Dr. M. H. Suckley & Mr. P. A. Klozik Email: MAP@ScienceScene.com Visit our Website: http://www.ScienceScene.com (The MAPs Co.) I. Static Electricity II. Current Electricity III. Applications Electricity I. Static Electricity A. Teaching Static Electricity - Naive Ideas B. Wonderment of Producing Static Charge 1. Rubbing a. The Fluttering Butterfly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 b. The Static Mystery ......................... 6 2. Contact a. Fickle Friends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 b. The Repulsive Ball ......................... 8 3. Induction a. Dancing Spheres in Captivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 b. The Attractive Yard Stick, Broom, and 2 X 4’s. . . . 10 Electricity I. Static Electricity C. Explanations - Developing A Model 1. How Do Materials Become Charged?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2. Using The Model To Illustrate the Static Charge? . . . . . . . . . 12 3. Developing the Laws of Static Electricity a. Golf Tubs and Test Tubes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 b. Sticky Tape Static Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4. The Electrostatic Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 a. Where Should We Put Scotch Tape In The Series?. . . . . . . . 16 b. Attractive Stuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 D. Applying the "Model" For Static Electricity 1. The Moving Soda Can, Ping Pong Ball, or Loony Loop. . . . . . 18 2. Groovy Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3. Electrophorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4. Electrostatic Doorbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 5. The Van De Graff Generator 6. Static Charges Can Kill You Electricity II. Flowing or Current Electricity A. Teaching Current Electricity - Naive Ideas . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 B. Wonderment of Current Electricity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Static – Alternating and Direct Electricity C. Building The "Simply Super" Circuit Board . . . . . . . . . . . 23 D. Parallel Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 E. Series Circuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 F. Combined Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 G. Conductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 H. Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 I. Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 J. Resistors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Electricity III. Application of Electricity A. Buzzer Door Bell B. Chime Door Bell C. Speaker D. Christmas Lights E. Toaster F. Light Bulb G. Hair Dryer We Had A Great Time Acceptance of a New Concept A widely accepted way to explain how learners adopt new understandings of phenomena is presented in the Conceptual Change Model (CCM)*. There are two major components to the Conceptual Change Model. The first component are the conditions that need to be met in order for a person to adopt a new understanding. There are three conditions leading to the adoption of a new concept. A learner has to: (1) become dissatisfied with their existing concept, (2) find the new concept intelligible, (3) find the new concept plausible and fruitful. The second component of the CCM is described as the status of the new concept. A concept has status when it meets any of the conditions indicated; however, the more conditions that the new concept meets, the higher the status the new concept obtains, and hence, a higher probability of being adopted. References 7 *Posner, G.J., K.A. Strike, P.W. Hewson, and W.A. Gertzog. 1982. Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education 66: 211-27. NSTA Board Adopts New Position Statement on Laboratory Science The NSTA Board of Directors has adopted a new position statement which reaffirms the central role laboratory investigations play in quality science instruction. “for science to be taught properly and effectively, labs must be an integral part of the science curriculum.” The new statement replaces Laboratory Science, which was adopted in 1990. Static Electricity I. Naïve Ideas 1. After a material acquires a positive charge, it has more positive charges (protons) than it did. 2. When a material has positive charge, the missing negative charges (electrons) have been destroyed. 3. Whenever a material becomes charged, the charges have been newly created in the process. 4. Positively charged atoms give a positive charge; negatively charged atoms give a negative charge. 5. Static electric forces are always attractive. 6. In order for an object to act like it is charged, electrons must be added or removed. 7. All wires must be coated with an insulating material or the electricity will leak out. 7 Grade Level Appropriate Concepts K-4: Pushing or pulling can change the position and motion of objects. (Electric forces can be used as a source of the push or pull). Students will indicate that magnetism, gravity and electrical charge can exert forces on objects without touching the objects. 2 Grade Level Appropriate Concepts 5-8: Unbalanced forces cause changes in an object’s motion. (An imbalance in charges on an object results in an unbalanced force, causing nearby uncharged objects to be attracted). Students will recognize different forces and describe their effects as magnetic, gravitational, electrical or nuclear forces 1 Grade Level Appropriate Concepts 9-12: The electric force is a universal force that exists between any two charged objects. Opposite charges attract while like charges repel. The strength of the force is proportional to the charges and, as with gravitation, inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Between any two charged particles, electric force is vastly greater than the gravitational force. Most observable forces such as those exerted by a coiled spring or friction may be traced to electric forces acting between atoms and molecules. Students will identify the characteristics and relative strengths of magnetic, gravitational, electrical and nuclear forces. Then they will analyze the relationship between them. 0 Rubbing - The Fluttering Butterfly Rubbing - The Static Mystery 1 2 Contact - The Fickle Friends Contact - The Repulsive Ball Induction - Dancing Spheres In Captivity Induction - The Attractive Yard Stick, and 2 X 4 Models - How Materials Become Charged OR Learning to Classify based upon Physical Properties Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Rubbing 3 Contact Protron +1 Electron -1 Induction Models - How Materials Become Charged Rubbing Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron Protron +1 Electron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 After Rubbing one Material has more and the other has fewer electrons. 2 2 Models - How Materials Become Charged Contact Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Electron -1 Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Electron -1 Electron-1-1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Electron -1 Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Electron -1 Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1 -1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Protron+1 +1 Protron Electron-1-1 Electron Electron -1 After Touching one Material has more and the other has fewer electrons. 2 1 Models - How Materials Become Charged Induction Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 2 Protron Protron +1 +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron Protron +1 +1 Electron Electron -1 -1 Protron Protron +1 +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron Protron +1 +1 Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 Electron -1 Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Protron +1 +1 Protron Electron -1 -1 Electron Electron -1 When a material with an excess of electrons is moved near a material without an excess of electrons the electrons within the uncharged material move producing charged areas. When the material with an excess of electrons is removed the electrons return to their original positions 0 Developing The Laws Of Static Electricity Golf Tubes and Test Tubes Developing The Laws Of Static Electricity Sticky Tape Static Charges Electrostatic Series Materials tend to gain electrons and become Negatively Charged Materials tend to lose electrons and become Positively Charged Hard Rubber Comb Vinyl (PVC) - Golf Tube Rubber Balloon Plastic Polyethylene Reynolds or Saran Wrap Styrene Amber Lucite Wood Steel Cotton Paper Silk Cat’s Fur Wool Nylon Human hair Glass Rabbit’s Fur Electrostatic Series Where Should We Put Scotch Tape In The Series? Substance Transparency Comb Rubber Balloon Plastic Wood Cotton Paper Silk Wool Nylon Glass Does the Scotch Tape Attract or Repel? Charge On: Tape Substance Models - Electrostatic Series Attractive Stuff Applying the "Model" For Static Electricity The Moving Soda Can Attractive Ping Pong Ball Loony Loop 2 Applying the "Model" For Static Electricity Groovy Record 1 Lightning Rods Lightning rods were originally developed by Benjamin Franklin. A lightning rod is very simple -- it's a pointed metal rod attached to the roof of a building. It connects to a piece of copper or aluminum wire that's connected to the ground. The lightning rod provides a low-resistance path to ground that can be used to conduct the enormous electrical currents when lightning strikes occur. 0 Applying the "Model" For Static Electricity Electrophorus \i-lek-'traf--rs\ 2. Rub the Styrofoam with the wool. 3. Lower the cake pan NEAR the Styrofoam sheet. 4. Touch the cake pan with your fingertip. 5. Lift the cake pan away from the sheet. 6. Touch the cake pan again. 7. Repeat the procedure several times without rerubbing the sheet. You will obtain the same results each time. 8. Repeat steps 2-5. Hold a neon bulb by one wire and touch the other wire to the charged pan. 9. The filament, of the light bulb, that lights first indicates the direction of the electron movement, (negative to ground). Applying the "Model" For Static Electricity Static Electric Doorbell Grounded Insulated Charged Charged Charged Grounded Insulated Transparency How a Van De Graff Works 2 Students and Van De Graff 1 Pie Pans and Van De Graff 0 Static Fires Static electricity caused the fire that damaged this car. The Petroleum Institute has researched 150 cases of these fires. Their suggestions indicate that you should NEVER get back into your vehicle while filling it with gas. If you absolutely HAVE to get in your vehicle while the gas is pumping, make sure you get out, close the door and touch the metal, before you ever pull the nozzle out. This way the static from your body will be discharged before you ever remove the nozzle. Current Electricity I. Naïve Ideas 1. Electrical energy flows from source to converter (light bulb, heater, etc.) by connecting a single wire. 2. If two wires are needed, energy flows from the source to the converter through both wires 3. In a circuit with electrical devices, more electrons leave the source than return to it. 4. Electrons are destroyed or “used by” the converter (light bulb, heater, appliance, etc.). 5. The electrons that comprise an electric current come from the source. (A dry cell is a can full of electrons. When it is out of electrons, we throw it away or recharge it..) 6. Every part of a circuit gets the same current. 7. You can connect as many light bulbs, appliances, etc. in a circuit without affecting their behavior. 8. To receive more light from a bulb, you need a different light bulb. 9. Adding batteries to a circuit always increases the current (brighter lamps, faster motors, etc.). 10. All materials that conduct electricity conduct equally well. 11. Water is a good conductor. . . . . . 11 AC/DC Demonstrators 2 ALTERNATING CURRENT: DIRECT CURRENT: 1 Direct and Alternating Current No Current Direct Current Alternating Current - Blinking Alternating Current – Solid light 0 3 Example Prices for Circuit Boards Average Price of Commercially made Circuit Board $84.00 - each 15934W2 Circuit Board $19.95 AP6302 Simple Circuits Kit 14718W2. flashlight AP6302 SimpleStandard Circuits Kit $37.10bulb $3.25 Pk. Of 10 $37.10 Simple Circuits Kit AP6302 Each for $43.05 Total Cost $21.00 4 Building the Simple Circuit Board - Materials 1. 7 - Magnets 2. 1 – Simple Circuit Card 3. 7 – Sticky Dots 4. 3 – Lamp Units 5. 12 – Paper Clip 6. 1 – Diode 7. 3 – 10 Ohm Resistors 8. Toothpick 9. Steel wool for Fuse 10. Red and Black Wire for Battery Connection 10 The Power Supply Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery The power supply can be any 6-volt DC source. This could be 4 AA batteries, a lantern battery or a transformer. We are using a battery pack obtained from a Polaroid film pack. Building the Simple Circuit Board - Battery Step 1: Wrap wire onto paperclips making two leads Step 2: Insert Paperclip Leads into Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Building the Simple Circuit Board – The Simple Circuit Board Parallel Circuit Series Circuit Combined Circuit Building the Simple Circuit Board – Circuit Board Lamps Christmas Light bulb Two Bent Paperclips and Light Bulb Bend Paperclip 90 Degrees Heat Shrink Tubing Wire Wrapped Around P.C. Completed Lamp Unit Multimeters Amperage Voltage Building the Simple Circuit Board - Magnets 1. Place Glue Dot on Back of Magnet. 2. Place Magnet on Circuit Board. 1 Building the Simple Circuit Board – Completed Parallel Circuit 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Units. 3. Attach Power Supply. Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery 3 Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Qualitative Characteristics of Electricity 1. Connect the battery and observe the lights. (number lit and brightness) 2. Describe the effect of moving bulb unit 1 just enough to break the circuit of the rest of the bulbs. 3. Describe the effect of moving bulb unit 2 just enough to break the circuit of the rest of the bulbs. Quantative Characteristics of Electricity 1. Volts - Pressure that cause the current to flow. The potential difference across a conductor in an electric field 2. Amperes - Rate of the current flow. One ampere is approximately equivalent to 6.24150948×1018 electrons moving past a boundary in one second. 3. Ohms - Resistance of the conductor (wire or hose) to the flow. A device has a resistance of one ohm if one volt causes a current of one ampere to flow. 4. Watts - Power produced due to the pressure and the flow of the electrons. 4 Parallel Circuits - Obtaining Voltage Data 2a 1b- ---Master 1a 1b 3a 1a1b 3 Parallel Circuit – Voltage Data Circuit Simulator Placement of Meter Voltage 1b – 1a 1 (1) 4.3 1b – 2b 2(1+2) 4.3 3(1+2+3) 4.3 1b – 3a Master - 1a 3(1+2+3) 4.3 Pattern observed: Voltage is constant in parallel circuits 5 Parallel Circuit – Obtaining Amperage Data Master - 1b Bulb -- 1b 2b Bulb 3 Bulb - 3b Parallel Circuit - Data Circuit Simulator Ammeter Placement Amperage Bulb – 3b 1(3) 0.20 Bulb – 2b 1(2) 0.21 Bulb – 1b 1(1) 0.21 Master – 1a 3(1+2+3) 0.60 Pattern observed: Amperage is additive in parallel circuits 5 Series Circuit 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Units. 3. Attach Power Supply. Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery 3 Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Series Circuits - Obtaining Voltage Data 1b – 2b 2 Series Circuit – Voltage Data Circuit Simulator Placement of Meter 1b – 1a 1(1) 1.6 2(1+2) 3.2 3(1+2+3) 4.8 1b – 2b 1b – 3a Voltage Pattern observed: Voltage is additive in Series circuits 3 Series Circuit – Obtaining Amperage Data Master – 1b 3 Series Circuit – Amperage Data Circuit Simulator Placement of Meter Amperage Bulb – 3b 1(3) .157 Bulb – 2b 1(2) .156 Bulb – 1b 1(1) .156 Master – 1b 3(1+2+3) .156 Pattern observed: Amperage is constant in Series circuits 4 Completed Combined Circuit + + 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Units. 3. Attach Power Supply. Series Circuit Parallel Circuit Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery 3 Polaroid Polapulse Battery Polaroid Polapulse Battery Combined Circuit - Obtaining Voltage Data Master –––3b -2b Master 3b 3a 1a2a 1b 1a – Source 3a Power 3 Combined Circuit – Voltage Data Placement of Meter Voltage Circuit 1a – 1b 1(1) 4.9 Parallel 2a – 2b 2(2) 2.4 Series 3a – 3b 2(3) 2.4 Series 4.9 Combined 4.9 Combined 1b – 3a (2+3) Power Source (1+2+3) Note that in series circuit the voltage is additive (2.4+2.4 = 4.8) and in parallel circuits it is constant. Therefore the circuit voltage would be 4.8. 5 Combined Circuit - Obtaining Amperage Data Master – 1b 1b – 3a 3 Combined Circuit – Amperage Data Placement of Meter Amperage Circuit Bulb – 3a 1(3) 0.16 Series Bulb – 2a 1(2) 0.16 Series 0.16 Series 0.27 Parallel 0.44 Combined 1b – 3a 2(2+3) Bulb – 1b 1(1) Master – 1b 3(1+2+3) Remember in series circuits amperage is constant and in parallel circuits it is additive. 5 Therefore if we add the amperage for the series circuit to the amperage for the parallel circuit we should get the amperage for the entire circuit. (0.16 + 0.27 = 0.43) Conductors 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Unit. 3. Insert paperclips into indicated solutions. 4. Attach Power Supply. Red (2.5% NaCl) Green ( 0.5% Sugar) Blue (10.0% NaCl) Clear (Distilled Water) 1 Fuses 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Unit. 3. Obtain a strand of steel wool and place it as indicated. 4. Attach Power Supply. Diodes 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Unit. 3. Insert Diode. 4. Attach Power Supply. 5. Note orientation of diode, end marker, and switch the diode. Resistors in Parallel 1. Place Paperclips as Indicated. 2. Attach Lamp Unit. 3. Insert resistors 1, 2 and 3 as indicated. 4. Attach Power Supply. We Had A Great Time Buzzer Door Bell http://www.howstuffworks.com/doorbell2.htm In a buzzer door bell an electromagnet is used to operate a self-interrupting circuit. One end of the electromagnet is connected to one end of the electrical circuit and the other end of the wire connects to a metal contact adjacent to a moving contact arm. When the electromagnet is turned off, the free end of the arm rests against the contact point. This forms a connection between that end of the wire and the electrical circuit allowing the electricity to flow through the electromagnet when the circuit is closed. This causes the electromagnetic field to attract the iron bar, which pulls the contact arm off the stationary metal contact breaking the connection so the electromagnet shuts off. Without a magnetic field pulling it back, the contact arm snaps back into position against the stationary contact reestablishing the connection between the electromagnet and the circuit, and the current can flow through it again. The magnetic field draws the contact arm up, and the process repeats itself as long as you hold down the buzzer button. Chime Door Bell www.howstuffworks.com/doorbell3.htm A chime doorbell uses a electromagnet called a solenoid. A solenoid is just an electromagnet where the coiled wire surrounds a metal piston. The piston contains magnetically conductive metal, so it can be moved backward or forward by the electromagnetic field. Speaker A speaker takes the electrical signal and translates it into physical vibrations to create sound waves. Speakers do this by rapidly vibrating a flexible diaphragm or cone. One end of the cone is connected to the voice coil and the other end to the cone. The coil is attached to the basket by the spider which allows it to move freely back and forth. When electricity passes through the coil a magnetic field is produced which interacts with the magnetic field of the magnetic which causes the coil and cone to move producing sound. Christmas Lights These small, low-voltage bulbs with normal house current are connect in series. If you multiply 2.5 volts by 48, you get 120 volts, and originally, that's how many bulbs the strands had. A typical strand today adds two more bulbs so that there are 50 lights in the strand -- a nice round number. Adding the two extras dims the set imperceptibly, so it doesn't matter. The lights in a 50-bulb strand are wired like this: 3 Christmas Lights If you look closely at a bulb, you can see the shunt wire wrapped around the two posts inside the bulb. The shunt wire contains a coating that gives it fairly high resistance until the filament fails. At that point, heat caused by current flowing through the shunt burns off the coating and reduces the shunt's resistance. (A typical bulb has a resistance of 7 to 8 ohms through the filament and 2 to 3 ohms through the shunt once the coating burns off.) 2 Christmas Lights Although you can buy simple 50-bulb strands like the one shown, it is more common to see 100- or 150-bulb strands. These strands are simply two or three 50-bulb stands in parallel, like the ones pictured. If you remove one of the bulbs, its 50-bulb strand will go out, but the remaining strands will be unaffected. If you look at a strand wired like this, you will see that there is a third wire running along the strand, either from the plug or from the first bulb. This wire provides the parallel connection down the line. 1 Making a Mini Flashlight If you hook a mini-light bulb up to a normal AA battery, the bulb will light just like a flashlight bulb. It will be dim, however, because the bulb expects 2.5 volts rather than the 1.5 volts the battery is generating. You can put two batteries together to create 3 volts, or you can hook the bulb up to a 9-volt battery as shown below: Because you are driving the bulb at a significantly higher voltage than it expects, it will burn extremely brightly and will not last very long (perhaps 30 minutes or an hour). 0 Toaster The basic idea behind any toaster is simple. A toaster uses infrared radiation to heat a piece of bread. When you put your bread in and see the coils glow red, the coils are producing infrared radiation. The radiation gently dries and chars the surface of the bread. The most common way for a toaster to create the infrared radiation is to use nichrome wire wrapped back and forth across a mica sheet. Nichrome wire is an alloy of nickel and chromium. It has two features that make it a good producer of heat: Nichrome wire has a fairly high electrical resistance compared to something like copper wire, so even a short length of it has enough resistance to get quite hot. The nichrome alloy does not oxidize when heated. Iron wire would rust very quickly at the temperatures seen in a toaster. nichrome wire mica sheet Light Bulb The base, of a light bulb has two metal contacts, which connect to an electrical circuit. The metal contacts are attached to two stiff wires, which are attached to a thin metal filament. The filament sits in the middle of the bulb, held up by a glass mount. The wires and the filament are housed in a glass bulb, which is filled with an inert gas, such as argon. When electric current flows from one contact to the other, through the wires and the filament the electrons zip through the filament and bump into the atoms that make up the filament. The energy of each impact vibrates an atom -- in other words, the current heats the atoms up. Electrons in the vibrating atoms may be boosted temporarily to a higher energy level. When they fall back to their normal levels, the electrons release the extra energy in the form of photons or light. Hair Dryer A hair dryer needs only two parts to dry your hair: a simple motor-driven fan a heating coil Hair dryers use the motor-driven fan and the heating coil to transform electric energy into convective heat. When you plug in the hair dryer and turn the switch to "on," current flows through the hair dryer. The circuit first supplies power to the bare, coiled wire of the heating element, which becomes hot. The current then makes the small electric motor spin, which turns the fan. The airflow generated by the fan is directed down the barrel of the hairdryer, over and through the heating element. As the air flows over and through the heated coil, heat rising from the coil warms the air by forced convection. The hot air streams out the end of the barrel. We Had A Great Time