Critically reading the literature

Stephen R. Hayden, MD, FAAEM, FACEP
Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine
Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and DIO
UCSD Medical Center, San Diego, CA
Objectives of Orientation
• Introduction to UCSD Medical Center
• Learn about training/licensing requirements, UCSD policies and
procedures, special services
• Completion of required paperwork
• Provision of ID numbers, insurance, accounts…so you will be
ready to start
Office of Graduate Medical Education
• Responsible for oversight of all aspects of training
• Specific tasks
Orientation of interns and residents
Administer Benefits for trainees
Assist program directors with accreditation issues, monitoring
Coordinate educational modules (AMA/IPM Core training series)
Create/monitor institutional training policies
Maintain informational website
Prepare for institutional accreditation (CLER) visits
Cindy Slaughter; Director of GME
Helen Lewis; New Innovations
Tom Arneson; Accreditation Specialist, non-accredited programs
Dion Brown & Robyn Meehan; Housestaff Administrative Program
Managers – New and continuing appointments, rotators, liability
• Elaine Garrido; Health Insurance, Licensure and Registration
• Rachel Hobbs; Administrative Assistant
OGME Website
Orientation Handouts/Materials
Housestaff are Encouraged to Participate!
• GME Committee
• Resident Physician Council
• Medical Staff Committees
Housestaff Participation Required:
• Core Training Modules
• Completion of evaluations of peers, students, supervisors,
program and training experience
• Recording duty hours in New Innovations
• Reporting of moonlighting activities to program director
• Adhering to UCSD standards of professional behavior including
patient confidentiality, respect, and appropriate treatment of
students and staff
• Standardized Central Venous Access training
– For residents who are required to place central lines
Standardized Central Line Training
• Online Modules
– UCSD Learning Center:
– Type “central line” into search box and click search
– Once complete you can print completion certificate
• Simulation Phase
– Sign up at Eventbrite:
– Training and testing in same session
• Experiential phase
– 5 proctored lines each approach (Subclavian, IJ, Femoral)
• Program Director must confirm competence in New Innovations
ACGME Resident Survey
Must complete and participate in
Formal citations issued if programs < 70%
“Somewhat” or “sometimes”
“Do you have the opportunity…”
– Evaluate your Faculty/Program/Access your Evaluations
• Service vs. Education questions
– ACGME defines service as: duties typically performed by non MDs
• Answer honestly but understand the way the ACGME uses results
Required On-Line Learning Modules
Series of 21 modules you MUST complete by August 1, 2011
Conflict of interest, HIPAA, Risk Management, Ethics, etc.
All instructions are on gold sheet in packet
UCSD Official Email Address
• All house officers will receive an official UCSD Email Address
• All official communication will be sent to your UCSD email
• You must check this email frequently!
• You are responsible for information sent to your UCSD email
• Required to follow us on Twitter; @UCSDGME
Support Structure
Office of
Anonymous Feedback Website
Policy GME 026: Standards of Professional Behavior
• UCSD is dedicated to creating a safe learning environment for
both residents and students
• As a resident you will teach many peers and students
• Policy provides many examples of inappropriate behavior
• Describes routes for informal and formal resolution
• Become familiar with it (on orientation link GME website)
• Coming soon; Resident Wellness Advisory Panel
GME Committee (GMEC)
• Works in parallel with OGME and Associate Dean for GME
• Develop institutional policies regarding
Supervision at all training sites
Coordinate internal reviews of programs
Approval of programs, new directors, etc.
Prevention of harassment
Non-restriction of practice location upon completion of training
Provisions for occurrence of training program closure or reduction
Supervision Policy
• You need to know that we have a supervision policy
• Essentials:
– You should be able to identify who the supervising faculty is
– They need to be appropriately involved in clinical decisions while allowing
you progressive responsibility
• Most important; they need to be available to you and you should
ALWAYS feel you can contact them
ACGME Levels of Supervision
• Level I: Direct; supervising MD is in clinical unit with you
• Level II: Indirect
– II a: Indirect with direct supervision immediately available; in the building
– II b: Indirect with direct supervision available; from home by phone/text
• Level III: Oversight; supervising MD reviews care next day
ACGME Next Accreditation System (NAS)
You are at a frontier…
Over next 2 years implementation phase
Shift from structural processes to educational outcomes
Increased monitoring at institutional level
Clinical Competence Committees and Milestones
We will need your help in sorting it all out
Get Out To Vote!
• General Election Nov. 6, 2012
– President, House, Senate, Many State offices and propostions
• You must register if you are new to San Diego or have moved
since the last election
• Online registration
– Fillout, print, sign and mail
– **Initial line 15 for permanent vote-by-mail status**
• Deadline to register is 10/22/12
Who am I? How Can I Help You?
• Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine
– Program Director, Emergency Medicine
– Hyperbaric Medicine Center
• Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Emergency Medicine
• Editor, 5 Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
Former US Navy Flight Surgeon
Second degree black belt Tae Kwon Do
Love sailing, riding motorcycles, wine tasting
Married, father of 3
My door is always open, happy to talk any time!
OGME Website
• If you have any questions at any time, please visit our website: