Seas website comparison.
Upgrade all flowcharts to Visio. – start with Math/EE and Math/SSE
Undergrad FAQ
Gk12 site
4/27/10: Create sample program for Double Major ME/SSE per 4/23 email from Hiro
L ook at what Infrared sensors are available and think of how they can be used for UGR Robotic
Sensing projects
Reflections by students from Technion
Technion Reflections/Reports to
Help Dr. Katz pack boxes
Add casters to robot
Help Will fix Power Supply current limit
Faitek Run
Action Items list from meeting
6/15/10: Convert ESE435 manual to Word
Compare old site ( ) to new site for missing content and layout ideas
Review new site for readability/layout/content improvements
Right angle microwave circuit
CMS system for UGR reports o MediaWiki?
Fix Sidebar – make Side Bar and Toolbox only available when logged in.
Play local videos
Permissions to edit? Can anyone become an editor w/o authorization?
Templates – create a template that includes the custom navigation bar to start with at the beginning of the semester.
Figure out how to make a simple photo gallery in the wiki
5/10/10: Convert to HTML:
3/2/10: Convert to html tables:
*(move to its own page)
*(move to its own page)
*(move to its own page)
*(move to its own page) m.pdf
Resize flowcharts
3/2/10: Convert to html:
Create photo gallery for UGR
Fix robot traction issue
Look at other comparable University's web pages for content/ideas to improve our site 5/6/10:
Convert to HTML: o%20Gallery/UGR%20Photo%20Gallery.pdf
Flowcharts i.
Talk with Pat Harkins about mounting motor on dynamo – get a coupling
New Motor from Carter
Remove Fluke multimeter panels and have them machined
Measure the size of 115 Bryan and the size of one station in 14 Urbauer and create schematics like
the ones you made for the Control Systems Lab still in 113 Cupples 2.
Cancelled - Bode Plots in Bryan 306 o Use MAX to make sure 6025E PCI card is dev1 under DAQmx – there might be a driver issue here. o Modify C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI
ELVISmx Source Code\Bode.llb to work on with the PCI card. o Get a SCB-100 and add wire-BNC adapters to AO-0 and AI-0 and AI-1 o Snake the SCSI-II-100 cable through the mouse hole on station 1
Broken equipment in Urb115
Fix temp probe
Repair 0.01 ohm current shunt
Test batteries in current meters
Replace fuses on the left fluke at Bry30614 and Bry30613
Put away stuff on Bryan 308 desk
Test Equipment in Bryan Urb 115
Fix In. Amp. ESE331 board
Bad torque gauge – temp fixed – waiting for dial from mfg.
Spec An in 308 – broken Intensity knob
Build ribbon cables for sbRIO to Pre-Amp connection.
ESE331 uWave o 3 cables for DPST uWave switch
Repair Spec. Analyzers - this looks like a mechanical problem
3/2/10: Convert
to html and add 3 additional testimonials:
( OriginalFiles/StudyAbroad_030210/AllisonDeal_StudyAbroad.docx
OriginalFiles/StudyAbroad_030210/ChelseaRoberts_IMG_3659.jpg mentWebSiteTasks/OriginalFiles/StudyAbroad_030210/JessicaStigile_Study Abroad
Comments.docxOriginalFiles/StudyAbroad_030210/JessicaStigile_Study%20Abroad%20Com ments.docx
3/2/10: Convert ch.pdf
to html and add:
Done (or not):
4/27/10: Create flowchart for Double Major for ME/SSE
3/2/10: Convert to images viewable inside the Content Editor framework o
(already embedded) o
(at bottom) o
g o
jpg o
Will, Daniel
Traction issue on the robots on the carpet
Clean out lockers
*Recount current shunts in Urb. 115 – sent ed link – waiting for them to arrive.
High current output stage for function generators – TI OPA 548 with 1 MHz GBW – waiting on parts and board – need 5/8” drill bit – almost done – just need to test
Mount casters, Pre-Amp, to robots
*Ferrite Cores count –order more but we have order 90 in the past. 36 – still looking for remaining 54.
Drill dual holes for dual bananas on speaker enclosures
*Cut wires for 230 – waiting for me to order more
Configure new robot for Robotic Sensing Training – waiting for last robot
2 Temp Probes in Bry 308
Mount DMMs more securely (nuts?)
Urb. 115 - test equipment
Cable hangars – sent ed link
Test Spectrum Analyzers – fuses?
Finish the Bryan 308 cleanup?
Box up robot
230 inventory o Resistor Boards o Solderless Breadboards - > 16 o Roller Bot – parts are in Bryan 306 – need inventory – waiting for 7/1 to order parts o Light Bulbs – not sure where these are – need 16. o *Op-Amps, wire, uA741’s – need wire o Unwind inductors o *Speakers/Audio Transformers
Urb. 115 – bad fn gen, DMM, Power Supply
Check out 1 bad FnGen in Bryan 306 - labeled
Check fuse inventory
Check out 2 bad 87-V DMMs and 1 bad Fluke DMM in Bryan 306 - labeled
Add 2 new DMMs with Hinges to Bry306-work with Pat to fab a plate.
Fill Solder phials
USRP with Paul Min and Bob Morley o Directional Antenna o Radar example
Barry’s videos
Cabling for DPST uwave switches – waiting for 2 nd switch
Convert VHS to DVD for barry
Order 10 more temp probe stands – sent ed link - ordered
Add 9M resistor to ESE435 – see drawing
Fix 2 instrumentation amps for ese331
Fix solar cell #1
Replace old narrow body SMA connectors with wide body ones
Storage bins 39 drawer of 1: x 3: x 6:
Angle for ½ bracket in Bryan 306
Check Firmware version on the Agilent scopes against current version – urb. 115 and bryan 306
Test equipment in Bryan 316/306 and Urb. 115
Anechoic chamber
Wireless vs. Ethernet tests on sbRIO robots
Check inventory for Drill paint rollers, other rollerbot parts
Fix speaker on desk in bry308
Test AA batteries on desk in bry308 – toss bad ones, put good ones in AA battery drawer
Test bulbs
Fix/Test Instrumentation Amps from ESE331
Clean up Bryan 306
Tighten set screw on P/S in Urb. 115
3 bad motors in Bryan 306
Repair Thermoelectric fixtures (replace FETs) – IRFP640 – waiting to test
ESE331 o Matlab calculations for Barry
Metal shields for robots
Reconfigure RMA robots – test motors
JEE Schhep
Under cabinet wiring in Bryan 316
Fix 2 solar cells for Tuesday, 2/1
Missing 3 Fluke Handhelds
Test Equipment in Bryan 306/316/ Urb 115
Transcribe Videos
Roller Bot parts inventory – almost done.
1 of the robots are missing the AIGnd connection.
Caster wheel for robot
Secure DMMs in Bryan 306
Port PSpice tutorials to Cadence.
Cut more 5” wires for ESE230
Clean up 308
Fix 2 decade boxes in Bryan 308
Organize ESE230 equipment with labels using lab manual
Fix 2 47 mH inductors
Mount brackets on antennas
Reset current limit to 400 mA on power supplies in Bryan 306
Current limit on right side not working on p/s
ESE331 o Clear a shelf in Bryan 308 for ESE331 uWave stuff. o Build hybrid and right angle circuits o Drill 6 boards and Plexiglas - Assemble o Mount 5 SMA connectors on each board o
Swap Bryan 306 HP DMMs with Fluke DMMs in Urb. 115 and mount all DMMs to rack
Current Limit on Power Supplies in Bryan 306
Clean up computer cabinets so that wiring is neat and doors will always close.
Test Spec. An in Bry308
Bry306 replacements/Feitek run
Fix resistor for ESE230 – just 1 left
Benchmark LabVIEW 2009
Unwind inductors for ESE230
Repair 4 bad solar cells
Troubleshoot Wireless
Re-Organize cables in Bryan 306/316.
Wind solder into small containers
Cut breadboards into 3 and drill on CNC for ESE230 robots
Repair Wattmeter
Fix Temp Probes (4) – calibrating 4/8/10
Cable up sbRIO robots for wireless and uPhone preamp
Noisy scope on station Bry306-1 6 channel 2 – can you check it out? Might be a probe – come get me if you need help.
Empty Bryan 105,115,311
Sam, Jessi
Code: o Current o Pending o Not feasible o No formatting – waiting for faculty input
FlowCharts: o BSASEE/BSME – waiting for comments from Hiro –
8/12 o BSEE/ME from Eitan – Hiro made changes and added the colors o BSEE/BME – 4 year program – flowchart/spreadsheet
Replace or keep 5 year program
Waiting for Hiro approval
Waiting for Spreadsheet o EE
BSEE/BSAS SSE – incorporate Hiro’s 8/15 comments o Math
BA Applied Math with second degree in EE – waiting for program – needs 150 credits so unlikely
BA Applied Math with second degree in SSE – waiting for program – needs 150 credits so unlikely
BSSSE with second major in Applied Math – waiting for program o Add the new requirement to all flowcharts:
E60 4501 – Engineering Ethics and Sustainability will be required for the BSEE and BSSSE starting now.
Hence, you need to revise every page where either one is featured.
Port all old flowcharts to new format
Change “SS or TH Requirements” to “H and SS
Requirements” on all flowcharts
Done o BSASEE/BME o BA Applied Math with second major in Electrical
Science o Changes to BSEE/BSSSE from Hiro 7/27 o SSE/BME o BSSSE/BSChemE revisions from Hiro – 7/15 o
Post UGR reports – see old email for details
BSAS (SSE) revision
Minor in SSE
Fix Zaborsky Lecture series o Separate page for each lecturer o Link to separate page with on Zaborsky page with Name and Year and affiliation
Generate slide for signage for ESE488
Generate slide for signage for Alex and EvanAdd HomeFlash/Signage for all UGR projects
Add HomeFlash/Signage/NewsItems for Michael, Alex and Andrew
Hoover quote to Signage/HomeFlash
Fix up Internation Experience slideshows
to a HTML table.
Merge 2 slideshows for International Experience and UGR
Check for formatting errors using google
Staff Page
Compare ESE web site with other web sties
More slideshows
3 UGR videos-Andrew, Evan, Rafael and Zach
Post to Esesignage1Hasting exams
Create animated gif for Undergraduate Programs and Undergraduate Research.
Copy 10 good photos of undergraduates from the ESE Photo Library to v:\UndergraduatePrograms\UndergraduateProgramsSlideshow. You can find all of our photos at:
Crop all of these photos to 4”x4” at 75 dpi (see section 7 of tutorial)
Create an animated gif of these 10 photos (see section 8 of tutorial)
Change the link on
to point to this image.
Repeat with 10 UGR photos for the photo on
Web doc for B.S./M.S. program for M. Eng.
SP21010 UGR/Senior Design posting
o BSSSE/ChemE changes o Biology:
**BA in Biology with second major in Systems
Science – almost done o Physics
**BA in Physics with second major in Electrical
Science* - almost done o BSEE/BSCoE changes o BSEE/Applied Math changes o BSEE/BSCS changes – see recent changes from Hiro. o BSEE changes – flowchart and spreadsheet o Changes to BSSSE flowchart and Spreadsheet o Changes to 2 nd Major in SS – done, needs to be o posted
BSSSE with Emphasis in Biological Systems
BSEE/BSSSE (in 4 years)
BSEE – 2 nd Major Math,
B.A. Math with 2 nd Major in Systems Science
– flowchart and spreadsheet.
BSEE – PreMed o Rejects o Biology
***BA in Biology with second major in Electrical
***BSSSE with Double Major in Biology
***BSEE with Double Major in Biology
*Waiting for faculty input
**Top Priority
***Hiro said we might not need these.
Fix motors for ESE230
Test bulbs
Switch out scope 2 – send out for repair
Re-drill speaker chassis for ESE230 for easy vertical dual banana plug in
Drill out all paint rollers – use wooden jig and sample roller
Check motors for ESE230
Fix/Test light bulbs on desk in bry308
Fix BSEE flowchart Year 4/Spring Free Electives changes from 3 to 5 (4-5-12)
BSSSE/BSME o almost done with spreadsheet. o waiting for Hiro – 2/2 request for approval o resent 3/8 – changes base o 4/3 Hiro’s changes sent – Cammi is working on them.
BSSSE and Operations and Supply Chain Management – input from Katherine Stammer – waiting for approval from Hiro – sent 3/8 – received from Hiro 4/6. Sent to Cammi on 4/9.
BSEE/BSSSE changes – waiting for Hiro approval – sent 3/8
BSEE/BSBME/BSASBME changes – input from Jenny Liu
SSM/Physics (Philip Thomas)
Electrical Science to Electrical Engineering Science on 2 flowcharts and spreadsheets.
BSSSE/Finance – input from Nongchao Li
Red Borders
BSSSE/Marketing – input from Matt Greeling
SS/Business (Danielle Hoover) – working on class list and flowchart
SS/Entrepreneurship (Miquel Ferrandiz) – waiting for input from student
SSE/Applied Math (Sylvia Wang) – student left dept so Cammi is figuring it out herself.
Add disclaimer to all flowcharts. – working on this – 4 done:
Updated to Fall 2012 requirements. We make every effort to make sure these sample programs are correct but you should always verify that all requirements are met with your academic advisor.
Jpgs look grainy out of Visio