The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Vocabulary—Act II Words are listed in the order in which they appear in the play. FOR ACT TWO quiz date:_______________________________ WORD DEFINITION SENTENCE ACT TWO words (in alphabetical order): appertain, augmented, augurers, chide, dank, emulation, imminent, insurrection, prevail, prodigies, visage 1. augmented (v.) added to or increased in size 2. insurrection (n.) rebellion; mutiny 3. visage (n.) appearance; face; facial expression 4. chide (v.) to scold or punish 5. prodigies (n.) extraordinary or meaningful events “Fashion it thus: That what [Caesar] is, ______________________,/Would run to these and these extremities” (II.i.). “…and the state of a man,/Like to a little kingdom, suffers then/The nature of an _____________________________” (II.i.). “…O, then by day/Where wilt thou find a cavern dark enough/To mask thy monstrous _______________________?...” (II.i.) “And let our hearts, as subtle masters do, /Stir up their servants to an act of rage,/And after seem to _______________________ ‘em…” (II.i.). 6. 7. augurers dank (n.) in ancient Rome people whose job it was to interpret omens and predict future events (adj.) disagreeably moist “It may be these apparent ________________________,/The unaccustomed terror of this night,/And the persuasion of [Caesar’s] augurers,/May hold him from the Capitol today” (II.i.). “It may be these apparent prodigies,/The unaccustomed terror of this night,/And the persuasion of [Caesar’s] ____________________,/May hold him from the Capitol today” (II.i.). “…And is it physical/To walk unbraced and suck up the humors/Of the ___________________ morning?...” (II.i.). 8. 9. prevail appertain 10. imminent 11. emulation (v.) to win; to prove stronger or more in control (v.) to relate to or belong (adj.) about to occur; impending (n.) imitation; drive to equal or excel beyond others “Let me upon my knee ____________________ in this [situation]” (II.ii.). “I should not need, if you were gentle Brutus./Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus,/Is it excepted I should know no secrets/That ____________________ to you?” (II.i.). “And these does [Calpurnia] apply for warnings and portents/And evils ___________________...” (II.ii.). “My heart laments that virtue cannot live/Out of the teeth of _____________________” (II.iii.). The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Vocabulary—Act III Words are listed in the order in which they appear in the play. FOR ACT THREE quiz date:_______________________________ WORD DEFINITION SENTENCE ACT THREE words (in alphabetical order): appeased, apprehensive, banished, censure, compel, confounded, dint, enfranchisement, extenuated, interred 1. banished (adj.) sent away “Is there no voice more worthy than my own/To sound more sweetly in great Caesar’s ear/For the repealing of my ______________________ brother?” (III.i.). 2. apprehensive (adj.) fearful “And men are flesh and blood, and _________________________” (III.i.). 3. enfranchisement 4. confounded 5. appeased (n.) the end of slavery; the right to vote (adj.) confused; overwhelmed “Some to the common pulpits [to] cry out,/ ‘Liberty, freedom, and ________________________!’ “(III.i.). “Where’s Publius?/Here, quite _______________________ with this mutiny” (III.i.). 6. (v.) soothed or pacified, especially by others’ giving in censure “Only be patient till we have _______________________ /the multitude, beside themselves with fear” (III.i.). (v.) judge; criticize “…______________________ me in your wisdom, and awake your/senses, that you may the better judge…” (III.ii.). 7. 8. extenuated interred (v.) reduced; lessened (v.) buried “…The question of [Caesar’s]/death in enrolled in the Capitol; his glory not ____________________,/ wherein he was worth; nor his offenses enforced, for/which he suffered death” (III.ii.). “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him./The evil that men do lives after them,/The good is oft _________________________ with their bones” (III.ii.). 9. compel (v.) to force (Antony to the plebians) “You will _____________________ me then to read the will?” (III.ii.). 10. dint (n.) impact “O now you weep, and I perceive you feel/The ___________________ of pity. These are gracious drops” (III.ii.). ACT THREE ALLUSIONS (in order of appearance in the play) 1. Olympus mountain in Greece thought to be the home of the gods (III.i.) 4. Lepidus 2. Ate 3. drachma Greek goddess of discord and vengeance (III.i.) ancient Greek silver coin (III.ii.) a supporter of Caesar who was not in Rome when Caesar was assassinated who became one of the Triumverate (along with Antony and Octavius) after Caesar’s death (III.ii.) 5. triumvirate a ruling body of three people