The Links, Incorporated - Web Development Company UK

Ethics Connection
The Value of Ethics & Standards in Linkdom
Selma Robinson-Ayers, Chair
Ethics & Standards Committee
May 11, 2013
Ethics Connection – Workshop Overview
Who, What, When, Where, Why
The Code of Conduct
The Core Values
The Standards & Scenarios
Connecting the Dots … Awareness Test
The Process for Handling Complaints
Possible Sanctions for Ethics Violations
The Forms
Questions & Comments
Area Ethics and Standards Committee
• Link Selma Robinson-Ayers, Chair
– St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter
• Link Tamara Y. Lee, Vice Director/Membership
– Tuskegee (AL) Chapter
• Link Rosalind Fuse-Hall, Parliamentarian
– Tallahassee (FL) Chapter
• Link Kiana Mitchell,
– Pontchartrain (LA) Chapter
• Link Sia Baker-Barnes
– West Palm Beach (FL) Chapter
WHO are we?
• The Links Foundation, Inc.
• The Links, Incorporated
• The National Headquarters of The Links,
• The Central, Eastern, Southern and Western
Areas of The Links Incorporated
• The 278 Chapters of The Links, Incorporated
• The 12,000+ Members of The Links,
We are the Links!
WHAT is Ethics & Standards?
• Ethics = A concept of moral principles and values
that determine good and bad, or right and wrong
(The essence of who we are inwardly)
• Standards = Agreed to norms that define
acceptable conduct and expected behavior
• Code of Conduct = A set of guidelines based
upon principles and core values that define the
standards for acceptable actions, behavior, and
WHEN & WHERE is E&S Applicable?
Whenever and Wherever!
In all things – at all times – and in all places!
• As members of The Links, Incorporated, our actions
must always exemplify the Highest Standards of Ethics
and Integrity
Fostering sisterly friendship
Conducting business and providing services
Chapter and Committee Meetings
Area Conferences and National Assemblies
Programming Initiatives
Fundraising Activities
Civic Endeavors
Community/Public Relations
WHY is Ethics Important?
It’s all about our Reputation!
Reputational Capital = The Value of our Reputation
– The internet and news media headlines are filled with countless scandals involving
individuals and organizations charged with ethics violations.
Proverbs 22.1 – “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches and loving
Representatives & Ambassadors (Links Members)
Accountability & Compliance
favor rather than silver and gold.” A Good Reputation is Priceless!
– We’re in the big league now – we must be accountable
– Compliance is a “must” – play by the rules
– Adhere to Links Code of Ethics & Standards, Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of
Procedures, Financial Handbook and other Links governing documents
Reputations are forged over time, but can be destroyed in an
Not the Kind of Publicity We Seek!
Ethics in the Headlines – Protect the Links’ Reputation!
Rep. Charlie Rangel found
guilty of 11 ethics violations –
steps down under pressure
- The Washington Post
Nothing to see
here: Maxine
Waters cleared
of House ethics
Insider Trading Scandal Martha Stewart gets 5
months prison term
- CNN Money
Alleged Violations Could Cost
- The Wall Street Journal
NAACP Millions in donations
- Dowjones Newswires
forced to
FAMU in Hot Water Over Hazing sell homes
Jackson, Jr.
pleads guilty
to campaign
Misappropriation of State Funds
…Accreditation at Risk – Band Suspended
- Florida Times Union - Note
Wesley Snipes turns 50 in prison
but didn’t file false tax return…
Snipes maintains that he was mislead by his advisors
- Forbes Magazine
Other personal assets
also go for fines, fee
UNCF Dismisses Two
Executives For Violating
Ethical Standards
- The Wall Street Journal
…The Links, Incorporated - National Treasurer - Misappropriated FedEx Funds…
The Core Values
• Friendship
• Service
• Legacy
• Respect
• Family Relations
• Honesty/Truth
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Courage
• Responsibility & Accountability
The Code of Conduct
Adhering to the Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Procedures, The Links
Organization Code of Ethics and Standards, and other official documents of
The Links, Incorporated and The Links Foundation, Incorporated.
Fostering the bonds of friendship.
Implementing programs and activities in the program facets that meet our
organizational mission and service requirements
Serving the public in a trustworthy manner, dealing honestly with members of
The Links Organization and the community at large.
Abiding by applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Adhering to international copyright and intellectual property laws.
Guarding against conflicts of interest and avoiding the appearance of
impropriety when using organizational funds and public resources and when
giving and receiving gifts and awards.
The Standards
• Communications
– Social Media Policy
• Financial Operations
• Intellectual Property
• Equal Opportunity
• Conflict of Interest
The Standards – Communications
• National President is official spokesperson
• Members MUST maintain privacy and
• No harmful statements re the organization
or its members
• No unauthorized written or electronic
The Standards – Communications
At a public community forum, held for the purpose of discussing measures to compensate for the general
state of the economy, and the effects of recent congressional budget cuts to the local community (i.e.
unemployment, youth education/entitlement programs; health-care issues, etc.) a chapter member states
publically that The Links, Incorporated will lend financial support to several youth educational initiatives (i.e.
financial support to causes).
Related Core Values:
– Responsibility and Accountability
Applicable Code/Standard(s):
– Standard 1: Communications, Section A . Designating the Official Organizational Spokesperson. The
National President or her designee is the official spokesperson for The Links Organization. The President
must authorize all official statements or issuances of statements on behalf of the organization.
Related Governing Documents::
– Constitution and Bylaws; Manual of Procedures, Financial Handbook, Protocol Manual
Complaint Process:
– Chapter Level Ethics Complaint. Complaint is filed by a designated chapter member and is handled by
Chapter Ethics & Standards Committee in accordance with steps outlined in “PROCESS FOR RESPONSE
Possible Sanctions/Corrective Actions:
– Apology (A written apology from the sanctioned member to the Chapter expressing regret for the action.
Chapter President (official Chapter spokesperson) sends formal letter to appropriate entity/group(s) and
rescinds offer to support the cause(s) financially.
The Standards – Communication
The Social Medial Policy
• Standard 1: Communications – Social Media
• “Appendix A” to the recently distributed “Social Media Policy” provides
examples of inappropriate online conduct by members and chapters acting
on behalf of, or in their capacity as, members of The Links, Incorporated on
sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms which
violates The Links Code of Ethics and Standards.
• Members are strongly encouraged to study The Code of Ethics and Standards
and other governing documents for more complete review of current standards
of conduct that should apply as we meet our mission of service through
friendship and protect our Links brand.
• While the current revision of The Code of Ethics and Standards does not
specifically address our recent social media presence, adherence to current
rules and regulations, and an understanding of current Communications
sanctions for inappropriate conduct, along with an awareness of the complaint
and appeals processes, are expected.
Updates to the Code that pertain to social media activity are forthcoming.
The Standards – Financial Operations
• Use of Public Funds – Monies shall be used for
the stated charitable activities and service
projects, only
• Recusals – Links and immediate family
members must recuse themselves from
participation in sponsored public fundraising
activities involving lotteries, silent and live
auctions, awards, gifts and prizes
• No self-dealing or misappropriation of funds.
The Standards – Financial Operations
– Following a contentious discussion at the November meeting (and opposition by the Treasurer), the
St. John Knitty Chapter of The Links, Incorporated voted to host its annual Christmas Party using
funds that were “just sitting” in the Restricted Funds account, rather than assessing the 30 members a
fee of $100 each to offset the costs. The party was a huge success; however, the matter was
reported to the Area Director for review.
Related Core Values:
– Honesty/Truth, Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability
Applicable Code/Standard(s):
– Standard 2. Financial Operations – Section A. Use of Public Funds; and B. Misappropriation of
Related Governing Documents:
– Constitution and Bylaws; Financial Handbook,
Complaint Process:
– Area Level Ethics Complaint. Complaint is filed by Area Director (or her designee) and is handled by
Area Ethics & Standards Committee in accordance with steps outlined in “PROCESS FOR
Possible Sanctions/Corrective Actions:
– Probation, Suspension, Expulsion
– Other Corrective Action: “Restricted” funds account must be replenished ($3K)
The Standards – Intellectual Property
• No plagiarism or misuse of
• Give appropriate credit for work
• Adhere to all copyright and
intellectual property laws.
The Standards – Intellectual Property
– Link Queen Foraday, of the Kings Court Chapter of The Links, Incorporated prepared a research paper
on “Bullying in the Middle School” and presented it to several local schools in the Kings Court area. She
later attended a Links Leadership Forum wherein the Program Chairperson from a neighboring Chapter
(who is also an Area Officer) presented a Workshop which appeared to reference Link Foraday’s
research, claiming it as her own document. When copies of the presentation were distributed, Link
Foraday was astounded that her research work was being used and disseminated without permission or
Related Core Values:
– Friendship, Respect, Honesty/Truth, Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability
Applicable Code/Standard(s):
– Standard 3. Intellectual Property – Plagiarism and Misuse of Information. Ensuring that others receive
appropriate credit for their work and contributions. Serving the public in a trustworthy manner, dealing
honestly with the members of The Links Organization and the community at large.
Related Governing Documents:
– Constitution and Bylaws, Financial Handbook
Complaint Process:
Area Level Ethics Complaint. Complaint is filed by offended chapter member and is handled by Area
Ethics & Standards Committee in accordance with steps outlined in “PROCESS FOR RESPONSE TO
Possible Sanctions/Corrective Actions:
– Apology, Fine, Suspension.
The Standards – Equal Opportunity
• The Links Organization shall promote equal
opportunity and diversity for all persons
regardless of age, race, color, gender, religion,
national origin, handicap, disability or any other
characteristic protected by law, and shall make
decisions based on merit, qualifications and
• Make every effort to ensure reasonable
The Standards – Equal Opportunity
The Area Communications Committee and Public Relations are charged with recommending
entertainment artists for the Area Conference. In the request for proposal, the Committee expresses
preference for an ethnic minority jazz group. The Committee reviews the bids and makes
recommendation to the Area Director. The Director rejects the lowest bid from a prominent local jazz
band because the performers are Caucasian. The rejected band learns of the situation and lodges a
complaint to the National President, The Links, Incorporated.
Related Core Values:
Applicable Code/Standard(s):
Constitution and Bylaws, Financial Handbook, Area Conference Handbook
Complaint Process:
Standard 4. Equal Opportunity and Diversity ; A) Promoting equal opportunity and diversity for all
persons regardless of age, race, color, gender, religion, national origin, handicap, disability or any
other characteristic protected by law and shall make decisions based on merit, qualifications and
Related Governing Documents:
Honesty/Truth, Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability
National Level Ethics Complaint is filed by the President or a designated member of the National
Executive Council and is handled by National Ethics & Standards Committee in accordance with
Possible Sanctions/Corrective Actions:
Removal from Office, Suspension.
The Standards – Conflicts of Interest
• Members must refrain from Conflicts of Interest
• Recusals and Waivers of Conflict of Interest are required
• No unauthorized Awards or Recognitions
• Compensation/Salary paid to members or immediate family must
be disclosed ($50+)
• Disclose Gifts/Compensation by Parties Seeking to Conduct
• Substantial Obligation/Beneficial Interest to Supplier of Goods
and Services must be disclosed
• Disclosure must be made of Salaries or Gift Funds to the Links
The Standards – Conflicts of Interest
Related Core Values:
Constitution and Bylaws, Manual of Procedures, Financial Handbook,
Complaint Process:
Standard 5. Conflicts of Interest; B) Recusals and Waivers. If a Link member (or a member of
her immediate family) recognizes a potential conflict of interest, the member or family members
must recuse themselves from the action or activity.
Related Governing Documents:
Respect, Honesty/Truth, Integrity, Family Relations, Responsibility and Accountability
Applicable Code/Standard(s):
The Zillionaire Chapter of The Links, Incorporated hosted its annual “Diamonds & Dollars” fundraising
gala wherein major corporations engaged in subtle philanthropic competition vying for Top Contributor.
The ticket stub of a Chapter member’s daughter was selected during the evening’s drawing finale,
making her the winner of a 10-day transatlantic cruise aboard the SS Queen Mary. The potential “Heir-oLink”, sadly (yet graciously) went to the podium and stated “I am an immediate family member of a Link
and as such am not qualified to accept such gifts and awards at Links sponsored public events,” etc.
No compliant should be filed. The family member recused herself from the activity and no ethics
violation occurred.
Possible Sanctions/Corrective Actions:
– NO sanction imposed. There is awareness by chapter members and their families
regarding the Links Code of Ethics and Standards as pertains to Conflicts of Interest.
Connecting the Dots . . . Test Your Awareness
Core Values………………Ethics & Standards………………Linkdom?
Test your awareness of ethical issues. Make the connection (connect the dots) between
our values and responsibilities, and the (sometimes) challenges we face in Linkdom!
Core Values/Ethical Standards
#1 Integrity/Courage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
Communications/Financial Operations
#2 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
#3 Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
#4 Family Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
Conflict of Interest
#5 Honesty/Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
Intellectual Property/Communications
#6 Responsibility/Accountability. . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
Financial Operations
#7 Respect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) ?
Equal Opportunity
Ethics Issues in Linkdom
A) Appending your Facebook page with Links logo
Reporting a member for misappropriation of funds
B) Making harmful statements against the organization
Sharing privileged information with non-Links
C) Defaming the character of a member during a meeting
Filing a knowingly frivolous ethics complaint
D) Giving unauthorized awards and recognitions
Compensating a family member for professional work
E) Plagiarizing another’s work/not giving credit to others
Acting as Links spokesperson (in lieu of President)
F) Using restricted funds inappropriately
Accepting personal gifts from sponsors and donors
G) Failing to afford all (diverse) persons equal opportunity
Devaluing the contributions of select members
The Process – Complaint
Must be in writing
Must be submitted on appropriate form
Cannot be anonymous
Must be placed in an envelope and marked confidential
Must be submitted to The Chapter, Area or National
Ethics and Standards Committee Chair, whichever is
Must be submitted to the Chapter President, Area
Director or National President, whichever is appropriate
Must be provided to alleged offender
Must be kept confidential
Must be sent by certified mail.
The Process – Response to Complaint
• Ethics and Standards Committee meets
within 10 days to review complaint, initiate
an investigation and plan for a hearing
• The alleged offender must be notified within
10 days of complaint and offered the
opportunity to respond in writing
• The alleged offender must notify
Committee in writing as to whether a
written response will be provided.
Ethics Connection – The Investigation
• Contact presiding officer to ensure receipt of complaint
• Conduct interviews with accused offender, complainant
and any other witnesses
• Attempt to resolve the issue at the lowest possible level
• Gather appropriate documents
• Work with presiding officer to schedule hearing
• Notify all parties of hearing via certified mail
• Maintain strictest confidentiality.
The Process – The Hearing
• Quorum includes the Ethics & Standards Committee
Chair, Parliamentarian and Vice-President
• All members present must have a signed
Confidentiality form on file
• Presiding officer introduces herself and the members
• Hearing is then called to executive session.
• Complainant and Respondent may have 3 total
representatives (1 to present the case and 2 to assist
in the presentation)
• Each side has 10 minutes to present case
The Process – The Hearing Cont’d.
• Documents may be presented but copies need to be
available for all in attendance
• Witnesses are permitted if they were present when
the alleged incident occurred (Links members only)
• Members and Complainant/Respondent may ask
• Members and the Committee then have an
opportunity to ask questions for 5 minutes
• Complainant and Respondent have 5 minutes to
present their final summaries.
The Process – The Hearing Cont’d.
• The Committee and members, outside of any
parties, representatives or witnesses, deliberate
for 10 minutes and come to a decision
• 2/3 affirmative vote is required to uphold complaint
and/or impose sanctions
• The parties are notified in writing of the decision
• No legal representation is permitted.
The Process –Appeal
• Appeals are permitted to the Area, Executive
Council and National Assembly
• 30 days allowed to appeal after notification of
final decision
• Area conducts a hearing
• No hearing at Executive level
• All actions of the National Assembly are final.
Possible Sanctions for Ethical Violations
• Apology – Oral or written statement by member who has committed an
• Censure, Reprimand – Written statement by Chapter
• Fine – Sum paid as a penalty for failure to comply
• Removal from Office – Permanent removal of member from elected or
appointed position
• Probation/Chapter – Defined time period (NTE 1 year) during which
chapters shall curtail activities to correct deficiencies
• Suspension/Chapter – Defined time period (NTE 1 year) during which
chapter activities are suspended
• Suspension/Member – Temporary withdrawal of a member from all
activity with the local Chapter, the Area and the Links, Incorporated for a
defined period (NTE 1 year)
• Expulsion/Member – Total and permanent severance of a member’s
relationship with The Links, Incorporated
• Charter Revocation/Chapter – Strictest discipline for most egregious
violations – permanently withdraws chapter’s charter. (Most severe
The Process – Forms
• Forms designed to follow Internal Revenue
Service forms
• The back of each form contains instructions
on how the form is to be completed and
• All members should have signed the
Acknowledgement Form
• Glossary of Terms – Key point is definition of
immediate family member.
Ethics Connection – Forms Cont’d.
Code of Ethics (COE) Forms
COE 61-1
COE 61-1a
COE 61-2
COE 61-3
COE 61-4
COE 61-5
COE 61-6
COE 61-7
COE 61-8
COE 61-9
COE 61-10
COE 61-11
Code of Ethics Member Acknowledgment Form
Code of Ethics Employee Acknowledgment Form
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Confidentiality Form
Complaint Form – Allegation of Ethical Misconduct
Due Process Notification – Part 1
Minutes of the Code of Ethics Hearing
Notification of Hearing Results
Ethics and Standards Transmittal
Notice of Appeal
Decision Upheld
Decision Reversed
Ethics Connection – Take an “Ethics Check”
• A sound ethical culture is a key to avoiding scandal,
safeguarding an organization’s reputation, and sustaining
its brand value!
• Ethical conduct and behavior is everyone’s responsibility!
Do the right thing
Be open and honest
Seek awareness and ensure compliance
Accept responsibility for your actions
• When in doubt - "Take an ethics check!"
– Check with your Chapter President, Chapter Ethics and Standards
Committee, Area Ethics and Standards Chair
• Is it legal?
• Is it right?
• Does it foster Links Core Values?
• Does it enhance or diminish The Links’ Reputation?
Ethics Connection – Contact Information
Selma Robinson-Ayers, Chair
Southern Area Ethics & Standards Committee
6295 Bahia Del Mar Circle #307
St. Petersburg, FL 33715
727-906-3373 (Home)
727-709-7420 (Cell)
Ethics Connection – Staying Connected
Thanks for your participation!
Ethics Connection – Survey/Evaluation
Ethics Connection
Ethics Connection Awareness Test
Connecting the Dots….
Survey/Evaluation Forms
Ethics and Standards Articles
Featured in “The Southern Area Advantage E-zine”
Ethics Connection – Awareness Test
Core Values………… Ethics & Standards………… Linkdom ?
Test your awareness of ethical issues. Make the connection (connect the dots) between our values and
responsibilities, and the (sometimes) challenges we face in Linkdom!
Core Values/Ethical Standard
Ethics Issues in Linkdom
____#1 Integrity/Courage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A) Using restricted funds inappropriately
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Accepting personal gifts from sponsors and donors
Communications/Financial Operations
____#2 Confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B) Plagiarizing another’s work/not giving credit to others
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Acting as Links spokesperson (in lieu of President)
____#3 Friendship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C) Making harmful statements against the organization
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Sharing privileged information with non-Links
____#4 Family Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D) Failing to afford all (diverse) persons equal opportunity
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Devaluing the contributions of select members
Conflict of Interest
____#5 Honesty/Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E) Appending your Facebook page with Links logo
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Reporting a member for ethical misconduct
Intellectual Property/Communications
____#6 Responsibility/Accountability. . . . . . . . . F) Defaming the character of a member during a meeting
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Filing a knowingly frivolous ethics complaint
Financial Operations
____#7 Respect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G) Giving unauthorized awards and recognitions
Applicable Ethics Standard(s) =
Compensating a family member for professional work
Equal Opportunity