DEFINITIONS Beneficiation Treatment of a crude ore in order to improve it’s quality. Example: beneficiating raw coal to a steam coal for power generation or to a coking coal for furnaces. Well Liberated Minerals Liberation Poorly Liberated Minerals Freeing of valuable minerals/metals in an ore or mineral by crushing and grinding. Run-of-Mine Ore Uncrushed ore in its natural state just as it is when blasted. Ore, as accepted for treatment from the Mine. Gangue Waste rock that surrounds an ore deposit. The waste material in an ore. The valueless tailings/waste fraction of an ore rejected by a separating process. Recovery Indicates the proportion of valuable material acquired from the processing of an ore. Generally stated as a percentage of the values recovered compared to the total values present. Tailings The neutralized waste discarded after the economically recoverable metals have been extracted from the ore. Units • • • • • • • 1 tonne/ton = 1000kg = 2204.6 lb 1short ton = 2000 lb = 0.90718 tonne 1 tonne = 32151 Troy ounces 1 Troy ounce = 31.1035 gram 1 oz/short ton = 34.2859 gram/tonne 1 gram/short ton = 0.03215 oz/short ton M or m = million, bn or billion = 1000 m • All tons in this presentation are metric ORES and MINERALS Rocks and Minerals Rocks are aggregates of minerals. Minerals are either elemental compounds (e.g. feldspars, pyroxenes, amphiboles and micas are rock-forming silicate minerals…) or free, uncombined native elements (e.g. gold, silver, copper…). With a few exceptions (e.g. water, mercury, opal…) minerals are solid inorganic elements or elemental compounds with definite atomic structures and chemical compositions (within fixed limits). The various types of coals are rocks. Igneous rock from molten magma (intrusive) or lava (surface), crystalline structure, random or aligned crystals, no fossils Metamorphic rock igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rock changed by heat and pressure, rare fossils, usually crystalline, two types: foliated, wavy or more random structure, e.g. gneisses Sedimentary rock form in layers or strata, loosely grained, quartz often dominant, calcite in limestones, contain fossils Igneous Rocks (note: large masses of molten magma are called plutons) gabbro dolerite granite, pegmatite, granodiorite, syenite, anorthosite, agglomerate, gabbro, pyroxenite, kimberlite, peridotite quartz porphyry, microgranite, lamprophyre, dolerite, norite basalt rhyolite, andesite, pumice, tuff, obsidian, basalt, pitchstone, volcanic bomb, ropy lava Metamorphic Rocks schist slate gneiss Foliated: gneisses, amphibolite, eclogite Unfoliated: marbles, granulite, skarn Foliated: schists, phyllite Unfoliated: hornfels, marbles Foliated: slates, phyllite Unfoliated: marbles, skarn, mylonite Sedimentary Rocks quartz conglomerate sandstone mainly rock: greywacke mainly quartz: sandstones, arkose mainly calcium mainly calcium carbonate: carbonate: limestones, travertine, tufa limestones others: potash, rock salt, dolomite, ironstone mainly rock: conglomerate, breccia shale mainly quartz: loess, shale, clay, mudstone mainly calc carbonate: chalk, marl, limestones others: peat, anthracite, lignite, amber, jet, chert, flint GEOLOGICAL ERAS / AGES AND HUMAN TIME SEQUENCE OF THE EARTH DIVISIONS (15 PERIODS/SYSTEMS) MILLIONS OF YEARS BEFORE PRESENT TIME IRON AGE BRONZE AGE Present 1200 - 500 BC iron artefacts 3000 - 2000 BC bronze artefacts, first cities Neolithic 9000 - 4000 BC Mesolithic 10 000 BC STONE AGE Upper Palaeolithic FOSSIL TYPES OTHER IDENTIFICATIONS Modern Man agriculture, towns Homo Sapiens bow & arrow 30 000 BC stone & bone tools, art QUATERNARY Palaeolithic Middle Palaeolithic Lower Palaeolithic Pleistocene (nearly present) 100 000 yrs Neanderthal Man 1.0 million Homo Erectus 1.6 specialised tools fire, tools includes ice-formed deposits at least 15 ice ages/retreats Pliocene Neogene Miocene (less than present) 26 TERTIARY Oligocene Palaeogene Eocene (dawn of the present) Paleocene Cretaceous 65 140 chalk, limestone, dinosaurs Jurassic 210 dinosaurs Triassic 245 Permian 290 Carboniferous "Age of Amphibians" 365 Devonian "Age of fishes" 410 Silurian 440 Ordovician 500 Cambrian 570 "Age of Reptiles" MESOZOIC "middle life" continental drift begins PALAEOZOIC "old life" coal age trilobites Proterozoic 2400 fossils now known Archaean 4500 no fossils PRE-CAMBRIAN * Periods are divided into Upper and Lower and sometimes, Middle Periods can be divided into Zones according to dominant fossils, and may span 500 m yrs each or much less ORE DEPOSIT TYPES VALUES HOST DEPOSIT shear-hosted Au EXAMPLE Finniston, Sunrise Dam WA, Ashanti Ghana, Witwatersrand CHARACTERISTICS archaean mesothermal lode deposits in shear zones. gold-bearing conglomerates from weathering of archaean greenstone belts. 7g/t. paleoconglomerates Alluvial (Magaden Russia) Cu carbonatite Palabora Ag epithermal ex hydrothermal fluids of extrusive /shallow intrusive igneous rocks. Pb, Zn, Ag Galmoy Ireland, carbonate Spain, hosted Reocin Pine Point Canada phanerozoic deposits in thick sequences of dolomite/limestone rocks. Formed in warm sea. 3-10% Cu, Mo porphyry Escondida Chile low grade (0.5-2%) large deposits (1000 Mt). Molybdenum may occur. skarn Nickel Plate Canada, La Luz Nicaragua phanerozoic deposits formed at high temps by igneous intrusions at convergent plate margins. porphyry Grasberg Indonesia, Bingham USA see Cu, Mo porphyrys volcanogene Neves Corvo Portugal, Black Mountain RSA stratiform massive sulphide deposits between volcanic units Cu, Au Cu, Zn proterozoic to recent intrusive magmatic carbonates and associated alkaline igneous rocks ORE DEPOSIT TYPES VALUES HOST DEPOSIT EXAMPLE (continued) CHARACTERISTICS Cu, Zn, Sn granite-hosted tin South Crofty UK deposits in granitic plutons. similar to porphyry coppers. low grade. Au, Cu, Ag sediment-hosted Muruntau Uzbekistan metals concentrate in hydrothermal fluids. Cu, Ag kupferschiefer Lublin Poland Au, Ag epithermal gold Carlin USA, McLaughlin USA, Lepanto Philippines Cu, Ni mafic sulphidehosted Mt Keith WA, Voisey Bay Canada kimberlite Premier RSA alluvial & marine Kleinsee RSA Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os layered mafic intrusions Bushveld UG2 RSA Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Os, Cu, Ni layered mafic intrusions Bushveld Merensky Reef RSA, Stillwater Diamonds stratiform sulphide deposits; marine or deltaic environments. proterozoic-tertiary sediments. shallow deposits at convergent plates. vein and disseminated sulphide types. primary sulphides in igneous rocks in archaean greenstones. up to high tonnages. ultramafic rocks in volcanic pipes, sills. proterozoic and later. weathering of kimberlites formed gem quality placer deposits. orthomagmatic sulphides in large layered igneous complexes. high temp magma formation & crystallization. proterozoic. as above. differences in geochemical evolution of magma concentrated Ni and Cu in layers. ORE DEPOSIT TYPES VALUES HOST DEPOSIT EXAMPLE Pt, Pd, Rh, Au alluvial Goodnews Bay USA Pt, Pd, Rh, Ir, Ru, Au, Cu, Ni layered mafic intrusions Merensky Reef, Norilsk, Sudbury Coal open pit Witbank RSA, Griffin WA Chromium chromitite Dwarsrivier RSA Tantalum tantalite Greenbushes WA laterite nickel Murrin Murrin WA bauxite (Al) Huntly WA stratabound iron Thabazimbi RSA, Hammersley WA Other Minerals stratabound manganese Sishen RSA (continued) CHARACTERISTICS sediment-hosted placer deposits from weathering of mafic igneous complexes, concentration of PGEs and Au by fluvial processes. same geological setting and genesis as before with Ni, Cu and Au concentrated in certain layers. shallow stratiform seams. overburden usually mid-to-late phanerozoic sediments. chromitite in two deposit types. stratiform: ultrabasic layered igneous complexes. podiform: different structural form, tectonised ultrabasic sequences of ophiolote complexes. in sheared archaean granitegreenstone terranes. low volume, high value. extensive surface deposits. secondary mineralisation after weathering of crystalline parent rocks. high volume, low value. Placer Deposit An alluvial deposit of ore, usually a mineral-bearing gravel or sand. Any concentration of the heavier and more durable minerals that have deposited from the actions of erosional forces. Kimberlites and Diamonds KIMBERLITE Crumbly, grey-green, often soft, igneous, ultrabasic, coarse grained dark rock often with porphyritic texture and brecciated appearance. In peridotite rock mantle pocketed with eclogite (50% garnet). Usually found in archaean cratons of basement rock 2.5 billion years old. Youngest known diamond-bearing pipe is 45 miilion years old. Usually in pipes (hypabyssal occurrence in plutons) of up to 1km diameter (largest 361 acres). Primary mineral is serpentized olivine and associated minerals are phlogopite, pyroxenes, carbonate, chromite, pyrope garnet, rutile and perovskite. DIAMOND (Greek for indomitable – adamas) Origin - kimberlite pipes Gem - octahedra, cubes, dodecahedra, tetrahedra crystals. Boart – rounded with radiating structure. Carbonado – microcrystalline mass. SG 3.52, hardness 10, carbon INDICATOR MINERALS FOR DIAMOND-BEARING KIMBERLITES Indicator minerals diamonds in kimberlites are chrome diopsides (green), garnets (pink, purple, orange, yellow, green), microdiamonds. Pyrope garnets (shown): some purple (or deep red) garnets have same high chrome low silica chemical profile as diamonds (Harzburgitic signature). If these G10 garnets are not present there will be no diamonds. Eclogite rock can be very diamondrich and contains orange garnets, not G10s. Kimberlite pipes often occur in clusters and different ilmenites in the pipes assist in defining them. Lamproite A second primary source of diamonds of potassium-rich hypabyssal lamprophyric rocks formed from magmatic intrusions (Miocene). Olivine lamproite and leucite lamproite are known to be diamond-bearing. Indicators minerals are chromites, andradite and zircon – garnets are rare. The AK1 deposit at Argyle Diamond Mine is a well-known lamproite orebody.The surface weathered ore has a Bond Work index of 10 kWh/t and an Abrasion Index of 0.22. The deeper more competent unweathered ore has a BWI of 18 and an AI of 0.60. Hypabyssal Intrusive igneous rocks In smaller host bodies at intermediate depths, examples: dykes and sills Medium to fine-grained “Plutonic” if formed in very large masses at greatest depths, coarse-grained, visible minerals, e.g. batholiths Carbonatites Calcium carbonate (calcite)-rich rock Magmatic ! Can contain magnetite, apatite, micas, sulphide minerals. Basalts Formed from “basic” lavas Most common of all volcanic rocks Dark compact rocks (mafic), very finegrained Acid lavas form light low density rocks (felsic) Laterites Of peculiar composition, found in moisttropical regions. Crusty, reddish-brown deposits, hardened by precipitation of iron. Laterite can develop through deep weathering and are rich in hydroxides of aluminium and iron, concentrated by the upward leaching by ground water due to the rapid surface evaporation of moisture. Murrin Murrin in a laterite-hosted orebody typically 20 m in depth and 10 m overburden and has a nickel-cobalt mineralisation. Bauxite, Al2O3.2H2O is a lateritic mineral. MINERALS Mineral Solid substance having a regular and definite chemical composition Mineral Content Industrial minerals can have a high concentration of values such as 94% iron oxide in iron ore. Base metals contents are often in the low percentages, e.g. copper 3%. Precious metals ores usually have a tiny content of values, e.g. gold and platinum contents are typically 0.0005% or 5 gram/ton or 5 parts / million. RESOURCES RESOURCES AND RESERVES IN SITU RESOURCES reported as mineralization in place EXTRACTABLE RESERVES reported as mineable production estimates INFERRED increasing level of geological knowledge and confidence INDICATED PROBABLE MEASURED PROVEN consideration of mining, metallurgical, economic, marketing, legal, environmental, social and governmental factors the modifying factors Reserves That part of a mineral deposit which can be economically and legally extracted at the time of the reserve determination. There are two categories of reserves: Probable and Proven Probable Ore Tonnage & grade are computed partly from specific measurements (samples/production data) and partly from projections (geological evidence over a reasonable distance). Refers to sites available for inspection, measurement and sampling but which are inappropriately spaced for outlining the ore completely or fully establishing it’s grade. Proven Ore Tonnage is computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, drill holes, underground workings and grade from the results of adequate sampling. The sites for inspection, sampling and measurement are so well spaced and the geological character so well defined that size, shape and mineral content are accurately established.