Several weeks have gone while trying to find the right words, to no

Several weeks have gone while trying to find the right words, to no avail since we are full of feelings and longings. So, we just quit trying to write something nice and
decided to write to you with just our hearts and souls, revealing our deep gratitude and affection to you. So this is a bit longer letter than usual.
Leaving Chiapas has become a painful and truly hard experience. Our whole family became so rooted in Mexico that María and Tito even after almost 6 years in
Puerto Rico, not only do they keep the Mexican accent but they are known by their Mexican nicknames. Yerís, deeply marked by our ministry, is studying immigrants
as part of her doctoral thesis. The same goes for us. We need tortillas as much as our “pan sobao” (Puerto Rican soft bread.) Ricardo imagined himself living in
Mexico after retirement and even working his “milpa” with Doris, “torteándole” (making tortilla). Friends that share our passion for justice and peace, with whom we
work, laugh, cry and discuss over the complexities of this our beautiful intercultural world, have become closer than family. So, yes leaving Chiapas is tearing our
hearts away.
Health and family issues push us to begin new paths, leaving not only Mexico, but after 23 years of service, International Ministries (IM) as well, effective on
September 30th 2013. However, what we have learnt and received from our Mayan, Mexican and Costa Rican brothers and sisters, as well as from you, “compañeros y
compañeras del camino” (companions of the way) for so many years, will never, ever go away; for “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Prov.
27:17.) In Spanish some versions said “the spirit of a person/friend sharpens another.” And that is what happened to us. Missions became not a place to do a ministry
or a job, but a place to make and encounter friends, friends who sharpened us in unimaginable ways.
We are so grateful for our friends from the United States, Canada and Borinquen, friends who believed in our call and trusted God by supporting us with their
resources and prayers. We give thanks for you, who received us in your home, who opened family and church to us, and even shared your dreams with us. You
encouraged us to do our best! When you visited us and met our Costa Rican, Mexican or Mayan friends, you understood their pains and hopes, and became family as
well! You became that strong pillar interceding to God for us, and that became a resting place at times when we were oh so tired to walk! Just knowing that you were
there for us, supporting us, no matter what, made us stronger and accountable to you. Thanks for your love!
There is no way we could have accomplished the beautiful things we made without our brothers and sisters from IM staff. You became another supporting pillar
commissioning us to that call burning in our hearts, helping us through the maze of administrative, medical and political stuff and praying for us. Some of you have
walked with us since the beginning of our missionary ministry; we love you and cherish your friendship. You are all friends who faithfully yet unnoticeably helped us
extend the love of Jesus in the lands where God called us to serve. ¡Gracias! Ahh and those extraordinary missionary partners with whom we shared bits of time now
and then at CFOM; we treasure the struggles and laughter we shared, and that yearning for peace for the world!
We truly believe that the base for discipleship is friendship, for that is Jesus’ way of embracing the world. Our “companions” at the Baptist Seminary of Mexico
evangelized us! You opened your hearts and became friends, teaching us the ways of your land and its beauty. Thanks for accepting us as your equals and sharing
your ministry with us!
Yet, there is no more precious gift than the opportunity to walk with you, our indigenous Mayan friends; to part tortilla and beans with you, to worship, sing and cry
with you, to learn your language, to know you and became worthy of your trust. That vision at Limón with the Caribbean Theological Center matured at the Mayan
Intercultural Seminary, a space for reflection and solidary action that taught us a different way to learn, to serve and to struggle for life. We grew in ways that it’s so
difficult to account for, for you have changed the fiber of our hearts! Wokolawalik! Thanks for teaching us your incredible story of struggle for a different world,
struggle that has reached the whole world. And thanks for teaching us God’s extraordinary Mayan name, “Heart of Sky and Heart of Earth!”
Now, we will walk a different road with the knowledge that you all form part of our lives and that we have been deeply enriched by your friendship. In your embrace
of love, your spirit and friendship have sharpened our lives! We have no doubt that Jesus’ love has reached out to us through all of you!
Be ready for what Jesus has in storage for you! Trust the Lord, pray, celebrate, “embrace the cause, and embrace your fellow missionaries”! Do not be tempted to
pocket your contribution (yes, we know the hardships of life!) But be graceful and support our fellow missionaries and their ministries. These wonderful ministries
that like the SIM, provide training for church leaders, education for communities, agricultural projects for the villages, health for the ill, advocate for peace and human
rights and lift up hopes for Jesus’ abundant life. Yes, we make a wonderful team!
Make friends and become friends with those you serve, for this “friendship” is the quality Jesus’ gave to that deep love that’s worth and willing to die for. (Jn 15:13)
May we cherish the bonds of friendship, divine and human and embrace God’s dream for our world!
With deep gratitude and love,
Ricardo and Doris Mayol