ANALYSIS of LEAN MANUFACTURE In the PRODUCTION Carded THREAD-32 (Cd-32) with the APPROACH DMAIC in UNIT SPINNING 1 PT ARGO PANTES.TBK Anggel Meytree Claudia P1 Faculty of Engineering technique, industry, University of mercubuana Jalan Meruya Selatan, a vineyard Jeruk, West Jakarta, 11650 Jakarta Email : ABSTRACT PT Argo Pantes Tbk. is one of the companies Manufacture in Indonesia are engaged in textile industry, to type of thread Carded 32 happened extravagance that have been identified successfully by using value stream mapping project with the approach to the point DMAIC DMAIC. Any, with a current state, is performed through Civil Measure with measuring percentage non-value added, and takt time, Analyze by using analysis Fishbone and kaizen blitz, receiving complain with future state mapping, Control to control the process of production that has been fixed. That have been identified successfully waste is wasting analysis current stream. mapping leadtime production was 19.46 percentage day, with non-value added to 97 percent and in future state mapping by applying the attraction supermarket and use the merger process causes the material can be organised and drastically reduced waste preparation, with experienced leadtime production of 0.41 percentage day, and non-value added up to 44 percent. Key words : Lean Manufacture, the Value Stream Mapping, DMAIC. ABSTRACT PT Argo Pantes Tbk. is one of the manufacturing company in Indonesia which is engaged in the textile Industries, for this type of yarn carded 32 to avoid waste were identified by using value stream mapping with DMAIC approach. At this stage of DMAIC, Any by making current state, is performed through Civil Measure by measuring the percentage of non-value added, and takt time, Analyze using the Fishbone analysis and kaizen blitz, receiving complain the future state mapping, the Control to control the production process has been improved. Waste that has been identified is a waste edged higher. stream mapping analysis of current production lead time is 19.46 days, with a percentage of non-value added amounted to 97 percent and in future state mapping by implementing the use supermarket pull systems and the inc. process causes the material flow can't lead time at 0:41 the day, and the percentage of non-value added to 44 percent. Keyword : Lean Manufacture, the Value Stream Mapping, DMAIC. INTRODUCTION PT Argo Pantes Tbk. is one of the manufacturers in Indonesia are engaged in textile industry. This Company mengahsilkan various kinds of thread and cloth. To type of thread Carded-32 (Cd-32) is a kind of spider thread, which is very many of his request, but if seen from the efficiency especially in time for the process, Inventory which occurred in every process. Companies are still have to work hard to improve their production process system that they should apply. For that lean was present as the concept defining waste, through the Human Resources who have at this stage DMAIC so it can be more detailed stage any (DMAIC) will be done value stream mapping to know waste that happened. Continued with is performed through civil measure to calculate Takt time, and percentage non value added that happened on our production processes, and analyze with the aim to get formula to solve. In the final receiving complain to carry out the repair that has been analyzed, and Control to evaluate companies for the better and make sure that there is an increase of the process. Formulation of problems: a. How many Production leadtime thread making Cd-32 in Current state mapping and Future State Mapping? b. How many percentage Non-Value Added on our production processes Cd-32 in Current State Mapping and Future State Mapping? c. What purpose the most dominant in the process of production Cd-32? d. What is on to reduce waste that took place on the floor production Cd-32 in Argo Pantes Tbk.? The aim of the Research: a. Know production leadtime thread making Cd-32 in Current State Mapping And Future State Mapping? b. Know Percentage Non-Value Added the process of making thread The Cd-32 in Current State Mapping And Future State Mapping c. Know wasting (Waste) dominant in the process of production thread The Cd-32 d. Providing on to the company to improve reduce Waste and activities high-value-added products (Non-Value Added Activity). Boundary problem : a. This research done on the floor Argo Pantes production at Pt Tbk, in part, and product unit Spinning1 thread The Cd-32 b. Data that is required in this research is focused on time production process, and activity production, which is used to identify extravagance, was not included in calculating the cost. c. Lean manufacturing researched Waste is the most dominant. d. This research is focused on a Non-Value Added. RESEARCH METHOD Research methodology describes steps that will be run in this research. Research methodology was made to execution process or it can be structured with good and can achieve the goal that was established before. Objects or PT Argo Pantes Tbk producing textiles from thread to the Treasury Department the cloth. Unit Spinning-1 produce thread Carded 32 (Cd-32), Carded 30 (Cd-30), Carded 40 (CD-40), and Tanzania 32 (TZC-32) that became a discussion in this research is Carded 32 (Cd-32) because the product's peminatan consumers that stable among other types of products that are Several stages. to do research : 1. Identifying problems yan happened at, with the reference from several studies library, and adjusted by observation dilapanan 2. To Make formulation of problems 3. To Make the aim of the research 4. Assessment secondary data from a number of data request production in february 2015, conversi chis, hours of work, number of flow of information machine, etc. And primary data in the form time machine each time the transition process, material, time set up machine, the number of inventories, the distance railway station. 5. After penumpulan data, and our data to be with the approach DMAIC, the data consists of 5 stages, with levels any time we prepare cycle, WIP every process, and make current stream mapping, stage is performed through Civil Measure menukur time takt time, and measured non-value added in the current stream mappin, stage Analysis to analyze fishbones, and make kaizen Blitz, stage receiving complain make future Stream Mapping, The Control improved are constantly and document standard practice. 6. Buyback results and analysis, after our data to be the result of temua- temua that is in processing data so we must analysis 7. After we finished analyzing results so,we can give conclusion and suggestion. RESULTS and DISCUSSION Define Phase 1. Choose Family Product To choose family products diperlukan analysis of production. Table 1. Analysis of production Picture 1. Pareto diagram It follows Pareto diagram CD-32 have volume 59.7 percent of the total production. Table 2.Analysis of The route Production He has chosen family CD-32, CD-30 and CD-40, because it has a production, and half of the total production, and has a production line for the same is selected product CD-32 to be investigated further. 2. Time cycle (Cycle Time) Average Time process machine Table 3. average time process thread engine Carded-32 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Blowing 5.56 5.45 5.55 5.43 5.46 5.58 5.45 5.55 5.56 5.51 Carding 101.09 100.41 101.2 100.5 100.34 101.25 101.1 101.25 100.25 100.45 Drawing 12.55 12.58 12.55 12.57 12.58 12.55 12.56 12.58 12.57 12.55 RATA-RATA 5.51 100.78 12.56 Proses Ritter Roving Ring Spinning 6.54 138.50 246.47 6.25 139.07 246.45 6.56 138.25 247.05 6.11 139.2 247.04 6.15 138.35 246.35 6.18 138.57 246.49 6.52 138.56 247.03 6.14 139.2 246.56 6.15 139 246.42 6.35 138.56 247.06 6.30 138.73 246.69 Winding 122.13 121.55 122.25 121.56 121.54 122.04 121.11 121.35 121.15 122.15 Packing 3.02 3.15 2.58 3.06 2.57 3.15 3.01 2.57 2.59 3.03 121.68 2.87 Table 4. The Number of of production of the thread machine in Cd-32 Table 5. Convert units to chis From the observation result taken we can count time process engine blowing-packing ππππ‘π’ πππππ’ππ π with equation: ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ π¦πππ ππβππ πππππ a. Blowing Time process 5.51Menit= 331 seconds An 1 doffing= 16 chis, the number of engine 6 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 331 20,68 Ct : = = 20,68 = = 3,4π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 16 6 b. Carding Time process 100.78 minutes =6047detik Output = 8 chis, the number of engine 72 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 6047 755,85 Ct : = = 755,85 = = 10,49π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 8 72 c. Drawing Time process 12.56 minutes= 753.84 seconds Output = 2 Cen = 16 Chis, the number of engine 4 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 753,84 47,115 Ct : = = 47,115 = = 11,77π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 16 4 d. Ritter Time process = 6.30 minutes = 377.7 seconds Output= 1 Cen= 8 chis, the number of engine 3 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 377,7 47,21 Ct : = = 47,21 = = 15,73π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 8 3 c. Roving Time process= 138.73 minutes=8323.56 seconds Output production 96 Roving= 576 Chis, the number of engine 5 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 8323,56 14,45 Ct : = = 14,45 = = 2,9 π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 576 5 f. Ring Spinning Time process = 246.69 minutes=14801.52 seconds Output production= 432 cone= 54 chis, the number of engine 60 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 14801,52 274,10 Ct : = = 274,10 = = 4,5 π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 54 60 g. Winding Time process 121.68 minutes=7300.98 seconds Output production= 60 chis, the number of engine 9 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 7300,98 121,68 Ct : = = 121,68 = = 13,52 π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 60 9 h. Packing Time process 2.87 minutes= 172.38 deti Output produced= 24 chis, the number of engine 1 ππππ‘π’ ππππ ππ 172,38 7,18 Ct : = = 7,18 = = 7,18 π ππ’π‘ππ’π‘ πππππ’ππ π 24 1 In Brief Cycle time in the making thread in ring sipinning can be seen in the table below: Table 6. Cycle Time per process in the making thread the CD-32 3. Current State Mapping Table 7. Inventory Every process and distance between The process No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Proses Gudang bahan baku ke blowing blowing ke carding carding ke drawing drawing ke ritter ritter ke roving roving ke ring spinning ring spinning ke winding winding ke packing packing ke gudang barang jadi jumlah 8114715 21 65 83 31 96 3120 2400 1900 Satuan kg dopping cen cen cen roving cone chis dus (1 dus, isi 24 chis) Konv ke chis 42935 336 520 664 248 576 390 2400 45600 Jarak 121 M 75 M 45 M 41 M 13 M 10 M 55 M 25 M 150 M PPIC Monthly Schedule MARKETING Suplier CUSTOUMER 134592/month 4809 unit/hari 24 hour/day STORAGE i 42935 6 C/T = 3,4 C/O = 0 i 336 Set Up = 15 M 8,92 Day RITTER i 1 i 520 C/T = 11,77 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 664 6 C/T = 10.49 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 0,06 Day 5,51 Min DRAWING CARDING BLOWING Picture 2.Current state mapping 12,56 Min i 248 4 C/T = 2,9 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 6,30 Min i 30 i 576 C/T = 4,5 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 390 0,12 Day 0,05 Day 0,13 Day 0,10 Day 100,78 Min 1 C/T = 15,73 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 138,73 Min WINDING R. SPINNING ROVING 5 C/T = 13,52 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 246,69 Min i 2 i 2400 C/T = 7,18 C/O = 0 Set Up = 15 M 45600 0,5 day 0,08 Day 121,68 Min SHIPPING PACK 9,5 Day Production Time : 19,46 2,87 Min Process time : 635,12 min Measure Phase 1. The count Takt Time Time avalaible = 1215 minutes = 72900 seconds, demand bpd by 4809 chis. ππππ‘ ππππ (ππ) = π΄π£πππππππ π€πππ π‘πππ πππ πππ¦ 72900 = = 15, 15 π·ππ‘ππ πΆπ’π π‘ππππ ππππππ πππ πππ¦ 4809 2. The count Non-Value Added Time Process= 635.12 minutes. Production time 19.46 19.46 day, so day x 1215 = 23643.9 πππ‘ππ πππ΄ NVA = x 100% πππ‘ππ ππππ NVA = 23643.9 (23643.9+635,12) x 100percent = 97% Analysis Phase 1. Fishbone Analysis From the results obtained in the final define and is performed through civil measure, so we can analyze these things that cause lead time production became long resulting in non-value added up to 97% Lingkungan Suasana kerja kurang produktif Material Layout pabrik yang kurang rapi beberapa proses yang memiliki jarak yang jauh antar stasiun Proses yang terlalu banyak Manusia Banyaknya material yang menumpuk pada tiap proses, terutama pada bagian gudang bahan baku dan packing Kurang diterapkannya standar proses Tidak Adanya standar produksi Metode Kurang Tanggapnya Operator dalam bekerja Jumlah Operator dalam beberapa proses kurang Kurangnya Pengetahuan operator tentang mesin Waktu Leadtime Produksi yang Panjang Mesin yang sudah tua Mesin tidak stabil Kurangnya Maintenance Mesin Kecepatan mesin di setting tidak full Mesin Picture 3. Fishbone Analysis After diruncingkan there are 3 dominant factor that causes long lead time production: a. The accumulated business material maximum in every process especially in the warehouse raw materials and packing b. There is no production standard c. The process is too much. 2. Making Kaizen Blitz Using the methods Kaizen Blitz is expected to focus on what it must be improved so that it is hoped that the application value stream mapping on the floor factory is to remove the process is not value added products. Picture 4. Kaizen Blitz On Current State Mapping Improve Phase An alternative to overcome the problem can be seen from the kaizen blitz in Picture 4 while The application improvements can be seen in Future State Mapping Project. But on improvements that will be done to change Current State Mapping to Future State Mapping are: 1. The merger Safety To do the work this process must have the level characteristic work uniform, and the output that period, so calculated that high production carding machine, drawing, and ritter in fox so 1 process this was done by making process high production carding machine, drawing ritter to 1 line for that required cooperation between line spot high production carding machine, drawing and riter. The merger safety would also be made in the Winding machine grant and packing, and because this is the merging process to one, then we can take time Cycle Time was the highest. 2. Continus Flow The application Continus problem will be done to reduce the level preparation, in roving because time Cycle Time, not much different with ring spinning and therefore for creating this process will be done mainstream Continus Flow. 3. Use Supermarket Supermarket in the proposal this improvement function as safety stock which consists of 5 supermarket : a. The first Supermarket are among the raw material, and blowing, this is done distance warehouse materials to blowing that far enough, and not as uncontrolled inventories in the area blowing. b. Supermarket was in an area between blowing and CDR, because the interval cycle time was very different, and the distance is far enough. c. Supermarket and the third among CDR and Roving, this was because time cycle time, far different. d. Supermarket and the fourth between ring spinning and Winding machine grant-pack. e. The latest among Winding machine grant-pack and warehouse work so. Shipping materials from the warehouse to blowing was changed to 4 hours per day, or 0.16 to 0.03 CDR blowing to day, CDR to roving to 0.03 days, ring spinning to Winding machine grant 0.03 days, and packing to the warehouse work so 0.16 day, this was done in order to control production because continus problem is not possible to be applied, so the application is hoped to be able to supermarket WIP between process. PPIC Monthly Schedule SUPLIER MARKETING STORAGE CUSTOUMER 134592/month 4809 unit/hari 24 hour/day Carding+ Drawing+ Ritter Blowing Winding+Pack C/T = 4,5 C/T =3.4 C/T = 15,73 C/T =2,9 C/O = 0 C/O = 0 C/O = 0 C/O = 0 Set Up : 15 M in Set Up : 15 M in Set Up : 15 M in Set Up : 15 M in 0,16 Day 0,03 Day 5,51 M 0,03 Day 119,64 M FIFO C/T = 13,52 C/O = 0 Set Up : 15 M in 0,03 Day 0 138,73 M SHIPPING Ring Spinning Roving 246,69 M Picture 5 . On improvement in the making thread the cd-32 in future state mapping 0,16 Day 124,55 M Production Time : 0.41 Day Process Time : 635,12 Min The count percentage Non-Value Added in Future State Mapping Project. From Future State Mapping Project, it is known that, time Process Time is 635.12 minutes, and time production fell to 0.41 Days, and because in the day he needs to change to minute, according to the time Avalaible bpd by the 1215 minutes. The calculations for : Total NVA : 0.41 x 1215 day = 498.15 . Total Time: 498.15 + 635.12 = 1133.27 NVA = πππ‘ππ πππ΄ πππ‘ππ ππππ x 100% = 498,15 1133.27 π₯ 100 % = 44% Control Phase Among the resolute that need to be implemented in the final control are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Documenting these practices standards Re-training team & strengthening motivation through reward & recognition Using continually Learning results Communication & The increase through Visual Board Analysis Takt Time to Cycle Time 1. Current State Mapping Time Cycle Time Table 8. Time cycle time in current state mapping Picture 6. Comparison cycle time and takt time on current 2. Future State Mapping Time Cycle Time Table 9: Cycle Time in Future State Mapping Picture 7. Comparison cycle time and takt time in future Analysis Inventory Every process (WIP) The Current State of production of the thread Mapping in Cd-32 we can see that wip in every process in number are varied and average industry is still too many when viewed from the perspective lean manufacturing. Debt rescheduling that is not good is seen when we see a daily production, when there are so many wip available process was still is scheduled to start, this thing could be caused by wip is not generally known by planners production. Picture 8. The Number of wip in every process in current state mapping Analysis of comparative total Production Lead Time Based on the amount of time production lead time, so we could see the existence reduction production lead time of 19.46 day to day 0.41, this was because among workstation with each other there is no WIP .Production lead time is a total of every inventory that is in the bloodstream value stream mapping in producing thread the CD-32. Picture 9. Comparison production lead time Analysis of Non-Value Added and Value added Table 10. The presentation value added and non-value added Picture 10. Comparison nva and va in current and future mapping CONCLUSION a. Production lead time reduced from 19.46 day to day or go down as much as 0.41 19.05 days. b. Percentage time Non-Value Added that was high in Current State Mapping project that is 97 percent reduced to 44 percent in Future State Mapping c. 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