Gospel Doctrine, 287


Section 131

Tuesday, 16 May 1843] . . . Before returning,

I gave Brother and Sister Johnson instructions on the priesthood; and putting my hand on the knee of William Clayton, I said: [Section 131:1-4 follows]. . . .

Wednesday, 17, [May 1843] . . . At ten a.m. preached from 2nd Peter, 1st chapter and showed that knowledge is power; and the man who has the most knowledge has the greatest power. [Section 131:5-6 follows]

In the evening went to hear a Methodist preacher lecture. After he got through, offered some corrections as follows:

[Section 131:7-8 follows] (HC, Vol. 5, pp.


From the 76 th section vision we learn that there are three degrees of glory to which the majority of mankind will eventually become heirs: Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial. (See also I Corinthians 15:40-

42; II Corinthians 12:2)

Our understanding of the Celestial glory is further broadened by the information contained in Section 131. We learn:

 There are three heavens in the Celestial glory . (See D&C 131:1)

 Eternal marriage is a pre-requisite for an inheritance in the highest heaven. (See D&C 131:2-3)

 Only in the highest heaven will it be possible for eternally married people to have the blessings of eternal increase

(children). (See D&C 131:4)

Spencer W. Kimball

The Importance of

Celestial Marriage,”

Ensign, Oct. 1979, pp, 5-6

 “One young man said that he expected to reach exaltation in the celestial kingdom as one of the Lord’s messengers, without having to marry. He does not understand. No one who rejects the covenant of celestial marriage can reach exaltation in the eternal kingdom of God.

 “It matters not how righteous they may have been, how intelligent or how well trained they are. No one will enter this highest glory unless he enters into the covenant, and this means the new and everlasting covenant of marriage.”

(D&C 131:1-4)

 Except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity, while in this probation, by the power and authority of the Holy Priesthood, they will cease to increase when they die ; that is, they will not have any children after the resurrection. But those who are married by the power and authority of the priesthood in this life, and continue without committing the sin against the Holy Ghost, will continue to increase and have children in the celestial glory . (HC, Vol. 5, p. 391)

Elder Orson Pratt taught this concept as follows:

 The materials out of which this earth was formed, are just as eternal as the materials of the glorious personage of the Lord himself. . . . This being, when he formed the earth, did not form it out of something that had no existence, but he formed it out of materials that had an existence from all eternity : they never had a beginning, neither will one particle of substance now in existence ever have an end. There are just as many particles now as there were at any previous period of duration, and will be while eternity lasts. Substance had no beginning. (JD, Vol. 19, 286)

The Lord said ". . . he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept ; . . ." (D&C 98:12) True to His word, He has provided continued revelation to the church that bears His name.

The marvelous and eternal truths revealed in this revelation are an illustration of the Lord's keeping His promise. Knowledge which saves souls is knowledge that comes from God. Anyone who hopes for an eternal inheritance within the environments of the Gods, must first righteously apply the revealed truths that save.

Section 132

Joseph visits Ramus , Illinois again on May 16,


Joseph’s history simply records, “before retiring,

I gave Brother and Sister Johnson some instructions on the priesthood” ( HC 5:391).

Benjamin Johnson wrote, “in the evening he called me and my wife to come and sit down, for he wished to marry us according to the law of the Lord. I thought it was a joke, and said, I should not marry my wife again, unless she

courted me, for I did it all the first time. He chided my levity, told me he was in earnest, and so it proved, for we stood up and were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise”

 ( My Life’s Review, 96).

 That same evening, Joseph put his hand on William Clayton’s knee and said,

“your life is hid up with Christ in God, and so are many others. Nothing but the unpardonable sin can prevent you from inheriting eternal life for you are sealed up by the power of the

Priesthood unto eternal life, having taken the step necessary for that purpose”

 He went on to teach Clayton the doctrine in D&C 132: 27, and 131:1-4

William Clayton’s journal: "On the morning of the 12th of July, 1843,

Joseph and Hyrum Smith came into the office in the upper story of the

‘brick store, . . . talking on the subject of plural marriage.

Hyrum said to Joseph, 'If you will write the revelation on celestial marriage, I will take and read it to Emma, and I believe I can convince her of its truth, and you will hereafter have peace.'

Joseph smiled and remarked, 'You do not know Emma as well as I do.'

Hyrum repeated his opinion and further remarked, 'The doctrine is so plain, I can convince any reasonable man or woman of its truth, purity or heavenly origin,' or words to their effect.

Joseph then said, 'Well, I will write the revelation and we will see.'

He then requested me (W.C.) to get paper and prepare to write. Hyrum very urgently requested Joseph to write the revelation by means of the

Urim and Thummim, but Joseph, in reply, said he did not need to, for he knew the revelation perfectly from beginning to end.”

Historical Record, Vol. 6, pp. 225-226

 1. Significant Dates Pertaining to this Revelation:

 June 1831 The Law of Plural Marriage was received as early as this date

 12 July 1843 The Revelation was Recorded (D&C 132)

 6 October 1852 The Revelation announced to the public

 6 October 1890 The Law of Plural Marriage was revoked

(Official Declaration 1)

2. The Principle and Practice of Plural Marriage

 Plural marriage has been sanctioned by the Lord. At various times in certain dispensations, the Lord has commanded that this principle should be put into practice. (See D&C 132:34-39; Bible,

Genesis 25:1-6;Genesis chaps. 29 & 30; II Samuel 12:7-8) On other occasions, He has forbidden this practice. (See B of M, Jacob 2:27-


 In this dispensation of the fulness of times, the Lord has revealed that He would " . . . gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; . . ." (Bible, Ephesians

1:10; see also Bible, Acts 3:20-21) The practice of plural marriage is part of the restoration of all things spoken of by the Lord.

 Those who righteously obeyed this law did so by divine decree. (See

D&C 132:3-14, 58-66)

3. Revocation of Plural Marriage

One of the fundamental truths that is evident in the functioning and operation of the kingdom of God is that the Lord commands and revokes as He sees fit.

(See D&C 56:4; 58:30-33; 124:49) Any commandment or revocation of a commandment given by the Lord for His people will be revealed through the mouth of His living prophet. (See D&C 21:1-6; 28:2; 43:1-7; 90:1-4; 107:91; 124:45-

46, 125-126)

 The Lord revealed to the Prophet Wilford Woodruff that the practice of plural marriage should cease in that no additional plural marriages would be sanctioned by the Lord. An official statement was issued by the church in 1890 entitled the Manifesto that announced the revocation of the practice of solemnizing plural marriages. Based upon the divine principle of common consent (see D&C 26:2), this manifesto was presented to and sustained by the membership of the church. (See D&C, Official Declaration-1; see also Excerpts

From Three Addresses by President Wilford Woodruff Regarding the Manifesto which follow Official Declaration-1)

Joseph Fielding Smith

Answers to Gospel

Questions 1:65; DCSM p. 46

“The new and everlasting covenant is the fullness of the

gospel. It is composed of all covenants… that are sealed upon members of the Church by the Holy Spirit of


“Marriage for eternity is a new and everlasting covenant.

Baptism is also a new and everlasting covenant, and likewise ordination to the priesthood, and every other covenant… which embraces all things.”


 The Fullness of the Everlasting Gospel

Plan of Salvation—The Plan of Happiness

All Covenants of the Gospel

Temple Covenants

The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage

Abrahamic Covenant

(True to the Faith, 2004, 5-6)

Adamic Covenant

Patriarchal Covenant

Order of the Son (Alma 13:9)

Fullness of Melchizedek Priesthood (

D&C 124:28)

Patriarchal Order

( Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 287)

 Order of Family Government (Erza Taft Bensen, Ensign,

Aug 1985)

Order of Enoch

(D&C 76:57)

Marriage for Mortality

Limited to mortal life and does not extend beyond the grave

No claim upon any marriage relationships in the resurrection

Angels to those who have received higher degrees of exaltation. (See D&C 132:16-17)

Such a law of marriage is not of the Lord. (See D&C 132:15)

Celestial Marriage (See D&C

132:19; 131:1-4)

The Lord’s law of marriage

Eternity of companionship beyond mortality

The promise of eternal increase

Come forth in the first


Eternity of Family relationships


 Proper authority —The power to bind a man and woman in wedlock for time and eternity is vested in one man upon the earth, the Lord's prophet. (See

D&C 132:7)

Worthiness —Men and women obtain access to the eternal powers of the

Lord under His law of marriage only when they comply with certain standards of personal worthiness.

Holy Spirit of Promise —When the above two conditions are complied with, the Holy Ghost puts a stamp of approval upon the marriage ordinance (See

D&C 132:7, 19)


Sealed up to eternal life —A husband and wife who are true and faithful to their celestial marriage covenants will eventually have their calling and election made sure.. (See D&C 132:19; See also 131:5-6)

Blessings of eternal lives —To have eternal lives is to experience life like unto

God. A continuation of the seeds (children) will be forever. All that God has shall be given unto them. (See D&C 132:19-24)

(Oct. 5, 1843.) “In the afternoon, rode to the prairie to show some of the brethren some land. Evening, at home, and walked up and down the streets with my scribe. Gave instructions to try those persons who were preaching, teaching, or practicing the doctrine of plurality of wives; for, according to the law, I hold the keys of this power in the last days ; for there is never but one on earth at a time on whom the power and its keys are conferred; and I have constantly said no man shall have but one wife at a time, unless the Lord directs otherwise”

( History of Church 6:46).

 “Some of you will understand when I tell you that some of these good women who have passed beyond have actually been anointed queens and priestesses unto God and unto their husbands, to continue their work and to be the mothers of spirits in the world to come. The world does not understand this–they cannot receive it–they do not know what it means, and it is sometimes hard for those that ought to be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the gospel–even some of us, to comprehend, but it is true.”

 (Gospel Doctrine, 461)

No indication is given here or elsewhere about what the Lord had commanded the Prophet Joseph to offer to his wife, but the context seems to suggest that it was a special test of faith similar to the great test of Abraham's faith when the Lord commanded him to sacrifice Isaac. Beyond that, it is useless to speculate, for the record is silent; however, Emma was given additional counsel from the Lord, including commandments to "receive all those that have been given to her husband" (D&C 132:52) to obey the voice of the Lord (see vs. 53), to "abide and cleave unto" the Prophet (vs. 54), and to forgive him of his trespasses (see vs. 56). Warnings against rejecting these commandments and promises for keeping them were also given by the Lord.

•Emma and Joseph were sealed

 Celestial marriage is ordained of God. Husbands and wives are assured the continuation of their marriage relationship beyond this life, provided they will enter into and live the Lord's law of celestial marriage. By so doing, they will receive all the blessings promised to

