Buckling Delamination with Application to Films and Laminates No crack driving force due to film stress; Unless Thermal gradient with interruption of heat transfer across crack. Mixed mode interface crack Buckling delamination Compression in film producing buckling Show Volinsky movie Mechanics of thin films and multilayers Application areas electronics, coatings of all kinds. Example: Buckle Delaminations Good Delaminations on Patterned substrates Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) Application to jet and power generating turbines Ceramic (Zirconia) Ceramic (Alumina) Metal bond coat Blades taken from an engine showing areas of spalled-off TBC Buckle Delaminations: Interface cracking driven by buckling Three Morphologies: Straight-sided, Varicose and Telephone Cord Computer simulations Straight-sided Experimental observations 200nm DLC film on silicon Propagation of a buckle delamination along a prepatterned tapered region of low adhesion between film and substrate. In the wider regions the telephone cord morphology is observed. It transitions to the straight-sided morphology in the more narrow region and finally arrests when the energy release rate drops below the level needed to separate the interface. A Model Problem—Mode I Buckling Delamination of Symmetric Bi-layer L P, P, 2b 2h buckled state unbuckled state P b b b PC strain energy=SE Pd This neglects the very slight increase of P as the buckling amplitude increases C 0 1 PC C PC C 2 2 Eh2 PC 2 h2 PC 2(hw) , C L L 12 b2 2hwE 12 b 2 Buckling stress of clamped beam length 2b. w is the width perpendicular to the plane. Overall buckling of the entire laminate (with thickness 2h) will not occur if b>L/4. PC 2 L SE PC 4whE G Energy release rate under prescribed Δ 1 SE G 2 w b 2 Eh3 6b3 unbuckled buckled C Fixed b two crack tips C Mode I Buckling Delamination of Symmetric Bi-layer: continued The energy release rate G can be re-written in the following non-dimensional form: GL3/ 2 b 12 3 2 4 3 1 , where E5/ 2 h 2L GL3/ 2 8 3 The maximum of is 3 E 5/ 2 5 5 3/ 2 1.288 1.5 GL3/ 2 E5/ 2 1 stable under prescribed occuring for = 5/3 GIC L3/ 2 E 5/ 2 0.5 GIC L3/ 2 If 1.288, the crack will advance E 5/ 2 if b is such that G GIC . If b is to the left of the peak the crack is unstable under prescribed and it will jump to the value of b associated with GIC to the right of the peak. If is then increased, the crack grows stabily with b associated with GIC to the right of the peak. unstable under prescribed 0 0 1 unbuckled 2 3 4 5 Abbreviated Analysis of the Straight-Sided Buckle Delamination A 1D analysis based on vonKarman plate theory (Derived in Class) Propagation direction G front Film pre-stress Gsides h Average stress in buckled film: Buckle deflection: 1 w( y ) 1 cos( y / b) 2 Buckle amplitude: 4 1 h 3 C 2 h C E1 12 b 2 h ( C )( 3 C ) E1 Energy-release rate can also be obtained from direct energy change calculation 1 1 b 2 2 2 C b w dy E1 2 8b At edge of buckle: E1h3 2 N ( C )h , M 12 2b2 Energy release rate and mode mix along sides from basic solution: Gsides In-plane compatibility condition 4 3( / h) tan tan 4 tan 3( / h) Energy release rate along propagating front G front 1 b h 2 G dy sides C 2b b E1 Mode mix depends on the amplitude of The buckle Plots are given on next overhead BASIC ELASTICITY SOLUTION FOR INFINITE ELASTIC BILAYER WITH SEMI-INFINITE CRACK (Covered in earlier lecture) Equilibrated loads. General solution for energy release rate and stress intensity factors available in Suo and Hutchinson (1990) Infinitely thick substrate-Primary case of interest for thin films and coatings on thick substrates moment/length M Dundurs’ mismatch parameters for plane strain: E E E D 1 2 , E E1 E2 (1 2 ) D force/length delamination crack interface E2 , 2 1 1 (1 2 2 ) 2 (1 2 1 ) E , 2 1 (1 2 ) 2 (1 1 ) 2(1 ) For homogeneous case: D E1 , 1 P D D 0 If both materials incompressible: D 0 is the more important of the two parameters for most bilayer crack problems Take D 0 if you can. It makes life easier! h Basic solution continued: Energy release rate M 1 P2 M2 G 12 3 2 E1 d d E1 , 1 P delamination crack E E /(1 ) 2 1 1/ 2 3/ 2 Pd cos 2 3 Md sin 2 1 1/ 2 K II Pd sin 2 3Md 3/ 2 cos 2 where ( D ) is shown as a plot and is tabulated in Suo & Hutch. Note: For any interface crack between two isotropic materials, 1 D2 1 1 2 2 G K I K II 2 E1 E2 interface E2 , 2 Stress intensity factors: ( D 0) (see Hutchinson & Suo (1992) if second Dundurs’ parameter cannot be taken to be zero) KI h 70 65 D 0 60 no mismatch 55 o 52.1 50 45 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 D K I , K II Interface toughness—the role of mode mix Experimental finding: The energy release rate required to propagate a crack along an interface generally depends on the mode mix, often with 2 larger toughness the larger the mode II component. C ( ) ( Jm ) Interface Toughness: C ( ) Propagation condition: G C ( ) A phenomenological interface toughness law 0.1 C ( ) IC 1 tan 2 ((1 ) ) C ( ) IIC / IC .1, .2, .5, 1 Liechti & Chai (1992) data for an epoxy/glass interface. in degrees 1 no mode dependence <<1 significant mode dependence Energy release rate and mode mix on sides of Straight-sided buckle delamination 2 h C E1 12 b 2 Stress at onset of buckling 1.5 0 mode mix along the delamination sides -20 sides bC E1 h 12 2 1 2h G0 2 E1 Half-width at onset of buckling Energy/area available for release in planes strain 1 -40 =-1/2, 0, 1/2 D 0.5 -60 curved front -80 0 2 4 6 8 =(b/b ) C 2 G IC f ( ), 6 8 =(b/b ) C f ( ) 1 tan 2 ((1 ) ) G0 f ( ) C IC C 1 1 3 4 2 10 C 10 8 See earlier slide for interface toughness function 2 C Half-width of straight-sided delamination Impose: 10 6 Stable configurations (half-widths, b) of 1D delaminations Mode II 4 D 0 =0.2,0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1 2 d G 0. db f ( ) i.e. if tip "accidentally" advances, it is no longer critical. Stability of crack front requires: 0 2 4 6 8 C=(b/b C)2 Caution! This plot is difficult to interpret because each axis depends on 10 Inverse determination of interface toughness, stress (or modulus) by measuring buckling deflection and delamination width Straight-sided delamination without ridge crack on flat substrate front (SS) S stretching stiffness D bending stiffness The basic results can be written as: side 1 GSS S 2 4 b 4 4 2 2 1 Gside S 2D b 4 b 2 4 b 2 2 N0 D S b 4 b Applies to any multilayer film with arbitrary stress distribution If bending and stretching stiffness of the film are known, then the energy release rates and the resultant pre-stress can be determined by measurement of the deflection and the delamination width. If resultant pre-stress is known, then the equations can be used to determine film modulus and release rates in terms of deflection and delamination width– see Faulhaber, et al (2006) for an example.