WORKSHEET 26 ICD ASSIGNMENTS INFECTIOUS/PARASITIC DISEASES These diseases are generally considered communicable or transmissible. Infectious/Parasitic Diseases –I (001-139) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Hepatitis (viral) _______________ 2. Mumps _______________ 3. Salmonella infection, unspecified _______________ 4. Herpes simplex _______________ 5. Gas ________________ NEOPLASMS Neoplasms –I (140-239) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Bladder cancer _______________ 2. Lung malignancy (secondary) ________________ 3. Leukemia ________________ 4. Kaposi’ Sarcoma _________________ 5. Skin carcinoma _________________ ENDOCRINE, NUTRITIONAL, METABOLIC, IMMUNITY DISORDERS This section deals with diseases NOT caused by tumor. Endocrine, Nutritional, Metabolic, Immunity Disorders –I (240-279) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Diabetes _________________ 2. Gout _________________ 3. Dwarfism (pituitary) _________________ 4. Obesity _________________ 5. Acute thyroiditis disease _________________ BLOOD AND BLOOD-FORMING ORGANS This section covers diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. Blood and Blood-Forming Organs-I (280-289) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Christmas disease _________________ 2. Cooley’s anemia __________________ 3. Imerslund’s syndrome __________________ 4. Familial polycythemia 5. Infantile pseudoleukemia _________________ __________________ MENTAL DISORDERS This section includes psychoses, neuroses, conduct disorders, and retardation. Mental Disorders –I (290-319) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Hypochondriasis __________________ 2. Manic depressive disorder __________________ 3. Fetishism __________________ 4. IQ 27 __________________ 5. Panic agoraphobia __________________ NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSE ORGANS Inflammatory, hereditary, and degenerative diseases of the central nervous system, as well as disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Nervous system and sense organs – I (320-389) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Multiple sclerosis _________________ 2. Neuropathy Hereditary sensory __________________ 3. Morton’s neuroma _________________ 4. Profound impairment both eyes _________________ 5. Disorders of 5th cranial nerve (Trigeminal nerve disorders) _________________ CIRCULATORY SYSTEM This system includes rheumatic fever and resulting heart disease, hypertensive and ischemic heart disease, diseases of the pulmonary circulation, and other heart diseases. Circulatory System –II(390-459) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Sick sinus syndrome ________________ 2. Atrial flutter ________________ 3. Temporal arteritis ________________ 4. Stasis dermatitis ulcers c inflammation ________________ 5. Transient ischemic attacks (TIA) _________________ RESPIRATORY SYSTEM This system includes acute infections and other respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and influenza, obstructive pulmonary disease, and external causes of lung disease, as well as other forms of lung disorders. Respiratory System –I (460- 519) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Allergic rhinitis _______________ 2. Acute sinus infection _______________ 3. Broncholithiasis _______________ 4. Chronic asthmatic bronchitis _______________ 5. Radiation fibrosis of the lung _______________ DIGESTIVE SYSTEM This covers diseases of the oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws, esophagus, stomach and duodenum, appendicitis, abdominal hernias, noninfectious enteritis and colitis, and other diseases of the intestines, peritoneum, and digestive system Digestive System –I (520-579) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Toxic parotitis _______________ 2. Melena _______________ 3. Hematemesis _______________ 4. Diverticulosis of colon c hemorrhage ________________ 5. Chronic appendicitis ________________ GENITOURINARY SYSTEM This system includes diseases of the kidneys, bladder, ureter, urethra, and male genital organs. Also covered are the diseases of the breast, inflammatory conditions of the female pelvic organs, and female infertility. Genitourinary System –I (580-629) 2007 ICD-9-CM Using the Tabular List Only, identify the three-digit category for: 1. Acute renal failure _______________ 2. Kidney stone ________________ 3. Endometriosis _______________ 4. Female infertility _______________ 5. Male infertility ________________ PREGNANCY, CHILDBIRTH, PUERPERIUM This unit includes conditions related to ectopic and molar pregnancy, abortive pregnancies, other pregnancy complications; normal delivery, other indications for pregnancy care, and labor and delivery, as well as complications of labor and delivery. Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium –I (630-677) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Obstetric shock ________________ 2. Suppressed lactation ________________ 3. Premature separation of placenta ________________ 4. Spontaneous breech delivery ________________ SKIN AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE This section includes infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, inflammatory conditions, and other diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue –I (680-757.1) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Diaper rash ________________ 2. Alligator skin, recent onset (ichthyosis) ________________ 3. Senile dermatosis ________________ 4. Cheloid scar ________________ 5. Infected corn ________________ MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE This section includes arthropathies and related disorders, dorsopathies, rheumatism(excluding the back), chondropathies, and acquired musculoskeletal deformities. Many codes have a fifth digit. Note that this section excludes fractures. Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue –I (710-739) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Flat foot ________________ 2. Bowlegs _________________ 3. Low back pain _________________ 4. Pigeon toes _________________ 5. Tennis elbow _________________ SYMPTOMS, SIGNS, AND ILL-DEFINED CONDITIONS This section contains codes useful to almost every practice. Symptoms, Signs, and Ill- Defined Conditions-II (780-799) 2007 ICD-9CM 1. Headache _________________ 2. Swollen glands _________________ 3. Nervous tension ________________ 4. Urinary retention ________________ 5. Positive TB test _________________ INJURY AND POISONING This unit contains the diagnoses for fractures, dislocations, sprains, wounds, contusions, burns, poisonings, and other toxic effects and complications. Poisonings are easy to find using the Table of Drugs and Chemicals at the end of the Alphabetic Index. Injury and Poisoning –I (800-999) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Sunstroke ________________ 2. Starvation ________________ 3. Sprained ankle _________________ 4. Battered spouse syndrome _________________ 5. Open wound of scalp _________________ SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATION- “V” CODES These codes are used as a “diagnosis” for a person who: (a) is receiving services for a specific purpose but is not currently sick, such as vaccination: (b) seeks treatment for a specific disorder such as chemotherapy: or (c) has some circumstance or problem present that influences the patient’s health status but is not itself a current illness or injury, such as a history of cancer. Supplementary Classification- “V” Codes –II (V01-V86) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Drunk driving test Annual Pap Smear exam Refugee exam Cornea donor Allergy testing ________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ SUPPLEMENTARY CLASSIFICATION-“E” CODES These codes describe the external causes of injury or poisoning. They would be used in addition to the actual condition treated. If you set a fractured femur caused by an automobile accident, code the fracture first (primary) and the E code second. Supplementary Classification –“E” Codes –II(E800-E999) 2007 ICD-9-CM 1. Loss of hearing from rock music _________________ 2. Injured by fireworks __________________ 3. Hand slashed by circular saw __________________ 4. Slashed wrists in suicide attempt _________________ 5. Injured during earthquake _________________