Aquatic Ecology Envirothon Training

Envirothon Training
By: Allen Pattillo and Eric Mammoser
Iowa State University
Fisheries Extension
Essential Topics
• Aquatic Ecology
– Abiotic
– Biotic
– Community
• Aquatic Resource Issues
• Aquatic Resource Management and Protection
Pennsylvania Conservation
• 14 members
• Charge is to ensure wise use of natural resources and to
protect and restore the natural environment
• Programs:
Agricultural Air Quality Task Force
Commercial Manure Hauler and Broker Certification Program
Dirt and Gravel Road Maintenance Program (DGRMP)
Nutrient Management Certification Program
Nutrient Management Program
Odor Management Certification Program
Odor Management Program
Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP)
Aquatic Ecology: Abiotic
Chemical Properties
• pH
– P = -log(H+[concentration])
– Scale from 0 (acid) to 14 (base)
– Pure water = pH 7
Physical Properties
– Lentic (lake) vs. Lotic (river)
– Species tolerances to flow
– Water clarity
– Photosynthesis
– habitat
• Hardness
– Concentration of cations in the
– Nutrients available to plants
and animals
– Dissolved oxygen
– Thermocline
– Metabolism
• Alkalinity
– Concentration of Carbonates in
the water
– Buffers water pH
Flow Rate
Surface tension
– Adhesion and cohesion
– Gas transfer
Aquatic Ecology: Community
Physical, Chemical, and Biological
changes in the stream continuum
Gradient/Flow rate
Water quality
Aquatic Resource Management and Protection:
Restoration of Aquatic Organisms
Migratory fish species restoration
Recognizing the biological and economic importance of migratory fish species, the
restoration of these fish to Commonwealth waters is a top Commission priority.
The Commission will work in concert with others committed to the restoration
effort to ensure the success of these programs.
Strategies for restoring migratory fish
Ensure the restoration of anadromous species through the use of adequate
Commission resources and through active participation in restoration partnerships.
Promote migratory fish restoration efforts to ensure long-term support for their
protection and management.
Remove barriers to migratory fish runs and implement fish passage when removal
is not feasible.
Restrict harvest of migratory fish during the restoration process.
Actively enforce management regulations designed to protect restoration efforts.
Artificially propagate shad and other migratory fish until wild stocks achieve selfsustaining levels.
Develop effective outreach and education programs to promote public awareness
and the restoration of migratory fish runs.
Fishes Identification: Catfish-ish
Channel Catfish
Ictalurus punctatus
Scattered dark spots
on light colored back
and side
Brown Bullhead
Ameiurus nebulosus
Flathead Catfish
Polydictis olivaris
Brown/black mottling
On body
Wide, flat head
Smaller body with more
Rounded head
Forked caudal fin
Lower jaw projects
In front of upper jaw
Eyes on top of head,
Not side
Fish Identification: Trout-types
• Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Green-ish body
Slightly forked caudal fin
Wavy lines/blotches on back
Blue halos around red spots
• Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)
– Red and black spots on a brown/yellow body
– Nearly straight edged caudal fin
Fish Identification: Sunfishes
(Lepomis macrochirus)
Dark spot on back of anal and dorsal find
Dark colored opercular flap
Yellow breast and blue gills
Compressed or thin body form
Largemouth Bass
Micropterus salmoides
Jaw extendes well beyond eye
Green/olive in color
Broad, black stripe down side
Smallmouth Bass
Micropterus dolomieu
Dark brown color
Dark mottling on sides
Jaw does not extend beyond eye
Rock Bass
Ambloplites rupestris
Black edges on dorsal,
Caudal and anal fin
Most scales on sides have
Flecks or dark spots
Fish Identification: Pike vs Muskie
Northern Pike
Esox lucius
Horizontal markings
Black spots on all fins except pectoral
Rounded caudal fin
Chain Pickerel
Esox niger
Esox masquinongy
Verticle banding
No spots on pectoral or pelvic fin
Pointed caudal fin
Green chainlike pattern on yellow side
3-5 pores
Fish Identification: Perches
Sander vitreus
Green/bronze in color
White edge on bottom of caudal fin
5-12 dusky saddles
Yellow Perch
Perca flavescens
6-9 saddles
Yellow in color
Black blotch on rear of dorsal fin
Fish Identification – Eel vs Lamprey
Sea Lamprey
Petromyzon marinus
2 dorsal fins
Oral disc for a mouth
Multiple gill slits
American Eel
Anguilla rostrata
Long dorsal fin extends for more than half the body
Continuous with caudal and anal fin
Single gill slit
Has jaw
Fish Identification - weirdos
Atlantic Sturgeon
Acipenser oxyrhynchus
Scutes along body
Barbles under the rostrum
Mouth on bottom
Caudal fin longer on top
Polyodon spathula
Large snout/rostrum shaped like a canoe paddle
(1/3 body length)
Gray/blue in color
VERY large mouth
Fish Identification – Small stream fish
Blacknose dace
Rhinichthys atratulus
Black stripe along side
Brown top with lighter bottom
Greensided darter
Etheostoma blennioides
Green fins
6-7 saddles
Mottled sculpin
Cottus bairdi
Dark brown to black mottling
Speckled chin
Fish Identification – bottom feeders
White Sucker
Catostomus commersoni
Mouth on under side of face
Notch on lower lip
Common Carp
Cyprinus carpio
Large scales
Barbles on mouth
Fish ID
Striped Bass
Morone saxatilis
Black stripes along the length of the body
Aquatic Ecology: Community
Physical, Chemical, and Biological
changes in the stream continuum
Trophic levels and Niches along
the stream continuum
Aquatic Ecology: Abiotic
Influence on Watershed
Influence of the Water Cycle
Aquatic Ecology: Abiotic
Stream Order
Watershed/Stream Identification
Aquatic Ecology: Biotic
Organism Identification
Life Cycles of Aquatic Organisms
Aquatic Ecology: Biotic
Adaptations of Aquatic Organisms
Habitat Needs
Aquatic Ecology: Community
Identification of aquatic and
wetland environments
Functions and Values of
Aquatic Ecology: Community
Energy flow in aquatic food chains