A Framework for Understanding the Causes of Racial Inequalities in 21st Century America DISPARATE OUTCOMES DISPARATE OUTCOMES Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. 2006. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr2/slides/today/Equality_today.pdf DISPARATE OUTCOMES Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Educational Attainment in the United States: 2007. January 2009 DISPARATE OUTCOMES Black males earn 2/3rds of what white males at the same education level earn. Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. 2006. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr2/slides/today/Equality_today.pdf DISPARATE OUTCOMES Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. 2006. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr2/slides/today/Equality_today.pdf DISPARATE OUTCOMES Source: http://www.ofm.wa.gov/pop/poptrends/default.asp and http://www.doc.wa.gov/aboutdoc/statistics.asp Why are “race” and “racism” such difficult issues to grasp and deal with? We are still struggling over the meanings of race and equality We are reluctant to acknowledge the legacies of our racial history and how much race has been a fundamental axis of social organization We are proud of our civil rights accomplishments We think of ourselves as an “equal opportunity” society where anyone who works hard enough can succeed We often prefer to address symptoms rather than the roots of social problems LEADERS WHO WORK ON RACIAL EQUITY NEED… A language to talk about race A framework for understanding how race and ethnicity operate in modern America (postcivil rights legislation) New ideas and strategies for reducing racial inequities in key opportunity domains and promoting racial equity What is race and how do we understand it? No biological or scientific basis behind it Best understood in social and political terms Race is a “Social Construct” New Language – we need to identify and talk about: The ongoing advantages associated with being "white” – sometimes referred to as a white privilege The ongoing disadvantages associated with being a person of “color”— which we refer to as structural racism How is structural racism different? Common explanations of entrenched racial and/or ethnic disparity: Individual Institutional Structural Racism at the individual or inter-group level: • Personal prejudice • Racial slurs, the n-word • Inter-group tensions • Diversity and multi-culturalism • Cultural competence …these are important, and these personal attitudes and beliefs color decision-making and actions. Individual Racial Attitudes “Are racial disparities due to inborn learning ability?” Source: General Social Surveys: 1972-2006. http://www.norc.org/GSS+Website/ Individual Racial Attitudes “Are racial disparities due to blacks’ lack of will?” Source: General Social Surveys: 1972-2006. http://www.norc.org/GSS+Website/ Individual Racial Attitudes “Would you favor a law against interracial marriage?” Source: General Social Surveys: 1972-2006. http://www.norc.org/GSS+Website/ Individual Racial Attitudes “Would you vote for a Black candidate for President?” Source: General Social Surveys: 1972-2006. http://www.norc.org/GSS+Website/ The bigger problem… Racism at the institutional and structural levels Institutional Racism Education Health Employment Criminal Justice Housing Environment Examples of Institutional Racism Discriminatory practices, intentional or not Redlining or “steering” Occupational segregation Racial profiling Does racial profiling still exist? In 2002, Black and Hispanic drivers were stopped by police at the same rate as Whites. The cover of this report from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics might make you think that racial profiling is no longer a problem… But the data inside tells a more complex story Police Traffic Stops, Searches & Outcomes, by Race/Ethnicity 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% White Black Hispanic Drivers Stopped Driver or Vehicle Criminal Evidence by Police Searched During Found During Stop Search Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Contacts Between Police and the Public: Findings from the 2002 National Survey. April 2005. Disparities Beneath the Surface As the cover of the report advertised, police stopped black, white, and Hispanic drivers at roughly equal rates. However, among stopped drivers, police searched blacks and Hispanics roughly three times as often as whites. Even though black drivers were searched much more often than whites, searches of black drivers yielded less criminal evidence than one quarter as often as searches of white drivers. Institutional Racism in Education Source: The Education Trust. Core Problems: Out-of-Field Teaching in Key Academic Courses and High Poverty Schools. November 2008. Note: “Out-of-Field Instructors” refers to teachers without either a certification or major in the subject they teach. Institutional Racism in Employment The Net Job Loss for Black Workers was disproportionately high compared to white workers during the recession in the early 1990’s. Source: Rochelle Sharpe. 1993. “Losing Ground: In Last Recession, Only Blacks Suffered Net Employment Loss” Wall Street Journal, (September). Institutional Racism in Employment Changes in New England Civilian Employment Age 16 and Older 2007-2009. Source: Sum, Andrew, Ishwar Khatiwada, and Joseph McLaughlin. The 2007-2009 Recession’s Impact on New England's African American Males. Communities and Banking . 2010. Institutional Racism: A Systems Perspective Education Health Employment Criminal Justice Housing Environment Structural Racism Education Health Employment Criminal Justice Housing Environment What is Structural Racism? It describes the complex ways that • history • national values • cultural representations • public policies and institutional practices interact to maintain racial hierarchy and inequitable racial group outcomes; so that privileges associated with “whiteness” and disadvantages associated with “color” to endure and adapt. The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race Historically Accumulated White Privilege National Values Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race WE ARE HERE Historically Accumulated White Privilege National Values Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities Historically Accumulated White Privilege Whites’ historical and contemporary advantages in access to: • quality education • decent jobs • livable wages • home ownership • retirement benefits … have helped create and sustain advantages in wealth accumulation. What is White Privilege? “As a white person, I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.” Peggy Macintosh, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Net Worth by Race Source: Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances Chartbook. May 6, 2009.10 Homeownership Rates by Race Seattle – Everett Metropolitan Area, 2006 Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project:. 2006. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr2/slides/today/Equality_today.pdf Homeownership Values by Race Seattle –Everett Metropolitan Area, 2006 Source: Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project. 2006. http://depts.washington.edu/civilr2/slides/today/Equality_today.pdf Parents/Grandparents of WHITE AMERICANS: Had higher incomes/earned salaries Accumulated retirement through union membership, participation in social security, etc. Benefited from home ownership policies and were able to buy property in rising neighborhoods. Parents/Grandparents of BLACK AMERICANS: Had lower incomes because of educational segregation and discrimination in employment. Were denied access to suburban real estate because of exclusionary brokering and community planning Were denied low-interest Federal Housing Authority mortgage loans due to “redlining” How do we explain this difference in wealth accumulation? Recent Causes of Wealth Disparity • Wealth disparity is not merely a consequence of past policies, such as redlining and segregation. Current practices perpetuate it. So, for example: • The recent financial crisis was triggered, in part, by financial deregulation, which led to an increase in “subprime” mortgage lending. • Subprime lending grew from 5 percent of the mortgage market in 1994 to 20 percent in 2005. Racial Disparity in Lending Blacks and Hispanics received these loans at a much higher rate than whites. Source: Robert B. Avery et al. “The 2006 HDMA Data.” The Federal Reserve Bulletin. December 21, 2007. The Racial Remainder Credit ratings do not fully explain the disparity. A 2004 study found that black borrowers were more likely to receive higher-rate home purchase and refinance loans than whites, even while controlling for borrower credit score, loan-to-value ratio, ability to document income, and other underwriting factors. Source: Debbie Gruenstein Bocian et al. Unfair Lending: The Affect of Race and Ethnicity on the Price of Subprime Mortgages. Center for Responsible Lending. May 31, 2006. Possible Explanations of Disparity • Lack of banks in majority-minority communities, which leads minority borrowers towards higher-cost mortgage brokers. • Prevalence of predatory mortgage brokers, who profit from selling high-interest loans, in poor minority communities. • Lending criteria that consider the location of the property, and local delinquency rates, in setting interest rates. • Lack of financial education and historical distrust of conventional lenders in minority communities, which leads borrowers to higher-costs brokers. The Consequences for Minority Wealth A 2008 report from United for a Fair Economy estimates that the total loss of wealth for people of color from subprime loans taken out between 2000 and 2008 will be between $164 and $213 Billion. Source: Amaad Rivera et al. Foreclosed: State of the Dream, 2008. United for a Fair Economy. January 15, 2008. Structural Racism in Mortgage Finance Homeowners in California seek assistance at an event to help people restructure high-risk loans (Washington Post, Dec 2009 Racially-neutral policy decisions to deregulate the financial sector, and thus enable high-cost, high-risk lending at a huge scale, interacted with existing inequalities to strip people of color of their wealth. The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race Historically Accumulated White Privilege WE ARE HERE National Values Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities National Values Such as: Equal opportunity: • A “level playing field” Meritocracy: • Advancement depends on talent and effort Individualism/ Personal Responsibility: • Individual choices and behaviors determine outcomes National Values For too many people of color, these national values do not apply: Negates the material and psychological advantages of some groups Equal Opportunity Reinforces the myth that individual skills and effort wholly determine outcomes Often implies inherent laziness and a poor work ethic for many people of color. These views can be held by whites or POC Race: The Power of an Illusion 25-minute video The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race Historically Accumulated White Privilege National Values WE ARE HERE Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities Contemporary Culture Societal norms, values and practices reinforce racial stereotypes and emphasize “innate” capacities of different groups. The media’s creation and perpetuation of racial stereotypes has been particularly pernicious. For example… Cultural Representations in Television and Print News 76% of people say they form opinions about crime from the news African Americans are over reported as perpetrators of crime African Americans are presented as more threatening than their white counterparts Paucity of positive information about and images of young men of color Effects of Cultural Representations Perceptions of weapon possession Beliefs about perpetrators Attitudes about crime and beliefs about race Racial Attitudes:Violence Blacks Hispanics Asians White Prone Not Prone Neutral 47.0 37.4 16.9 21.4 15.5 18.5 36.6 30.7 37.5 44.1 46.5 47.9 Source: 2000 National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey as cited in Young Men of Color in the Media: Images and Impacts, Robert M. Entman 2006, pg. 7. Racial Attitudes: Intelligence Blacks Hispanics Asians White Unintelligent Intelligent 21.9 23.9 10.5 6.7 29.6 25.3 49.8 52.4 Source: 2000 National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey as cited in Young Men of Color in the Media: Images and Impacts, Robert M. Entman 2006, pg. 7. Neutral 48.5 50.8 39.7 40.9 Racial Attitudes: Hardworking Lazy Blacks Hispanics Asians White 34.3 21.9 10.9 10.8 Hardworking Neutral 22.0 37.8 57.2 45.9 Source: 2000 National Opinion Research Center General Social Survey as cited in Young Men of Color in the Media: Images and Impacts, Robert M. Entman 2006, pg. 7. 43.7 40.3 31.9 43.3 Perceptions of Young Black Men When people are seen as possessing “deficient” or “deviant” cultural practices: • It becomes common sense to deny public resources, judge them differently • People can point to culture as an individual not structural impediment to progress. • These stereotypes are often recycled and have appeared in the past. Cultural Perceptions: “Everything’s in a Name” Percentage of applicants that received interview requests: Common WHITE names Kristen Carrie Laurie Meredith Sarah Allison Jill Anne Emily 13.6% 13.1% 10.8% 10.6% 9.8% 9.4% 9.3% 9.0% 8.3% Average 10.3% Common BLACK names Ebony Latonya Kenya Latoya Tanisha Lakisha Tamika Keisha Aisha 10.5% 9.1% 9.1% 8.8% 6.3% 5.5% 5.4% 3.8% 2.2% Average 6.9% Source: Alan B. Krueger. Economic Scene: sticks and stones can break bones, but the wrong name can make a job hard to find. The New York Times. (December 1, 2002), C2. Cultural Perceptions and School Disciplines Source: U.S. Department of Education. Civil Rights Data Collection: 2006. http://ocrdata.ed.gov/ocr2006rv30/wdsdata.html Influence of Cultural Perceptions in determining outcomes in opportunity domains Source: The Civil Rights Project. “Opportunities Suspended: The Devastating Consequences of Zero Tolerance and School Discipline.” Harvard University. (2000): P.8 . Internalized White Privilege “…an invisible package of unearned assets which I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was meant to remain oblivious….” - Peggy Macintosh, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Contents of a Knapsack • I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or harassed. • I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented. • I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group. • I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time. • If a traffic cop pulls me over or if the IRS audits my tax return, I can be sure I haven't been singled out because of my race. • I do not have to educate my children to be aware of systemic racism for their own daily physical protection. Internalized Oppression by African Americans “Stereotype Threat” • African American students perform as well as their white peers on exams when they are told the test is merely an exercise • They perform more poorly than their white peers when told that the exam is intended to assess their competence and intelligence Source: http://www.ReduceStereotypeThreat.org A Class Divided 15-minute video BREAK The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race Historically Accumulated White Privilege National Values Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics WE ARE HERE Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities Social Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchies Progress and Retrenchment: Progress has been made through major “racial equality” victories BUT Gains on some fronts are often challenged, neutralized or undermined. Significant backlashes develop in key public policy areas . Structural Racism is reconstructed and preserved through various social processes such as: Marginalization Included but relegated Exploitation Social Isolation & Exclusion Not included Taken advantage of Sorting Spatial, Institutional, & Individual The Context: Dominant Consensus on Race Historically Accumulated White Privilege National Values Contemporary Culture Current Manifestations: Social and Institutional Dynamics WE ARE HERE Processes that Maintain Racial Hierarchy Racialized Public Policies, Social and Historical Practices, Cultural Representations Inequitable Outcomes in Major Opportunity Areas Heath Housing Education Employment Environment Justice Capacity for Individual and Community Improvement is Undermined Production and Reproduction of Racial Inequities What does the Structural Racism Framework mean for people who want to reduce inequalities? It means four types of changes in the way we work: • Internal change • Policy change • Practice change • Cultural/representational change What does the Structural Racism Framework mean for people who want to reduce inequalities? “Internal” Change Accepting and establishing racial equity as a central tenet and operating principle in our work to improve outcomes for youth and in our internal work environment. For example: Focus not just on improving outcomes for all but also on reducing racial gaps Focus not just on diversity in the workplace, but also on racial equity in opportunities for advancement and leadership Also… We believe it is important to align your internal work policies and practices with your external work so that the theme of racial equity is consistent. What does the Structural Racism Framework mean for people who want to reduce inequalities? “Policy” change: Working on the fundamental rules of the game within your organization and your field, and not shrinking from challenging traditional power bases and networks. For example: • Focus on the fundamental distribution of resources in terms of money, infrastructure, and opportunities within your organization and outside your organization by examining its programs and alliances What does the Structural Racism Framework mean for people who want to reduce inequalities? “Practice” Change: Focusing carefully on all of the ways in which standard practices reproduce – or fail to counteract – racially disparate outcomes. For example: • Critically examine informal practices within your organization and their impact on racial and ethnic minorities (e.g. mentoring, access to positions which lead to leadership opportunities, visibility etc.) What does the Structural Racism Framework mean for people who want to reduce inequalities? “Cultural” or “representational” change: Reframing and changing stereotypical messages, images and interpretations of information about people of color. For Example: • Challenge assumptions that employees, board members, policymakers, the citizens of our communities, and other key actors bring to discussions about people of color because these assumptions “frame” how problems are perceived and how solutions are developed. A Girl Like Me 7-minute video Thank You The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change 281 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor New York, NY 10010 (212) 677-5510