MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE PORTH RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION HELD ON WEDNESDAY 30 JANUARY 2013 AT THE WINDWARD HOTEL PRESENT: Jean Smith (Chair), Ann Drackford, Carl Leadbetter, Tony Cunliffe, Roy Major (Treas.), Judy Eades, Michael Gardiner, Win & Pat Evans (Minutes) APOLOGIES were received from Cllr John Fitter and Cllr Harry Heywood (both at other meetings) and from Darral Mares (because of change of shifts). POLICE REPORT Migrant workers at Trevelgue until mid-March – 4 gang masters and approx. 300 workers, mainly Polish and Lithuanian, Campsite check on workers and vehicles on 29 January by police – some insurances needed. Generally nothing of great concern – just a few shoplifting and disorder incidents reported. BOARDMASTERS As per the newspaper report in the Newquay Voice and Cornish Guardian re the noise, a caution was given, also concern over number of campers. The Boardmasters will now finish on Sunday – a day longer. The final concert to be held at Watergate because Fistral is objecting on noise levels. Expected numbers – daily 17,500 festival goers and 12,000 campers in 6,000 tents. PRA were not pleased at the extensions but understand about bringing it in line with other festivals. Should we ask for a contribution for funds? Road crossing from the promenade to camping site – much needed with increase of possible walkers. Cost £15,000 – JF is contacting the necessary people. PORTH PROMENADE JS forwarded e-mail from Alan Jeffries – still waiting to hear from Environment Agency and County Council re match funding. PRA presentation to the Town Council resulted in a grant of £10,000 with a further £10,000 when work commences. We need a letter to confirm this grant. We discussed having a ‘Promenade’ bank account. We still need to ask Treviglas College for their £1,000. Could we get the Council to put our grant into an Escrow Account? There are more properties being built at Watergate which could yield more ‘106’ money. PORTH BEACH There was a discussion on the condtion of the beach at Porth as a lot of sand had moved due to the high tides and wind. RM and JS had been in touch with the Cornish Guardian reporter about the issues on the beach – all knock on effects from the fact that the Council does not have the money to push back the sand every Spring. On the Beach Road side it should be possible to park 80 cars there if the beach is properly maintained. CL suggested that perhaps Mr. Cowling would be prepared to grade the beach each Spring. Beaches are a money making facility so should be well maintained. One day’s good parking on the beach could pay for any necessary grading. WHIPSIDERRY STEPS RM has reported the dangerous state of the steps to David Atwell. A recent landslide has resulted in the closusre of all that area to the public for possibly 3 months. CARNIVAL Saturday July 6th to Sunday July 13th, the last day to be Carnival Day. Floats to start by the Hotel Bristol area and then go through town to the Killacourt. The PRA have been asked if they would like to take part. Several activities were mentioned – a float; beach day; guided walk on Porth Island; junior assault course; a musical event on the promenade. NEWQUAY PUBLIC BENCHES There have been several complaints about the need to have the painted benches repaired. Newquay ‘Clean and Tidy’ group are planning to arrange to carry out the work voluntarily using paint supplied by Cormac. The PRA have been asked to list all the benches in their area. MG and JE agreed to count the number of benches. LEWARNE RD WILDLIFE GARDEN We have received a framed certificate. COMMUNITY CHEST We need to ask our Councillors if they have any more money to spend. TREVELGUE There are gong to be licensing reviews shortly. JF wanted to know our views on a change from a 2 am to 4 am closing. The extended time may cut down the number of buses. Eileen Hoskin said that a fence had been erected between Trevelgue and Smugglers Den. WEBSITE RM hopes it will be up and running by Easter. ANY OTHER BUSINESS RM referred to buses taking a short cut through Well Way – an unofficial route. CL said we must remember to sign off previous Minutes and have Agendas each time. Liz Howarth has resigned. We welcome Judy Eades and Michael Gardiner on to our committee. The meeting closed at 9 pm.