Electricity - TeacherWeb

SNC1DI Final Exam Tips
May 2011
This exam will be worth 30% of your final mark, which can be terribly
stressful… Here are some general tips to help you study for this and all
your other exams:
1. Don’t Cram – cramming the night before is proven to be useless,
but studying early and going over it multiple times is the best way
to learn the material.
2. Find the Right Hours – don’t study when your really tired – it’s
better to study for less time and get a good night’s sleep than to
stay up really late trying to get in as much studying as possible.
3. Surroundings – limit your distractions, make sure you have proper
lighting, if you must listen to music, make sure it’s relaxing and not
a song that you will sing along to rather than studying…
4. Material – when you are studying equations, DO the problems,
don’t just read over the answers. Don’t memorize definitions, but
be able to apply your knowledge and answer questions about the
terms. Working problems out will help to burn them in your mind,
and remember; if you can’t solve the problem before the exam,
you won’t be able to solve it on the exam – figure out where you
have questions and ask for help ahead of time!
5. Take Breaks – don’t procrastinate, but take frequent breaks.
Exercise can help improve blood flow to the brain, bringing sugars
and oxygen that may be needed when you’re concentrating hard
and can help you relax and improve your sleep. You need some
time to have fun and it’s better to study when you are feeling
relaxed than to exhaust yourself studying all day!
6. Re-Write Tests – most of the key ideas have already been covered
on your unit tests and quizzes. Go over these questions and make
sure you still remember things you got right and now understand
where you missed marks the first time. Know that I’m not going to
try to trick you on the exam, so you should have a good idea of
what I’ll be asking…
Good luck studying!
Notes and Handouts:
~ Electricity KWL
~ Electrostatics – The Study of Static Electricity
~ Predicting Charges
~ Quiz: Chapter 9
~ Electricity Note (Electricity, Electrostatics, Electron Theory of Charge,
Laws of Electric Charge)
~ Laws of Static Electricity
~ Check Your Understanding
~ 10.3 Charges at Work
~ 11.1 Cells and Batteries
~ 11.1 Review
~ Electric Circuits and Current
~ Designing Circuits
~ 11.2 Electric Circuits
~ Chapter 10 – Electricity in Circuits
~ Current Electricity
~ Series and Parallel Circuits
~ Electrical Resistance
~ Sample Problems
~ Power
~ Current Electricity Problems
~ Current Electricity Equations
~ Current Electricity Quiz Review
~ 12.1 Electricity at Home
~ Meeting Demand and Sustainable Energy
~ Charging Substances by Contact
~ Pop Can Race
~ Electrostatics Quiz
~ Current Electricity Test