April 2010 SHRM Foundation Grant Proposal Submission

April 2010 SHRM Foundation Grant Proposal Submission Prescreens
Allen et al.
Boudreau and Lawler
Dominick and Reilly
Ensher and Murphy
Fried et al.
Glomb et al.
Illies et al.
Kernan and Watson
King and Kravitz
Maltz and Claus
Shaffer et al.
Somaya and Williamson
Proposal 1
Project Title: Emotional Labor Across Work and Non-work Roles
Tammy D. Allen, Ph.D., Eunae Cho, and Ryan Johnson
"We test an integrative model of health and well-being outcomes related to
emotional labor that crosses both work and family domains. Furthermore, we
examine mindfulness as a trainable individual difference that may buffer
against negative consequences of emotion regulation. By combining
experience sampling and longitudinal data collection using multiple sources,
and analyzing the data with multi-level modeling and longitudinal analyses,
the study aims to provide research and practitioners a more complete picture
of emotion regulation. With this knowledge, future research can examine
ways to reduce the negative consequences of emotional labor while retaining
the well-documented positive organizational outcomes."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic
literature research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Based on both longitudinal and experience sampling methods, the primary objective of
the current study is to test an integrative model of emotional labor that crosses both
work and family domains....Beyond the methodological benefits of our approach, we
extend existing research in three key ways. First, we examine the joint effects of
emotional display rules at home and at work on emotional regulation strategies in both
domains. Based on recent work (Diefendorff & Greguras, 2009; Glomb & Tews, 2004),
we use a fine-grained assessment of emotional display rules that address both negative
and positive discrete emotions and specific targets. Second, we examine the influence of
emotional regulation strategies at both work and at home on multiple outcomes
associated with emotional labor. Third, we introduce mindfulness as a potential
moderator of these relationships."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would
the expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"First, the proposed research addresses two key issues of prime concern to HR
practitioners, work-life balance and healthcare costs, as noted in the latest SHRM
Workplace Forecast report....The study will also reveal if there are differential linkages
between targets (e.g., supervisor versus external constituents; spouses versus children)
and emotion management strategies. This finer-grained assessment could aid in the
development of training interventions by pinpointing the specific types of interactions
that are most likely to result in more detrimental (i.e., surface acting) versus less
detrimental (i.e., deep acting) emotion management strategies....Finally, our
investigation of mindfulness also has implications for organizational training and stress
management programs. Previous research has suggested that managers train workers to
engage in deep versus surface acting (e.g., Judge et al., 2009; Yanchus et al., 2010).
Interventions that focus on increasing emotional resources be of the most value to
organizations. If the results of the current study are as expected, one important
implication is that organizations can potentially focus on the training of mindfulness
rather than encouraging employees to mask or to fake their emotions. Erisman and
Roemer (2010) recently found positive effects for a 10-minute mindfulness intervention.
This underscores the cost effective and positive potential that mindfulness-based
interventions may have for organizations."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
The study and relationships proposed are grounded in the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments:
"We have secured support from the James A. Haley Veteran’s Administration
Medical Center (VA) to participate in the research. The VA has a longstanding
collaborative research relationship with the University of South Florida (USF)....The
VA is a tertiary care teaching hospital that provides a full range of patient care. It
employs 3729 individuals that vary in terms of gender (55% female), racial and
ethnic background, age, and occupational level. As a healthcare facility, emotional
display rules are certain to be present. In addition, the VA indicates that employees
have reported work-family balance as an area of poor satisfaction, suggesting
difficulty exists among the population with regard to managing work and family
responsibilities. This context offers a fertile setting from which to study emotional
labor issues at both work and home. The VA is located across the street from the
USF campus....All participants must be at least 18 years old, work at least 20 hours
per week, and be married or in a committed/cohabitating relationship. We will
purposively sample employees from a variety of occupations expected to have
varying display rules."
The sample is coming from one organization and therefore the generalizability of the
results may be limited.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"Research will be conducted via a handheld device (Apple iPod Touch) and webbased survey tools. Survey software developed by Touch Metric Inc.
(www.touchmetric.com) will be used to collect data. Use of the iPod Touch permits
participants to complete surveys at any place and time.....The research consists of
three phases, a Time 1 baseline survey, a 10-day period of experience sampling, and
a final Time 2 survey conducted 6 months after Time 1. Time 1 and Time 2 studies
will measure the same variables. Our choice of a 6-month time lag is admittedly
somewhat arbitrary. Six months was thought long enough to capture changes in the
dependent variables but not so long as to result in massive missing data due to
participant attrition. In addition to the self-report surveys, participants will be asked
to have their significant other and supervisor complete online surveys at Time 1 and
Time 2. All items associated with the main study measures and their response scale
anchors are appended."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments
"Multilevel modeling and longitudinal data analyses will be used to investigate the
relationships. Level 1- variables include the repeated measures over time of surface
and deep acting both at work and at home, state vitality, and physical symptoms.
Level 2- variables include display rules, mindfulness, and the distal outcomes. To
best estimate the within-individual effects, the predictor variables will be groupcentered at each individual’s mean (Hofmann et al., 2000). Before testing the
hypothesized relationships, systematic within and between individual variance will
be examined by estimating a null model. When there is significant within and
between individual variance in the criterion, tests of Level 1- and Level 2relationships are appropriate."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $174,067
The incentives offered to participants may be excessive (they can earn up to $100 if they
participate in all or most time periods).
Proposal 2
Project Title: The Future of HR: Longitudinal Study and 2010 Survey
John Boudreau, Ph.D. and Edward E. Lawler, Ph.D.
"....to examine how the HR profession has changed over the last 15 years.
The 2010 survey will address the extensiveness and effectiveness of HR
activities, the role of HR in the strategy process, HR’s relationship with
corporate boards, the sophistication of the human capital decision science
both within HR and throughout the organization, the use and effectiveness of
HR metrics and data systems, the structure and effectiveness of the HR
organization (including outsourcing), and the skills and competencies of HR
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes_X___ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The present research is a longitudinal study that will provide quantitative data regarding
the changes in HR over time. It also will show how HR activities, organizing
approaches, competencies, and roles are related in a large sample of firms....The present
research will go further by providing empirical benchmarks on both the importance and
effectiveness of HR competencies, organizational characteristics, and roles, as they have
evolved over time....By including measures of HR effectiveness from both HR and nonHR leaders, this research draws upon and informs theoretical frameworks related to the
impact of HR activities and human capital on firm performance (Huselid, 1995)....The
present research provides both a cross-sectional examination of the effectiveness of HR,
as well as the opportunity to examine how effectiveness is associated with HR activities,
organizing approaches, relationships with corporate boards, decision support and
strategic partnership. It also provides a longitudinal look at these associations, providing
insight into how these relationships change over time. The uniquely comprehensive
array of measures of the HR function and its role provides a complimentary view to
typical research examining HR activities, work systems or subsets of HR activities."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes___ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"This research will provide practitioners with a unique source of benchmark data
reflecting a comprehensive array of HR roles, competencies, organizational
arrangements, and constituent relationships....For practitioners, this means the data
will offer a unique opportunity to compare not only their current state, but the
evolution of HR in their organizations, to the evolution occurring more broadly. The
data will also tap the views of leaders outside of HR, providing HR leaders with
insights into how the profession is viewed by vital constituents, and the HR elements
that affect perceived HR strategic partnership and contribution. Finally, with the
addition of data on organizations outside North America, the research will address
the significant need for practitioners to take a global perspective, and to consider
similarities and distinctions that exist across regions."
This work is largely descriptive and may not result in direct and actionable
implications for HR professionals.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X__ Comments:
Although the HR literature is used to support the importance of this work, no hypotheses
are made and no overarching framework is used to guide this investigation. It is largely
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The U.S. sample will be created from the contact lists of the Center for Effective
Organizations, the Human Resource Planning Society, and i4cp. Senior HR
executives from large and medium-sized corporations will be included. These HR
leaders will be asked to complete the survey, and then distribute a separate survey
link to three senior managers in their organizations who are not in HR, but are in a
position to evaluate the function.... The 2010 sample will be extended beyond the
U.S. in several ways. First, we will engage additional partner organizations in North
America: the Conference Board and the Canadian Conference Board. Second, we
will develop a global sample, with professional organization partners in UK, Europe,
Australia, Singapore, India and possibly China. In the case of India, we are
collaborating with the SHRM office there to generate a sample. Our aim is to
generate samples of more than 50 large organizations in each country."
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"The research relies on two internet-based surveys. The first survey link will be
provided to HR executives via an email message and personal request from the
principle investigators....Both the HR and non-HR surveys are similar to prior
surveys (five other administrations; see Lawler and Boudreau, 2009) so that change
can be assessed. Survey responses will be tracked by organization name in order to
match HR executive and non-HR senior manager survey responses. We will also
use this information to match survey data to organizations’ financial performance
data for analysis."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments
No specific analyses are mentioned (e.g., there is no mention of the statistical
methods to be used). They note "Our study will focus on how human resources
organizations are responding to the strategic and organizational initiatives that
businesses are undertaking. It will examine the extent to which the design and
activities of the HR function are actually changing by analyzing survey data from
1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. We will examine the use of practices that
are expected to represent the new directions that human resources organizations
must take in order to fit with the changes that are occurring in the organizations they
serve. We will also examine how these changes are related to the strategic role of
HR. Finally, we will examine the impact of how the HR function is designed and
operates on its effectiveness."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe __ ___ Comments: $52,484
The researchers also note that if this research is funded, they will also receive funding
from the University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business, Center for
Effective Organizations (CEO). In the budget, they include a description of what CEO
will provide.
Proposal 3
Project Title: Ideal Workplaces: Perceptions of Employers and Employees About
Employer of Choice
Alan Brown, Ph.D.
"This research addresses the question of what job and workplace attributes
make an employer of choice as seen by employers and employees.
Furthermore, how might these attributes differ for different generations. This
research looks at the experience of job seekers and their expectations against
employer’s assumptions about job seekers expectations and what company
recruiters emphasize in the recruitment process."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
This research will add to the literature by identifying which attributes make an employer
a choice employer from the employer's perspective and from the employee's perspective.
This work will also allow an examination of the extent to which these two perspectives
are consistent and/or discrepant with each other.
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes___ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"Findings from this research would highlight to HR managers specifically and other
managers generally what job seekers regard as important attributes of an employer of
choice....the findings will show if organisational perceptions (as seen by HR managers)
of employee needs at work are accurate. This is particularly important in the light of
generational change and employment. Are organisations adapting their HR practices to
meet the needs and expectations of Gen X and Y employees? To what extent is
employer branding significant in attracting employees?....The research results should
also indicate how HR practices, particularly recruitment and learning and development,
might be improved in order to attract and retain talent and create an employer of choice
status....A briefing paper which summarises the findings and the implications will be
produced for the SHRM to provide to its members and on its web site."
This work seems largely descriptive and so it is unclear if the findings will actually
result in direct and actionable implications for HR professionals.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X__ Comments:
Although this work is grounded in the HR literature, the proposal lacks an overarching
framework to guide the investigation.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes_____ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments:
"Interviews – 15 HR managers from organisations located in the cities of Perth,
Sydney and Melbourne, Australia...This will include some from the Best Employer
list or other HR award winners. Other participants will be sourced through the PI’s
established network from previous research projects and industry contacts."
"Questionnaire – 500 HR managers from throughout Australia sourced through a
database such as Dunn and Bradstreet and a database of Western Australian
companies developed by the School of Management at ECU."
"The sample for the employees will be:
Interviews – 15 graduate students from the Faculty of Business and Law at ECU.
These students may or may not be currently employed. They should represent a cross
section of age groups but with a significant proportion in the Gen Y category. The
participants will be sourced from classes taught in the School of Management.
"Questionnaire – 500 graduate and undergraduate students in the Faculty of Business
and Law at ECU. Access to the sample of job seekers will be using current
undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Business and Law at
Employees and employers will not actually be matched. It seems the employers will
be from a different source than the potential employees (i.e., organizations versus a
university). Also there is no mention of the anticipated response rate.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
This research adopts a mixed methodology of interviews and a questionnaire to
address the research questions. However, samples are not actually matched, so we
cannot be sure that any differences we see between employers and employees is a
result of differing perspectives are just that the samples are from different contexts
(business versus academic).
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
Questionnaire measures will be developed after the interviews are conducted.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Interviews – will be analyzed by any themes which come through the attributes and
strategies and frequency analysis of scores on the pilot list of items....Questionnaire
– the principal analysis will be to rank the attributes in importance and to compare
these rankings between the employer and employee groups. This will require the
application of various statistical analyses including frequencies, t-tests and factor
analysis to test the importance of variables and differences between employer and
employee assessments of importance of the attributes associated with employer of
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
The timeline seems ambitious, but the study could likely be completed in the two year
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe __ ___ Comments: $27,269
Proposal 4
Project Title: Developing Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Employee
Nicholas Clarke, Ph.D.
"This study investigates the effectiveness of workplace learning for
developing emotional intelligence (EI) abilities in leaders and traces the
impact of this development to improvements in follower well-being. It is
posited that EI moderates the relationship between Leader-Member
Exchange and Employee well-being."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The study will help us to better understand the learning processes by which EI may
potentially develop. Although a workplace learning theory of EI has been proposed, it is
only beginning to be researched. The study extends previous work in three major ways.
First, the study will explicitly test three of the key propositions arising from that theory.
Specifically, that the development of EI abilities through workplace learning can be
achieved through (1) participation in workplace social structures (groups), (2) dialogue
and reflection in groups/teams and (3) a supportive group/team climate. Second, this
would be the first study to investigate the impact of a workplace learning intervention
for developing EI abilities with non-student populations. Third, the study examines
whether EI development for leaders results in improvements to the quality of leaderfollower relationship outcomes."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes___ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"Findings from this study are expected to support recent research suggesting the quality
of relationship between leaders and followers has a greater impact on follower wellbeing when leaders are higher in EI abilities (Clarke & Mahadi 2010). This will
strengthen arguments that a focus on leadership capacity will be of increasing
significance during these more stringent economic times. Cuts in investment to
municipal government will place increasing pressures on HR in these service areas to
direct greater attention to employee assistance programmes and those aimed at
maintaining their well-being. Expected findings from this study will provide HR
personnel with evidence to support the targeting of EI as part of leadership development
in the pursuit of employee well-being goals. At the same time HR personnel will be
under scrutiny to justify investment in HR development activities. The results of this
study will provide further insights into the effectiveness of training as a stand alone
strategy to deliver changes to leaders in organisations in this area of EI....A report
summarizing the research will be given to the organizations taking part. The report will
also be available to be downloaded from the School of Management website. This will
also be mentioned in two HR practitioner articles that will be written to target US and
UK HR audiences which will summarize key findings from the study in an accessible
format (People Management and HR Magazine)."
The implications for HR practitioners are largely indirect.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X__ Comments:
Most of the literature used to support this work is not from top tier publications, so it is
not well grounded in the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"Local (municipal) authorities in England are responsible for providing a wide range
of community services, amongst them social services and housing, recreation and
leisure, environmental health and town planning. HR directors from ten local
authorities in the South-East of England have agreed to take part in this research.
Ten groups of thirty volunteer leader-follower dyads from each of these authorities
will take part (600 participants). Leaders in this instance are defined at the middle
management level (second tier), mostly one tier above a team leader (first line
management) and will be recruited from across the varied service areas the local
authority is responsible for."
The sample is from a very limited geographic area and only employees from a public
agency in England are participants. This makes the generalizability of these results
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"This research project uses a longitudinal, quasi-experimental research design....All
measures will be taken at four time points. (1) Time 1: Pre-Training (2) Time 2: First
Post Training (Immediately following training 1 month later); (3) Time 3: Second
Post (Immediately following group-work 4 months later), (4) Time 4: Final Post
(ten months following Training). Following previous studies (Clarke in press a;
Groves et al 2006; Moriarty & Buckley 2003) 250 leaders will be provided with a EI
training self-awareness session (2-days). Raising the self-awareness of individual
participants has been suggested as important for directing attention to the nature of
emotional abilities and where potential development of these abilities may be
necessary (Lopes, Cote & Salovey 2006; Clarke 2006a). The content of the 2-days
will follow that outlined in Clarke & Howell (2010). Next 150 of these leaders (5
groups) will be randomly selected to take part in the second stage of the research
involving participating in six one-hour facilitated group work sessions occurring
fortnightly over the course of the following twelve weeks. These six sessions are
designed to enable leaders to discuss emotional work experiences subsequent to the
training. An additional 50 leader-follower dyads will serve as a comparison group."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"A multivariate analysis of variance with a repeated measures design will be
undertaken (MANOVA). Time will be entered as the within subject factor name
with 4 levels (pre, first post, second post and final post test) with each of the EI
branch and overall EI scores entered as measures. Treatment condition will then be
entered as a between subject factor with 3 levels (training, training plus group work,
no EI development). Measures obtained for both team climate and Dialogue &
Reflection will be dichotomised at above and below the mean. These will then be
entered into the analysis as covariates. This will produce a 4 X 3 X 2 X 2 factorial
design. Initial positive results will be followed up by univariate analyzes were
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe __ ___ Comments: $67,905
Proposal 5
Project Title: Understanding Goal Setting in Experiential Self-directed Leadership
Development: The Roles of Multi-Source Feedback and Individual
Difference Assessments
Peter G. Dominick, Ph.D. and Richard R. Reilly, Ph.D.
"This two-phase study will examine the role of multisource-feedback and
individual assessments in the selection and attainment of leadership
development goals. A leadership goal taxonomy will be developed by SMEs
and several other goal related variables will be operationally defined."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"In addition, to contributing to emergent theoretical models of leadership development
our work will make contributions to the related areas of goal setting and [multi-source
feedback (MSF)]....Our purpose is to better understand how information from MSF
influences the goals set by participants in experiential self-directed leadership programs
and whether those goals are relevant or not. We will also be able to offer insight as to
how individual differences shape the interpretation of MSF, goal choices and
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The results from our research can contribute to that capacity by enhancing what we
know about the ways in which people use MSF and other individual difference feedback
to identify appropriate development goals, approaches to working on them and
ultimately the extent to which they are successful....While our findings would not
eliminate the need for coaches or mentors they can likely offer individuals more
prescriptive guidance on how best to use assessment information to set goals, select
approaches for working on them and ultimately improve. Such information may in fact
help to enrich coaching interactions....our findings may provide a reasonable facsimile
that can contribute to initial developmental goal setting and also likely enrich individuals
confidence in the efficacy of the strategies and approaches they pursue."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
Study is well grounded in the HR literature and a framework is presented to guide the
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes_____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
Phase I: 100-120 graduate students in technology management course. "Since 2001
we have offered a highly successful leadership development course to graduate
students in technology management. These students primarily work full-time in such
fields as engineering, research and development, computer science and information
technology and have on average, 7 years of work experience. The course requires
learners to draw upon their work experiences to complete course requirements. Selfawareness as a foundation for leadership development is a major course theme and
experiential learning in the forms of assessment, exercises and reflection are
stressed. Learners are required to establish two development goals, plans for goal
attainment and to document their efforts to work on those goals during the second
half of the course."
Phase II: 250 participants from the same course described above.
The potential generalizability of this setting is unclear.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
Phase 1: The goals set by participants will be examined and coded and correlated
with other variables (e.g., personality).
Phase 2: Longitudinal study with data collected via web-based survey. The goalsetting survey will be administer and then six weeks later the participant will provide
a self-assessment. At ten weeks each participant will be asked to complete a second
All outcome variables seem to be self-report. This could result in common source
bias, making it difficult to determine causality.
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Phase I: "Frequencies of the types of goals set, frequencies of coded positive and
negative comments, and the mean and standard deviation of the appropriateness and
difficulty judgments will be computed. Means, standard deviations and
intercorrelations for individual difference measures will be computed. Several
variables based on the MSF survey will be analyzed including: average self-score on
each of the six score categories, average score for other ratings of the individual, the
difference between the average and self-score, the number and type of positive
comments and the number and type of negative comments. Relationships between
these variables and individual difference variables will be computed. Patterns of
relationships between MSF scores, open-ended comments and types of goals set will
be explored. A set of correlation/regression analyses will then explore the
relationships between MSF variables, individual difference variables and ratings of
goal appropriateness and difficulty."
Phase II: " Descriptive statistics will be computed for all variables. Hierarchical
discriminate analysis will be used to assess the empirical relationship between 360
information and individual difference information on goal category....A set of
regression analyses will be performed with each of the six Time 2 scores as a
dependent variable and the remaining five scores and the Time 1 goal-specific score
as independent variables.....Regression analysis and path analysis will be used to
assess the relationships between individual difference scores and goal
appropriateness, goal difficulty, goal monitoring behavior, self-assessed goal
attainment, and behavior change."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments:
It may be difficult to complete the two phases in the timeframe outlined. Further, some
of the tasks noted are ones we like to see completed prior to the submission of the
proposal (e.g., review of the relevant literature).
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $89,000
Personnel costs seem excessive given that on-line surveys will be used; particularly the
amount of summer funding and the compensation for the associates.
Proposal 6
Project Title: Mentoring Relational Challenges Scale Development and the Impact of
Mentoring Stages, Types, Context, and Gender on Mentoring
Ellen A. Ensher, Ph.D. and Susan E. Murphy, Ph.D.
"The current study empirically examines the impact of relational challenges
on mentoring relationships using a matched set of mentor-protégé data."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"This study contributes a newly developed scale and tests new and relevant hypotheses,
thereby effectively building the literature on mentoring and contributing useful tools for
practitioners. An integration of mentoring theories and past related research along with
newer qualitative research (Elliot, Leck, Orser & Mossop, 2006; Ensher & Murphy,
2005) suggests that relational challenges are important for successful mentoring
relationships. Mentors and protégés who are aware of relational challenges can better
understand how to effectively anticipate and respond to them as they arise."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
The investigators offer examples of how their results might be used by HR
professionals. For example, "....it would be extremely helpful for HR professionals to
inform protégés about the explicit type of challenges they are likely to encounter from
mentors in the beginning and throughout the phases of the relationship. If protégés can
be made aware of the explicit challenges likely to be posed to them then they can be
prepared to respond more effectively. Protégés could be educated to ask mentors for
direction regarding specific relational challenges in terms of expectations of responding
to advice, demonstrating advice, or confronting hurdles. Similarly, training could be
developed and provided to mentors to enable them to become aware of the specific
relational challenges they are likely to pose to their protégés and how to most effectively
communicate these."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
Hypotheses are well-supported by the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"The sample will be drawn from the population of graduate and undergraduate
students and their professional mentors at two different universities in Southern
California. The first sample will be drawn from graduate business students at a
private university. These students are MBA and executive MBA students enrolled in
a core human resource management class with a prospective sample size of 200 (n=
100 protégé/students; n= 100 mentors)....The second sample will be drawn from a
small liberal arts university in Southern California consisting of undergraduate junior
and senior students (n=100) and their alumni mentors (n= 100) involved in a formal
mentoring program."
Therefore, the total sample will include 200 mentor-protégé dyads (total n = 400).
The student samples might limit the generalizability of results.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"Data will be collected via an online survey with a link emailed to protégés and
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing and validated measures will be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"We will test the first set of hypotheses (1, 2, and 3) with a 3 X 4 X 2 MANOVA.
Specifically, this statistical test will examine how differences in the relational
challenges factors will be affected by mentoring relationship type (traditional, stepahead, or peer), relationship stage (initiation, cultivation, separation, redefinition) or
context (formal or informal). The remaining hypotheses related to gender and
satisfaction will be tested using hierarchical multiple regression, after controlling for
mentor functions such as instrumental and psychosocial support."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe __ ___ Comments: $64,667
Proposal 7
Project Title: Human resource management in the global environment following the
2008 economic crisis: How do cultural differences influence the
prevalence and effect of HR practices?
Yitzhak Fried, Ph.D., Hilla Peretz, Ph.D., and Shlomit Kaminka, Ph.D.
The first project will explore the degree to which the recent economic crisis
has affected the pattern of relationships between national values and HR
practices. "In the second project, we will collect additional data from six
multinational companies across 27 countries, which will include measures of
new variables not included in the first project, namely, organizational and
professional cultures, and the individual outcomes of job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and rated performance."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"....this type of cross-cultural research can introduce a new understanding of employee
attitudes and behavior in organizational settings. The importance of global studies such
as this one is increasing for multinational corporations (MNCs) as these corporations
increase their foreign geographic areas of operation....Despite the importance of a global
perspective, it remains difficult to generate substantive studies linking all aspects of
culture and HR practices in the global arena. This research project attempts to remedy
this deficiency by systematically exploring the prevalence and effects of HR practices in
the multi-level contexts of national, organizational, and professional cultures. We expect
this research to contribute to the literature on strategic human resource management
(HRM) by enhancing our knowledge and understanding of the competitive advantage of
HR practices for global companies, contingent on cultural contexts."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Our research goal is to empirically develop core principles for designing global,
strategic HR approach. By answering the research questions, corporations will be able to
recognize the important role of cultural diversity in designing effective HR strategies.
We will conduct systematic analyses on all theoretically relevant variables as predictors
of outcome criteria, which should provide managers a set of very rich and
comprehensive findings. Such information should enable managers who are responsible
for global operations to more effectively determine when to establish HR programs in
organizations that are based or operate in different cultures, and which characteristics
these programs should have to maximize their contribution to organizational
competitiveness. Comparing the effects of the three cultures on HR practices will
provide useful information on the relative effectiveness of HR activities within different
cultural contexts. The study should therefore help MNCs to determine the degree to
which transforming HR practices from the corporate headquarters to subsidiaries in
other countries will be effective or detrimental to employee reactions."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
The research is grounded in the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
Project 1: "Data for the study were obtained from two independent sources:
CRANET (Cross-country HRM research) and the GLOBE (Global Leadership and
Organizational Effectiveness) study.” Includes data from 6,000 organizations across
21 counties.
Project 2: ".... will be based on new data we will collect from six global
multinational organizations, in 27 different countries." One hundred participants
from each organization per country (for a total of 5,600 subjects) will be surveyed.
Also 224 people will be interviewed to collect qualitative data. It's unclear who
those surveyed are and how they will be selected to participate in the study.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
Project 1: Archival survey data will be analyzed.
Project 2: Questionnaires will be administered and interviews will be conducted to
collect information.
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments:
The organizational performance measures will be assessed via CRANET, which is
based on a survey completed by the most senior HR/personnel specialist in each
organization. Data for Project 2 is also self-report. Therefore, the organizational
performance data is not objective.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"To investigate the cross-level effects of the national-level variables (culture values
or GNI) on HR Practices and organizational performance variables, we will use
multilevel regression analysis (Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM) for modeling
the structure of the data (Bryk & Raudenbush, 1992). Level one of the data will be
the organizational level (organizational characteristics, organizational performance
variables and HR Practices), and level two of the analysis will be the national level
(cultural values and GNI)."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Although some of the items noted in the timeline are things we like to see completed
prior to the submission proposal (e.g., literature review).
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $199,700
Summer salary for three PIs for two years may be excessive especially since much of the
data is already collected. Specifics concerning how the requested amounts were
determined are not provided.
Proposal 8
Project Title: Unhealthy Balance?: The Consequences of Work and Family Demands
and Resources on Employees’ Health and Health Care Consumption
Theresa M. Glomb, Ph.D., Jean Abraham, Ph.D., and Erin L. Kelly, Ph.D.
"We propose two complementary studies to examine the relationship of work
and family demands on workers’ health outcomes, including health status,
utilization, expenditures, and health-related absenteeism. We also examine
the moderating role of work and family resources, such as supportive work
environments, flexible work arrangements, and coping strategies. Study 1
will examine how work and family demands, captured using structural
measures of these concepts, influence the proposed health outcomes.....Study
2 will provide an in-depth examination of the health consequences of work
and family demands within a single organization.”
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"We integrate the literatures on work-family conflict and health economics to investigate
the health related toll of work and family demands on employees. [Study 1] will provide
nationally representative estimates of the impact of work and family demands on health
status, condition-specific utilization and expenditure, and health-related absenteeism and
will address...key limitations in existing literature....[study 2]will provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the role that work- and non-work related resources
have on the interplay of work and family demands, perceived work-family conflict, and
health status, utilization, expenditures, and absenteeism.
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The proposed research will quantify the economic impact of work and family demands
on health and productivity. By investigating the extent to which work and family
demands are correlated with increased risk of certain medical conditions, we can
estimate the likelihood that these conditions generate expenditures, health-related
absenteeism, or both, thereby quantifying the costs to organizations from work and
family demands. The project will also guide HR practitioners on how interventions to
improve work and non-work resources coincide with risk reduction for stress-related
medical conditions. We examine a set of resources that can be levers for HR
practitioners such as supervisor and coworker support, flexible work arrangements, and
wellness programs. Findings will provide valuable insights for HR practice and public
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
Study is well-grounded in the HR literature and a model is used to guide the
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes__X___ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Study 1: "The Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys (MEPS) is an annual survey of
approximately 30,000 individuals collected since 1996 by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
The sampling frame for the MEPS is drawn from respondents to the National Health
Interview Survey and supports nationally representative estimates of the noninstitutionalized civilian population of the United States. The MEPS includes
individual and household-level information on demographics, income, assets,
employment, health insurance coverage, medical conditions, medical care utilization,
and expenditures. The survey uses an overlapping panel design consisting of five
rounds of interviews and follows households for a 2 year period. We use data from
Study 2: "We will obtain permission from the UPlan to access human resources
information for all eligible UPlan enrollees for 2007 and 2008. These data include an
encrypted identifier for each employee, date of birth, sex, home zip code, employee
status (active or retiree), SOC job code, work location on campus, and wage income.
We will seek permission to obtain information on other voluntary wellness program
information (e.g., health risk assessment) and absenteeism data on employees for
whom it is collected....We will obtain permission to access claims data for calendar
year 2007 and 2008. The data cover inpatient, outpatient, and pharmacy claims.
Fields include an encrypted employee identifier, date of service, primary diagnosis
code (ICD-9-CM), secondary diagnosis codes (ICD-9-CM), place of service,
procedure code, date of claim payment, billed charges, allowed charges, and paid
amounts. We will also request the enrollment file to know key information on the
type of health insurance coverage (employee, employee+1, family), as well as the
health plan in which the employee is enrolled. Although 2008 is our focus, we will
use 2007 data to construct measures of prior health history....We have access to the
2008 Pulse Survey Data which includes a unique identifier which will be encrypted
and linked to the HR administrative and claims databases. Variables include selfreported job stress, supervisor support, departmental support, marital status,
spouse/partner employment status, spouse/partner hours worked per week, number
and ages of children, child care arrangements, elder care responsibilities, work to
family and family to work conflict perceptual measures, coping with work to family
conflict, flexible work practices utilized, commute time, self-rated health status, age,
gender, ethnicity, educational attainment, tenure, employment status, supervisory
status and hours worked per week."
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
Mix of survey and archival data. O*NET data will be used to classify jobs (and help
get a measure of the level of stress in that job), but it's unclear who determines a
job's O*NET classification.
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Descriptive and multivariate analyses to be conducted are described in the proposal
and seem appropriate.
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $153,661
Some of the budget items (like travel) lack a specific description of how estimates were
determined. Also, some of the budget items are costs that are not typically funded (e.g.,
faculty travel, paper).
The following is noted in the proposal: "The research team is simultaneously submitting
a grant proposal to the MN Futures Program, a university-wide, interdisciplinary
funding initiative of the University of Minnesota (expected decision June 2010)."
Proposal 9
Project Title: Family-Friendly Policy Interventions, Leadership, and Work-Family
Jody Illies, Ph.D., Dave Dlinefelter, and Dawn Zimmerman, and Marcy
Young Illies
"We propose a study that will advance our [work-family conflict (WFC)]
knowledge by exploring how family-friendly policy (FFP) interventions can
be developed and implemented effectively and how organizational leadership
affects the perception and use of FFP programs."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The proposed study would advance the current WFC literature in three important ways.
Most importantly, over a two-year period, we will explore whether or not work-family
interventions are effective when tailored to organizations using an experimental design
with action research methodology. Intervention studies (and in particularly, longitudinal
intervention studies) are still lacking in the WFC literature, and the results from the few
studies that do exist, are mixed (Frone, 2003). Second, this study will connect the WFC
and leadership theoretical literatures by exploring leaders’ values and their preferences
for consideration and initiating-structure behaviors. Third, this study will expand our
understanding of WFC non-work outcomes that are not associated with one’s immediate
family such as community engagement and various aspects of life-satisfaction. This
research has the potential to result in several top journal publications in addition to
conference presentations."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Of most interest to human resource practitioners will be the results regarding the
longitudinal WFC intervention process. Not only will this aspect of the study provide
additional information on the outcomes of WFC interventions, but the proposed actionresearch method will provide a detailed step-by-step description of how WFC
interventions can be put into practice from initial problem diagnosis to cooperative
intervention development and implementation. Practitioners will then be able to adapt
this methodology for use in their own organizations in an effort to decrease
WFC....Predictions regarding leader behavior also have important applied implications.
Determining what leader behaviors are most related to perceived support and use of FFP
programs would provide important information that could be used as part of a leader
development program. Even though leaders have general behavioral preferences, it is
possible for them to learn when certain behaviors are most effective and then use those
behaviors in certain situations or with certain employees. This leader development could
be part of the implementation of FFP interventions."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
Model is well-supported by the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"Participants will be approximately 650 employees across four organizations of
various size and type of business, all located in a Midwestern city with an area
population of approximately 100,000. Two organizations, a glass company and a
locally-owed community bank each have fewer than 50 employees. A third
organization is a local branch of a large utility company, and has over 100
employees. The final organization, a bottling company, employees over 500
employees and is one of the 10 largest Coke franchises in the country."
All four organizations are located in the same city and therefore the generalizbility of
the results might be questioned.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
Longitudinal field experiment.
The proposed family friendly policies intervention may be different across
organizations because the nature of the intervention is such that it is individualized
to an organization. This may limit conclusions because two organizations might have
drastically different interventions deriving from the FFP.
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used, however, it's unclear if they will be able to
get supervisor ratings of performance. Therefore, they may only have self-report
data and this might result in common source bias. This may limit the conclusions
that can be made using these data.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Various analysis techniques will be needed to analyze fully the dataset that would
result from this study. Analyses will vary based on which aspects of the study are
being tested. Most notably, cross-sectional analyses (such as those involving leader
values and behavior) will be assessed with standard multivariate SEM analyses, and
the intervention and other longitudinal effects will be tested using longitudinal or
cross-lagged panel SEM analyses."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $105,377.27
Personnel costs may be excessive.
Proposal 10
Project Title: The Effects of Cultural Values and Organizational Culture on the
Consequences of Abusive Supervision
Mary C. Kernan, Ph.D. and Sharon Watson, Ph.D.
"This study will examine the effects of national cultural values and
organizational culture on the incidence and effects of abusive supervision."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic
literature research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"In this study we seek to directly address....gaps in the literature through a multi-level
model that focuses on two main questions....First, how do differences in cultural values
affect the incidence of abusive supervision and how do cultural values moderate the
effects of abusive supervision on work-related attitudes and well-being? Second, what
role does organizational culture play in abusive supervision and its consequences? In
addition, our study also addresses recent criticism from several scholars in the
international management area who have questioned the dominant role that national
culture has played in cross-cultural management research....and have called for studies
that investigate how societal cultural and organizational culture affect phenomena in
organizations....Our methodology permits the use of multi-level analytical techniques,
enabling us to test effects at both the organizational and societal levels."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would
the expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"....we think that our data can provide insights to HR practitioners in a number of areas
including: Information on levels of abusive supervision across several different
countries and what dimensions of national culture are most predictive of abusive
supervision. In multinational corporations that have workforces spanning different
countries, it may be necessary to employ interventions in those cultures where abusive
behavior is most prevalent. For example, supervisor training programs and evaluation
procedures might be tailored to address the problem of supervisor abuse in those
countries....For example, if our results indicate that organizational culture has a greater
impact on abuse and its consequences, this may suggest that interventions aimed at
altering organizational culture would be an appropriate way to curb abusive supervision.
The implication of such a finding would be important in that it would provide support to
those who have argued that there has been an over-reliance on viewing national culture
as opposed to organizational factors as proximal determinants of employee behavior.
On the other hand, if national culture proves to be a strong predictor of abusive
supervision, then companies with operations in cultures with high levels of supervisor
abuse may want to focus their attention on selection practices."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
The proposal is well-grounded in the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"We are taking a two-pronged approach to data collection. In both approaches we
will collect data from multiple countries and companies....we are targeting
employees in a set of countries that previously have been shown to have populations
with different cultural values to ensure variance on our measures of national culture.
These countries include the United States, South Korea, China, India, one to two
European countries and an additional country in Latin or South America....Our
primary sampling procedure involves obtaining the participation of employees of
small to medium sized companies in each of our targeted countries. The survey will
be administered to approximately 75-200 employees in each company.
Simultaneously we are using an additional data collection approach, similar to that
which we used successfully in our pilot study. In this approach, we will collect data
from employed MBA students and alumni. We plan to administer our survey to
working MBA students at several of our international partner universities, including
Korea University, SWUFE in China, and ESC Grenoble in France, among others.
Several of these programs are cohort programs, where students are employed by the
same organization, allowing us to assess organizational culture."
Some data has been collected, but data from some of the other countries has still not
been secured.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"Cross-level data will be collected via a web-based survey administered to
employees of small and medium sized companies in multiple countries."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Hierarchical linear modeling techniques will assess effects at the national,
organizational and individual level."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $79,702
Some budget items are not fully explained (e.g., the way personnel costs were
determined is unclear).
Proposal 11
Project Title: Evidenced-Based Diversity Management: How Can Diversity Training
Enhance Cultural Competence?
Eden B. King, Ph.D. and David A. Kravitz, Ph.D.
"The proposed research fills important gaps in extant research by integrating
contemporary social psychological theory of social dominance with adult
learning theory on after-event reviews in an examination of the effects of
specific trainer, trainee, and training characteristics on cultural competence."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"....this study contributes to the HR literature in three primary ways. First, we provide
needed evidence regarding behavioral outcomes of diversity training over time. Second,
we uniquely test the efficacy of a particular element of diversity training. Third, we
specify conditions through which to reach the trainees who are most likely to resist
diversity training. In the sections that follow, we describe the independent and
interactive effects of social dominance orientation, authority involvement, and afterevent reviews in diversity training programs."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"....this research will provide insight into the specific conditions under which diversity
training can enhance cultural competence. We explicitly test previously unanswered
practical questions regarding who should conduct diversity training and what elements
diversity training should include. Specifically, we will test the relative effectiveness of
training facilitators who are members of the same organization as participants compared
to training facilitators who are authorities in the organization. In addition, we will assess
the value added by integrating AERs with diversity training programs. Because AERs
are an inexpensive and easily implemented strategy, these results have the potential to
provide valuable improvements to diversity training programs....Second, by exploring
AERs in the context of diversity training, this study will inform a range of diversity
management efforts. If the results of this study indicate that AERs can enhance cultural
competence, these tools can be used in other organizational practices such as
performance management systems. Given that the science-practice gap is particularly
large in the area of diversity management (Holvino & Kamp, 2009), these practical
implications are of critical importance. We integrate theories from social and
organizational psychology and guide the development of effective, evidenced-based
strategies for diversity management using a carefully constructed experimental
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
Study and hypotheses are well-supported by the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"The nature of the current hypotheses dictates the utilization of an experimental
methodology. The limitations of this approach (e.g., potential lack of generalizability) are
outweighed by the importance of capturing the causal mechanisms underlying the effects of
diversity training. To ensure that the sample mirrors the working population to whom the
results should generalize as closely as possible, only students who are currently work for pay
outside of school at least 20 hours per week will be eligible to participate. A power analysis
based on a small effect size and 80% error level estimates that approximately 248 participants
are needed to detect significant differences at the .05 level. Thus, we will collect data from
approximately 250 participants at a large mid-Atlantic university."
The study will be conducted in the lab which may limit the generalizability of the
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"The study involves a 2 (Training Condition: Diversity Training, Control Training),
x 2 (AER Condition: AER, no AER) X 2 (Trainer Authority: Organizational
Authority, Control) between subjects design. This study will take place in three
sessions: (1) pre-training, (2) training, and (3) post-training."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Data analysis will be conducted using hierarchical multiple regression analyses (see
Aiken & West, 1991). After controlling for participant gender and ethnicity, the
main effects, two-way interactions, and three-way interaction between the
independent variables of Training Condition, Trainer Authority, and SDO will be
entered in separate steps of separate regression models predicting (a) culturally
competent behavior and (b) scores on the cultural competence SJT."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe __ ___ Comments: $62,105
Proposal 12
Project Title: Development of a Targeted Differential Item Functioning Index
David M. LaHuis, Ph.D.
"The planned research will develop a test of DIF by modifying a frequently
used DIF framework to focus on capturing DIF caused by different item
discrimination parameters. We also propose a test-level index that would
capture differential test functioning (DTF) due to different test-level
discrimination....The goal of these studies will be to show that the new tests
of DIF result in acceptable Type I error rates and power. In addition,
comparisons will be made with the existing tests to show the benefits of
using the targeted tests."
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes____ No ____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"We see the main potential contribution of the proposed research as allowing researchers
to have more comprehensive tests of DIF and DTF. Current tests of DIF and DTF only
capture certain patterns of differences. The proposed indices will allow researchers to
test for differences caused by differing item discrimination parameters. Another
contribution is that the proposed research will give researchers the ability to test more
precise hypotheses of DIF. One of the criticisms of DIF is that it is largely empirically
based. That is, researchers test for DIF without an expectation of what group differences
would look like. The proposed tests of DIF will give researchers the ability to examine
hypotheses about where along the trait level DIF may occur and help better integrate
theories about why DIF occurs with tests for DIF. For example, researchers interested in
faking may focus on higher levels of theta. These tests could also be beneficial for
testing hypotheses comparing examinees with low test-taking motivation with those with
high test-taking motivation on a cognitive ability test."
This study is largely methodological, so the contribution to the HR literature is limited.
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes___ No _____ Maybe ___X__ Comments:
"The proposed research will benefit HR practitioners by providing a test that is sensitive
to DIF caused by differing item discrimination parameters....In addition, a test-level
version of the index will allow HR practitioners to examine DTF caused by different test
discrimination....The proposed research will produce an index that would capture this
and give practitioners the ability to identify and remove problematic items to resolve the
The practical implications of this work seems very limited.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X__ Comments:
The proposal is strickly methodological, but they seem to know what they are doing
with regards to DIF.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Not applicable. A simulation is proposed.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"Two simulation studies will be conducted to examine the Type I error rates and
power to detect certain patterns of DIF across a number of sample sizes, test lengths,
and effect sizes. One simulation study will model dichotomous items; the second
study will concern polytomous (5 - response option) items. The goal of these studies
will be to show that the new tests of DIF result in acceptable Type I error rates and
power. In addition, comparisons will be made with the existing tests to show the
benefits of using the targeted tests."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Not applicable.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"The DFIT analysis requires item parameters for the reference and focal group to be
estimated and put on the same metric using a linking procedure. Item parameters
will be estimated using PARSCALE (Muraki & Bock, 2003), and we will link the
parameters using the Equate 2.1 program (Baker, 1995). We will compute the
NCDIF and DTF indices using the DFIT8 program (Oshima, Kushubar, Scott, &
Raju, 2009). The DFIT8 program requires users to input focal and referent group
item parameters and focal group thetas. We will calculate traditional NCDIF and
DTF statistics using the entire range of theta. To calculate the targeted tests, we will
use the item parameters based on the entire data set, but only input the focal group
thetas falling in the targeted range....We will evaluate Type I errors and power of the
targeted tests of DIF and compare them against the tradition DIF indices. How to
best combine NCDIFlow, NCDIFmid, and NCDIFhigh indices to minimize Type I errors
and maximize power will also be explored. We expect that the targeted tests will
have greater power to detect changes in the alpha parameter."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $39,614
It is unclear how the investigators arrived at the requested amounts.
Proposal 13
Project Title: Corporate Social Responsibility-Based Talent Management: A
Resource-Based View Incorporating Multiple Perspectives
Elliot Maltz, Ph.D., and Lisbeth Claus, Ph.D.
"The purpose of the proposed research is to integrate insights from two other
dominant streams of research within the talent management literature
(strategic HR and the signaling and stratification) with another significant
stream of research (CSR branding) (cf. Bhattacharya et al. 2008) to describe
how multiple systems in the firm can be combined to create an integrated,
multi-faceted talent management strategy."
Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes_X___ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"....it makes a major contribution to the field of human resources by taking talent
management to the next level by truly describing a multi-faceted talent management
strategy which confers sustainable competitive advantage....Specifically, the proposed
research utilizes an established paradigm from the strategy literature, the resource-based
view of the firm, to develop and empirically test a framework which proposes how a
firm can combine insights from the signaling and strategic HR perspectives to develop a
cohesive talent management strategy built around a firm’s commitment to corporate
social responsibility....The second proposed contribution of this study is more
exploratory in nature....we will explore the following research question: Are some of the
goals of a talent management strategy more important than others in generating
employee productivity and organizational advantage? In this study we identify two
kinds of organizational advantage measures: cost leadership—the organization’s ability
to generate higher levels of output at a lower cost per unit then others in its industry; and
differentiation—the organization’s ability to create something that is perceived as
unique compared to others in its industry (Porter, 1980). Measures of these two
constructs will be operationalized from secondary data (i.e., financial reports, industry
reports). We will then explore the link between talent management outcomes (i.e.,
attraction, engagement, and retention) and organizational advantage."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
The proposed research will provide empirical data as to how the CSB brand of the firm
impact talent management (especially attraction, engagement and retention), provide
evidence-based support for the formulation of best practices in these domains, provide
practical recommendations for HR practitioners who work in the areas of CSR and talent
management, and result in an annotated PowerPoint presentation that can be used as a
stock presentation by SHRM chapters for dissemination to HR practitioners.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
The study and hypotheses are grounded in the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"The list of Fortune Global 500 companies is comprised of 188 European, 158 North
American, 138 Asian, nine Australian and seven South American companies (Money
CNN, 2009)....our goal is to get responses from at least 60 global companies
proportionally split between the HQ regions. Since many of the Senior HR
respondents are known to the co-principal investigator through SHRM global
networking over the years, we are confident that we can reach and even exceed that
sample return size."
It is unclear if these results will generalize to moderate and small sized businesses.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
Both archival and survey data will be collected.
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
Many constructs are assessed in multiple ways, but some of the most important
variables are assessed only through self-report (as reported by one HR VP for each
company), which may result in bias.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments
"Most of our perceptual measures are based on previous empirical studies which
have evaluated the psychometric properties of the measures. However, we will be
required to assess the internal and external validity as well as the dimensionality of
CSR communication as well as the CRO metrics. This will be done through a
combination of pretests, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor
analytical techniques. The hypotheses in the model will be tested with structural
equation modeling using Lisrel in SPSS."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $116,864
Some of the budget items might be excessive in light of the scope of the study (i.e.,
personnel costs), and some items (travel to conferences for faculty) are usually not
funded by the Foundation.
Proposal 14
Project Title: Global Employees – Global Families
Margaret Shaffer, Ph.D., Mila Lazarova, Ph.D., Mina Westman, Ph.D.,
and Orly Yeheskel, Ph.D.
"Our basic tenet is that transition experiences within both the work and
family contexts and the underlying psychological mechanisms that link these
experiences contribute to the success of global employees. To assess this, we
propose an empirical test of the work-family interface model that we recently
published in the Academy of Management Review (see Lazarova, Westman,
& Shaffer, 2010)....The model focuses on the complex and dynamic interplay
of work and family cognitive (demands and resources), affective
(adjustment), and conative (engagement) influences on the global employees’
performance in their work and family roles. To test this model, we propose a
longitudinal study with data from global employees and their partners."
Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes_X___ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Through a test of our work-family interface model for global employees, we offer
several contributions to the international human resource management literature. First,
we identify distal work, family, and personal demands and resources that are unique to
each type of global employee. Insofar as these inputs have direct and indirect influences
on the adjustment, engagement and performance of global employees, this is an essential
first step in the effective management of global employee performance. Second, we
consider the complexities of the work and family interface by (1) mapping the
relationships among different forms of adjustment, (2) testing the mediating effects of
family and work engagement on the relationship between adjustment and role
performance, and (3) assessing spillover between family and work domains and
crossover between global employees and their partners. In doing so, we provide a strong
theoretical rationale and empirical evidence for the historically dominant yet untested
assumption that adjustment is a critical psychological influence on performance (for a
review, see Thomas & Lazarova, 2006). Finally, by assessing the work and family
performance process for both IAs and IBTs, we make an initial attempt to generalize our
model for international assignees to alternative forms of global employees."
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Our research has the potential to offer implications for HR practitioners who manage
global employees such as expatriates and IBTs. Depending on our empirical findings,
we can provide valuable advice regarding practical matters such as selection, training,
organizational support, mentoring and career planning." The investigators go on to offer
several examples of how their results might be used by HR practitioners.
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
This work is grounded in the HR literature and hypotheses are well supported.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Data will be collected from two sources: (1) multinational firms that have both IAs
and IBTs, and (2) graduates of IESE Business School, University of Navarra in
Barcelona, Spain. IESE has approximately 1700 executive alumni currently working
in numerous countries around the world. Access to this data has already been
confirmed..... We estimate that we will need a sample frame of at least 2500 global
employees (IAs and IBTs) who have partners. With an expected response rate of
approximately 50% at each wave of data collection, at Time 1, we would receive
1250 surveys from global employees. Because of attrition, we would probably be
down to around 600 completed surveys at Time 2 and 300 completed surveys at
Time 3. If 70% of partners and supervisors participate in this, then responses from
each of these sources should total 875 at Time 1, 420 at Time 2, and 210 at Time 3."
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"To collect longitudinal data, we will survey participants at three waves, with a 3month interval between waves 1 and 2 and 2 and 3. This 3-month duration was
chosen to allow enough time for adjustment and engagement to influence their
hypothesized effects. In addition to collecting self-reports from both global
employees and their partners regarding their demands, resources and adjustment, we
will also collect reports from partners about global employees family role
adjustment, family engagement and family performance and reports from
supervisors about global employees work performance. This will help to mitigate
against problems with common method variance. Data from all respondents will be
collected using online surveys."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"After assessing the psychometric properties of the data, we will use hierarchical
(moderator) regression and structural equations modeling to test substantive
hypotheses about the proposed relationships. Comparisons between IAs and IBTs
will be explored to ascertain similarities and differences between these two forms of
global employees."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $187,519
Some costs (e.g., personnel costs) are not well explained or justified.
Proposal 15
Project Title: Pro Bono Work, Employee Attitudes, and the Retention of Skilled
Human Resources
Deepak Somaya, Ph.D., and Ian O. Williamson, Ph.D.
To examine the employer and employee benefits of pro bono work.
1. Is the grant application complete and prepared according to the guidelines?
Yes_X__ No _____ (if no, indicate what is missing or incorrect):
2. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to the HR academic literature
research? If so, describe that unique contribution.
Yes__X__ No ____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Our research contributes to a number of research streams within the human resources
and corporate social responsibility literatures. The most significant contribution is
towards an understanding of the intrinsic and instrumental benefits perceived by
employees in pro bono work, which informs why and how firms employ pro bono
programs as a component of their human resource strategies. We also advance the
literature on corporate social responsibility by showing how the adoption of pro bono
programs, in addition to generating positive benefits with external stakeholders, can also
produce valuable organizational benefits in the form of positive employee work attitudes
and enhanced employee retention. As such, the results from this research will be of
interest to a broad audience in the scholarship of management, organizations, human
resources, and business and society. Moreover, the timeliness of the topic, theoretical
foundation for the research, longitudinal research design, and the research context (in
professional legal services) allow for strong and interesting findings.”"
3. Does the proposed study make a value-added contribution to HR practice (i.e., would the
expected findings be of value to SHRM members)?
Yes_X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Understanding what benefits employees perceive in pro bono programs, and how firms
can derive human capital advantages from them, is important for deciding whether a pro
bono program makes strategic sense for a particular firm. Furthermore, our research
findings will provide insights into how human resource managers should design and
leverage pro bono programs within their respective firms. For example, if the primary
perceived benefit of pro bono programs by employees is professional development,
human resource managers in firms that do specialized technical work (that may not
benefit from broad pro bono learning experiences) could decide that it makes little sense
to institute a pro bono program....we plan to publish and disseminate one or more
articles for the managerial (and classroom teaching) audience based on the findings of
our research....Finally, we plan to host a workshop at either a major conference (e.g.
SHRM annual meeting or Academy of Management annual meetings), or a standalone
workshop, to bring together perspectives on pro bono work from different professions
and industries (see budget). While the empirical component of our project focuses on
lawyers and law firms, our theoretical framing is broad and we believe that insights
about pro bono work can fruitfully be exchanged between different professions and
industries. We have identified some individuals and organizations who may be invited
to participate in such an exchange; however we expect to develop a more substantial list
of invitees as we make progress on the research."
4. Is the conceptual basis for the study adequate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe ____ Comments:
The proposed model is well-supported by the HR literature.
5. Methods overview:
a. Describe the sample & setting and indicate whether the sample and setting
appropriate for the research question(s)?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X___ Comments:
"We will identify pro bono managers by reviewing law firm profiles from the NALP
directory (a directory compiled annually by the National Association of Law
Placement), which lists the primary pro bono contact at each law firm included in the
directory (see Appendix for an example). We will then interview 10-15 pro bono
managers (representing a random mix of firms) using semi-structured interview
protocols....The quantitative component of the research will employ longitudinal
secondary data on large law firms. Since 2000, the American Lawyer, a widely-read
monthly industry publication, has published an annual pro bono ranking of the 200
largest law firms in the U.S., along with details about their pro bono performance
(average number of pro bono hours per lawyer, percentage of lawyers engaging in
pro bono work). These 200 law firms will form the core sample for our study. In
addition, the American Lawyer has also published a separate annual survey of midlevel (third and fourth year) associates in these large law firms, which measures their
attitudes relating to different aspects of their work: specifically, about whether their
work is satisfying, whether their work is interesting and if they get adequate training
and guidance (both indicators of professional development opportunities), about
management openness and partner relations (both indicators of employer trust), and
their intentions to remain with the same firm for the next two years. These data are
averaged across respondents for law offices with more than 5 responses, and
published each year starting from 2002. Therefore, the time period of our sample
will be 2002-2010 (because pro bono performance scores will be lagged in the
model, these data will range from 2001-2009). Having gained significant on-the-job
experience, mid-level associates are among the most productive employees of large
law firms, who unlike partners do not have a claim on firm profits. The work
attitudes and retention of these valuable employees is critical for law firms because it
allows them to significantly leverage their firm partners’ human and social capital
into higher profits (Sherer, 1995)....The quantitative component of the research will
employ longitudinal secondary data on large law firms."
I don't have knowledge of the sample to be used in the quantitative component of
this research. Is it reasonable to expect that people will respond honestly when
anyone can access their data if they pay for it? Also, it is unclear the extent to which
these result would generalize to other occupations.
b. Describe the type of design and note any design weaknesses:
"Our research methodology includes both qualitative interviews and large scale
quantitative analyses of secondary data. The goal of the qualitative component is to
develop a stronger grounded understanding of pro bono work and its human resource
implications.... The quantitative component of the research will employ longitudinal
secondary data on large law firms."
c. Are the proposed measures sound and appropriate?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
Existing measures will generally be used.
d. Is the analytical approach appropriate?
Yes_X___ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
"Because we have a longitudinal panel of firm observations over multiple years, we
plan to employ panel data statistical techniques. Specifically, we expect fixed
effects models to be most appropriate because we are employing a selected (rather
than random) sample of firms based on size, and consequently we expect that a
Hausman test would not support use of a random effects model (Greene, 2003).
Using a fixed effects model, we can identify how changes in the pro bono
performance of firms incrementally affect employees’ attitudes and turnover
intentions within the same firm. Therefore, such a model would enable us to control
for unobserved firm heterogeneity, and conduct a more robust test of our
hypothesized relationships. Two sets of fixed effects models would be estimated –
the first set would measure the impact of firm pro bono performance on employee
work attitudes, and the second set of models would measure the impact of pro bono
performance and employee work attitudes on employee retention. Finally, we plan
to test if the impact of pro bono performance on the firm’s retention of talent is
mediated by its effects on employee work attitudes using robust models of mediation
developed in the prior literature."
6. Is the proposed timeline feasible?
Yes__X__ No _____ Maybe _____ Comments:
7. Is the requested budget reasonable and sufficiently explained?
Yes____ No _____ Maybe __X ___ Comments: $138,701
The budget may be excessive in light of the fact that secondary data is primarily being