Patti S. Helton, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Student Life
University of Denver
March 27, 2008
This session will outline an adapted Balance
Scorecard assessment model that the Student
Life Division at the University of Denver used for 3 years and the process we are now using to “hybrid” to a new Student Life Assessment Plan
(SLAP) which focuses on Learning Outcomes .
We will also discuss how we thread assessment into our Strategic Planning .
My background
– Patti Helton, University of Denver, Associate
– Why I agreed to present on this topic
Your background
– Name, institution, position
– Why you selected this session
University of Denver
Founded in 1864 by John Evans
Is the oldest Independent University in Colorado
Is one of four research universities in Colorado
Fall Enrollment 2007
Undergraduates: 4,907 (avg. undergraduate class size 10:1)
Graduate: 5,806
Total 10,713
DU Culture (change oriented, family-run organization)
Student Life Division
Departments/Programs: 16
Staff: ~150
The Student Life Division is a partner in student learning. With students, faculty & staff, the Division creates a dynamic environment that encourages love of learning, ethical and caring behavior & respect for difference . In all our programs and services we seek to serve the public good .
Assessment is an on-going process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance.
When it is embedded effectively within larger institutional systems, assessment can help us focus our collective attention, examine our assumptions, and create a shared academic culture dedicated to assuring and improving the quality of higher education.
(Definition by The American Association for Higher Education (AAHE)
Bulletin, 48 (2), November 1995, pp. 7-9.)
4. Use 1. Asking questions & Setting goals
3. Interpretation 2.
Gathering Evidence
“You can't tell when you're winning if you don't keep score, the balanced scorecard helps track your hits and misses.” -
Eric Berkman, Chief Information Officers Magazine
The balanced scorecard (BSC) is a strategic planning and management system used to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organizational performance against strategic goals.
Why the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)?
Balanced Scorecards, when developed as strategic planning and management systems, can help align an organization behind a shared vision of success, and get people working on the right things and focusing on results. A scorecard is more than a way of keeping score… is a system, consisting of people, strategy, processes, and technology.
“When fully implemented, Scorecards cascade from the top levels of a company all the way down. Therefore, as a concept,
Scorecards measure whether the comprehensive activities of a company are meeting its objectives in terms of vision and strategy.”
The Baldrige Criteria (1997)
Identify functions of each unit
List activities designed to address each function
Identify appropriate measures and timelines
Determine appropriate targets
Do assessments /measures
Review and analyze results
Report, evaluate, and create new initiatives to
IMPROVE and address weaknesses
Face Time with the Chancellor and Provost
After 3 years of using the Balanced Scorecard Model and
“tweaking” it every year we asked ourselves:
How do we know if we assessing what really matters?
How do we get at the big picture through the details?
(Seeing the forest vs. the trees)
How do we develop language that better fits the Student
Affairs/Higher Education culture? As well as the Higher
Learning Commission and Accreditation Expectations?
How do we incorporate our mission?
How do we link our strategic planning into the process?
Keep the scorecard grid;
Incorporate our Mission;
Create Learning Outcomes;
Link to the Strategic Planning
By connecting assessment to the four mission pillars we continue to use the scorecard grid as a blueprint for:
Setting ambitious goals
Implementing new initiatives based on fact-based data
Holding ourselves accountable to division-wide objectives
Establishing short and long-term goals
Learning outcomes are statements that specify what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity. An important part of drafting learning outcomes is to use active verbs whenever possible. Outcomes also describe a desired condition such as increased knowledge or skills, or even a change in attitudes.
Three characteristics of learning outcomes:
The specified action by the learners must be meaningful.
The specified action by the learners must be measurable.
The outcome should speak to some facet of the Mission
NOTE: The ultimate test when writing a learning outcome is whether the action can be assessed. If not, the outcome probably does not meet all three characteristics.
Clearly state the Relevant Departmental Mission/Goal .
Categorize with a Mission Pillar (Love of Learning, Ethical & Caring
Behavior, Respect for Difference, Serving the Public Good)
Clearly state the Learning Outcome for each goal.
Select methods/ measurements /instruments for gathering evidence to show whether students have achieved the expected learning outcome.
Specify the process and procedures used to gather data for analyzing and interpreting the evidence.
Identify the means by which information that Results from assessment can be used for decision-making, strategic planning, program evaluation, and program improvement.
Strategic Planning
Budget Development
New Initiatives
Student Life
Assessment Plan
Bryson, John M., and Alston, Farnum K., Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan: A
Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, 2nd Edition
Kaplan, Robert S., The Balanced Scorecard for Public-Sector Organizations
Kaplan, Robert S., Overcoming the Barriers to Balanced Scorecard Use in the Public Sector
Kaplan, Robert S. and Norton, David P., The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action
Nair, Mohan, Essentials of Balanced Scorecard
Niven, Paul R., Balanced Scorecard Step-by-Step for Government and Nonprofit Agencies
Poister, Theodore H., Measuring Performance in Public and Nonprofit Organizations
American Association for Higher Education, Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student
Learning. (1992 ) Washington, DC: AAHE.