
Native American stories – Myths,
Legends and Adventure Stories.
Instructional writing – related to
Art/Craft and Social Studies topic
Play scripts – Guided reading
Information Writing – related to
research/note making/presentation skills.
Spellings – will continue to be
approached during morning handwriting
activities plus in a weekly focused
Characteristics of Materials –
Exploration into what material objects
are made of and why? Would we build a
canoe from cement bricks? Why not?
Forces – Magnet and Springs
– Which ‘force’ does a bow and arrow
use? Which materials attract or repel?
How does the force from a magnet relate
to gravity and weight?
Signs and symbols – What are the
differences between signs and
symbols? How are symbols used in
religions and why? How did the Native
Americans use signs and symbols?
Design, Technology and Art will be
closely related to our Native American
topic. We will be designing and making
minature canoes, tipis, masks, totem
poles amongst other surprises!
Our Art theme of ‘Can we change
places?’ will be focused on exploring
how and what we can add to our new
and improved garden area. Any wood or
craft talents out there please come
forward and share your ideas with us!
Topic & Focus
Native Americans
Simulations – investigate into what a
simulation is and how they can be used.
Explore simulation games using a variety
of websites for children.
Manipulating Sound – Investigation into
what instruments can make an orchestra.
Listen to the sounds each instrument
makes, what materials are they made
from? Observe how a computer records
sound using waves. What is a
synthesized sound?
Other subjects:
R.E. - Why is the Bible important to Christians? What other Holy Books are there?
P.S.H.E. - Good to be me - thoughts of things we are good at and how we can improve. Going for Goals - discussion of New
Year Resolutions. Make a Native American ‘Circle of the World’ and discuss its importance.
Computing: E-Safety – How to make sure we use computers responsibly, safely and appropriately.
In Numeracy we will further our work with the 4 rules of number +-x/. We will also incorporate Estimation skills, Money, Time,
Weight (g, kg), Fractions and Angles.
Music and Spanish will continue to be taught by Miss Alison and Mrs Helen.
P.E. – We will be doing Basketball and Volleyball (Mr George, Miss Cara and Mr Jason), Gymnastics (Miss Shara and Miss