Lesson Three Inaugural Address J. F. Kennedy Teaching Aims 1. To know the related background information of this political speech. 2. To analyze the structure of this address 3. To appreciate the language features of Kennedy’s address 4. To be acquainted with some English speeches Teaching Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Oral presentation (about the background information) The characteristics of a political speech Detailed study of the text Organizational pattern Language features Exercises English speech Warming-up exercise • 2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国 家期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸 之路”(以下简称“一带一路”)的重大倡议,得到国际社会高 度关注。 • When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October of 2013, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road), which have attracted close attention from all over the world. • 博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会3月在海南博鳌开幕,国家主席习近平 出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲,习大大在演讲中指出,中华民族历 来爱好和平,自古就崇尚“以和为贵”、“协和万邦”、“四海 之内皆兄弟也”等思想。 • 2015 conference of Boao Forum for Asia was held in Boao, Hainan Province in March. Chinese President Xi Jinping participated in the meeting and made keynote speech, pointing out that the Chinese nation loved peace and had, since ancient times, held high such philosophies that "harmony is the most valuable", "peace and harmony should prevail" and "all men under heaven are brothers". Part one Background Information • Oral presentation • 1. Inaugural Address • 2. J.F. Kennedy • 3. Jacqueline • 4. Kennedy Family • 5. Abraham Lincoln background information 1. inaugural address • Inauguration Day • On January 20 since 1937 • On April 30,1789, George Washington stepped onto a balcony of Federal Hall in New York City, placed his hand on a Bible and swore to "preserve, protest and defend the constitution of the United States". Inauguration Day • He then read an earnest speech, calling for "united and effective government". Thus began a unique American institution --Inauguration Day --- those dramatic hours when a new president faces the people for the first time. He must tell the people what he's going to do as president. Inaugural Address • Memorable words have been uttered in inaugural address. It is a speech, lecture officially made by a person on taking office. 2. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • Kennedy, 35th president, Democrat, was born on May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Mass, the son of Joseph P. Kennedy, financier, who later became ambassador to Great Britain. • He entered Harvard, received a BS from Harvard 1940. He served in the Navy and won the Navy and Marine Corps Medal. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • He wrote "Profiles in Courage", 《勇敢者传略》which won a Pulitzer prize. • 1947-1952 served as representative in the congress • 1952 elected to the senate • 1960 He won the Democratic nomination for president and defeated Richard M. Nixon, Republican John Fitzgerald Kennedy • Kennedy family --- fully engaged in politics • • • • Joseph Patrick Kennedy -- father (1888-1969) US ambassador to Britain born in Boston graduated from Harvard Joseph Patrick Kennedy • He engaged in • banking • shipbuilding • investment banking • motion-picture distribution a millionaire at 30 years old John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1. 35th President of the U.S.(1961-1963) 2. a democrat, an eloquent speaker 3. the youngest man ever elected to the presidency 4. born in Massachusetts, inherited a background of politics wealth and determination 5. a Catholic 6. As president, he faced the Civil Rights problem at home and Cuba crisis of 1962. 7. His assassination at Dallas in November 1963 was a shock from which the U.S. has found it hard to recover and the murder is still a riddle. John Fitzgerald Kennedy • contributions: • 1. His most important act was his successful demand on Oct.22. 1962 that the Soviet Union dismantle its missile bases in Cuba. • 2. He established a quarantine of arms shipments to Cuba and continued surveillance by air. • 3. He defied Soviet attempts to force the Allies out of Berlin. • 4. He made the steel industry rescind a price rise. contributions: • 5. He backed • a> civil rights • b> a mental health program • c> arbitration of railroad disputes • d> expanded medical care for the aged • e> astronaut flights and satellite orbiting 3. Jacqueline • July 28, 1929 – May 19, 1994) was the wife of the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, and First Lady of the United States during his presidency from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Five years later she married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; they remained married until his death in 1975. • For the final two decades of her life, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis had a career as a book editor. She is remembered for her contributions to the arts and preservation of historic architecture, her style, elegance, and grace. She was a fashion icon; her famous ensemble of pink Chanel suit and matching pillbox hat has become symbolic of her husband's assassination and one of the lasting images of the 1960s. 4. Kennedy Family • The Kennedy family is a prominent family in American politics and government, descending from Irish farmers John Kennedy (1738– 1803) and Bridget Shallow (1744–1774). Their son James Kennedy (1770–1835) inherited his father's farm. James and his wife Maria (1779–1835) had three sons, the youngest of which was farmer Patrick Kennedy (1823–1858). Patrick met his future wife, Bridget Murphy (c. 1824–1888), while they were sailing from Ireland to America in 1849. Patrick and Bridget's younger son was businessman/politician Patrick Joseph "P.J." Kennedy (1858–1929). • The elder son of P.J. and his wife Mary Augusta Hickey (1857–1923) was U.S. England Ambassador Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr. (1888– 1969). The four sons of Joe Sr. and his wife philanthropist/socialite Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald (1890–1995) were Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Jr. (1915–1944), John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (1917–1963), Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (1925–1968), and Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (1932–2009). Jack served as President from January 1961 to his death in November 1963 while Bobby and Ted both became prominent Senators. • The Kennedys' political involvement has revolved around the Democratic Party. Harvard University educations have been common among them, and they have contributed heavily to that university's John F. Kennedy School of Government. The wealth, glamor, and photogenic quality of the family members, as well as their extensive and continuing involvement in public service, has elevated them to iconic status over the past half-century, with the Kennedys sometimes referred to as "America's Royal Family". The Kennedy Family at Hyannis Port, 04 September 1931. Weekend at Hyannis Port, August 3, 1963. Jack standing with his children and his numerous nephews and nieces 5. Strange coincidences between President Lincoln and President Kennedy Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Lincoln and Kennedy The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both were shot in the head. Lincoln and Kennedy Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. Lincoln and Kennedy Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth, accused of assassinating Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, accused of assassinating Kennedy, was born in 1939. Lincoln and Kennedy Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names comprise fifteen letters. Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre. Booth and Oswald were both assassinated before their trials. The social background • In what period in history did Kennedy become president? • in 1960's • Cold war is something which marks the international situation in 1960's. The world is mainly divided into two hostile camps. 1) socialist camp -- headed by the Soviet Union 2) capitalist camp -- headed by the US • The camps opposed each other politically and competed with each other in many fields. Part two. Detailed study of the text: • Para1 opening paragraph • importance / significance of his election as president of the US 1. observe 2. celebrate antithesis: • end -- the end of Eisenhower's presidential term • beginning -- the beginning of Kennedy’s presidential term • renewal ---- the continuation of presidency and office of president • change -- the change from Eisenhower to Kennedy Solemn oath • --- refer almost exclusive to an extremely formal and inspiring religious ritual. ( grave ) very serious. • a ~ oath 庄严的誓言 • a ~ dedication to the cause of freedom • 为自由事业而始终不渝的献身 prescribe --- set down / impose • • • • What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime? Government schools must work for a prescribed number of days each year. Good citizens do what the laws prescribe. Someone who behaves as foolishly as you have no right to prescribe how others should behave. Para.2 • the general situation of this world • topic sentence --- The world is very different. • In what way is the world different? • The world is different in the way of science and technology. People have modern and advanced science and technology. the power -• the power of science and technology • with the help of science and technology • 1. People can become very rich. • 2. People can be exterminated. • Science can be used to get rid of poverty. • Science can be used to destroy all human beings. revolutionary belief --• human rights • All men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. • see: Note 10 generosity, benevolence, good will, kindness, unselfishness • These words refer to a well wishing friendliness or concern for the needs and desires of other people. benevolence – • It has the widest range of any of these words • suggesting an expansive and good-humored tolerance and sympathy for others • 对别人善意的宽容与同情 • Working conditions were sought as a right, not as a ~ of their employer. • 寻求良好的工作环境是权利,而不是雇主的恩赐。 generosity --• focuses exclusively on the aspect of giving • referring to an unstintingly helpful act or habit • the generosity with which he shared his toys with other children Comparison and contrast • benevolence -- an unacted-upon feeling • generosity -- actual behavior • eg. He was a plantation owner who looked on his slaves with benevolence but could hardly be accused of treating them with generosity. • 他是一个以仁慈之心看待他的奴隶而谈不上慷慨厚待他们 的庄园主。 good will – • good will --- referring primarily to feeling • kindness --- to action • He insisted that he wanted only her good will, not her kindness. • 他坚持只领她的好意,而非她的帮助(怜悯)。 unselfishness -• point to a generosity that is based on a lack of self-concern , where generosity may emphasize the quantity given, possibly for ostentatious reasons, unselfishness stress the effacing personal sacrifice required --- even if a lessen amount is given. • 强调具备自我牺牲和自我埋没的行动 • It was the tax deduction involved, rather than unselfishness, that prompted his generosity to the charity drive. • 促使他对慈善事业大施援手的动力不是无私之心而是为了减税。 at issue --• undecided , in dispute • The point at issue is whether you are willing to go abroad or not . • That is not the point at issue. • without issue – to die without children • He died without issue. Added background information • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that they are among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among them, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. • - Declaration of Independence • 我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他 们若干不可让与的权利,其中包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的 权利。为了保障这些权利,人们才在他们中间建立政府,而政府 的正当权利,则是经被统治者同意授予的。任何形式的政府一旦 对这些目标的实现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除, 以建立一个新的政府。新政府所依据的原则和组织其权利的方式, 务使人民认为唯有这样才最有可能使他们获得安全和幸福。 Para.3 • general policy of the US • human rights torch • This refers to the privilege and burden of leading the nation being passed to a new generation. The original reference is to the Olympic games before which a torch is carried from runner to runner. The flame of the torch eventually lights a fire that signals the opening of Olympics. torch ---- metaphor • Duty, task, inspiration • revolution • responsibility --- of keeping human rights main clause Appositive clause • Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans -- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Grammar terms • main clause/subordinate clause • appositive clause • attributive clause • adverbial clause of condition /time /reason … • imperative sentence • declarative sentence heritage • --- all the qualities, traditions or features of life that have been continued over many years and passed on from one generation to another, used especially to refer to things that are of historical importance or that have had a strong influence on society. heritage • Peking opera is part of our cultural heritage. • This building is part of British national heritage. inheritance --• 1. money or property which you receive from someone who is dead • 2. a situation or state of affairs which has been influenced by a particular event, person, book etc.(heritage) commit --• commit oneself to (doing) sth • be committed to sth/ doing sth --- promise/ pledge to do /support sth • Allan has been committed to staying there for a long time. commit -• He has been committed to equal rights for women. • Deeply committed to his religion, he has often spoken out against greed and misuse of power. • Nobody committed themselves to a definite answer. general policy of the US • People in the US must keep and defend human rights not only in the US but also in the world as well. • Para.4 strong determination • Kennedy puts the US to the leader, so he says in order to keep human rights, we shall.... survival and the success of liberty • 1. the survival and the success of "free democratic countries". • 2. the newly independent third world countries Para 5. transition • A one sentence paragraph that functions as a transition from the general to the specific. In the following paragraphs he will be addressing different specific groups of nations. • This much we promise to do and we promise to do more. Warming-up exercise 2 • 博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会于3月26日至29日在中国海南省博鳌召 开,年会主题为“亚洲新未来:迈向命运共同体”。 亚投行、一 带一路、新常态等都将成为本届年会期间热议的话题。 • 2015 conference of Boao Forum for Asian was held from 26th, March to 29th in Hainan Province, with the theme as “Asia's New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny” , and AIIB, belt and road, new common as this year’s hot topics. • 1. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) • 亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行) • 鉴于谷歌安卓系统的巨大成功,为了在快速增长的智能手机和平 板市场中加大影响,微软公司决定将其Windows操作系统开放给 智能手机和平板生产商。 • Microsoft Corp is to give away its Windows operating system to makers of smartphones and small tablets for consumers as it seeks to make more of an impact on those fast-growing markets and counter the massive success of Google Inc's free Android platform. Para. 6 • the specific policy toward his friends and would-be friends • Which counties were the old allies ? • ally. Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia,/ West European countries • a country that has a treaty or an agreement to help and support another country, esp. during a war. allied --- adj. • the Allied and Associated Powers 协约国 WWI • the Allied Military Government 联合国民政府 WWII cultural and spiritual origins --• 1. speak the same language /belong to the some language family • 2. have the same religious belief antithesis -• United we can do everything. • Divided we can do nothing. • --- the importance of unity a powerful challenge -• a strong, powerful threat posed by the socialist camp; difficult task • If we are quarreling and split apart, we can not compete with the strong, powerful enemy/task in front of us. Para. 7 • Whom did he address? • --- some newly independent countries • Including the capitalist and socialist countries • He promises to aid (support) the newly independent countries so that they can remain free and independent. ranks of the free -• the community of free and independent nations • a far more iron tyranny --- a communist dictatorship • "riding the back of a tiger" -• Compare "seeking the aid of socialist countries" to "riding he back of a tiger" Para. 7 • 2) Those countries which foolishly seek the aid of socialist countries will end up by losing their independence as many other countries did in the past. • It is dangerous to ride the back of the tiger. If you do, you will be swallowed up by the tiger. • You will lose your power and independence . Para 8 • Whom did he address? • the developing countries • half the globe -• the continents of Africa and Asia constitute almost one half of the land surface of the globe. bonds -- chains, fetters (pl) • 1. chains, ropes that are used to tie down a prisoner • 2. (fig) a feeling, duty or custom that forces you to behave in a particular way help them help -• We pledge to help them on condition that they do their best and do what we ask them to do. Warming-up exercise Review questions • How many groups did Kenney divide the international community into? • Six • Old allies • New independent countries • Poor counties half of the globe • Sister countries • The UN • adversary-the Soviet Union Para. 9 • He spoke to Latin American countries. • Usually the US regards the Latin American countries as the backyard of the US, for it has special interest in these countries. sister -• careful choice of word, implying equal relationship, one family • mutual good relations • peaceful revolution = a new alliance for progress prey -- metaphor • comparing "peaceful revolution" to an animal which might fall victim to enemy nations. • We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries. • The strong prey on the weak Para. 9 • 1. He offered special pledge that all Latin American countries to work together to make progress. • 2. He warned the enemies not to interfere in the internal affairs of these countries, because we are master of this hemisphere. Para.10 • He is addressing the United Nations. • The UN is our last and best hope of survival in a world where the instruments of war have far surpassed and exceeded the instruments of peace. Added background information • • • • • • • • • • United Nations联合国相关机构 International Court of Justice 国际法院 Security Council 安全理事会 General Assembly 联合国大会 Secretariat 秘书处 Office of the Secretary General 秘书长办公室 Office of Legal Affairs 法务局 Department of Political and Security Council Affairs 证治安全局 Department of Economic and Social Affairs 经济社会局 Office of Public Information 公共资料处 • Economic and Social Council 经济社会理事会 • Statistical Commission 统计委员会 • Population Commission 人口委员会 • Commission for Social Development 社会开发委员会 • Commission on Human Rights 人权委员会 • Commission on the Status of Women 妇女地位委员会 • Council Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 民间机构委 员会 • Committee for Development Planning 开发计划委员会 • Special Committee on Peace-Keeping Operations 维护和平活动特别 委员会 • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易开 发会议 • Trade and Development Board 联合国开发委员会 • United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划处 • United Nation Children's Fund 联合国儿童基金会 • International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 • Food and Agriculture Organization, 联合国粮食农业组织 • United Nation Educational Scientific and Culture Organization, UNESCO 联 合国教育科学文化组织 • World Health Organization, WHO 世界卫生组织 • International Telecommunications Union, ITU 国际电信同盟 • World Meteorological Organization, WMO 世界气象组织 • Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟 • International Maritime Consultative Organzation, IMCO 国际海事协议组 织 • International Finance Corporation, IFC 国际金融组织 • International Monetary Fund, IMF 国际货币基金会 • • • • • • • • • • • • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IBRD 世界银行 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT 有关关税贸易一般规定 International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA 国际原子能组织 World Federation of Trade Unions, WFTU 世界劳工组织 International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟 International Chamber of Commerce, ICC 国际工农商会 International Federation of Agricultural Producers, IFAC 国际农业生产联盟 Inter-Parliamentary Union, IPU 诸国会议同盟 International Organization of Employers, IOE 国际雇佣者组织 World Veterans Federation, WVF 世界退伍军人联盟 International Union of Local Authorities, IULA 世界地方自治联盟 United Towns Organization, UTO 姊妹市团体联盟 Para.10 • instruments of war-- weapons, bombs, for waging wars • instruments of peace -- machines, tools for producing goods Para.10 • 1) to prevent the UN from becoming an assembly where people just criticize, insult and abuse each other • 2) to strengthen the power of UN to protect the newly independent and weak nations • 3) to enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force Para.11 • He is speaking to the enemies, especially the Soviet Union. make themselves our adversary -• clever choice of words • This phrase throws the blame for confrontation and world tension on the other party. The US has done nothing to create enemies. It's the other side that is challenging the US. not pledge -- not promise • but a request -- but asking the other side to consider his proposal • 1) point out danger • danger-- self destruction ( the Third World War) • Advanced weapons will destroy the whole mankind • whether intentionally or accidentally Para.11 • anew -- again, in a new or different way • quest -- a search or attempt to find • The quest for gold was long and difficult. • engulf -- (of the earth, the sea) to destroy by swallowing up • The stormy sea engulfed the small boat. Para.12 • 2) point out position of strength • We must be very strong. If we are weak, they would attract us. We dare not be weak because it might tempt the enemy to take rash actions. • tempt – attract, entice, allure • The warm sun tempted us to go swimming. • a tempting meal Para.13 • 3) point out needs / situation (find no comfort in present situation) cold war / hostile confrontation • a) Both sides are feeling the great financial burden of the arms race. • b) Both are made conscious of the gradual spread of the terrible atom bombs. Para.13 • c) Both sides are trying to change this uncertain balance of this terrible military power which restrains / prevent each group from launching the Third World War. Para.14-18 • 4) point out co-operation / different proposals • trying to find out specific field in which we can agree with each other. sincerity is always subject to proof -• One's sincerity must be proved by facts. People may say or promise all kinds of things but they must be proved by deeds. subject to – • depending on 取决于,尚待,在……的条件下 • They have authority to decide, subject to the minister's approval. • The treaty is subject to ratification. 认可,批准 • The plan is subject to confirmation. belabor – • set upon with too much talk or advice 责备 • If you belabor a point in a discussion or explanation, you keep talking about it or emphasizing it in a boring way. • There is no need to belabor the point. formulate -- work out • If you formulate sth such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully. • 1. We had formulated our own strategy. • 2. Both sides have the need to formulate a policy that will promote rather than hinder peace. inspection of arms -• examining/ watching over carefully the limitation of arms • absolute --- without limit • absolute -- complete tap the ocean depths • --- draw upon or make use of the wealth that lies deep in the oceans • mine the ocean beds for valuable metals etc. heed – • give attention to • She didn't heed my warnings. "undo the heavy burdens..." • A Biblical quotation is used in keeping with his biblical style; in keeping his Catholic upbringing. What are the specific proposals? • 1. control arms • 2. use /develop science for peace purpose instead of the war purpose. • explore the stars • conquer the desert • eradicate disease • tap the ocean depths • encourage the art and commerce • 3. enjoy human rights Para.19 • point out purpose, object • We must work together to make a new world order. • strong are just -- The strong nations do not bully the weak. • weak secure -- The weak nations feel safe. Para.20 conclusion • one hundred days -- historical allusion, • famous period in American history, in President F.D. Roosevelt's presidential term • During the famous “hundred days” ( Mar-Jun. 1933), Roosevelt‘s administration rushed through congress a flood of anti-depression measures (more than 70 bills for approval), which were generally known as Roosevelt’s “New Deal”. “新政” one hundred days • Bills: • “Banking Act“ 《银行法》 • '' National Industrial Recovery Act" • 《国家工业复兴法》 • "Agricultural Adjustment Act" • 《农业调整法》 • The proposals can not be completed in a short time, but let's try and begin. Warming-up exercises • 由于出口增长和进口减少,中国2月份的月度贸易顺差达到了破 纪录的606亿美元。 • China's monthly trade surplus hit a record $60.6bn in February, as exports grew and imports slid back. • 中国海关总署表示,与去年同期相比,出口额增长48.3%,达到 1692亿美元。进口额为1086亿美元,下降了1/5。 • Exports were up 48.3% year on year to $169.2bn, and imports dropped by a fifth to $108.6bn, said the country's General Administration of Customs. Text analysis Para.21-27 • He appeals to his fellow Americans to support him and to do everything they can, even to sacrifice their lives for their country. Para.21-27 • past --- Many Americans died for their country. They showed their loyalty to their country. • present --- Now our generation is called upon to face the challenge of the cold war, to struggle against poverty and disease. Para.21-27 • Trumpet: calling for cause, task, responsibility • twilight struggle --- not clear, abstract, • 1.Twilight is the time just before night when the daylight has almost gone but when it is not completely dark. • 2. N-UNCOUNT Twilight is the small amount of light that there is outside just after the sun has gone down. • 3. The twilight of a particular period of time is the final stages of it, when the most important events have already happened. • 4. ADJ A twilight state or a twilight zone is a situation of confusion or uncertainty, which seems to exist between two different states or categories. • Tyranny, poverty, disease and cold wars are not bloody wars. “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” • ---忍受困苦,向往未来 • biblical language • to be happy when things look bright and hopeful • to be patient in distress/ in trouble SENTENCE PRACTICE • Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoice in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. • 爱是耐心的,爱是善良的,爱不嫉妒,不自吹自 擂,不自高自大,爱不粗鲁,爱不自私自利,爱 不是暴躁的,爱是不记别人的过错。 • 爱不喜欢邪恶,爱为真理而欢欣,爱包容一切, 爱总是信任着,爱总是希望着,更重要的,爱一 贯是坚强的。 • 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不嫉妒。爱是不 自夸。不张狂。 不作害羞的事。不求自己的益处。 不轻易发怒。不计算人的恶。 不喜欢不义。只喜 欢真理。 凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事 忍耐。 爱是永不止息。 • Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it. • 你们要进窄门。因为引到灭亡,那门是宽的,路 是大的,进去的人也多;引到永生,那门是窄的, 路是小的,找着的人也少。” • 《圣经:新约马太福音》7章13-14节 Para.23 • Rhetorical questions are more forceful. assure --• make sth. certain to happen • try to cause sb to believe or trust in sth. • to protect against death through money • This will assure your comfort. • The only way to assure success is to work hard. • One more try will assure victory. • Nothing can assure permanent happiness. assure --• ~ sb. that --• The captain of the ship assured the passengers that there was no danger. • I assure you this medicine cannot harm you ensure --• • • • • 1) make sb. certain to get sth This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep. 2) try to cause to believe I tried to ensure that everybody understood the instruction. I can't ensure that he will be there in time. insure – • protect against loss of money , life, goods etc through money (by insurance) • My house is insured against fire and theft. • The company will insure your house against fire. • He has insured himself for $2000. insure – • assure sth • assure sb. that -• ensure sb sth • ensure that --- para. 24 • emphasizing the situation and the significance of their responsibility • He tries to arouse American people's emotions by saying you must be very proud and glorious, for you are born in this time and you are given such a great duty. para. 24 • He deliberately exaggerates the sense of urgency and he wants to make people feel that they are sacrificing for an important and glorious cause. para. 24 • freedom in its hour of maximum danger • We are in the greatest danger of losing freedom para. 24 • the energy; the faith the devotion = light, fire, glow • The energy, the faith and the devotion that the Americans bring to this task will inspire not only the United States and her people but also the whole world. para 27 conclusion • ask of = inquire of (formal) • (of sb) demand • us ---- the president and members of his cabinet • you -- people of the US and the world para 27 conclusion • We demand you to show high standards of strength and sacrifice and we also want you to demand us to show the same high standards of strength and sacrifice. "with a good conscience... " • Our reliable reward is only a good conscience. "with history the final...." • History will finally judge whether we have done our task well or not. para 27 conclusion • With God's blessing and help, let us start leading the country we love, knowing that on earth what we are doing is God's work (which is just) Part Three Summery of the text • Genre of the writing: • Political speech • the purpose of a political speech • to explain • to persuade • to convince people : to accept his point of view, to accept what he says so as to support him Characteristics: 1. The order is clear. • Each para. has its own topic. 2. The tone is appropriate, emotional. • He uses different tone to different people. 3. The style is formal and concise. • It is made beforehand. So it is a sort of written language. 4. The language is rhetorical. • parallelism, metaphor, antithesis, balanced structure, repetition of words and phrases --- for force, vividness and emotional appeal. General analysis of a political speech 1. He must try every possible means to arouse the feelings of audience. What he says represents the interests of the whole people. • successful appeal to the emotion of the audience 2. specific policy • The speech must have high-sounding words and empty promises 3. The speech must be concise and short General analysis of a political speech 4. clever-choice of words to convey different meanings/tones. 5. the use of biblical style to make it formal/ rigid. 6. the use of a lot of rhetorical devices to make his address as powerful/ impressive as possible. Part Three summery of the text • 1. Organizational Pattern: • part 1: (para.1-para4): Introduction • part 2: (para.5-26): address to different groups of countries or peoples. • Part 3: (para27): conclusion, calling on again. Organizational Pattern • 4 sections. • Sect.1. para.1-5 with para 5 as a transition • Introduction , the general statement of the world situation and the basic policy of the US • "We shall pay any price,.....“ • To safeguard liberty Organizational Pattern • Sect.2 para.6-10 • He addresses different groups of allied nations and would-be allied nations; friends and would-be friends. Organizational Pattern • Sect.2 para.6-10 • His specific policy towards them. • 1. the allies • 2. the newly independent countries • 3. the developing countries • 4. the Latin American countries • 5. the UN Organizational Pattern • Sect.3 para.11-20 • His specific policy toward the enemy. 1. pointing out the danger 2. pointing out the position of strength Organizational Pattern • 3. point out the situation and need. Both sides feel uneasy. • a) Both sides are overburdened with the cost of modern weapons. • b) Both sides are anxious with the wide spread arms. • c) Both sides try to change the uncertain balance of military power. Organizational Pattern • Proposals: • 1. control arms • 2. use science for peace purpose • 3. enjoy human rights • Objective: • --- to make a new world order Organizational Pattern • Sect 4 para.21-27 • conclusion • He calls on the Americans to support him and to sacrifice their lives for their country. He calls on the people of the whole world to unit and work for the freedom of men. • 2. Stylistic analysis • 1). Lexical feature: formal, simple and short, vivid verbs, biblical expressions • 2). Syntax feature: formal, balanced structures, repeated structures, some long sentences. • 3). Cohesion: pronoun, repetition, conjunction, variation, transitional words etc. • 4)rhetorical devices: • repetition, parallelism, antithesis, allusion, metaphor, alliteration, rhetorical question Language features • general comment on the speech • Kennedy was an eloquent speaker with special training. This speech is very powerful and wonderful. He lays his emphasis on the successful appeals to the emotion of the listeners. • well organized • highly rhetorical Language features • 1. highly rhetorical ---parallelism, antithesis, metaphor, simile, metonymy, hyperbole, • 2. invoking the name of God, the use of biblical style • 3. the use of key abstract words: • Torch, trumpet, twilight struggle • faith, devotion, freedom, liberty, courage, loyalty, belief • These abstractions are impossible to define precisely. Language features • 4. the use of heroic-sounding verbs • explore, conquer, dare, encourage, pledge, forge--- which are inspiring and emotional. • 5. more repetitions and parallelisms in the structure, which gives the address a certain rhythm. Part four: exercises • fatal; deadly mortal lethal • fatal ---- It stresses inevitability and actual result of death, destruction and disaster • Many fatal diseases have been prevented by cleanliness and the proper medicine. • 清洁的习惯和正当的使用药物,防止了许多致命的疾病。 • This piece of news was fatal to his political future. • 这则新闻毁了他的政治前途。 fatal; deadly mortal lethal • mortal ---It implies that death has occurred or is certain to occur. • All men are mortal beings. • She suffered from a mortal disease. fatal; deadly mortal lethal • deadly -- It implies an extremely high degree of probability rather than a certainty of death • Both of the great and powerful groups of nations are alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom. • 两个强大的国家都对致命的原子力量的不断扩展感到震惊。 • A gun is a deadly weapon .枪是一种可怕的武器。 fatal; deadly mortal lethal • deadly -- It implies an extremely high degree of probability rather than a certainty of death • Both of the great and powerful groups of nations are alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom. • 两个强大的国家都对致命的原子力量的不断扩展感到震惊。 • A gun is a deadly weapon .枪是一种可怕的武器。 fatal; deadly; mortal; lethal • lethal --- It implies the existence of sth is the condition of the cause of death. • Cyanide is a lethal poison. • 氰化物是一种致死的毒素。 • a ~ weapon 凶器 • ~ gas 致死的毒气 faithful; loyal; constant; staunch; resolute • faithful--• It implies a firm and unswerving adherence to a person or thing to whom or to which one is united by some ties as marriage, friendship, honor, or allegiance. • 指对婚姻,友谊,荣誉,或政治需要体现出忠心和忠诚。 faithful; loyal; constant; staunch; resolute • faithful--• He has been a faithful friend to me for many years • 多年来他一直是我忠实的朋友。 • A husband should be faithful to his wife. faithful; loyal; constant; staunch; resolute • loyal --- • It refers faithful to one's pledged word or to the country, the leader, the institution or the principle to which one feels oneself mortally bound. • 指受良心,正义感的影响对祖国,团体,事业表现出的忠心忠诚 • We are loyal to our beautiful country. • He is loyal to his cause. faithful; loyal; constant; staunch; resolute • constant --- means unchanging faith to love or cause.对事业,爱情的坚定,坚贞 • We are constant to the communist ideals.我们对共产主义理想坚定不移。 • He has been constant in his devotion to scientific studies. • 他坚毅地致力于科学研究。 • She is constant to love.她对爱情忠贞不渝。 faithful ; loyal constant staunch resolute • staunch -- • • • • indicates loyal or firm to political belief and religious belief 对宗教,政治信念表现出的毫不动摇的意志和决心 Mary is a staunch Christian. 玛丽是一个虔诚的基督徒。 He is a staunch supporter of his political party. 他是一位忠诚的政党拥护者。 faithful ; loyal constant staunch resolute • resolute -- • steadfastness and emphasize the determination which cannot be broken down as a quality of character. 强调决心无法动摇 • He was resolute in his decision to give up smoking. • The soldiers are resolute for victory. 战士们决心争取胜利。 Exercises • Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Western European countries • May new nations in Africa, newly independent countries are: • • • • • • The Republic of Central Africa The People’s republic of the Congo The Gabon Republic (加蓬) The Republic of Ghana (加纳) The republic of Chad (乍得) The Republic of Dahowmey 达荷美 (西非) Paraphrase: • 1.Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and god had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world. Paraphrase • 2. This is much we promise to do and we promise to do more. • 3. United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a great number of joint undertakings. Paraphrase • 4. We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which will bring hope of progress to all our countries. Paraphrase • 5.The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival of liberty. Now the instruments for waging war have far surpassed and exceeded the instruments for peace purpose. • 6.To help the U.N. enlarge the area in which its authority and order may continue to be in effect. Paraphrase • 7. Before the terrible force of destruction, which science can now release, which may be planned or brought about by accident, takes place. • 8. Let both nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from launching mankind’s final war. Paraphrase • 9. So let us start once again to discuss and negotiate and let us remember that being polite is not a sign of weakness. • 10.Let both sides try to call forth the wonderful things that science can do for mankind instead of the frightful thing it can do. Paraphrase • 11. Each generation of Americans have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country’s cause. Paraphrase • 12.With God’s blessing and help, let us start leading the country we love, knowing that on the earth what we are doing is God’s job. Let the history finally judge whether we have done our task well or not, but our sure reward will be a good conscience, for we will have worked sincerely and to the best of our abilities. Part five: added information— English Speech • Many people emphasize the 3S’s in English speech • Stand up • Say what you have to say • Sit down English Speech • Three ways to make a speech • memorized speech • extempore speech (notes) • impromptu speech English Speech • Speech must by informative • appealing • entertaining • Basic organization: • introduction • the main body • conclusion How to deliver a speech? • Show good manners (clothes, posture etc) “natural” • Don’t deliberately beat about the bush • “I don’t know how to speak”. • “Being asked so abruptly to speak. I feel very nervous. I don’t have any preparations.” How to deliver a speech? • That’s a waste of time. If you must express your feeling of excuse, you only need to say: • “ I am not much of a public speaker.” • “ I feel there is no way I can get out of making a speech.” How to deliver a speech? • 3.When you make a mistake, you don’t need to say “excuse me”. Only “well, let me see …” “what I mean is …” will do. • Don’t scratch your head. • Don’t stick your tongue out. How to deliver a speech? • 4. All speeches may be started by “Ladies and Gentlemen:” if on a rather formal occasion , you should first say “Mr. Chairman” and then “ Ladies and Gentlemen:” Welcome • 1. Welcome to China. • 2. We are delighted to see you again. • 3. It is my special pleasure to welcome you all here today. Welcome • 4. I take great pleasure in bidding you all a hearty welcome to our company. • 5. On behalf of all my fellow students, I wish to say a word of hearty welcome to you. • 6. The fist thing that I would like to say to Mr Wang is a hearty “welcome home”. Congratulations • 1. Let me congratulate you on your success. • 2. It’s my great pleasure (privilege) to say a word of congratulation to you. • 3. I am truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating Miss Wang, the winner of the contest. Congratulations • 4. On behalf of the faculties of our school, I want of take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on your stunning victory in the speech contest. • 5. You are to be congratulated for your constant efforts. Wedding ceremony • To bridegroom ---- congratulations • To bride --- I wish you much happiness. • We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of my best friend, Wang Hua and his wonder bride … Wedding ceremony • We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage. • I’m sure everyone here joins me in wishing you two, the very best that life has to offer you in your marriage. • I will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage, and wishing them a long life of happiness together. Wedding ceremony • I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of the newly married couple. • Allow me to conclude my brief speech by wishing the bride and bridegroom all happiness and the best luck for the future. Holidays • Of course, everybody knows what day it is today. We are here today toe celebrate the Spring Festival. • I’m pleased and honored toe stand before you today on this most beautiful of holidays, Mother’s Day. Holidays • • • • Merry Christmas Happy New Year. Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. Holidays • It’s a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight at this New Year party. • Let me begin by saying “A happy New Year” to all of you and especially to Mr. Smith, our guest of honor. Contest • • • • Welcome to the finals of the speech contest. Welcome and thanks toe our judges. It’s a great pleasure for me to declare open the contest. Now let’s begin and let’s all give the participant our support! Contest • Allow me to conclude by once more thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the participants the very best of luck. • Thank you all for coming, and we’ll look forward to seeing you next year at he next contest. School activity • Speaking for all of us, I have to say that we are full of excitement for the future and gratitude for the chance given us to study. • This is the day to mark the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us. School activity • I’m sure that we will all be interested in hearing the latest of what is happening at our school. • Now, looking bock over those four years, I can’t imagine how the time went by so quickly. Speech at a teacher’s birthday • Dear Miss Walker, • All of he students here want to wish you the happiest of birthdays and many more toe come in the future. We know that it must be a little difficult for you to have to celebrate a birthday in a foreign country, but we hope you will have a good time today. Speech at a teacher’s birthday • We have brought this present for you and we hope you will keep it for may years to come. It is a cork carving, famous throughout the world, and we want you to think of China, and especially us, whenever you look at it. Speech at a teacher’s birthday • Today, we know you are 35 years old, but we wonder about it. Many times, you seem to be as young as us, your students, in your attitudes and in your actions. We always feel so close to you because you seem to be one of us. I hope that when I am 35 I will seem as young as you do today. Speech at a teacher’s birthday • We didn’t know very well what type of food t serve at an American birthday party, and we know you love Chinese food, so we decided to make Chinese food for you today instead of American food. This is truly an international birthday party. Please sit down with us now and eat and think and have a good time. Later, we are all going to stand up sing “happy birthday” to you and we really mean it.