key points to building potentialities for odl undergraduates

GROUNDED: Grounded theory is a methodology that seeks to construct theory about issues of people’s lives. When it is
applied to educational setting it becomes grounded learning (Glaser, 1978; Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Strauss & Corbin, 1998). Grounded theory
is a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher drives a general, abstract theory of a process, action, or interaction grounded
in the views of participants. This process involves using multiple stages of data collection and refinement and
interrelationship of categories of information (Charmaz, 2006; Strauss and Corbin, 1990, 1998). Two primary characteristics
of this design are the constant comparison of data with emerging and theoretical sampling of different groups to maximize the
similarities and the difference of information (Creswell, 2009).
CONNECTIVISM: This refers to a learning theory that assert that knowledge does not reside in one location. It provides
insight into the dynamics of networks, environment and learning occur as a result of connecting to networks (Kop &Hill, 2008).
CONSTRUCTIVISM: This is a learning theory that state that learning is an active process, whereby people construct
knowledge rather acquire it. In active involvement ,the learners gain a far better understanding of the information than if
they were not involved. There two types of constructivism: cognitive and Social. COGNITIVE is about how individual
learner understands things in terms of development stages and learning styles. SOCIAL emphasizes how meanings
and understanding grow out of social encounters (Leonard, 2002).
Learners face challenges which can make or mar them. To “ MAKE” involves ability to navigate through the challenges
successfully . To “ MAR” involves inability to navigate well leading to poor academic performance, anxiety, frustration,
depression and early leaving(dropout). Learners need proper guidance and training to build their potentialities towards
challenging their challenges. It is the major purpose of this study and use of the three theories.
To explore the three theories in a collaborative form and establish its place in contributing to quality learning and improve
pass rate.
To provide a discourse for others to contribute as they work closely, this will strengthen and enhance the quality of the other.
To provide learners with appropriate activities to increase interest and motivation in quality reading, research, application of
findings in solving problem.
To ensure that open and distance learning have a variety of appropriate tools to build learner’s potentialities.
To develop a model for challenged ODEL undergraduate student to use as a guideline for successful learning.
To promote functionalism, making idealness and procrastination insignificant in learning.
RATIONALE: There is need for new models that will build the learners potentials to address
their challenges, raise the “general levels of attainment in the short term” and “close the gap in
educational achievement between the most and least advantaged, models that will be
intrinsically sustainable as against ( intrinsically unsustainable, and capacity denuding)
(Jackson,2010). Models that can give learners a methodology that is beginning to assume a
new lease of life as a novel techniques…, and play a significant part in defining the extent to
which knowledge is generated and transmitted (Schuller &Theisens, 2010).Models that can
equip learners with potentialities of interactions, collaborations and capacity to act “to
articulate explicitly or to transfer to others, as tacit knowledge” (Polanyi, 1976). It is on this
basis that the study explores grounded, connectivism and constructivism learning theories;
collaboration appropriate for building ODEL undergraduate learners potentialities.
PROBLEM: Over the past several decades the impact of neglect of learner’s challenges on
academic performance has increased but building the potentialities of learners to learn how to
find solutions to their problems has been limited or it is hardly the focus of many researchers.
Searching for model to train learners may have been swallowed up by the campaign for
increasing institutional facilities, funding, and new model for distribution of learning material.
INSTRUMENT : A grounded theory method was considered appropriate for study; it
involved use of multiple data collection method, while data collection and its analysis ran
concurrently with the use of Open, Axial and Selective coding.
PARTICIPANTS:A sample of 32, 2nd year open and distance education undergraduate
learners randomly selected was asked to write briefly on the challenges that may hinder
learners from improving their pass rate. 28 learners linked the topic to their life experiences
and 9 learners were selected based on their linking it to their personal life with evidence.
Other criteria for selection were based on communities with the most difficult terrain in the
The 9 participants were grouped into three, named Cell A, Cell B, Cell C; each cell selected a
leader and the group selected a secretary to record proceedings.
Meeting days as: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Meeting Time: 2hours
on each day while Sunday 1 hour( for assignments).
The study lasted for 12weeks, with 40minutes individual cell session, 30minutes
collaborative session, 5minutes break, and 35minutes general discussion, 10minutes free.
The Study site was Living Rock Specialist Clinic, Obele in Yenagoa.
Desk Top computers were donated for the study by Kemama Reproductive Health Care and
Education Center. For internet access, the researcher borrowed Fast Link a term for fast
browsing for internet networks in Nigeria from individuals.
A cell is a term used to describe a church structure which center on regular gathering of
small groups not more than twenty in each group. The cell group builds in each member
the spirit of continuing daily in one understanding, common goal’s with gladness and
singleness (openness and freedom of expression) of heart. A cell group offers opportunity
for companionship; it does not allow members to stand alone in the face of challenges. A
cell group is where iron sharpens iron that is, it helps to bring out the best in others. The
cell leader is very important in each cell as the leader bridges the gap between the
members and lager group. The leader nurtures, motivates, build interest and follow up its
members closely to see they do not dropout of any program. The cell leaders also
coordinates the cell meeting, follow up and visitations.
The application of the concept of cell is to give the study and participants a sense of
belonging, hope and courage to carry on even in the mist of challenges. It is also the give
the study a focus of loves, unity, humility, faith and progressive learning. Love towards
our selves, others and the knowledge we aim to acquire. Unity in oneness of heart to make
collaboration and team work a reality. Humility, since the search to acquire skill involves
challenges outside an individual’s comfort zone. Faith in ourselves and in others, that we
can achieve whatever we aim to achieve if we believe in ourselves and in those we share
the same goals. Progressive learning in the sense when this knowledge is acquired, it
opens an easy door for acquisition of others.
STAGE ONE: The purpose of this stage is train participants to use grounded, Connectivism and Constructivism.
Step One :This step was occupied with general orientation and training for basic skills on use of computer and
internet access. A train specialist from Kemama Centre volunteers to offer this service. The training was deemed
very important as learners confessed lack of knowledge of computer and internet use. This training took two days
out of the study and learners practicalized the skills on the third day.
Step Two :The study actually began at this step; it focused on building participants potentials to confront their
challenges. Participants were asked to use internet to search for information on challenges confronting learners and
the recommendations, check articles, researches on school intervention strategies to support students, i.e.
(workshops, seminars), if any, on which learners need was the focus and compare the data with the data generated
by the first sampled population of 32 learners. .
The guiding principle is Corbin & Strauss (1990) assertion “incidents, events, happenings are taken as, or
analyzed as potential indicators of phenomena, which are thereby given conceptual labels”. The data was analyzed
through the process of coding into categories and properties. The nature of coding in grounded theory requires
going back to the data for diverse pieces of information at different times (Brown, Stevenson, Troiano &
Schneider, 2002).
STAGE TWO: This focus of this stage was on use the skills of the first stage to increase practical application of
knowledge. The participants selected course which they claimed to be difficult courses and five courses were
treated using the same process. The term difficult as used in this study means: the average pass rate is most likely
Step One :In this step, the focus was on practical application of the processes used in stage one and we treated
five course content in this study.
The result showed, that participants were able to identify and analyze the challenges and successfully use community of
learning and networks to understand and construct meaningful solution. In utilization of the three theories, the following was
found evident among participants:
Facilitation of interaction, this increased the possibilities for learning and development of knowledge.
Exchange of ideas, codification of knowledge, which leads to greater storage and communication capacity and makes it
possible to develop new cognitive approaches.
Quality control is assured because each member can, test, and criticize new knowledge.
Knowledge productivity is made greater by the fact that an individual can learn to learn by reproducing the knowledge of
others (OECD,2004)
There is a great bonding between participants and researcher as data collection, ordering, analysis and literature comparison
becomes more collective and collaborative, formal and non-formal.
Participants “constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding, by questioning themselves and their
strategies...”This provides evidence that “with a well planned classroom/contact session the learners learn how to
learn(thirteen online 2004).
Participants became active in the study unlike when the study began.
Participants can construct their knowledge actively rather just mechanically ingesting knowledge from “community of
learning, networks” or the textbook, this was evident in the assignment given before the study; the same assignment was given
after the study, the researcher found it was critical written and well constructed.
The utilization of grounded, connectivism and constructivism equipped the participants with the ability to seek out current
information, reflect and critic and make decision on the basis of the constructed knowledge. The participants learnt how to use
communities of learning and networks in a variety of way, electronically, organizationally and socially, this was evident in the
practical tests and assignment undertaken during and after the study.
To be ignorant of the how to find solutions to one’s challenges creates a wild negative perception of teaching-learning environment. But
through this study, I learnt principles to apply. I can now fish for myself. Gabriel.
I can be a mentor, a guide to my course mates. Before, I look at my university as a hell I need to get out of, but now it has changed; my goal
is use these skills to get the best result. Goodluck.
At first, I was not sure it’s going to work, when each group was named Cell. I said let me see what cell here will be like. The Cell groups are
like the church Cell, maximum care and equal support. Thank God I stayed. Destiny.
This is a very rewarding learning experience, this is my first time to hear of grounded, connectivism and constructivism, I like them and how
we applied it. Stella.
The training enhanced my self-confidence, negative experiences about schooling have been hunting me, but it is over. Joy.
All I do now is read, write, critique, re-read and compare. I am arranging all my courses in the way I will understand and remember. Read
and forget has been my major problem. Esther.
I can type very well; use internet to search for any information, my lecturer was surprise when she read my assignment. I have improved,
from the person rated at the bottom to move up suddenly, it amazing. Dorothy.
Nobody believe in me, all my life my pass rate has always been low, before this study, I hide my assignment score but now I place then on
table. I do cry with joy. Augustina
My contact session is always boring but here, very motivating; we have many interesting activities to perform. Again, we are like a family,
everybody cares, and there is love and unity. The cell leaders call us to remind us of our assignments, ask after our family. There is this inner
joy I get since we started. I’m so scared, it will end, and I just hope we can continue with this study. I just hope. David
“This program has shown us that learners all over the world have challenges, even our lecturers had challenges as learners but they
overcame it with appropriate skills. Why can’t we. The program have zealously affected us in a good way, we can type, browse search for
information using the right community of learning, check the extent we can use the information. That is if the material is opens access or
limited to some extent and how to acknowledge authors the way approved of them. We are going to zealously use the skills to improve our
quality of learning and pass rate.
This study explored the use of grounded theory, connectivism and constructivism as
appropriate for building the potentialities of open and distance education undergraduate
learners. The major purpose of building their potentialities is to equip them with skills to
handle their challenges as they arise. The conclusion drawn from the findings is that
grounded, connectivism and constructivism in a collaborative form without demarcation in
usage can effectively and efficiently influence curbing of challenges.
The influence is most likely to be established the moment the learner becomes efficient and
effective in the understanding of the process involved, especially in the comparing of incident
to incident and incident to concepts with connecting to communities of learning and networks
and constructing meaning.
The recommendation is that the collaborative use of grounded, connectivism and
constructivism in promotion of quality learning should be established. There is a great need to
take this action plan in a formal learning situation for further development. It has the capacity
to build effective skills and competences and appropriate learning behavior in learners.
Integrating this model in teaching-learning process will improve quality learning thereby
promote quality pass rates; this will generally raise the quality of open and distance education.