
By Ameelya/ 6D
Children Right Issue:
Ali lives in Souf Camp. It is one of six emergency camps
built in Jordan since 1948 for Palestinian refugees.
Through the years, over 1.8 million people have arrived
in the camps.
Every day, Ali works at a falafel restaurant. He fries
chickpea patties, makes sandwiches, and cleans up. He
works 8 hours a day during the school year and 12
hours a day during his summer break. While Ali works,
he can see his friends laughing as they kick a soccer
ball on the dusty streets. He wants to join them, but
cannot. Ali knows that he must work to help his family
make ends meet, because severe back and eyesight
problems prevent his father from working.
For Ali, working long hours every day means more than
having less time to play and be a teenager. Working has
also been dangerous to his health—two years ago he
nearly lost his hand when he dozed off while grinding
chickpeas. Luckily, he was rushed to the hospital and
his hand was saved.
Life for the 17,000 people living in Souf is difficult.
Job opportunities are limited and some refugees take
Analyzes of the Issue:
Who : Ali (Palestinian Refugee)
Where : Jordan
What : Child Labor
Why : He live in refugee camp where facilities are rare
and job opportunities are limited. His father got back
pain and eyesight problems, which prevent him to work.
Child labor
Ali is a Palestinian refugee (16 years old ) who work in a
restaurant in Jordan, he is one of the palistian refugee
who live in refugee camp where job opportunities are
limited and programs for young people are rare.
Ali worked for 8 hours in school day and 12 hours a day
during his summer break in the camp there are few
places to meet and socialize.
The impacts of child labor are less physically mature
that will affect the developing of our bodies and if we
are a cook we will get hurt like we accidentally chop
our finger or our hand will burn and many other
temporary jobs in neighboring farms. They pick olives
and work the land.
For the 3,400 teenagers in the camp, there are few
places to meet and socialize. So, when a project
designed to teach teenage boys and girls about
filmmaking was started at Souf Camp, the young
people there were happy. They began by brainstorming
a good topic for their film. At the end, they decided
to make a film featuring children who have to work to
support their families.
The teenagers chose Ali as the main character. Then
they wrote the script and did the filming, editing, and
translation. “We wanted to reach out, make people
living outside the camps know what our lives are like,”
says Ali.
Articles Related to the Issue
Pasal 13
Setiap anak selama dalam
pengasuhan orang tua,
wali, atau pihak lain mana
pun yang bertanggung
jawab atas pengasuhan,
berhak mendapat
perlindungan dari
Article 22
If a child is a refugee or
seeking refuge,
governments must ensure
that they have the same
rights as any other child.
Governments must help in
trying to reunite child
refugees with their
parents. Where this is not
possible, the child should
be given protection.
a. diskriminasi;
b. eksploitasi, baikekonomi
maupun seksual;
c. penelantaran:
kekejaman, kekerasan,
dan penganiayaan;
Article 36
Governments must
protect children from all
other forms of
exploitation that might
Ideal Application
Jordan government should
provide a better facilities
for Ali’s family (refugee) so
Ali doesn’t need to work
and he can get his
children right such as
leisure time and education
My Responsibility as a
I will make a blog with
some of my friends about
children’s right issue in the
world, what can we do to
d. ketidakadilan; dan
harm them.
e. perlakuan salah lainnya.
Article 27
(2) Dalam hal orang tua,
wali atau pengasuh
anak melakukan segala
bentuk perlakuan
sebagaimana dimaksud
dalam ayat (1), maka
pelaku dikenakan
pemberatan hukuman.
Pasal 11
Setiap anak berhak untuk
beristirahat dan
memanfaatkan waktu
luang, bergaul dengan anak
yang sebaya, bermain,
berekreasi, dan berkreasi
sesuai dengan minat,
bakat, dan tingkat
kecerdasannya demi
Article 31
Every child has the right
to relax, play and join in a
wide range of cultural and
artistic activities.
Ali should reduce the
I should save money for
working time but still get
charity to help unlucky
enough money for their
family. Government should children around Surabaya.
provide a deed for Ali’s
Article 27
Every child has the right
As a kid I will make poster
Give more chance in job
pengembangan diri.
to a standard of living
that is good enough to
meet their physical, social
and mental needs.
Governments must help
families who cannot
afford to provide this.
opportunities for refugee
so the refugee can get
money to fulfill their
family need.
to promote to against
child labor.