1 Luke 10:38-42. (Part 2) Jesus corrects Martha. Have you noticed in this scripture how Jesus replies to Martha? He doesn’t say to her that he wishes she was more like her sister. He knew that each of them are unique, and that the issue was that they had to be more like the other. What he wanted was that when they are faced with a choice to worship or to work, Mary had chosen the better part. That better part is a choice we can freely make to, but often we take the Martha way. I think we all have this battle of Mary and Martha going on in us sometimes Part of us wants to be like Mary and spend time worshiping God, and then the other part of us is like Martha, there is just so much to do. How do we choose the better part and still do what really needs to be done? The answer lies in Jesus. He is our supreme example. He was never in a hurry, he knew who he was and where he was going. He was not held hostage to the world’s demands or even to its desperate needs. And I think the key lies in 10 powerful words from John 5:19 that helps him in life to respond to the overwhelming demands he was faced with in ministry. Here are the same words that can also help us in our life as well. “ I only do what the father tells me to do” Did you get that. Are we burdening ourselves with doing stuff God is not asking of us to do? 2 I want to share with you something personal, I have had two court appearances in front of a judge. Both of them were basically the same thing. I haven’t got time to go into the detail, but I share with you this much. The first incident occurred when I was coming back form Clyde dam on a Friday, was in a rush to get home fast as, and Carmen and I had just started going out, and I wanted to get back to Dunedin so I could see her, (So its her fault really). Any way I was stuck behind a car who was going as slow as a 3 legged cow with a blind fold on. So I decided to pass him on the gravel road, in what I can only class as such a well-orchestrated beautiful manavouring of driving that would have made Possum Bourne the rally car driver proud. I passed him sideways at a great rate of knots that had my knuckles showing a new shade of white on them as I clutched the steering wheel with vice like grip, holding on for dear life. The cop was hailed down by this motorist whom I had passed sideways. When he gave chase to me and finally caught up with my wanna be boy racer coupe car, with my non worked motor, standard carbs, and factory wheels, the cop and I then shared a brief moment with the same cheeky smile from ear to ear as wide as Texas. The cop repeated the words to me, that had been relayed to him, from this guy, “he was going like the clappers, spraying stones everywhere.” After the cop and I finished laughing, we both knew that there was a consequence for my rally driving, as good as it was, well in my head anyway. Heres the thing. What caused me to slow down in latter life? Getting older and losing that edge of pushing the envelope, failing eyesight, as need glasses now. a family station wagon, as its not cool to rally drive in that is it? Maybe its because I’m Presbyterian now, and we do things decently, and in order. What will it take in your life to slow you down, and spend time with the Lord? Sickness, death of a loved one, financial hardship, a broken relationship. We reject God more than we recognise sometimes. But know this, God may be relegated to the backblocks in our lives, but that’s not where he wants to be. 3 We may reject him to the back blocks, but he never rejects us. Why do we treat the one who formed us from dirt, treat him like dirt, why do we do that? I think he deserves more than that. What does the world demand of us? Do more, But our Father whispers “ Be still and know that I am God. take work home, But our Father whispers “Be still and know that I am God. Work the weekends, But our Father whispers “Be still and know that I am God. go visit that factory on your holiday, But our Father whispers “Be still and know that I am God. take your cell phone with you, so we can contact you if there is a problem) But our Father whispers “Be still and know that I am God.” Jesus had a lot of people demanding his time, and his healing. He kept the main thing the main thing, and only did what his father told him to do. There’s a lot of ministry that needs done, and demands of us, our time, and money. Before we try to do it all, maybe we should ask the question, what is it Father God you are asking me to do? When we put work before worship, it’s like we are placing the cart before the horse. The horse (Worship) has to come first. Otherwise the load is too much to bear. And we can break under pressure. God provides the horsepower that we need to pull the load. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 4 Is this not the rest we desire? Why are we not getting this point? Jesus is inviting us to soak ourselves in His presence, to hear our Father God’s voice and discern His will for us. As a sparky we would wire up motors and there would be a contactor and an overload that would monitor what the motor is doing and it was a protection device, to protect the motor from burn out. The overload would be set at a certain current value and often at this place I worked at, the workers would change this setting to a higher value. End result, burn out for the motor. There would be warning signs for overload, fault indicator lights would come on. Extra heat around the motor, and contactor and overload. Often the workers would ignore all this and keep resetting the overload until the motor stopped completely and then they would call me to fix it. There are warning signs for a Martha type overload. Here are some things that can cause a Martha type burnout. 1. There should be no limits to what I can do. (Lets ramp that overload setting off the scale.) 2. I have the capacity to help everyone. 3. I am the only available person to help. 4. I must never make a mistake, and it has to be absolutely perfect. 5. I have the ability to change another person. Is what you are doing sustainable. Are you setting yourself up to wear out, and burn out? What things do you need to put in place, so that you can be caring, but without the wearing. Tactics Satan uses. The devil wants to bring destruction in our lives. And one of the ways he does this is by the three deadly d’s of destruction. They are 1. Distraction 2. Discouragement. 5 3. Doubt. Throughout time Satan has used these tactics to bring down God’s best and brightest. Quite effective really, and simple in execution. Get people to take their eyes off God and get them to focus on their circumstances, and watch them derail. (Satan got my focus on other electricians not helping me at ET church) Or let them hear about what someone else is doing and that they are going well in their ministry and then tell them that your not going well in yours and you should be as good as them or better. (Satan uses this one on me with my preaching) When they are deeply discouraged, heres the cruncher, to really put the boot in. tell them that God doesn’t care about what they are doing and that he doesn’t care about them. Then put your feet up sit back and watch them unravel like a piece of wool on a jersey when it gets caught on a barbed wire fence. Watch what happens and see the seeds of doubt, discouragement and distraction yield a poor crop. The devils cunning in his implementation of the deadly d’s that will sooner or later see people destroy themselves. 3 ways to combat discouragement. 1. Allow for some well placed rest stops. Discouragement is often our body’s way of saying stop, I need some rest. Try going to bed earlier. Often things look different with a fresh set of eyes the next day. 2. Take a few steps back and ask God to show you his perspective of the situation. Often what seems to be an impassable mountain in our eyes is just a stepping stone in his. 3. Have patience. It can be real easy to get discouraged when things do not go the way we planned. Often Gods plans are revealing themselves. 6 Jesus in her home. Jesus was teaching in her own home, and she didn’t hear a word. Martha opened up her home to Jesus, and that doesn’t necessarily mean her heart was open. In her eagerness to serve Jesus, she almost missed the opportunity to know Jesus. I want us to get real here, and ask ourselves this question. In our eagerness to serve Jesus are we missing the opportunity to know him? What Mary wanted. Mary had gone from serving Jesus, to then making demands of him. Mary’s solution was that Jesus was to tell Mary to help her. Jesus understood Mary’s complaint, and he gave her what she needed, not what she wanted. Jesus has always got our best interests at heart. Our god meets our needs, not our wants, there’s a difference, between what is a need and what is a want. Transformation. Martha is transformed by Jesus rebuke and learns that yes there is a time for work, but there is also a time to worship. The Martha we see latter on in the Gospels is no longer frantic and resentful, but full of trust and faith. This kind of faith and trust only comes from sitting at the feet of Jesus. 7 Martha. She was a bit of a worrier. Someone once said that worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere. Here’s some statistics about when what we sit on our rocking chair, what we are worrying about. 40% are about things that will never happen 30% are about the past which can’t be changed 12% are about criticism by others, mostly is untrue. 8% ARE ABOUT REAL PROBLEMS THAT CAN BE SOLVED. No wonder Jesus warned Martha about her anxiety. As we press into the presence of the Lord, and still ourselves, what can bubble to the surface are our inadequacies, our sin His light begins to shine into our lives and then we want to remove ourselves from the light as it makes us feel uncomfortable, and so unconsciously we flee from his presences and we can then overload ourselves with busyness, especially church stuff, so we don’t have to feel uncomfortable in his presence. If you are having a problem staying at the feet of Jesus, maybe you need to ask him this question. Lord by your Holy Spirit reveals to me what is stopping me from being in your presence. (Ask the Lord, and then see if anyone got an answer, they don’t need to tell us) Martha fault was not that she served. He fault was simply this, was that she swamped herself with so much serving, she forgot to just, be, with Jesus. Jesus wants us to find that freedom that we can only get through him. Heres a simple truth we can live by: I cannot do everything, but I can do one thing. I cannot meet every need, 8 but I can respond in obedience to the need the Spirit lays on my heart. I cannot carry every load, but I can carry the load God has for me. For his yoke, indeed is easy, and his burden is truly light. Pit stop, time to check our motives. Are we doing the work of Christ with the heart of Christ? 1. Am I serving to impress anyone? 2. Am I serving to receive external rewards? 3. Is my service affected by moods and whims, my own as well as others? 4. Am I using this service to feel good about myself? 5. Am I using my service to muffle Gods voice demanding I change? Conclusion. The place Mary found at the feet of Jesus is the same place available to you and me. It’s a place where we can be comfortable, where we can kick off our shoes and let down our hair. It’s a place of transparency and vulnerability, a place where we are completely known, yet completely loved. It is truly a place, called home. Jesus not only wants to be at home in us, he also wants us to make our home in him. Jesus has no interest in being your weekend getaway, or a Sunday bungalow. He wants to be your home, and at home in us. He doesn’t want us to be like the Israelites in Isaiah who instead of making God their dwelling place, they insisted on a more independent living arrangement. Amen