TED 377 MANAGEMENT IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MODULE 2: Advanced Preparation for the School Year Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________ Points: ____________________________________________________ Comments: OBJECTIVE: Students will explain the roles and responsibilities (including confidential record keeping and reporting) of classroom teachers to motivate and manage all students in Secondary programs. ACTIVITIES: 1. One of the reasons you are required to do field experiences is to put you in a position to learn from veterans. The problem is that you probably have not been in a field placement on opening day and thus you might be unsure about how the actually year starts. Ask the cooperating teacher from your current field placement (or another teacher you know) for some opening day recommendations/ideas. List his/her thoughts below. 2. In topic 16, Duplass describes alternate seating arrangements (theater, modified theater, round table, group, half circle, desk tops together). Which (if any) of these seating arrangements might you attempt in your classroom? Why? 3. Draw a room arrangement that supports positive classroom management. a. Considering information presented in class, determine a beginning room arrangement that will support your style of teaching and support positive classroom management. Also consider what materials/tools you will need access to in the room (e.g., overhead projector, PowerPoint, cooperative learning groups, access to materials, etc.). b. Log onto 4TeacherTools.org and use Classroom Architect to create an appropriate and functional classroom layout. c. Write a brief essay or list several bulleted points that indicate how your design supports positive classroom management (how it supports the 5 keys to a positive room arrangement). CLASS PROJECTS: Complete the following class projects in dyads/small groups as discussed in class. Then submit the project to the instructor. If you were not present, then complete and submit project(s) individually. TED 377 MANAGEMENT IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MODULE 2 Group Member Names: Classroom Layout: # CLASS ACTIVITY #1: Analyzing a classroom layout. In dyads/small groups as directed in class, analyze the layout of a classroom arrangement that will be given to you. 1. Identify and list any advantages of the room design that could have a positive impact on classroom management. 2. Identify and list any disadvantages of the room design that could have a negative impact classroom management. 3. For any disadvantages you find, suggest specific improvements to the layout that could improve classroom management. TED 377 MANAGEMENT IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MODULE 2 Group Member Names: CLASS ACTIVITY #2: Creating rules and privileges. In a small group, create a set of general rules (approx. 5-8 rules) you might want in your first classroom. (Specify the grade or grade range for which you are preparing these rules. Rules for younger students will need to be more specific than for older students.) As a result of students following rules and remaining on task, a teacher may extend certain privileges to students. List a few privileges you might present to students. TED 377 MANAGEMENT IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MODULE 2 Group Member Names: CLASS ACTIVITY #3 : Thinking through procedures in advance. In a small group, think through the below-listed procedures. Each is a common aspect of daily life in a classroom, and planning in advance in each area is essential to promote positive classroom management. With this in mind, briefly describe the procedure you might put in place for each of the following. 1. General Procedures a) Beginning of Period Attendance check Previously absent students Tardy students Expected student behavior b) Out-of-room policies c) Materials and equipment What to bring to class Pencil sharpener Other equipment Student contact with teacher’s desk, storage, other materials 2. Seatwork and Instruction Procedures a) Student attention b) Student participation c) Seatwork procedures Talk among students Obtaining help Out-of-seat When completed 3. Student Group Work a) Use of materials and supplies b) Assignment of students to groups c) Student participation and behavior 4. Miscellaneous a) Signals (Bells) b) Behavior during interruptions c) Special equipment d) Fire and disaster drills