Health 8 Consensus Curriculum Map 2013-2014 Monday, October 28, 2013, 11:11AM Power Standards (key concepts) Introduction Health, Phys Ed, FCS, to Healthy Intermediate , Personal Health Living - 1 and Fitness Health Education (Week 1, 1 Week) 1. Students will understand human growth and development and recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease and will demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors. demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to promote healthy adolescent development analyze the multiple influences which affect health decisions and behaviors. Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , A Safe and Healthy Environment Health Education 1. Students will demonstrate personally and socially responsible behaviors. They will care for and respect themselves and others. They will recognize threats to the environment and offer appropriate strategies to minimize them. assess potentially dangerous situations and demonstrate the skills to avoid or reduce their risks demonstrate personal and social skills which enhance personal health and safety Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Resource Management Health Education Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Analyzing personal health knowledge and behavior choices encourages individuals to make healthy lifestyle adjustments. What is your current personal health knowledge and how might your choices affect future health? Healthy living increases longevity and quality of life. Health 8 Introduction to Healthy Living New York State Functional Knowledge nys_skills.doc How do you ascertain the validity of health information, products, and services? nys_functional_knowledge.doc "Like follows like" in the development and execution of behaviors for healthy living. What health behaviors increase the chances of preventing disease and promoting good health? How can you advocate for healthier and safer families and communities? NYS Skill List Assessment Evidence Formative: Self Assessment Personal Wellness Profile Wellness Self Assessment How Do You Learn Best Longevity Test Self Assessment Character Traits Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific Likes authority Enthusiastic Takes charge Take risks Determined Visionary Confident Motivator Firm Energetic Enterprising Very verbal Competitive Promoter Enjoys challenges Friendly, mixes easily Problem solver Enjoys popularity Productive Fun-loving Bold Likes variety Purposeful, goal driven Spontaneous Decision maker Enjoys change Adventurous Creative Strong willed Group oriented Independent Optimistic Controlling Initiator Persistent Infectious laughter Action oriented Inspirational Sensitive feelings Enjoys instructions Loyal Accurate Calm, even keel Consistent Non-demanding Controlled Avoids confrontations Reserved Enjoys routine Predictable Dislikes change Practical Warm and relational Orderly Gives in Factual Indecisive Conscientious Dry humor Perfectionist Adaptable Discerning Sympathetic Detailed Thoughtful Analytical Nurturing Inquisitive Patient Precise Tolerant Persistent Good listener Scheduled Peace maker Sensitive Just Thought You Would Like to Know, PWP Permission Form, Character Traits, Personal Wellness Profile (from Healthy Community Alliance) character_traits.doc just_thought.doc pwp_permission_form.doc Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Drug use can be either helpful or harmful. How are specific drugs Drug Advocacy Education beneficial for life and NYS Functional Knowledge health? What are the influencing factors in making a personal decision to use drugs for recreation? Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific 1. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products, and services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities. Drug Education Drug Company (Week 2, 8 Weeks) distinguish between valid and invalid health information, products and services recognize the need to be an advocate for family and community health Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Personal Health and Fitness Health Education 1. Students will understand human growth and development and recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease and will demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors. apply prevention and risk reduction strategies to adolescent health problems demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to promote healthy adolescent development analyze the multiple influences which affect health decisions and behaviors. Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , A Safe and Healthy Environment Health Education 1. Students will demonstrate personally and socially responsible behaviors. They will care for and respect themselves Individuals must analyze multiple factors when deciding to use a drug for health preservation and disease prevention. What protective factors assist young people in Recreational use of drugs is resisting pressure to use a personal choice influenced drugs? by many internal and external factors. NYS Skill List Synthesize Students become a "Drug Prevention Public Relations Company" using all knowledge from the drug education unit to develop ageappropriate prevention information. Other written assessments Tobacco Crossword and Surgeon General's Warnings Other written assessments Volatile Chemicals Other written assessments Alcohol Body Parts and Alcohol Crossword Other written assessments Vocab-A-Mania and Drug Vocab. Crossword Performance Assessment (written test) Terminology #1 Terminology #2 How Drugs Enter the Bloodstream Drug Unit Exam Summative: Visual Arts Project Drug Company Cooperative MultiMedia Project Summative: Other written assessments Drug Unit DBQ hallucinogens__club_drugs_.doc narcotics.doc volatile_chemicals.doc Addiction - needing a drug in order to survive Alveoli - tiny sacs in the lungs that allow the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide Amphetamines - CNS stimulants whose actions resemble those of adrenaline Arteriosclerosis - known as hardening of the arteries, a major cause of heart attack and stroke Asphyxia - the person stops breathing Black out - a temporary loss of memory, no recall of things that were said or done while awake Blood pressure - the amount of force the heart exerts on the blood vessels Cancer - uncontrolled cell growth (malignant) Cholesterol - fatty substance found in specific foods, sticks to the inside lining of the blood vessels Cilia - the tiny hairs inside the nasal passage that keeps out bacteria and dirt Cirrhosis - destruction of the liver cells, most often caused by excessive use of alcohol CNS - Central Nervous System Depressant - something that slows down the functions of the brain and depresses the pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration Power Standards (key concepts) and others. They will recognize threats to the environment and offer appropriate strategies to minimize them. demonstrate personal and social skills which enhance personal health and safety Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Resource Management Health Education 1. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products, and services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities. distinguish between valid and invalid health information, products and services recognize the need to be an advocate for family and community health demonstrate the ability to access community health services for prevention, illness, and emergency care. analyze how media and technology influence the selection of health information, products and services demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively when advocating for healthy individuals, families and schools Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific and other body functions Detection - how long something can be found in the body Detoxification - to remove poison or the effects of poison from the body Distribution - process by which things travel to all parts of the body Elimination - process by which things leave the body Emphysema -lung disease caused by the breakdown of the alveoli, oxygen exchange is diminished, supplemental oxygen is needed Euphoria - feeling of elation or extreme well being Gingivitis - bleeding, swelling and infection of the gums Halitosis - another name for bad breath Hallucinogens - drugs that precipitate imaginary visions (hallucinations) and distort the senses, also called psychedelics Heart Attack - due to blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries the heart is deprived of oxygen and can no longer function Heart Disease - a disorder that affects the heart muscle or the blood vessels of the heart, can be hereditary Hepatitis - disease of the liver, communicable HGH - human growth hormone “high” - brief feeling of wellbeing, escape effect HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a virus that causes the body’s defense system to become vulnerable to disease Hormone - chemical messenger in the body released naturally by glands Intravenous Drug Use - a method of administration using needles to place drugs into the veins Laboratories - place where drugs can be manufactured legally or illegally Narcotic - a drug that blocks intense pain Paranoia - feelings of Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific severe anxiety Physical Dependence when the body has adapted to the presence of the drug and withdrawal symptoms occur if its use is stopped abruptly Plaque - the combination of cholesterol and other products hardening in the blood vessels Psychological Dependence - when a drug is so central to a person’s thoughts, emotions, and activities that the need to use becomes a craving or compulsion Rebound Depression after each use of a stimulant drug the depression lasts longer and the person does not achieve the original “normal” feeling Reverse Tolerance needing less of a drug to produce the same effects Sedative - soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect Seizure - uncontrolled shaking caused by a disturbance in the CNS Steroids - a group of chemical compounds that affect your metabolism (the process that changes food to energy and new body tissue) Stimulant - drugs that speed up the brain and behavior, increases alertness, activity and excitement Stroke - loss of brain function that occurs when the blood supply to any part of the brain is interrupted, similar to a heart attack but occurs in the brain Suffocation - lack of oxygen Synergism - two drugs combine to produce effects much greater than if each was used alone Synesthesia - senses are altered Tolerance - refers to the body’s “getting used” to a drug with its repeated taking, needing more of a drug to produce the original effects Unpredictable - unknown Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific Vasoconstriction - the blood vessels become smaller, causing the heart to work harder and blood pressure to go up Vasodilation - the blood vessels become larger, body temperature will drop Withdrawal - a set of symptoms brought on by the lack of drug use, the body’s reaction to the removal of a drug Tobacco Terminology Carbon monoxide - a poisonous gas found in tobacco smoke, replaces oxygen in the red blood cell Leukoplakia - a precancerous lesion that develops on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks as a response to chemicals in tobacco juice Nicotine - a very potent stimulant drug found in tobacco, the cause of tobacco adiction Secondhand Smoke smoke that is exhaled from a smoker or from the burning tobacco product Spit Tobacco - also called chew or snuff, tobacco that can be chewed or held between the cheek and gum, can cause bone or teeth loss Tar - a sticky substance found in tobacco that adheres to cholesterol and forms plaque, can cause cancer Alcohol Terminology Alcoholic - someone who drinks to excess and loses the ability to control his/her actions and maintain a socially acceptable lifestyle Alcoholism - a chronic, pathological condition caused by the compulsive consumption of alcoholic beverages Alcohol Poisoning concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream with the possibility of coma or death BAC - blood alcohol content or concentration, the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream, measurd by a breathalyzer or blood test Breathalyzer - instrument that measures the amount Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific of alcohol in an exhaled breath Distillation - a process used to concentrate the percentage of alcohol in a product DWI - driving while intoxicated, blood alcohol content is at or above the legal limit Ethyl alcohol - intoxicating ingredient present in many substances - including wine, beer and hard liquors FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome, a disorder characterized by growth retardation, facial abnormalities and CNS dysfunction, caused by a woman's use of alcohol during pregnancy Fermentation - a chemical reaction that splits organic compounds into simple substances, process by which ethyl alcohol is made Oxidation - the breaking down (by the liver) of ethyl alcohol into carbon dioxide (exhaled), water (urinated) and energy, 1/2 oounce of pure alcohol is oxidized per hour Percentage - how much alcohol is in a product, 1/2 the proof Proof - determined by doubling the percentage of alcohol in a product Marijuana Terminology Cannabis Sativa - plant which marijuana is derived from Hashish - (and hash oil) strongest forms of marijuana THC - delta-9tetrahydrocannabinol, the principle mind-altering ingredient in marijuana, fatsoluble (can be stored in the body for long periods) Inhalant Terminology Huff - breathing the fumes through the mouth Inhalant - any kind of fume, vapor, spray or gas that can be breathed in to produce a "high", voluntarily inhaled chemicals that produce mind-altering vapors Sniff - breathing from a bag, cloth or can Sudden Sniffing Death (SSD) - can occur when Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific users inhale chemicals deeply, then engage in strenuous physical activity or become alarmed, presumably from cardiac arrest Volatile chemicals - another name for inhalants Steroid Terminology Acne - an adverse physical effect from using anabolic steroids Anabolic steroids - manmade substances related to the male sex hormone testosterone, "anabolic" refers to building muscle tissue Male Pattern Baldness found in women who use anabolic steroids 'Roid Rage - very aggressive and combative behavior from the use of anabolic steroids Testosterone - male sex hormone released naturally from the testicles Hallucinogen (Club Drugs) Terminology Flashbacks - reexperiencing the hallucination from previous hallucinogen use without having to take the drug again Hallucination - imaginary visions LSD - lysergic acid diethylamide, manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot (a fungus) Mescaline - comes from the peyote cactus, not as strong as LSD PCP - phencyclidine, sometimes considered a hallucinogen because it has some of the same effects, it also relieves pain or stimulates the CNS, also called angel dust Peyote - the cactus that mescaline comes from Psilocybin - comes from certain mushrooms Psychedelics - another name for hallucinogens Narcotic Terminology Codiene - an alkaloid found in raw opium, produced from morphine Heroin - an illegal, highly addictive drug obtained from the opium poppy Methadone - a synthetic Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific (man-made) drug used mainly in the treatment of heroin addiction Opioids - synthetic substitues of opium, drugs that alleviate pain, depress body functions and reactions and when taken in large doses cause a strong euphoric feeling Opium - the sticky sap of the poppy seedpod Opium Poppy - the flowering plant that opioids are derived from Nutrition Education (Week 10, 4 Weeks) Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Personal Health and Fitness Health Education 1. Students will understand human growth and development and recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease and will demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors. integrate knowledge of basic body systems with an understanding of the changes that accompany puberty apply prevention and risk reduction strategies to adolescent health problems demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to promote healthy adolescent development analyze the multiple influences which affect health decisions and behaviors. Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Resource Management Health Education 1. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health Regular physical activity and healthy eating increases ones energy level, assists with managing stress and/or weight, reduces the risk of illness and disease and increases academic achievement. Many factors influence nutrition and exercise decisions. Personal strategies can be learned to develop and enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce and cope with immediate or future health concerns. NYS Skill List Do people who eat well and Nutrition Education NYS Functional Knowledge exercise moderately have better health? Can eating well and exercising moderately prevent the onset of disease nys_skills.doc and disorders? nys_functional_knowledge.doc Will all individuals benefit from sound nutrition and exercise habits in some way? How can students plan and implement healthy diet and exercise programs for themselves, the school community and their own families? Personal Wellness Profile Formative: Self Assessment Confidential assessment of personal wellness behaviors. Longevity Test Formative: Self Assessment Students assess potential longevity using the Northwesternmutual web assessment. Family History Formative: Self Assessment Students investigate personal family health history. One Day Food Record Formative: Self Assessment Using the MyPyramid guidance document, students analyze food choices for a 24 hour period and compare their choices to personal nutrition needs. Personal Nutrition and Fitness Essay Summative: Performance Assessment (written test) Using all personal assessments and unit learning experiences, students analyze personal nutrition and fitness needs and strengths in relation to present and future health. longevity, wellness, selfassessment,anorexia nervosa, body image, body mass index, bulimia nervosa, dietary guidelines, food guide pyramid, obesity, overweight, overeating, fad diets, weight loss, physical activity, suicide, cardiovascualr disease, diabetes, cancer, calories, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, sugars, vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorous, potassium Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Young people need to accept differing patterns of emotional, psychological and physical growth. Sexuality is a complex mixture of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual factors dependent upon an individual's maturity level. Understanding sexual health begins early in life and continues throughout the lifecycle. What changes (physical, Personal Development NYS Functional Knowledge intellectual, emotional, social) can a young person expect as they grow? How does one's perspective on human sexuality affect relationships? nys_functional_knowledge.doc Assessment Evidence information, products, and services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities. Love Education (Week 14, 7 Weeks) distinguish between valid and invalid health information, products and services recognize the need to be an advocate for family and community health analyze how media and technology influence the selection of health information, products and services Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Personal Health and Fitness Health Education 1. Students will understand human growth and development and recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease and will demonstrate and practice positive health behaviors. integrate knowledge of basic body systems with an understanding of the changes that accompany puberty apply prevention and risk reduction strategies to adolescent health problems demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to promote healthy adolescent development analyze the multiple influences which affect health decisions and behaviors. Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , A Safe and Healthy Environment Health Education How can young people develop long term, healthy relationships acknowledging family and societal influences? NYS Skill List RAFT projectsynthesize concepts from unit to create a final product nys_skills.doc Summative: Other Visual Assessments RAFT assessment incorporating the PIESS categories for developing healthy relationships Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific Power Standards (key concepts) 1. Students will demonstrate personally and socially responsible behaviors. They will care for and respect themselves and others. They will recognize threats to the environment and offer appropriate strategies to minimize them. demonstrate personal and social skills which enhance personal health and safety Health, Phys Ed, FCS, Intermediate , Resource Management Health Education 1. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products, and services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities. distinguish between valid and invalid health information, products and services recognize the need to be an advocate for family and community health demonstrate the ability to access community health services for prevention, illness, and emergency care. analyze how media and technology influence the selection of health information, products and services recognize how cultural beliefs influence health behaviors and the use of health services demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively when advocating for healthy individuals, families Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific Power Standards (key concepts) Big Ideas/Understandings Essential Attitudes/Habits of Mind Skills Questions/Knowledge Assessment Evidence Vocabulary; academic Resources/Lesson and content domain Plans specific and schools wait_training_summary.pdf Introduction to Healthy Living - 2 (Week 21, 1 Week) Health 8 Introduction to Healthy Living NYS Functional Knowledge NYS Skill List nys_skills.doc nys_functional_knowledge.doc Drug Education-Drug Company 2 (Week 22, 8 Weeks) NYS Functional Knowledge nys_functional_knowledge.doc NYS Skill List nys_skills.doc Nutrition Education 2 (Week 30, 3 Weeks) NYS Functional Knowledge nys_functional_knowledge.doc NYS Skill List nys_skills.doc Love Education - 2 (Week 33, 6 Weeks) NYS Functional Knowledge nys_functional_knowledge.doc NYS Skill List nys_skills.doc Last Updated: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 12:59PM Atlas Version 8.0.1 © Rubicon International 2013. 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