Lee Virtual High School Testing Calendar, 2015-2016 Assessment Grade 9 Grade 9 Writing FSA Grade 9 English/Language Arts FSA Grade 10 PSAT Grade 10 Writing FSA Grade 10 English/Language Arts FSA EOC and RETAKES FSA Writing Retake Date Student Arrival Time Test Start Time Anticipated # of Testing Minutes March 1, 2016 April 25 & 26, 2016 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 90-120 Day 1 = 115 Day 2 = 115 October 28, 2015 March 8, 2016 April 25 & 26, 2016 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 12:30-1:00pm 9:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 200 90-120 Day 1 = 115 Day 2 = 115 October 12, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 90-120 October 13 & 14, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am October 13 & 14, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am October 20, 2015 December 1 & 2, 2015 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 9:00am Up to one half school day. Day 1 = 115 Day 2 = 115 160+ Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 December 3, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 80-160+ December 10, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 80-160+ December 15 & 16, 2015 8:30-9:00am 9:00am Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 December 1 & 2 or December 15 & 16, 2015 April 5 & 6, 2016 8:30-9:00am 9:00am Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 8:30-9:00am 9:00am Up to one half (Juniors only) FCAT Reading RETAKE (Seniors only) FSA English/Language Arts RETAKE (Juniors only) Algebra 1 EOC RETAKE Geometry EOC (For those who have finished both segment 1 & 2.) US History EOC (For those who have finished both segment 1 & 2.) Biology EOC (For those who have finished both segment 1 & 2.) Algebra 1 EOC (For those who have finished both segment 1 & 2.) Algebra 2 EOC (For those who have finished both segment 1 & 2.) FCAT Reading RETAKE (Seniors only) Grade 11 Writing FSA RETAKE FSA English/Language Arts RETAKE (Juniors only) Algebra 1 EOC RETAKE US History EOC Biology EOC Algebra 2 EOC March 8, 2016 8:30-9:00am 9:00am April 5 & 6, 2016 8:30-9:00am 9:00am April 8, 2016 April 27, 2016 April 28, 2016 May 2 & 3, 2016 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 8:30-9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am Geometry EOC May 4 & 5, 2016 8:30-9:00am 9:00am Algebra 1 EOC May 10 & 11, 2016 8:30-9:00am 9:00am school day. 90-120 Day 1 = 115 Day 2 = 115 160+ 80-160+ 80-160+ Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 Day 1 = 120 Day 2 = 120 ADVANCED PLACEMENT AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP Psychology @ South Fort Myers High @ South Fort Myers High @ South Fort Myers High AP US History @ South Fort Myers High *All Assessments are administered at the Lee County Public Education Center. Students enter/exit via the NORTH Entrance. PLEASE REVIEW INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENTS DETAILS Grade 9 Florida State Assessments Writing and English Language Arts are Computer Based. Students must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2 and remain for the entire testing duration. Students will be required to wear earbuds/headphones during the FSA English Language Arts assessments. Students are encouraged to bring their own to each daily testing session. Grade 10 Florida State Assessments Writing and English Language Arts are Computer Based. Students must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2 and remain for the entire testing duration. Students must pass both assessments to earn a FL Standard High School Diploma. Students will be required to wear earbuds/headphones during the FSA English Language Arts assessments. Students are encouraged to bring their own to each daily testing session. Algebra 1 End of Course Exam is Computer Based and considered a pass/fail assessment. Students currently enrolled in Algebra 1 will sit for the respective EOC. Students must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2 and remain for the entire test duration. Biology, US History, Algebra 2 and Geometry End of Course Exam is Computer Based and will count toward 30% of course final grade. Student must remain for the entire test duration. Student must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2, where necessary, and remain for the entire test duration. Algebra 1 End of Course RETAKE is only for students who have not successfully passed Algebra 1 EOC on prior attempts. FSA Reading/FSA Writing RETAKE (Juniors only) is Computer Based and must pass to earn a FL Standard Diploma unless student earns a concordant score on ACT/SAT. Students must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2. FCAT Reading RETAKE (Seniors only) is Computer Based and must pass to earn a FL Standard Diploma unless student earns a concordant score on ACT/SAT. Students must participate in both Day 1 and Day 2. AP Psychology Exam is Paper Based and offered at South Fort Myers High, only. More information to come; see Mrs. Kraus for details. AP US History Exam is Paper Based and offered at South Fort Myers High, only. More information to come; see Mrs. Kraus for details. AP English Language & Composition Exam is Paper Based and offered at South Fort Myers High, only. More information to come; see Mrs. Kroll for details. AP English Literature & Composition Exam is Paper Based and offered at South Fort Myers High, only. More information to come; see Mrs. Kroll for details. It is important for grade 9-12 students to attend their grade level class meetings. At these meetings, students will review their individual academic history and be informed of the assessments he/she is required to take. See your grade level webpage on the LVIP website for details.