File - Fees in Public Schools

Nicholas Alan Emmons
 Public schools are under financial stress
 Operating costs are increasing
 Teacher salaries
 Utilities
 Maintenance
 Technology
 Government support is decreasing
 Property taxes are decreasing
 School districts cannot fund all of their operations
 Programs are being cut, staff is being reduced, schools are
being closed
 To prevent programs from being cut, many people propose fees
 These fees would allow the programs to continue to operate
without funds from the district
 Programs that would require fees
 Advanced-level classes
 Specialty classes
 Extracurricular activities and programs
 Other fees
 Registration
 Instruction
 Classroom supplies
Regular classroom supplies
Laboratory supplies for science classes
 Fees in public schools allow programs to continue operating
 Without fees, programs would be cut
 Many districts offer waivers to students from poor families
 Most programs fundraise to help offset the cost
 Fees prevent students from poor families from participating
in programs
These programs are essential aspects of school
Without these programs, students are missing out on the full
student experience
Fees barely impact the finances of school districts
School districts can generate revenue through other options
 Campaigning/fundraising
 Convincing students from wealthy families to attend a public
school out of their attendance zone for a cheaper fee than a
private school
Source A
 General overview of the topic
 Points of view reference center
 Unbiased, presents both sides
 Provides a brief history of public schools in America
 Provides a glossary of important terms
Source B
 Against fees
 Point of view reference center
 Presents one side
Source C
 For fees
 Point of view reference center
 Presents one side
Source D
 Graphic
 Picture of money and athletic equipment
 Main idea
 Sports requires money (for fees and equipment)
 Other extracurricular activities require money (fees/dues)
 Unbiased, programs require fees, factual, does not take a
side, reveals the obvious
Source E
 National survey conducted by the Thomas B. Fordham
Analyzed only one chapter of survey report
Describes the rising cost of public school and how school
districts plan to pay for the rising cost
Reveals public’s opinion to the various proposed ways to
cover the cost
In general, the public does not want the quality of the
education to go down
Source F
 Article published by the South African government
 Reveals how South African education system works
 Two types of schools
 Fee schools
 No fee schools
 Fee schools are in affluent areas
 No fee schools are in poor areas
 Waivers are available for fee schools
 Designed to divide cost of public education between the
government and the affluent
 Theoretically, poor families do not pay and receive the same
quality education
 Should public schools require fees for registration,
instruction, classroom supplies, and/or extracurricular
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every year?
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Did I have a great presentation?
 Questions, comments, concerns