Module Focus: Grade 9 – Module 2 Sequence of Sessions Overarching Objectives of this November 2013 Network Team Institute Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the sequence of mathematical concepts within the specified modules and will be able to articulate how these modules contribute to the accomplishment of the major work of the grade. Participants will be able to articulate and model the instructional approaches that support implementation of specified modules (both as classroom teachers and school leaders), including an understanding of how this instruction exemplifies the shifts called for by the CCLS. Participants will be able to articulate connections between the content of the specified module and content of grades above and below, understanding how the mathematical concepts that develop in the modules reflect the connections outlined in the progressions documents. Participants will be able to articulate critical aspects of instruction that prepare students to express reasoning and/or conduct modeling required on the mid-module assessment and end-of-module assessment. High-Level Purpose of this Session ● ● ● Implementation: Participants will be able to articulate and model the instructional approaches to teaching the content of the first half of the lessons. Standards alignment and focus: Participants will be able to articulate how the topics and lessons promote mastery of the focus standards and how the module addresses the major work of the grade. Coherence: Participants will be able to articulate connections from the content of previous grade levels to the content of this module. Related Learning Experiences ● This session is part of a sequence of Module Focus sessions examining the Grade 9 curriculum, A Story of Functions. Key Points • Students use informal language to describe the shape, center and variability of a distribution based on a dot plot, histogram, or box plot. • Students recognize that a first step in interpreting data is making sense of the context. • Students make meaningful conjectures to connect data distributions to their context and the questions that could be answered by studying the distribution. • Data distributions are represented by dot plots, histograms, and box plots. • Data distributions are defined by their shape, center, and spread. • Distributions that are skewed use the median and interquartile range (IQR) for measures of center and variability • Distributions that are nearly symmetrical use the mean and the mean absolute deviation (or MAD) for measures of center and variability • Categorical bivariate data are summarized by two-way frequency tables. • Conditional relative frequencies are used to evaluate the possible association between two categorical variables. • Many of the 9th grade standards and learning expectations are started in grade 6, 7, and 8, and are continued in this grade. • Topic D continues to present scatter plots. Students particularly focus on deciding whether or not a scatter plot has a linear model and that that model tells us about the data. • A linear model is introduced in grade 8, and then expanded in grade 9 as students develop a “best-fitting” line. • The decision of whether or not the linear model is a good model is based on a residual plot. • The next slides introduce the topic of a residual and a residual plot. The topic involving residuals concludes Topic D and the module. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the sequence of mathematical concepts within the specified modules and will be able to articulate how these modules contribute to the accomplishment of the major work of the grade. Participants will be able to articulate and model the instructional approaches that support implementation of specified modules (both as classroom teachers and school leaders), including an understanding of how this instruction exemplifies the shifts called for by the CCLS. Participants will be able to articulate connections between the content of the specified module and content of grades above and below, understanding how the mathematical concepts that develop in the modules reflect the connections outlined in the progressions documents. Participants will be able to articulate critical aspects of instruction that prepare students to express reasoning and/or conduct modeling required on the mid-module assessment and end-of-module assessment. How will we know that they are able to do this? Participants will be able to articulate the key points listed above. Session Overview Section Topic A: Shapes and Centers of Distributions Topic B: Describing Variability and Comparing Distributions Mid-Module Assessment Topic C: Categorical Data on Two Variables Topic D: Numerical Data on Two Variables End-of-Module Assessment Time Overview Prepared Resources Facilitator Preparation Examination of the conceptual understandings that are developed in Topic A. Grade 9 Module 2 Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Review Topic A. Examination of the conceptual understandings that are developed in Topic B. Grade 9 Module 2 Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Review Topic B. Examination of the conceptual understandings that are developed in Topic C. Grade 9 Module 2 Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Review Topic C. Examination of the conceptual understandings that are developed in Topic D. Grade 9 Module 2 Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Review Topic D. Exploration of the End-of-Module Assessment. Grade 9 Module 2 Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Review the End-of Module Assessment. Session Roadmap Section: Topic A: Shapes and Centers of Distributions Time: 2 hours and 15 minutes HAVE ASKED HENRY TO ADD TIMING NOTES FOR EACH SLIDE [minutes] In this section, you will… Examine the conceptual understandings that are built in Grade 9 Module 2, Topic A. Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide 1 1 0 2 Materials used include: Script/ Activity directions Introduce the module as the second module of the 9th grade A Story of Functions. The module title, Modeling with Descriptive Statistics, continues students’ work with data distributions and data representations. This module extends the introduction to data distributions started in grade 6, and continued in grades 7 and 8. GROUP 0 3 2 4 Introduce the objectives of this presentation. Discuss with participants that the primary objective of this session is to learn more about the lessons in this module and what students will investigate. These objectives will be developed by working through a few problems, and connecting these problems to the standards. 5 Summarize the next two slides as the organization of the grade 9 module, and the connections to the standards. 6 7 Explore with the participants the general questions posted on the slide. Chart their responses. There may be several responses, and then there may be very few. After several questions or comments have been stated (and posted), provide a general answer if possible. Move to a specific topic as outlined in this powerpoint (Topic A or Topic B or Topic C or Topic D) that would best address the questions. If participants have just started the module, and question the overall goals of the Module, start with Topic A. If several questions indicate that participants have completed the first 4 lessons and are asking about the other topics, begin with Topic B or C or D based on participants’ comments. 8 Point out to participants that the first activity is to complete selected problems from Lesson 1 of the module. Briefly go over the format of the first lesson, namely, it is series of questions connected to data distributions represented by either a dot plot, a histogram, or a box plot. Summarize the primary goal of the lesson is to provide students a bridge from what they learned in their previous grades to where they are going with this work. The data distributions provided in this lesson include distributions from their work in the statistics and probability modules of grades 6, 7, and 8. It also opens up new questions that will be addressed in this module. 9 After participants complete lesson 1, summarize the points made in this slide as the primary goals of the problems in lesson 1. 10 Use the question on this slide as a way for participants to connect the problems they completed in Lesson 1 to the goals of this module. 11 Ask participants to summarize what they think is the story behind this data distribution. Essentially summarize that this is a skewed distribution, with a tail to the right. The distribution indicates that most of the delays of an airline were around 20 minutes. 20 minutes would be approximately the median delay time. If necessary, review with participants how to find the median. 12 The above distribution is summarized by a histogram. A summary would indicate a skewed distribution, with a tail to the right. Ask participants what they can summarize about the data from this histogram. They may indicate various descriptions of the population based on different age groups; for example, 17% of the population of Kenya is 0 to 4 years old. Or, they main summarize that a fraction of a percent of the population are 80 or older. Discuss any summary that participants suggest can be derived from this graph. Also ask participants what summaries cannot be determined from this graph (for example how many people are in this data distribution or how many people are a specific age category). 13 Ask participants again to summarize what is indicated by this graph. Look for descriptions that include the median number of pets owned, or the minimum number of pets owned, or a summary that indicates 50% of the people surveyed owned 2 or less pets. Ask participants to summarize what they think the “ *” at the end of the box plot means (an outlier). Ask them to suggestion an interpretation of the outlier. 14 Carefully read through this slide as it summarizes the primary questions that are investigated in Topic A. The slides that follow indicate how these questions are investigated. 15 Ask the questions in the slide. Summarize this shape as a data distribution that is skewed. Section: Topic B: Describing Variability and Comparing Time: Distributions [minutes] In this section, you will… Examine the conceptual understandings that are built in Grade 9 Module 2, Topic B. Materials used include: Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions 16 Describe the center of a distribution as the value that provides a typical description of the distribution. For a skewed distribution, the median is considered a typical description. In this example, an estimate of the median age would be located within the interval of 15 to 19 years old (approximately 17 years old). This age would describe the typical age of the people in this sample. Indicate that if the distribution was nearly symmetrical, the mean would be a description of the typical age. 17 Variability is linked to the shape of the distribution. For a distribution that is skewed, the variability is described by the interquartile range (IQR), or the difference of Q3 (upper quartile) and Q1 (lower quartile). The IQR is approximated by making a box plot of the distribution. 18 The next example is a comparison of two data distributions. In this example, students compare the populations of Kenya and the United States. GROUP 19 Read the slide. Challenge participants to provide 3 questions that they might ask of students as they compare two data distributions represented by histograms. Similarly, ask them to compare the data distributions represented by box plots. Indicate that they should consider questions that can be answered by a histogram and not a box plot, or questions answered by a box plot and not a histogram. 20 Allow participants to examine the two distributions from the histogram. These two histograms are also part of Lesson 8. Encourage participants to discuss in small groups the exercises related to histograms in Lesson 8, or exercises 1 – 8.. 21 Discuss the two box plots. Ask participants, “What can you summarize about the data from a box plots that you could not from the histograms?” Encourage participants to work through the exercises involving box plots in Lesson 8, or exercises 9 - 16. 22 Read and summarize this slide. Section: Topic C: Categorical Data on Two Variables Time: [minutes] In this section, you will… Examine the conceptual understandings that are built in Grade 9 Module 2, Topic C. Materials used include: Time Slide Slide #/ Pic of Slide # 23 Script/ Activity directions The following example is from Topic C of the module. It indicates how students also work with categorical data. The categorical data is summarized using a two-way frequency table, and examined by frequencies, relative frequencies, and conditional relative frequencies. If time permits, read and discuss the standards connected to the two-way table, or S-ID.5. If time permits, organize participants in small groups to discuss and work through the exercises of Lesson 9. GROUP 24 Continue discussion of the two-way table. Ask the questions in the slide and discuss with participants. Introduce the terms frequency, relative frequency, and conditional relative frequency. Point out to participants that the terms frequency and relative frequency begin in grade 8. The terms conditional relative frequency and association are introduced in grade 9, and further developed in grade 11 as conditional probability. 25 Read and summarize this slide. If time permits, move to a discussion of the mid-module assessment. Ask participants to complete the first problem. Discuss with participants the connection to the standards. Section: Topic D: Numerical Data on Two Variables Time: [minutes] In this section, you will… Examine the conceptual understandings that are built in Grade 9 Module 2, Topic D. Materials used include: Time Slide Slide #/ Pic of Slide # Script/ Activity directions GROUP 26 The example presented on this slide is from Topic D, or Numerical Data on Two Variables. The opening problem from Lesson 12 summarize the focus of this topic. Discuss with participants how this investigation involves SID.6, or “Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the variables are related.” 27 The scatter plot does not have a strong pattern. Participants may respond that it looks like the data points are randomly scattered. If participants look carefully, however, there is a pattern that suggests as elevation increase, the number of clear days also appears to increase. Direct participants to work in small groups to complete the exercises of lesson 12, or exercises 1 - 3. If time permits, encourage participants to work on exercises 4 – 7, or “Thinking about Linear Relationships.” After discussion of the exercises, direct participants to work on exercises 8 - 13, or “Not Every Relationship is Linear.” 28 Read and discuss the points presented in this slide. There will not be enough time to fully develop the topic of residuals, however, this may be a topic unfamiliar with participants. As a result, introduce that a residual “looks like” and a general summary of a residual plot. (An entire session could be developed just on these topics!) If interest is expressed by the participants and time is available, encourage small groups work through the exercises in lessons 15 - 16. 29 30 Discuss with participants that a special scatter plot of the residual is used to decide if a linear model is a good model for the scatter plot. The topic of how to use the residual plot in deciding whether or not to use a linear model is developed in lessons 15, 16 and 17. If time permits. Involve participants in selected problems from those lessons. Section: End-of-Module Assessment Time: [minutes] In this section, you will… Materials used include: Time Slide # Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 29 30 Discuss with participants that a special scatter plot of the residual is used to decide if a linear model is a good model for the scatter plot. The topic of how to use the residual plot in deciding whether or not to use a linear model is developed in lessons 15, 16 and 17. If time permits. Involve participants in selected problems from those lessons. 31 Discuss with participants the points that were developed in the overview of this module. Read the points on the slide and ask if there are any questions related tot them. If time permits, move to the End-of-Module Assessment and ask participants to complete the first problem. Use the following icons in the script to indicate different learning modes. Video Reflect on a prompt Active learning Turn and talk Turnkey Materials Provided ● Grade 9 Module 2 PPT Additional Suggested Resources ● A Story of Functions Curriculum Overview