relayed by email and through an announcement.
DO NOT send assignments via email after the due date in the hope that your tardiness will be forgiven and the work accepted late
– it will not.
1. The review is a typed summary of particular study pertinent to ecology.
2. The review should include a cover/title page containing the paper title, paper authors, followed by your name and
3. The review should between 2-4 pages (excluding the cover page); double-spaced with an 11-12 point true type, non-bolded,
non-italicized font; with 1 inch margins and no extra spaces between paragraphs or above/below the text.
4. The review should address as many of the following points/questions as possible, in no particular order. However, please
present a continuous narrative relative to these items and do not repeat these questions as part of your response:
a. What habitat/biome/location did the study occur?
b. What was the purpose of the study? Did it have stated hypotheses?
c. Did the study have an adequate introduction to explain “b” above?
d. What were the methods used to conduct the study? What statistics were used to explain the data?
e. What were the major findings/results of the study? Was a hypothesis supported or rejected?
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f. What were the major conclusions of the study?
g. What possible ecological implications did the study highlight (if any)?
5. The final item in the review should be a full citation of the study following the CSE (Council of Science Editors) style guide.
6. Reviews should be deposited into the Literature Reviews assignment on Blackboard under the assignment icon within each Unit
Folder (unit button).
1. The report is a typed summary of the trip taken to a particular location to observe a natural ecosystem.
2. The report should include a cover/title page containing your name and course/semester.
3. The report should between 2-4 pages (excluding the cover page); double-spaced with an 11-12 point true type, non-bolded,
non-italicized font; with 1 inch margins and no extra spaces between paragraphs or above/below the text.
4. The report should address as many of the following points/questions as possible, in no particular order. However, please
present a continuous narrative relative to these items:
a. What location did you visit? What sort of ecosystem/biome is the site located within?
b. What purpose does the location serve?
c. Is the site disturbed? How?
d. How large is the site? What unique ecological features/habitats does it preserve/protect (if any)?
e. Include any conclusions or final thoughts you might have about the trip or the site.
5. Reports should be deposited into the Field Trip assignment on Blackboard under the assignment icon within each Unit
Folder (unit button).
As this is an online class, there is no way to take “attendance”. However, “participation” is another matter, and in this course they
mean the same thing. Students must participate during the first 2 weeks of the course or they will be removed for nonparticipation and assigned the WN grade (withdrawal for non-participation). After the first week, an Excessive Absence Notice
will be sent if there is no online/Blackboard activity for 3 consecutive weeks, unless of course the student has completed the unit
early. This notice will automatically notify Financial Aid and Veterans services, if applicable. Students should be logging into
and working in the class site at least twice per week on average. The instructor reserves the right to Administratively Withdraw
(AW) a student for failure to complete a unit, which is a period of 4 weeks, and to request documentation for extenuating
circumstances (serious medical conditions or military requirements) for students requesting accommodations relating to such
situations. The instructor will work with the Dean of Student Services and/or the disabilities office to insure students needing
accommodations have full access to their legal and rightful learning opportunities while maintaining appropriate fairness,
equitability, and academic standards.
Consistent with the TCC Student Code of Conduct, students will conduct themselves in a polite, courteous and respectful manner
when dealing with the instructor, a college staff member, or fellow student, whether in an online or on-campus class, whether on
the phone, in writing, via email, or in an online forum. Unacceptable behavior including offensive language, derogatory slurs,
excessive chatting or laughing, eating or drinking, and any activity or condition deemed distracting or disruptive by the instructor
or other students will not be tolerated. Disrespectful, rude, aggressive, physically or verbally threatening or abusive behavior of
anyone in any form will not be tolerated. Students exhibiting such behavior as judged by the instructor will be dismissed from the
class. Disciplinary action may also be pursued as outlined in the Code of Conduct in cooperation with the Academic Associate
Dean and the Dean of Student Services.
When posting on the discussion board or sending email you are expected to:
1. Be respectful. Use acceptable grammar and spelling. DO NOT use texting shorthand.
2. Email or discussions posts typed in all UPPERCASE is unacceptable. It is the equivalent of shouting. You may
format your text for emphasis.
3. Use TCC email or the email features inside Blackboard as this will identify you and the class you are enrolled in.
If these resources are not available you must send from an outside account, clearly identify yourself and the class
you are enrolled in, otherwise the email may be deleted as spam.
4. Keep communication on the discussion board relevant to the topic.
5. Converse with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom. Harassment will not be tolerated.
Refer to the paragraph above for examples of unacceptable behavior.
Academic dishonesty or misconduct (including but not limited to cheating, copying, and/or plagiarism) is not condoned nor
tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. Academic dishonesty is behavior in which a deliberately
fraudulent misrepresentation is employed in an attempt to gain undeserved intellectual credit, either for oneself or for another.
Academic misconduct is behavior that results in intellectual advantage obtained by violating specific standard, but without
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deliberate intent or use of fraudulent means. Academic dishonesty or misconduct cases are governed by the Campus Student
Rights and Responsibilities Code (see Student Conduct Handbook).
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, TCC Student Code of Conduct
Policy Handbook, and semester information listed in the Class Schedule. This information is posted on the TCC website
Tulsa Community College is a Tobacco/E-Cig free facility in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders and Oklahoma
Statutes which prohibits smoking, the use of tobacco products, and electronic nicotine devices in all public places, in any indoor
workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of Oklahoma and all of its agencies and instrumentalities. This includes property
leased, rented, or owned by TCC including, but not limited to, all grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. The TCC
Campus Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with these policies. Violations of the policy may be addressed through
issuance of campus or state citations.
The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College have the skills, knowledge, and
attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course
include Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Empirical Skills, Teamwork, Personal Responsibility, and Social Responsibility.
It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for
qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are
available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at or call (918) 595-7115
(Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864. Other student support services may be accessed here:
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed ¾ the duration of any class. Check the TCC Academic Calendar for the
deadline that applies to your course(s). Begin the withdrawal process with a discussion with the faculty member assigned to the
course. Contact the advisement office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course (“W” grade) or to change from
credit to audit. Withdrawal and/or change from credit to audit after the drop/add period can alter the financial aid award for the
current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if the recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC.
Students who stop participating in a course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F”, which may have negative
financial aid consequences for the student.
Email: All TCC students receive a designated “Outlook” email address (example: All communications to
you about TCC and course issues will be sent to your Outlook email address, and you must use Outlook to send email to, and
receive email from the instructor regarding the course.
TCC rarely closes. But if extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to
local radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website ( and the general number
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus may be necessary, especially to the schedule of topics and related activities. Students will be
notified of changes in syllabus and course policy, course or classroom/lab policies or procedures, or evaluation techniques in
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*Print this schedule and use it as a checklist as you complete the activities for each unit*
Unit Start Date (noon)
Objectives and Learning Activities
January 12, 2015/Unit 1 - Objective: Examine ecological adaptations of organisms at the individual level.
Part A: Due at noon on Monday, January 26, 2015
 Download/install Respondus Lockdown Browser and complete the practice exam.
 Read Unit 1 Objective/Sub-objectives.
 Read chapters 1-3 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 1-3.
 Make first discussion board post.
 Complete Quiz 1.
Part B: Due at noon on Monday, February 9, 2015
 Read chapters 4-6 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 4-6.
 Watch Ecology videos for Unit 1.
 Complete Literature Review 1.
 Make second discussion board post.
 Complete Unit 1 Exam.
February 9, 2015/Unit 2 - Objective: Examine ecological concepts that apply to and affect populations.
Part A: Due at noon on Monday, February 23, 2015
 Read Unit 2 Objective/Sub-objectives.
 Read chapters 7-9 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 7-9.
 Make first discussion board post.
 Complete Literature Review 2.
 Complete Quiz 2.
Part B: Due at noon on Monday, March 9, 2015
 Read chapters 10-12 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 10-12.
 Watch Ecology videos for Unit 2.
 Make second discussion board post.
 Complete Unit 2 Exam.
 Complete KAFP/Forest Field Trip and Report.
March 9, 2015/Unit 3 - Objective: Examine ecological concepts that determine community structure and function.
Part A: Due at noon on Monday, March 30, 2015
 Read Unit 3 Objective/Sub-objectives.
 Read chapters 13-15 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 13-15.
 Make first discussion board post.
 Complete Quiz 3.
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Part B: Due at noon on Monday, April 13, 2015
 Read chapters 16-18 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 16-18.
 Watch Ecology videos for Unit 3.
 Complete Literature Review 3.
 Make second discussion board post.
 Complete Unit 3 Exam.
April 13, 2015/Unit 4 - Objective: Examine ecological concepts that operate at large spatial scales.
Part A: Due at noon on Monday, April 27, 2015
 Read Unit 4 Objective/Sub-objectives.
 Read chapters 19-21 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 19-21.
 Complete Literature Review 4.
 Make first discussion board post.
 Complete Quiz 4.
Part B: Due at noon on Monday, May 11, 2015
 Read chapters 22-23 from the textbook.
 Review Powerpoint presentations for chapters 22-23.
 Watch Ecology videos for Unit 4.
 Make second discussion board post.
 Complete Unit 4 Exam.
 Complete TGPP/Grassland Field Trip and Report.
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