MINUTES Monroe County Board of Education Thursday, October 11, 2012 The Monroe County Board of Education held its regular monthly board meeting on Thursday, October 11, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. at the Monroe County Resource Center in Monroeville, Alabama. PRESENT: Barbara Dean, Vice-President Martha Jordan Richard Lett Tony Powell ABSENT: Patricia Black, President APPROVE AGENDA: The agenda for the October 11, 2012, meeting was unanimously approved as presented by the Superintendent. Motion: Mr. Lett – Second: Mrs. Jordan – unanimous 212° RECOGNITIONS: MCHS students who achieved qualifying scores on the May 2012 AP exams and Monroe County Schools Principals were recognized by the board. MINUTES: Minutes of the September 6, 2012, meeting were approved as written. APPROVE ACCOUNTS: A list of the accounts was unanimously approved by the Board and is included in these minutes. Motion: Mr. Powell – Second: Mr. Lett - unanimous MONTHLY FINANCE REPORT: for their review. The monthly financial reports were provided to the Board STIPENDS / CONTRACTS REPORT: The monthly stipends reports were provided to the Board for their review. Also, a listing of contracts that have been entered into was provided to the board. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments. GOODWYN, MILLS, CAWOOD PRESENTATION: Goodwyn, Mills, Cawood presented the following cost estimate for the re-roofing of Monroeville Middle School: Removing existing slate $ 30,000 Removing existing shingles $ 2,457 Removing existing decking $ 29,299 New roof (synthetic slate, to match existing gym) $352,000 Total Project (to include fees) $382,000 Other cost measures could include not having to replace existing decking if not damaged and selling old slate. It was suggested that this project be bid in early spring to allow contractor to secure materials and begin work immediately when school is not in session. PRIDE SURVEY PRESENTATION: Mr. Duran Odoms shared a PowerPoint presentation with the Board of the 2011-2012 District Pride Survey results. Next year, the survey results will be shown by school. NATIONAL SCHOOL BUS SAFETY WEEK (OCT. 22-26): Mrs. Amy Hoven shared a PowerPoint presentation with the Board relating to the Trnasportation Department. She discussed the number of bus routes, number of students and miles transported, the accomplishments of the Transportation Department, and requirements to hold Commercial Drivers License. TRANSFERS: The board unanimously approved the following transfers: Kristen Black from Graduation Coach / Excel/MCHS/JUB to Library Aide / MCHS 10-01-2012 Minutes of the October 11, 2012 meeting continued….. Jennifer Riley from 06 Grade Teacher / MMS to Gifted Teacher / System pending a highly, qualified, successful teacher to replace Mrs. Riley/MMS Motion: Mr. Powell – Second: Mrs. Jordan EMPLOYMENT: The Superintendent recommended the following for employment: Latasha Odom 02 Grade Teacher JFS 09-24-2012 Patricia A. McGill Reading Intervention Teacher MES 10-08-2012 Diane Ackerman Bus Driver JFS 10-15-2012 Motion: Mr. Lett – Second: Mr. Powell – unanimous SALARY ADJUSTMENTS: The following salary adjustments were approved by the Board: Jason Barnett PE Teacher / MCHS add Interim Head Baseball (MCHS) coaching supplement Leslie Strength K4 Teacher / JUB completed Masters 08/22/2012 Motion: Mr. Powell – Second: Mrs. Jordan – unanimous LEAVES OF ABSENCE: The following leaves of absence were unanimously approved: Marshall Presley History Teacher / MCHS extend military leave 10/01/2012 – 03/31/2012 Melissa Lipscomb 04 Grade Teacher / MES 10/25/2012 – 01/02/2012 FMLA - maternity Jena Mayo Science Teacher / MMS 10/29/2012 – 11/30/2012 FMLA – maternity Makeva Preyear Elementary Tchr –Counselor/MIS 10/09/2012 – 11/30/2012 Motion: Mr. Lett – Second: Mrs. Jordan FMLA-maternity 2012-13 SALARY LISTING (CLARIFICATION OF SUPPLEMENTS): A listing of employees by location receiving supplements was provided to the board. This listing identifies the supplement the employee is receiving and the amount. JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Dr. Murphy asked that job descriptions for the Secretary to the Superintendent, Secretary to Program Directors, Chief School Finance Officer, Payroll Clerk /Accounts Payable, Federal Programs Bookkeeper, and Secretary/Receptionist - Finance Office be tabled. PROPOSED POSITIONS: Dr. Murphy provided to the Board job descriptions for three proposed new positions (Financial Bookkeeper / Finance Office, School Curriculum Improvement Specialist, and Parental Involvement/Early Warning). She asked the Board to review these descriptions for possible approval at the November meeting. SALARY INCREASES INFORMATION: Dr. Murphy asked Ms. McKenzie, CSFO, to provide the cost relating to a 1%, 2% and 3% pay increase for employees. She also asked for information relating to the actual averages employees by position would receive. The source of funding for this one-time stipend would be 16th Section Land money. Dr. Murphy asked the board to review this information for future discussion. PROPOSED POLICY AND PROCEDURES: The following revisions to the current Monroe County Schools Policy and Procedures were presented to the Board for possible approval in November: Section 2.4.1.b (proposed change) Section 4.11 (proposed procedure) Section 5.1.2 (proposed changes) Section 5.9.10 (proposed policy) Section 6.16 (proposed procedure – form) Minutes of the October 11, 2012 meeting continued….. Section 6.5.c (proposed policy change) REQUEST FOR USE OF FACILITIES – EXCEL: A letter and Certificate of Insurance from Excel Youth Football for the use of the facilities at Excel School were approved. Motion: Mrs. Jordan – Second: Mr. Powell - unanimous REQUEST TO SELL FRISCO CITY HIGH SCHOOL, FRISCO CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND BEATRICE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Dr. Murphy asked the board to pass resolutions that would seek transfer of ownership of current vacant properties from the Alabama State Department of Education to the Monroe County Board of Education. Once deeds are received, negotiations can begin to sell these vacant properties. The Board has title to the old Monroeville Middle School property. Motion: Mr. Powell – Second: Mrs. Jordan - unanimous 2012-13 TEXTBOOK COMMITTEE: The following Textbook Committee for English Language Arts was approved by the Board: Excel School Heather Benbow Leann Faulk Randall James J F Shields High School Ramona Dailey Linda Hollinger Sherry Windham J U Blacksher School Glenda English Patricia Powell Becky Baggett Monroe Intermediate School Makeva Preyear LaTonya Eaton Monroeville Elementary School Gloria Wiggins Jamie Moore Monroeville Middle School Darlene Brown Steven Peters Monroe County High School Teresa Galbraith Joan Ives Community Representatives Mary Ann Lomenick Denise Ware Parent Representatives Motion: Marion Preyear Derenda Shumock Mr. Lett – Second: Mr. Powell – unanimous BID #1080 AND #1081: Bid #1080 for fuel for the Monroeville, Excel, JUB & Beatrice locations was awarded to Southern Energy Company of Monroeville, the only bidder meeting specifications, as follows: Unleaded Gasoline (87 Octane): Suppliers’ Price Amount Above Supplier Price per Gallon Inspection Fee Other Fee Total Price Per Gallon Brand Firm Price for Year or Fluctuating $3.1475 $0.15 $0.02 $0.0129 $3.3304 Murphy Fluctuating Diesel (Ultra Low Sulfer): Suppliers’ Price Amount Above Supplier Price per Gallon $3.2465 $0.15 Minutes of the October 11, 2012 meeting continued….. Inspection Fee Other Fee Total Price Per Gallon Brand Firm Price for Year or Fluctuating $0.02 $0.0129+$0.0075 $3.4369 Murphy Fluctuating Bid #1081 for fuel for Monroe Intermediate School was awarded to Bumpers Oil Company of Jackson, Alabama, the low bidder meeting specifications, as follows: Diesel (Ultra Low Sulfer): Suppliers’ Price Amount Above Supplier Price per Gallon Inspection Fee Other Fee Total Price per Gallon Brand Firm Price for Year or Fluctuating Motion: Mr. Lett – Second: Mr. Powell - unanimous $3.2355 $0.42 $0.02 $0.023 $3.6985 Unbranded Fluctuating CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLANS: Continuous Improvement Plans for all schools (except Monroeville Middle School due to Mrs. Stevens’ absence) were presented to the board for their read and approval at the November meeting. STRATEGIC PLANNING: Dr. Murphy reported that the Strategic Planning Team had meet and developed the following six goals: 1. To foster a positive culture and climate that promotes optimal learning and responsible citizenship. 2. To provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares all students to be college and/or career ready. 3. To utilize 21st Century tools and instructional strategies that support learning and equip students to be globally competitive. 4. To engage parents, community, business, and industry in meaningful relationships that lead to increased student achievement. 5. To provide safe, accessible, and well-maintained buildings and grounds that promotes pride and creates a healthy environment for teaching and learning. 6. To implement strategies and initiatives that increase on-time graduation. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER ACADEMY ACHIEVEMENTS: School board members were recognized for achieving the following levels with the Alabama Association of School Boards: Mrs. Black Master 4th year Date Plate Mrs. Dean Level 2 Certificate Mr. Lett Level 2 Certificate Mr. Powell Level 4 Plaque (to be presented at December Convention) Mrs. Jordan Master Level 7 BOARD MEMBER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT UPDATE: Mrs. Jordan reported the board’s participation on September 18, 2012, in an AASB Open Meetings Act webinar. All members attend along with Superintendent Murphy and Board Attorney Milton Coxwell. AASB DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE SELECTION FOR DECEMBER CONVENTION: Mrs. Dean was selected as the Delegate and Mr. Powell was selected as the Alternate Delegate for the December AASB Convention. CHANGE OF DATE OF DECEMBER BOARD MEETING: Due to a conflict with the December AASB Convention, the date of the December board meeting was changed from Thursday, December 6, 2012, to Tuesday, December 4, 2012. The meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Monroe County Resource Center. Motion: Mr. Lett – Second: Mr. Powell unanimous LEGAL UPDATE: Dr. Murphy provided the board with a legal update as prepared by Alicia Bennett, Board Attorney. Minutes of the October 11, 2012 meeting continued….. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Dr. Murphy gave the following Superintendent’s Report for October 10, 2012: 1. Race to the Top Grant – Gary DeFrancesco is working with Dr. Alan Lee, Superintendent in Baldwin County, as a grant writer. MCBOE has been invited to participate as a part of a consortium with Baldwin County and Tuscaloosa City, and school districts in VA, NC, NY, and CO, to seek money for a Technology Initiative that if successful will bring $4 million to Monroe County Public Schools over a four year period! 2. Code of Conduct for Local Boards of Education – Must approve a Code of Conduct for the MCBOE by January 1, 2013. A proposed model Code of Conduct was provided to the Board for their review. 3. Sixteenth Section Land Income - $199,232.40 for MCBOE 4. Graduation Dates for Monroe County high schools: May 20, 2013 Monroe County High School Alabama Southern May 21, 2013 Excel School Alabama Southern May 23, 2013 J F Shields High School JFS May 23, 2013 J U Blacksher School JUB 5. Webinar – Title IX: Separate Fact from Fiction, Thursday, November 8, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The board entered executive session to discuss the good name and character of employees. School Board Attorney Alicia Bennett certified the need to enter executive session for discussion regarding pending litigation. Motion: Mrs. Jordan – Second: Mr. Lett – unanimous Following the meeting reopening, Dr. Murphy made the following recommendations: Student #2012-2: Recommended expulsion for Student 2012-2. Mrs. Jordan placed a motion to modify the Superintendent’s recommendation and allow the student to be placed at the Alternative School for the allotted amount of time for the discipline. Mr. Lett seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Student #2012-3: Recommended expulsion for Student 2012-3. Mrs. Jordan placed a motion to modify the Superintendent’s recommendation and allow the student to be placed at the Alternative School for the allotted amount of time for the discipline. Mr. Powell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OTHER MATTERS: The following dates were announced: Work Session November 8, 2012 – 5:00 PM Regular Board Meeting November 8, 2012 – 6:00 PM Monroeville Middle School ADJOURN: AASB Webinar Title IX: Separate Fact from Fiction Thursday, November 8, 2012 11:30 am – 1:00 pm AASB Convention December 6 – 8, 2012 Wynfrey Hotel There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. OTHERS PRESENT: A complete listing of those in attendance is on file in the Superintendent’s office. _________________________________ Dr. Kathy L. Murphy, Secretary ___________________________________ Mrs. Barbara Dean, Vice-President