2012 STEM Essential Standards Institute Kate Duda, Dee Chinault, Julia Lagas K Agenda Day 1 8:30-9:00 - Opening Session for Whole Group 9:00-11:30 – 1st Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 11:30-12:30 – Lunch 12:30-2:00 –2nd Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 2:00-2:10 - Break 2:00- 3:30ish – Finish 2nd Quarter D Agenda – Day 2 8:30-10:00 -3rd Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 10:00-10:10 – Break 10:10-11:30ish – Finish 3rd Quarter 11:30-12:30 – Lunch 12:30-2:00 –4th Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 2:00-2:10 - Break 2:00- 3:30ish – Finish 4th Quarter K CMS Essential Standards The North Carolina Essential Standards – created because of the Common Core Standards. Laid out in strands. (Strand = Topic) Example: 5.P.1.2 5 = Grade Level P = Strand: Physcial Science 1 = Essential Standard 2 = Clarifying Objective CMS Resource Guide Created to assist with: Planning Ideas Easy access to objectives, and what they mean. Essential Vocabulary – not limited to these! Essential Questions I Will Statements – what can the students do? Suggested Resources and Activity Ideas Always includes Discovery Ed nonfiction passages Helpful Websites Writing Prompts CMSPlanningDocument2012FIFTH.pdf D Science is Real! http://www.youtube.com/v/ty33v7UYYbw?version=3 &f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Start the lesson with something engaging! Grab attention Interest K Why Inquiry? "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Involvement in learning = possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek resolutions to questions and issues while you construct new knowledge. http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/inquiry/lp_science1.html K Inquiry-Based Lessons 5-E Lesson Plan Model Engage – Get the students interested and wondering Explore – Students lead a guided or independent investigation Explain – Students and teacher explains what was learned in the explore Elaborate – Additional activity (reading passage, video, animation, experiment, etc) to further understanding Evaluate – mini assessment K Scientific Inquiry NOT on the essential standards – but SHOULD be! Why? “We are all scientists” mentality Introduce/practice science process skills (observe, predict, etc.) Introduce/practice scientific method Using these skills with fidelity K Scientific Inquiry Planning Document 2 National Standards for grades 3-5 “The SW have the abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry.” “The SW gain understandings about scientific inquiry.” Found at: http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=4962 K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Disclaimer – this LARGE lesson could be done in 2-3 days…not one day! Students must also be in groups of 4-5. Engage Start by drawing a picture of what you think a scientist looks like. Most students will draw the “mad scientist” – someone who looks like Wayne! Explain that YOU could be a scientist! They can be boys and girls just like you. In order to become scientists, we have to know 2 important things: science process skills and the scientific method. K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Engage Your process skills are the things you do every day, like think critically, observe, predict, measure, and classify. (Explain/demonstrate each skill) Let’s test your observation skills first! TW show the students the two pictures (provided). Give the students 1 minute to find the “hidden” pictures. Discuss how they had to look carefully and slowly. K Observation K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Engage In order to do the scientific method well, you’ll need your process skills. The main parts of the scientific method are: 1. Question- Great scientists always start with a question they are wondering about. 2. Hypotheses- What do you think will happen? 3. Procedure-How are you going to answer your question and which steps will you take? 4. Observation- Carefully observe your experiment and record what you see. 5. Results- What happened? 6. Conclusion- Was your hypothesis correct? Did you answer your question? Do you need to modify your experiment? K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Explore “Drops on a Penny” booklet – explain VERY guided at this beginning point in the year! Can assign jobs for groups Model how to hold dropper and the procedure Write hypothesis in “If…then….” statement. Begin experiment Your job as a teacher = facilitator! Drop on a Penny Experiment booklet.pdf K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Explain Gather all materials and complete the conclusion section on their own. When finished, come together for a class discussion. Sample discussion questions: Why do you think all scientists use the scientific method when they complete experiments? They like to use it for consistency; throughout the world there is an accepted way of doing science – this is it! Was your hypothesis correct? Why do you think they were so different from what you originally predicted? After completing this experiment, what do you think you could test that would be different? What else do you want to find out? Why do you think there were different answers is each group? What types of things could we keep the same for the next time we do an experiment (Which side of the penny we use, what year of penny we use, the cleanliness of the penny, etc.) K Scientific Inquiry: Lesson Elaborate Video: Discovery Education “How Scientists Work: What is the Scientific Method?” http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAs setId=2A63EC31-9A53-4254-9ABF1C5295A4A26D&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=D ETB SW notice similarities to what they did today. They acted just like the scientists in the video! Evaluate Self-evaluation K Scientific Inquiry Other Options… Gummy bear experiments….put different brands of a gummy bear in water…which one gets the biggest? Observing soil Fingerprints D Forces and Motion Essential Standard 5.P.1: Understand forces and motion and the relationship between them Clarifying Objectives: 5.P.1.1 Explain how factors such as gravity, friction, and change in mass affects the motion of objects 5.P.1.2 Infer the motion of objects in terms of how far they travel in a certain amount of time and the direction in which they travel 5.P.1.4 Predict the effect of a given force or a change in mass on the motion of an object D Essential Question How does an engineer incorporate the concepts of gravity, friction, and change in mass of an object when designing, constructing, and operating a roller coaster? D Force and Motion Lesson Engage TTW introduce the coaster project with the students by sharing the DE video TTW ask students to define what an engineer does and the process (Engineering is Elementary) Students will list and coaster ideas or comments in their science notebook for discussion after the video TTW explain that the students will work in groups of 3 as Engineers to design and construct a working coaster using the supplies provided which will demonstrate the physics concepts used in this unit. TTW demonstrate how to use the tubes and set guidelines for the project: students may work in the hallway and classroom, students must have illustrations for each step in building the coaster, all group members must be involved in both design, construction, and presentation of the coaster Students will review the lesson expectations on attached lab sheet TTW explain the assessment section of the lesson after the coasters have been D Force and Motion Lesson Explore TSW answer the question in their science journals and will share answers at their tables TSW develop one answer to share and discuss with the class TSW work in their groups on Learningscience.org Physical Science middle grades program: Making Tracks Objective: Working in your small group, design a roller coaster with three hills that a marble can travel from start to finish Build and modify that coaster until the marble can successfully travel from start to finish Draw what the coaster looked like after modifications Compare to the original drawing, explain what changes had to be made and why (use physics vocabulary when writing explanations) Design a coaster with three hills and a loop. The loop can be placed wherever the team decides Complete steps 2-4 Design a mega-coaster. This coaster has no limitations Complete steps 2-3 D Force and Motion Lesson Explain Each group of students will present their mega-coaster to the other groups. They will explain how their finished coaster compared to their original design and how it uses the laws of physics to work. Elaborate TTW participate in a group discussion comparing their model coasters to real coasters D Force and Motion Lesson Evaluate Students will work in their group to create an ad and magazine article about their coaster for a fictional scientific journal. The ad will include a drawing of the coaster where the students will label using as many of the vocabulary words as possible. They must create a name for the coaster that represents the physics of the coaster, ex. The Banker (a coaster designed where the marble banks every curve) The ad must describe what made the coaster work and the physics behind the coaster. This will serve as the assessment for the project. Ads will be displayed at Endhaven Amusement Park (the fifth grade hallway) D Resources www.discoveryeducation.com http://www.funderstanding.com/slg/coaster/ http://www.questacon.edu.au/indepth/maketracks/m aketracks.html Informational Text: Amusement Park Science by Dan Greenberg Roller Coaster by Interact D Matter: Properties and Change Essential Standard: 5.P.2 Understand the interactions of matter and energy and the changes that occur. Clarifying Objective: 5.P.2.1 Explain how the sun’s energy impacts the processes of the water cycle (including: evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff D Essential Question How does the sun’s heat affect the water transfer between the Earth and the atmosphere? D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson Engage TTW play The Water Cycle Song which the students can sing along TTW read the story A Drop Around the World and have students work with their table groups to brainstorm and create a list in their science journal, of the various forms of water and its uses and misuses. TSW share their notes with the entire class Show the video animation teacher.scholastic.com/activities/studyjams/water_cycle/ TTW review the vocabulary with the students (the quiz will be completed at the end of the class) TTW show a Solar Still and review the directions for constructing one TTW review the rules for this project Work cooperatively in small groups and ensure everyone has sufficient opportunities to see and understand the activity Handle equipment and water responsibly Handle and dispose of waste responsibly D Water Cycle Song YouTube Video: The Water Cycle Song (with lyrics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3QwLYfgwP0 D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson 1 Explore TSW write a prediction for what will happen when the solar still is placed in a warm sunny position TSW work in table groups to create a mini-solar still using the direction sheet placed at their table Illustrate the still and explain how it was created in the science journal Place the still in a sunny position to observe at intervals determined by the teacher Ask one group to volunteer to put one still in the shade (teacher can use her still if the groups want to be in the sun) TSW record the amount of water in the cup after the last observation and will compare it to the amount of water which was poured into the still D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson 1 Explain TSW record their observations and create an illustration showing the effects of the sun’s heat on the Earth’s water Answer question: How does the amount of water poured into the still compare to the water in the cup Elaborate Students will participate in the water cycle skit Water in its Never-Ending Cycle D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson 1 Evaluate Each table group of students will answer one question to share with the class Questions: Where did the water in the cup come from and what caused the water to collect there? What happened to the still that was placed in the shade? Why? Do you think a still would work in the middle of a desert? Rainforest? Where does the water that evaporates from the soil go when it is not trapped in the still? What does each stage of the the still process represent in the water cycle? TSW return to the animation from the introduction of the lesson and complete the 5 question quiz in their science journals. Check answers together Reteaching: Discovery Education Water Cycle-Animations and Explorations D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson 2 Engage: Give the students time to build shapes using the Unifix cubes • TTW build two 4x4 solid cubes using the cubes and ask students to estimate how much one of the cubes would weigh. Record estimates on the board • After weighing and discussing estimates, she will ask the students how the cube could be divided into fractional parts • Weigh the sum of the fractional parts and the whole cube. • Are they the same, Why? D Matter: Properties and Change Lesson 2 Explore: TSW build irregular shapes using Unifix cubes and will record in their science journal: 1. Illustrate the shape and record the number of cubes it took to build it 2. Weigh and record the weight of the shape 3. Divide the shape into fractional parts and record the data 4. Weigh and add fractional parts D Matter: Properties and Change Resources A Drop Around The World by Barbara Shaw McKinney Reader’s Theater skit Water in its Never-Ending Cycle http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/studyjams/wat er_cycle/ www.discoveryeducation.com D Energy: Conservation and Transfer Resource Guide Pay special attention to the unpacking! Convection: the movement of thermal energy by the movement of liquids of gases. Ex- a convection oven. Cooks your food by heating the space. Convection currents in air and ocean also influence our climate. Conduction: the transfer of heat by touching. Ex- stove Radiation: the transfer of electromagnetic waves. Ex – the sun http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=52 DED0B3-0D1D-47ED-AE2BB7E80DFB9803&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DETB D Energy: Conservation and Transfer Engage Have the students stand behind their chairs. Have the students move and wiggle their bodies as though they were a heated molecule. While they do this, be sure to point out their characteristics they should be portraying (moving fast, spread out). Then ask the students to move as though they were a colder molecule (moving slowly, closer together). Next the teacher will have the students change their movements as they heat up and cool off. What makes molecules heat up? Cool off? Heattransfer.pdf Lesson 1 D Engage: TTW ask the students what would happen to a Hershey Kiss if it is held in your hand for 20 minutes TTW explain: The heat moves from your hand to the chocolate which raises the temperature of the chocolate causing it to melt. A person’s hand is at the higher temperature (98.6) than the chocolate bar which is at room temperature. Have the students make observations of how the chocolate felt when they first received it. Have the students hold it in their hand or put it in their pocket. TSW take the chocolate out of their pocket after the Explore part of the lesson and record and discuss their observations. Lesson 1 Explore: TTW explain that there are 10 photos on display around the room on chart paper which depict everyday situations involving heat transfers. Working with a partner, TSW write their answer to the following questions on each chart: 1. What makes you think the heat is moving; what is the evidence? 2. Where does the heat come fro0m and where does it go? 3. What questions do you have about this situation? K Lesson 2 Explore The students can work in small groups. Each group will receive a cup of warm water and cup of ice water. The students will collect temperature data and record it in a table. The students will then combine the two cups of water and immediately collect temperature data again. The class will continue to collect data every 2 minutes for the next 10 minutes. Allow the students several minutes to analyze and discuss their results. The groups will briefly share an observation statement of their data. The teacher will call on students to share other experiences where heat transfer was observed. K Lesson 2 Explore The students can work in small groups. Each group will receive a cup of warm water and cup of ice water. The students will collect temperature data and record it in a table. The students will then combine the two cups of water and immediately collect temperature data again. The class will continue to collect data every 2 minutes for the next 10 minutes. Allow the students several minutes to analyze and discuss their results. The groups will briefly share an observation statement of their data. The teacher will call on students to share other experiences where heat transfer was observed. K Lesson 2 Explain Discuss the experiment implications – what did you discover? What other wonderings do you have? Which method of transfer did this show? The class can then watch a short discovery education clip. While students watch the video, they will reflect on the following questions: What happens to molecules when they are heated? What happens to molecules when they are cooled? In what other ways does heat energy transfer from one object to the next? Discovery Education Video Clip-(Temperature and Heat) - 5 min http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=E45 E9DFA-8C07-42BA-AA44438D7AB2506F&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DSCE K Energy: Conservation and Transfer Elaborate Start a 3-tab book for conduction, convection, and radiation The student must have a definition in their own words, a detailed/labeled diagram to show the meaning, and an explanation. As you learn about each of the three topics, include the information in the book. Can also…. Read Discovery Ed passage “Heat Transfer” Discovery Ed Virtual Lab “Too Hot to Handle” http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAsse tId=6932E175-5707-4469-BBDC97CD6957882B&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DET B K Energy: Conservation and Transfer Evaluate The students will write a reflection to the following prompt: “When object become cool, are they gaining or releasing energy? Explain how you know using specific examples.” DAY 2 Welcome Back! K Agenda – Day 2 8:30-10:00 -3rd Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 10:00-10:10 – Break 10:10-11:30ish – Finish 3rd Quarter 11:30-12:30 – Lunch 12:30-2:00 –4th Quarter Essential Standards and Sample Lessons 2:00-2:10 - Break 2:00- 3:30ish – Finish 4th Quarter D Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes Essential Standard 5.E.1 Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a particular place and time. Clarifying Objective 5.E.1.1 Compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions (including wind speed, direction, precipitation, and temperature) Clarifying Objective 5.E.1.2 Predicting upcoming weather events from weather data collected through observation and measurement D Essential Questions • Can you design a way to evaluate data to predict changes in weather? • In what ways do weather tools aid in comparing weather changes? D Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes Lesson Engage TTW share the book The Sky-Watchers by Patricia Baehr with the students. The story is about a student their age who visits a friend who has a working weather station TTW have the models of weather instruments available for the students reference when making their own TTW go over the directions for how the station is to be built with students working in teams of 5 Each student will have a different weather tool to build which will be placed in the group station: barometer, thermometer, hydrometer, anemometer, rain gauge, wind vane, data recording folder TTW provide each group with an outdoor thermometer and pinwheel (students can make their own pinwheel however they do not work as well) D Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes Lesson Explore TSW may work on their individual weather instruments or they can team up to build the instruments Students assist others when their instrument has been constructed Students take the completed station outside each day to collect data which is recorded on the weather log After the first day, begin each class with the students checking their predictions for the current day weather Discuss whether they predicted correctly, why or why not Allow time at the end of each class for students to forecast the weather for the following day based on the data collected Calculate the averages from the data collected from each small group and use that data for the whole class weather log Discuss the class data and make a whole group prediction for the following day D Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes Lesson Explain The students should take time to record data correctly Analyze the data collected within the small groups and make a prediction for the following day Discuss data and predictions as a whole groups Record data on the whole class weather log Elaborate TSW work with a partner on site www.weatherwizkids.com They will select from the left menu bar Meteorologist and Weather Instruments Students may reenact a weather forecast for a television network using the data they collected. D Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes Lesson Evaluate TSW complete weather logs and will complete the writing prompt: Why is the weather data collected by meteorologist so important in making long-term predictions of weather D Resources The Sky-Watchers by Patricia Baehr Meet a Weather Forecaster by Terry Simon http://www.weatherwizkids.com K Ecosystems Resource Guide “Energy in Ecosystems” Lesson 5.L.2 Understand the interdependence of plants and animals with their ecosystem. 5.L.2.2 Classify the organisms within an ecosystem according to the function they serve: producers, consumers, or decomposers (biotic factors). 5.L.2.3 Infer the effects that may result from the interconnected relationship of plants and animals to their ecosystem. K Ecosystems Teacher Notes: Students will need to be organized into small groups of 4-5. Discuss the importance of working cooperatively in a group during this time. Students will need to have background knowledge on what an abiotic and biotic factor is, and that animals and plants live together in a community. Students will also need a basic understanding of what a food chain is, and how an energy pyramid is very similar to a food chain. An energy pyramid shows the exchange of energy in a visual way. K Ecosystems Lesson Engage This lesson will focus on how animals and plants rely on each other in order to survive – in other words, how they are interconnected. View the pictures in your small groups, “Determine which abiotic and biotic factors are in the pictures.” To begin the discussion, start by asking each group of share one abiotic factor. As students respond, discuss why each abiotic factor is needed for the biotic factors to survive. “What types of activities does it do?”, “What other animals does it hunt?”, “Who preys upon this animal?”, “Is this animal nocturnal? If yes, why?” Finally ask, “Which ecosystem would these animals and plants likely live in, and how do you know?” K Ecosystems Lesson D Ecosystem Lesson 1 Give each student a set of Prairie cards. TTW ask the students to arrange the card where the plants are at the bottom and every organism is fed. Create different scenarios where there are fewer plants due to a drought or fire or when some insects have been eliminated due to a pesticide. Engage students in a discussion of how each organism affects the others. Students will draw food chains and webs in their science journals and can create a scenario which can serve as a writing prompt. K Ecosystems Lesson 2 Explore “In order to better understand how animals are interconnected, we will pretend to be in a food chain, which can also be a food pyramid.” Organize into a food pyramid. The teacher as the sun, 9 students as grass, 7 students as a grasshopper, 6 students as mice, 4 students as snakes, and 2 students as hawks. K Ecosystems Lesson 2 Explore Now explain to the students that, “I am acting as the sun. You are each an animal representing your population in the community. As the sun, I give energy to the grass (and all producers) so that they can do photosynthesis and grow.” The TW hand each student acting as grass 7 connecting cubes. Explain, “Each grass now has the energy from the sun in the form of a cube. They will need some energy to grow, but they will get eaten by the grasshopper, so the grasshopper will receive their energy.” SW keep one cube, and pass on the rest to the grasshoppers behind them. “The grasshoppers will need some energy to live and survive, but they will get eaten by the mice.” Ask all grasshoppers to keep one (or two) cubes that they needed to survive, and pass the rest on to the snakes. “The snakes need more energy to survive because they are larger and require more energy to hunt and live. But eventually some will get eaten by a hawk.” Snakes will keep 2 energy cubes and pass the rest onto the hawks. “The hawk also needs lots of energy, and will keep it because he isn’t eaten by anything else until he dies and is decomposed.” K Ecosystems Lesson 2 Explore Try another variation of this activity from the following list, re-passing the energy cubes each time: Decrease the snakes. Who will get more/less energy if there are less snakes? How will this affect the other populations? Increase the hawks. How will having more hawks affect the populations of snakes? Decrease the grass. What will happen to all of the other populations in this food chain? Decrease the mice and increase the hawks. How will this affect the rest of the food chain? K Ecosystems Lesson 2 Explain “Why did we just act as a food pyramid, and what did you learn from our activities?” If it didn’t come up during the class discussion, explain “Today we acted as animals and plants from a food pyramid to show that there is an energy transfer between organisms. The animal that is eating the other organism is receiving their energy. We showed that by passing the connecting cubes between each other. We also saw how one small change in a food chain can cause big changes everywhere else. For example, if the snakes decreased, it would initially cause: - the hawks to decrease because they will not have as many snakes to hunt - the mice to increase because they are not hunted as much by the snakes -the grass to decrease because there are more snakes to eat it Eventually, the food chain would balance itself out because some animals will die and some will begin hunting more of another animal that they prey upon. There are more producers because there needs to be enough energy to pass through the pyramid/food chain. No animal exists alone; all organisms within a community are all interconnected. When one small change occurs, it affects everything else. K Ecosystems Lessons Elaborate In their groups, the students will read the Discovery Education passage called “Food Chains”. While reading, the students will write three important facts from the passage on their recording sheet. As a class, come back together and allow students to share their important facts from the passage. Discuss the similarities to our activity. http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAs setId=68D6C50A-9342-4139-ADB865CDEEC1D6CC&blnFromSearch=1&productcode= DETB K Ecosystems Lessons Evaluate Individually, students should respond to this writing prompt on their recording sheet: Imagine you are a deer in the deciduous forest, and you typically eat grass, moss, and berries. You are hunted by wolves, coyotes, and grizzly bears. How would your community become affected if your population increased? Explain. D Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Essential Standard 5.L.1 Understand how structures and systems of organisms (to include the human body) perform functions necessary for life Clarifying Objective 5.L.1 Explain why some organisms are capable of surviving as a single cell while others require many cells that are specialized to survive D Essential Question How are single and multicellular organisms alike and different? D Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Lesson Engage TTW introduce the lesson with Discovery EducationIntroducing the Cell TSW view various microscope slides of cells and create an illustration of each TTW explain the difference between single and multicellular using Discovery Education Fundamentals D Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Lesson Explore TSW use the microscope at their table and will view both single and multicellular organisms TSW make a sketch of each cell in their science journal categorizing and comparing them TSW read leveled text titled Cells and complete the graphic organizer TSW answer the comprehension question for that level in their journal D Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Lesson Explain TSW share their answers from the graphic organizer and the teacher will add them to a class chart TSW share the answers to their comprehension questions with the class (Each leveled text has a different question) D Structures and Functions of Living Organisms Lesson Elaborate TSW use enchantedlearning.org to obtain further cell information Evaluate Journal entry: Why are cells referred to as the “Building blocks of life” D Resources http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guid AssetId=B44914C8-A0E0-4F26-8B1722E8F4EA4586&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=D ETB www.enchantedlearning.com Looking at Cells by Rebecca L. Johnson Leveled Texts for Science (Life Science Shell Education) Cells K Evolution and Genetics Resource Guide DON’T WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s really NOT that bad! Student really just need to recognize that offspring inherit characteristics from their parents. 5.L.3 Understand why organisms differ from or are similar to their parents based on the characteristics of the organism. 5.L.3.1 Explain why organisms differ from or are similar to their parents based on the characteristics of the organism. K Evolution and Genetics This is meant as an introductory lesson on heredity and genetics, and can be broken up into many days. You will need to create a “Trait Tree” before this lesson on the wall. You will need 12 branches: 1-Attached Earlobes, 2-Free Earlobes, 3-Can Roll Tongue, 4-Cannot Roll Tongue, 5Has Freckles, 6-Do not have Freckles, 7-Brown Hair, 8Blonde Hair, 9-Black Hair, 10-Red Hair, 11-Right Thumb on Top, 12- Left Thumb on Top. (If you also do Widow’s Peak, you will need 13-Has Widow’s Peak, 14Does not Have Widow’s Peak) K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Engage Today we will be starting a new short unit, which will focus on learning more about how we look and act the way we do. I wanted to start by showing you some pictures of my family to see if you can notice some of the things that make me and my family look similar. Let’s start by sharing some character traits that you know – create a quick list on the board. familypics.pptx Say that these character traits describe a person’s behavior, and today we’re going to discover more about physical traits – the special features we have on the outside – or a way of describing the way a person looks. K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Engage Show Family Pics PPT Observe pictures and notices similarities and differences. One recorder per group. Group Observations Picture 1 2 3 4 Names:_____________________________ Similarities Differences K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Explore Explain that today we will be exploring and discovering more about the traits that people have, and what makes us unique. We will have four stations. Station #1: Reading “A Litter of Kittens” on iPads (or paper) Station #2: Interacting with SMART board lesson on traits Station #3: Using laptops to view EduSmart module “Inherited Traits” (citrix) Station #4: Determining My Traits @ the Trait Tree (With the teacher) *We aren’t going to do this lesson in this way – for lack of time/materials…. K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Our Explore… Reading “A Litter of Kittens” on iPads (or paper)Interacting with SMART board lesson on traits Determining My Traits @ the Trait Tree (With the teacher) K K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Explain After the stations the teacher will reconvene the students back to their seats to share their new learning. While discussing as a class, ask: 1. What do you notice about the child’s hair if both parents have dark hair? 2. What do you notice about their eyes when compared to their parents? Their siblings? 3. We learned in our rhase lessons that our parents make us who we are as a person – inside and out. Traits such as the ones observed today are INHERITED or passed on to their children. Genetics Bingo K Engage: TTW show the kitten picture and have the students discuss and answer the questions as a class TSW circle the dominate and recessive genes on a list and compare with their peers in a small group Explore: TSW play Genetics Bingo discussing traits throughout. K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Elaborate Many Options: Discovery Ed Video: “Inherited Traits” http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAsse tId=3EBA7B19-D24F-4A01-9855EECA0F2E0AA8&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DH C Discovery Ed Glossary: http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAsse tId=32F674C9-2A09-4A18-846902995D1C5916&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DETB Discovery Ed Passage: “The Tallest Animals on Land” http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAsse tId=ACB45587-906D-4055-AB6BCB50D07CEF34&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=DET B K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Evaluate Name___________________Date_________ ! 1. 2. Heredity Lesson Closing Here are two cool things I learned today: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ : I’d like to learn more about _____________________________________ ? A question I have is __________________________________________ K Evolution and Genetics Lesson Homework Option….. Science Homework Name________________Date____ Talk with your mom and/or dad tonight, and determine which traits you have in common and the traits that make you unique. Similarities Differences If you have extra time, visit http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/tour/ to learn more about traits. K/D EOG Science Review Spend at least 2-3 weeks on science review. Start with the first unit, and work your way through from the beginning of the year to the end. Spend a few days on each unit. Utilize the released test for the units we taught last year. Create a “real” EOG…let the kids see what it will actually look like. Do a few EOG style problems each day together. Show them your thinking and model how you would solve the problem. Next year’s EOG will be an multiple choice “operational test”, which means that it DOES count, but they are basically renorming it to see what a level I, II, III, and IV are. Questions/Comments? Kate Duda: kate.duda@cms.k12.nc.us Dee Chinault: dee.chinault@cms.k12.nc.us Julia Lagas: julia.lagas@cms.k12.nc.us