REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DOCUMENT No. PHC-14-03 March 2014 THE PETERBOROUGH HOUSING CORPORATION IS SEEKING A CONSULTANT TO UNDERTAKE A SALARY REVIEW FOR ITS NON-UNION MANAGEMENT GROUP. CLOSING DATE: April 25, 2014 before 3:00 pm SUBMITTED BY: ______________________________ (Insert Company Name) SUBMIT TO: Peterborough Housing Corporation 526 McDonnel Street Peterborough ON K9H 0A6 Attention: Darlene Cook, CEO Potential consultants must provide contact information to the Peterborough Housing Corporation, Attention: or in order to be placed on the Distribution List and to be advised of any addenda or further information that is issued. PHC-14-03 1.0 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review INTRODUCTION The Peterborough Housing Corporation updated the non-union management job descriptions in 2009. There has not been a compensation review since 2002. Salaries have increased using the same annual factor as our bargaining unit. Positions include the Chief Executive Officer, Senior Property Manager, Manager of Finance and Administration, Property Manager, Building Resource Manager, Centralized Waiting List Manager and Project Manager, as well as the Executive Assistant and Finance Coordinator. Purpose of the RFP The Peterborough Housing Corporation is seeking a proponent to undertake a salary review for its non-union management group. See Section 7.0 for detailed expectations. For the purposes of this RFP, the successful Proponent shall be referred to as the “Consultant”. 1.2 Appendices The Appendices listed below are included in this RFP. They are to be completed and submitted as part of the Proposal: Appendix A - Acknowledgements Appendix B - Pricing Appendix C - References 2.0 CLOSING TIME Sealed Proposals are to be submitted to the Peterborough Housing Corporation office, 526 McDonnel Street, Peterborough, Ontario, before April 25, 2014 at 3:00 pm (the “Closing”). The time registered on the Peterborough Housing Corporation office digital phone system will be considered the official time of day when determining exact time of submission. Proposals received after the Closing will not be accepted and will be returned to the Proponent unopened. 3.0 PROPOSAL OPENING AND RESULTS All Proposals received on time will be opened and reviewed by the Peterborough Housing Corporation, in private on or before April 30, 2014. Only the successful Proponent will be notified of the Proposal results. Page 2 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review 4.0 THE PETERBOROUGH HOUSING CORPORATION CONTACT 4.1 Contacts Proponents may only contact Darlene Cook or Sondra Fitzgerald , in writing by email only at or, with questions related to the proposal process, detailed specifications, or the nature of the services requested in this RFP. As agreed by the Peterborough Housing Corporation, no individual other than the official contact person identified in the RFP, shall discuss any aspect of the RFP process with a prospective Proponent from the time the RFP is issued until such time as an award decision has been made. Proponents are cautioned, therefore, to deal exclusively with the designated contact person referenced in this Section. 4.2 Errors, Omissions and Questions The Peterborough Housing Corporation shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions in any part in this RFP. Proponents with questions related to this RFP, finding errors in, or omissions from the document, or having any doubt as to the meaning or intent of any part of this RFP, must contact the contact person listed in Section 4.1, before 12:00 NOON on April 17, 2014, to allow time to respond or to prepare and distribute an addendum as necessary, and to allow time for Proponents to receive and process the new information. There will be no consideration of any claim after submission of the Proposal, that there is a misunderstanding with respect to the conditions imposed by the RFP. 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS TO PROPONENTS 5.1 Proposal Deposit Not applicable to this RFP. 5.2 Addenda It may be necessary for a variety of reasons to issue addenda that may include, but not be limited to: a. b. c. d. Correction to, or clarification of, the RFP; Extension of the Closing date; Retraction or cancellation of the RFP; or Response to Proponent’s questions. Proponents must provide the Peterborough Housing Corporation with company information, including contact name, contact title, mailing address, email address, phone Page 3 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review and fax number, to be advised of addenda when issued or further information, and to be placed on the Distribution List. Information should be provided to or All addenda issued to potential proponents who have provided contact information will include a covering letter asking the recipient to confirm receipt of the most recent addendum and any previous addenda. Addenda will be EMAILED only to the email address identified by the Proponent. Although the Peterborough Housing Corporation will make every reasonable effort to ensure a Proponent receives all addenda issued, it is the Proponent’s ultimate responsibility to ensure all addenda have been received and are reflected in their Proposal. 5.3 Proposal Submission 5.3.1 The Proposal shall be typed or written in ink. It shall contain original signatures where required and shall clearly be marked “ORIGINAL”. It shall include: a. b. Cover page ONLY of all addenda that have been issued (Item 5.2); and All requirements, as set out in Section 7.0 “To Include in Proposal”. 5.3.2 The Proponent shall also submit two (2) copies of all requirements, as set out in Section 7.0. 5.3.3 Offers made in the Proposal will be considered by the Peterborough Housing Corporation to be binding and irrevocable and shall remain open for acceptance by the Committee for a period of sixty (60) days from the Proposal Closing. 5.3.4 A Proposal shall be accepted only when submitted in an envelope sealed and clearly addressed to the Peterborough Housing Corporation, 526 McDonnel Street, Office Suite, Peterborough, Ontario and marked “PHC-14-03 – Request for Proposal” and include the name and address of the Proponent. 5.3.5 Faxed or emailed Proposals will not be accepted. 5.3.6 Proponents are cautioned not to send Proposals collect by courier or with insufficient postage. Charges related to Proposals determined to be “COLLECT” by courier, or with insufficient postage, will be declined at the destination. 5.4 Adjustments to Proposal Adjustments to a submitted Proposal by telephone, email, mail or fax shall not be considered. 5.4.1 Request to Adjust a Proposal before Closing Page 4 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review A Proponent who has already submitted a Proposal may make a request to adjust their Proposal before the Closing time. In order to make the adjustment, the already submitted Proposal may: a. b. Be returned to the Proponent for adjustment and re-submission before the Closing time; or Be superseded by the Proponent making another submission before the Closing time. The Proposal contained in the envelope bearing the latest date and time shall be considered the intended Proposal and any others shall be considered withdrawn and will be returned to the Proponent. Authenticity of the request may be confirmed by the Peterborough Housing Corporation. 5.4.2 Request to Withdraw a Proposal before Closing A Proponent who has already submitted a Proposal may request that their Proposal be withdrawn before the Closing time. The request must be provided in writing, on Company letterhead and include contact information for verification. Authenticity of the request may be confirmed by the Peterborough Housing Corporation. Proposals withdrawn under this procedure cannot be reinstated. 5.4.3 Request to Withdraw a Proposal during Proposal Opening No request for withdrawal of a Proposal shall be permitted during the Proposal opening or review process. 5.5 Insurance 5.5.1 General Liability Insurance The Proponent shall procure and maintain Comprehensive General Liability Insurance, which shall: a. b. Have a limit of liability of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) inclusive for any one occurrence; and Contain a cross-liability clause. The insurance company must be satisfactory to the Peterborough Housing Corporation. The Proponent shall pay for all premiums and expense incurred with the insurances. Should any claims arise, the Proponent shall be financially responsible for paying for any amount(s) up to and including the deductible amount under the Policy. Page 5 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review 5.5.2 Professional Indemnity Insurance (Errors and Omissions) The Proponent shall maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000). 5.5.3 Proof of Insurance The Proponent shall provide proof of insurance, as required in Items 5.5.1 and 5.5.2, with their Proposal. In the event that satisfactory proof of insurance cannot be provided, a letter from the Proponent’s insurance company confirming that the Proponent will be able to obtain the required insurance, if they are the awarded Contract, will suffice. 5.5.4 Certificate of Insurance Prior to the start of the Work, the Proponent shall file with the Peterborough Housing Corporation, within ten (10) business days of notification of award, a Certificate of Insurance, providing the insurance coverage in compliance with the requirements as outlined in Items 5.5.1, 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 (if applicable). If the Proponent does not provide the Certificate of Insurance as herein requested, the Contract will be terminated and will be awarded to the next qualified Proponent. 5.5.5 Change in Coverage If the Peterborough Housing Corporation requests to have the amount of coverage provided by these policies increased, or to obtain other special insurance for this project, the Proponent shall endeavour forthwith to obtain such increased or special insurance at the Owner’s expense as a disbursement, such increase to be added to the upset cost of the Project. It is understood and agreed that the coverage provided by these policies will not be changed or amended in any way nor cancelled by the Proponent until thirty (30) days after written notice of such change or cancellation has been personally delivered to the Peterborough Housing Corporation’s primary contact as described herein. 6.0 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 6.1 Freedom of Information If a Proponent considers any part of the Proposal proprietary, the Proponent shall clearly mark such page or section of the Proposal as confidential. The Proponent acknowledges that marking any page or section as “confidential” does not automatically protect that portion of the Proposal. 6.2 Accept/Reject Page 6 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review The Peterborough Housing Corporation may accept a Proposal in whole or in part, whether the submitted price is the lowest or not, and may reject any or all Proposals. There is no requirement of this RFP, implied or otherwise, that the submission representing the lowest price would be selected or preferred. The RFP process is used as a means of evaluating a number of criteria (one of which is submitted price). It is the intent of the Peterborough Housing Corporation to recommend one (1) Proponent. In the event that a favourable Proposal does not exactly meet with the Peterborough Housing Corporation’s requirements, the Peterborough Housing Corporation reserves the right to enter into negotiations with the Proponent(s) to arrive at a mutually satisfactory arrangement with respect to any modifications to the Proposal. Revised Proposals will not be called for if only minor changes are contemplated. 6.3 Causes for Rejection 6.3.1 The following will result in a Proposal being rejected: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Proposal received late (will not be opened); Correct version of Proposal form not used; Proposal not complete; Proposal not legible in whole or in part; Proposal not completed in ink or type; Proposal not signed; Erasures, alterations or cross-outs not initialed in ink by the Proponent; and Other mandatory forms or details required and clearly shown in the RFP as being required in the Proposal are omitted. 6.3.2 The following represent examples of circumstances where a Proposal is questioned but may be accepted after examination or correction: a. b. 6.4 Proposal containing simple arithmetic errors as determined during the evaluation process; or Proposal not acknowledging correct number of addenda issued. Pricing and Taxes The Proposal amount shall be stated in Canadian dollars and shall include all applicable excise taxes, customs, freight, exchange and all other charges. HST shall be extra and identified separately. The Proponent must complete Appendix B, including providing their Business Number or, indicating if operating as a “Small Trader” with the federal government. Page 7 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review This offer will remain open to acceptance until the Contract is awarded to the Proponent for the said Work or until sixty (60) days after the said Proposal Closing, whichever event occurs first, and that the Peterborough Housing Corporation may at any time within that period, without notice, accept this Proposal whether any other Proposal has been previously accepted or not. Peterborough Housing Corporation is not responsible for costs incurred as a result of not understanding the statements in this RFP. It is the Proponent’s responsibility to seek clarification if unsure of what is expected. 6.5 Terms of Payment Invoices will be paid net thirty (30) days from date of invoice and/or verification that goods/services listed have been provided to the satisfaction of the Peterborough Housing Corporation. 6.6 Method of Payment The Peterborough Housing Corporation’s preferred method for payment of invoices is via cheque. 6.7 Rejection of Proposal when the Peterborough Housing Corporation /Proponent Relationship Impaired The Owner may reject a Proposal from a Proponent where, in its opinion the commercial relationship between members of the Peterborough Housing Corporation and the Proponent has been impaired by the act(s) or omission(s) of the Proponent within the five (5) year period immediately preceding the date on which the Proposal is to be awarded. The act(s) or omission(s) include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. Page 8 of 16 Threatening litigation or pursuing litigation of any of the corporations the volunteer Peterborough Housing Corporation members work for, in relation to previous contracts awarded to the Proponent or a person against whom any member of the Peterborough Housing Corporation is pursuing litigation. Threatening litigation means transmitting a written threat to commence a judicial proceeding; The Proponent has refused to follow reasonable directions of the Peterborough Housing Corporation or to cure a default under any agreement or contract with the Peterborough Housing Corporation; The Proponent refuses to enter into any agreement or contract with the Peterborough Housing Corporation after the Proponent’s Proposal has been accepted by the Peterborough Housing Corporation; The Proponent has communicated, directly or indirectly, with any other Proponent about the preparation of the Proponent’s Proposal for the same Work; The Proponent or any person with whom that Proponent is not at arm’s length within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) as amended, has been convicted of an offence under any taxation statute in Canada; PHC-14-03 f. g. h. i. 6.8 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review The Proponent has been convicted under the Criminal Code or other legislation; The Proponent has been convicted under any environmental legislation; The Proponent has been convicted relating to product liability or occupational health or safety; or The Proponent has been convicted under the financial securities legislation. Rights of the Peterborough Housing Corporation The Peterborough Housing Corporation reserves the right to communicate with one (1) or more Proponents following the Proposal Closing to clarify elements of their submission. The Peterborough Housing Corporation will retain the right to ensure that an acceptable standard of use, service and operation is maintained for the Work outlined in this RFP. 6.9 Indemnification The Proponent shall indemnify and save harmless members of The Peterborough Housing Corporation, their volunteers, staff and Board of Directors; and any of the financial contributors and funders, from and against all claims, actions, losses, expenses, costs or damages of every nature and kind whatsoever which any of these individuals may suffer, to the extent the Proponent is legally liable as a result of the negligent acts of the Proponent, their employees, officers or agents in the performance of this Contract. 6.10 Confidentiality The Proponent recognizes that they may, by the nature of the services being provided for the Peterborough Housing Corporation have access to confidential information. It is understood and agreed that the Proponent, their employees, agents, representatives and officers (the “Proponent”), shall hold all information, whether confidential or not, in the strictest confidence. The Proponent shall not disclose, nor permit by any act or failure to act, the disclosure of any information to any third party at any time during or after the term of their Contract with the Owner. Nor will the Proponent use any information however obtained as a result of performing duties for the Peterborough Housing Corporation, for their own commercial, financial or personal advantage. The Proponent also acknowledges that they may be held both criminally and civilly responsible for any breach of confidentiality. It is hereby agreed that the following information is not considered to be confidential under this Contract: a. b. c. d. e. Page 9 of 16 Information already in the public domain; Information disclosed to the Proponent by a third party who is not under a confidentiality obligation; Information developed by or in the custody of the Proponent before entering into this Contract; Information developed by the Proponent through their work with other clients; and Information required to be disclosed by law or regulation, including, but not limited to, subpoena, court order or administrative order. PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review 6.11 Costs Incurred The Peterborough Housing Corporation shall not, under any circumstances, be responsible for any costs incurred by the Proponent in the preparation of the Proposal submission, including, but not limited to costs to prepare documentation. 6.12 Conflict of Interest The Proponent covenants that the Work will be undertaken without a conflict of interest and that during the course of the Work, the Proponent shall not undertake any work for any other client, which would result in a conflict of interest, without the prior written consent of the Peterborough Housing Corporation. 6.13 All Proposals Exceed Approved Budget In the event that all Proposals exceed the approved budget, and additional funding is not available, the Peterborough Housing Corporation may opt for one (1) of the following: a. b. c. Approach the preferred Proponent to seek options to change the Scope of Work and obtain a corresponding price change for the reduced Scope; Approach the top three (3) Proponents to seek options to change the Scope of Work and obtain a corresponding price change from each for the reduced Scope; or Advise all Proponents that, the bid solicitation process will be cancelled, and a review of the Scope of Work will be undertaken and that a new bid solicitation may be issued later. 7.0 TO INCLUDE IN PROPOSAL 7.1 Address Evaluation Criteria The Peterborough Housing Corporation is seeking Proposals from Proponents who are both interested and capable of undertaking the Contract. The onus is on the Proponent to show their knowledge, understanding and capacity to conduct the project. The detail and clarity of the written submission will be indicative of the Proponent’s expertise and competence. The requirements outlined in this Section are to be answered in the order that they are listed, and in a clear and concise manner. Failure to address any item may cause the Proponent’s submission to be considered incomplete, and therefore be rejected from further consideration. 7.2 Acknowledgements The Proponent shall provide completed Appendix A “Acknowledgements”, including confirmation of the number of addenda received. 7.3 Pricing The Proponent shall provide completed Appendix B “Pricing” that sets out: a. Project Costing; Page 10 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review b. All-inclusive fees – the Proponents shall record their proposed Project fees, as itemized in Appendix B “Pricing” and indicate an amount for disbursements. This Project shall be a Stipulated Price Contract, and accordingly, “All-inclusive fees” shall include the following, and no additional costs shall be paid on the Contract: i. Project Administration overhead ii. Faxes / Long Distance Calls iii. Shipping and Handling iv. Invoicing Costs v. All Incidentals vi. Copies of Reports vii. Cell Phones viii.Computer Charges ix. Printing / Binding x. Meals / Accommodations Proponents are also asked to provide: c. Per Diem and hourly rates for additional Work; d. H.S.T. number (or advise if Small Trader); and e. Any conditions of payment that might apply. 7.4 References The Proponent shall provide completed Appendix C “References”, providing a minimum of three references, identifying the company name, type of business, staff to contact, scope of work provided, year the Work was performed and the cost to complete the Work. 7.5 Company Profile The Proponent shall provide a summary that describes the following: a. Company history and length of time in business; b. Name(s) of firm principal(s) and their qualifications; c. Description of the company's structure, staff resources and workplan regarding provision of services and project timeline 7.6 Staff Qualifications (including sub-proponents) The Proponent shall provide the following information for all staff that the Proponent commits to assigning to Work on this Contract: a. Identification and qualifications of the principal supervisor, with detailed references and resume. This professional must be directly involved with the Work and must assume full responsibility for all deliverables on schedule; c. Identification and qualifications of all team members including sub-proponents, with resumes and references. 7.7 Proponent’s Methodology and Approach to the RFP The Proponent shall provide a summary that covers the following: a. A detailed understanding of the requirements of this assignment; Page 11 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review b. The Proponent’s proposed methodology and approach to completing the various aspects of the RFP, including setting of priorities and time schedule; c. Describe the roles, extent of work responsibilities by the proposed staff; and 7.8 Other Documents a. Cover Page only of all addenda issued with original signatures (Item 5.2); b. One (1) original and the number of copies stated in Item 5.3.2; c. Proof of insurance (see Section 5.5.3); 8.0 EVALUATION AND AWARD 8.1 Evaluation This is an RFP, which shall be awarded based on evaluation of the criteria set out in this section. 8.2 Evaluation Committee The Peterborough Housing Corporation will evaluate Proposals using the Evaluation Criteria in Section 9.4. 8.3 Clarification and References Some scores assigned to the various categories may be determined through reference checks. The Peterborough Housing Corporation may investigate as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the Proponent to perform the Work and the Proponent shall furnish the Peterborough Housing Corporation all such information and data for this purpose as the Peterborough Housing Corporation may request. The Peterborough Housing Corporation reserves the right to reject any Proposal if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of such Proponent, fails to satisfy the Committee that the Proponent is qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract. 8.4 Evaluation Criteria The Evaluation Committee will rank the Proposals based on the following criteria: CRITERIA RATING 1. Presentation and completeness of Proposal (Section 7.0). 10% 2. Qualifications, Experience and References (Sections 7.4 and 7.6). 20% 3. Demonstrated ability to meet the requirements of the RFP including Scope of Work, Methodology and Approach (Section 7.7). 30% Page 12 of 16 PHC-14-03 8.5 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review 6. Price (Appendix B) 8. TOTAL 100% Timeline This timeline reflects the Owner’s intent in issuing, receiving and evaluating Proposals and is subject to change at the Peterborough Housing Corporation’s discretion. Events Issue RFP Proposal Closing Date Anticipated Award Date 8.6 40% Date March 28, 2014 April 25, 2014 May 1, 2014 Evaluation Process The evaluation process shall be undertaken by the Peterborough Housing Corporation. Once a successful proponent has been selected, the Proponent shall be notified verbally, to allow for the compilation of administrative requirements. The award of this RFP shall be based on the recommendations of the Peterborough Housing Corporation to the Owner’s Board of Directors, Personnel Committee. The decision of the committee will be final. The Proponent shall not make any claims for additional costs or expenses due to the delay in, or cancellation of the award of this RFP, due to the approval process. 8.7 Requirements on Acceptance of Award a. Certificate of Insurance (Item 5.5); Page 13 of 16 PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review Appendix A ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that this Proposal is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangements with any other company, firm or person making a Proposal for the same Work and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that all matters stated in the said Proposal are in all respects true. I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that, having read RFP PHC-14-03. I/WE have satisfied ourselves as to the terms, conditions, and specifications and do hereby submit a Proposal for and offer to enter into a Contract with The Peterborough Housing Corporation to undertake a salary review for its non-union management group. I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that ____ addenda have been received for this RFP and are attached to this Proposal, and that I/WE understand that it is the Proponents ultimate responsibility to ensure all addenda issued have been received. I/WE ACKNOWLEDGE that acceptance of this Proposal and the issuance of a Letter of Agreement shall be considered a binding contract upon both parties. If specified at any time by the Peterborough Housing Corporation, it is agreed that the terms and conditions and any representations made in reference to this Proposal shall be incorporated in a Contract to be executed by the parties once the Peterborough Housing Corporation has formally accepted the Proposal. Dated at ___________________ this _____ day of ______________________2014. Firm or Organization Name Signing Authority Street Address Signature City Email Page 14 of 16 Postal Code Telephone and Fax Number PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review Appendix B PRICING 1. Pricing Total Consulting Fee , before Tax $_______________. HST for Project $ 2. Business Number Business Number is __________________________________________ OR Operates as a “Small Trader (Y/N) ______________________________ 3. Authorization for pricing submitted Dated at ____________________ this _________ day of _______2014. Firm or Organization Name Signing Authority Street Address Signature City Email Page 15 of 16 Postal Code Telephone and Fax Number PHC-14-03 Proponent for Non-Union Management Group Salary Review Appendix C REFERENCES Please list a minimum of three (3) references in the last five (5) years. Dates Work was Performed Company Name, Contact Person and Telephone Numbers for Whom Work was Performed Description of Work, Original and Final Contract Price 1. 2. 3. 4. Notes: 1. If insufficient space is provided in this table please provide required information in the same format and attach to this Appendix. 2. PROPONENTS should list references where similar work has been, or is currently being provided. Page 16 of 16