Lesson Plan Template August 2011 (2)

Formal Lesson Plan Template and Evaluation
Rating Scale
Appropriate and consistent
application, with a high
degree of competence and
Appropriate and
consistent application
General Information
Name Deb Teger
Course EDU 356
Subject Advanced Biology
Lesson Summary Muscle Contraction and Fatigue
INTASC STANDARDS 1: Content Knowledge; 7: Instructional Planning
Appropriate application
Beginning to apply
Date 11/30/11
Grade Level 11/12
9-12.L.1.1. Students are able to relate cellular functions and processes to specialized structures
within cells.
9-12.N.1.2. Students are able to describe the role of observation and evidence in the
development and modification of hypotheses, theories, and laws.
INTASC STANDARDS 1: Content Knowledge; 7: Instructional Planning
Cognitive- The students will be able to relate the theoretical concepts of muscle function, contraction and
energy usage in cells.
Affective- The student will be able to relate the inter-related concepts of related body systems regulating a
simple movement.
Psychomotor- The student will follow lecture and lab directions to perform the assigned lab on muscle grip
and fatigue,
DWU Lesson Plan Template
Revised June 2011
Not yet developed
Evaluator Comments
Assessment of Objective(s)
INTASC STANDARDS 7: Instructional Planning ; 8 Assessment
Pre Assessment -The instructor will be muscle review topics
Formative- The instructor will ask questions on review topics
Summative -The students will hand in questions associated with lab activity and a cumulative exam with cover
the entire muscle/energy unit
INTASC STANDARD 5: Learning Environment; 7: Instructional Planning
First The instructor will present the paper-slide music videos which the class has been working on over the last
several class periods
Next Mention the related vocabulary and concepts
INTASC STANDARDS 1: Content Knowledge; 5: Learning Environment; 7: Instructional Planning;
Words slow fibers, fast fibers, intermediate fibers, muscle fatigue
Strategy Terms were introduced the class before to be elaborated on during lecture and the lab activity.
Direct Instruction
INTASC Standards 1: Content Knowledge; 2 Student Development; 5: Learning Environment; 7: Instructional Planning
First The instructor will have short review on muscle contraction and energy usage.
Next The lab activity will be introduced and the theory behind it explained.
Then Students will perform activity with teacher assistance as needed.
Last Students will be given Instructions on completing questions at the end of the lab to be handed in the
next class period
Indirect Instruction
INTASC STANDARDS 1 Content Knowledge; 2 Student Development 5 Learning Environment
Collaborative Learning Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy Challenge Levels- Students work in lab pairs or small
groups for performing lab and using pooling resources to answer questions.
INTASC STANDARDS 1 Content Knowledge; 7 Instructional Planning; 5 Learning Environment
Strategy The instructor will review material covered and announce material for next class.
INTASC STANDARDS 2 Student Development; 7 Instructional Planning
Six: Questions with Level/Location
DWU Lesson Plan Template
Revised June 2011
Remember Describe differences in slow twitch and fast twitch muscles- direct instruction
Understand- Describe the steps in muscle contraction- direction instruction
Applying- Using the knowledge of how muscles work to execute the lab activity- indirect instruction
Analyze- In table form from lab activity draw conclusions from lab activity-indirection
Evaluate- Determine contracting sequence of fast, intermediate and slow twitch muscle in activity- indirection
Create-Put forward a theory on coaching and muscle performance.- Indirect instruction
INTASC STANDARD 1 Content Knowledge; 6 Technology and Communication; 7 Instructional Planning
Students use laptops for note taking and performing the lab activity with Vernier software
INTASC STANDARD 9 Reflection and Professional Development
Human Physiology with Vernier
Myofibrils song link: http://www.science-groove.org/Now/Myofibrils.html
Glucose song link: http://www.science-groove.org/Now/Glucose.html
Reflection of Lesson Presentation
INTASC STANDARD 9 Reflection and Professional Development
This is the most important step in the process. Teachers tend to think their job is finished once
student work is collected and evaluated. In fact, the most important part of being a reflective
professional remains.
First, think and then write about the quality of your lesson: Is it aligned with standards? Is it worth the
students’ time? If it needs adjusting, what changes could you make?
Second, look closely at the student work and note the most frequent and fundamental problems. For
DWU Lesson Plan Template
Revised June 2011
example, if students were solving a math problem, could they read it? Did they know what they were
being asked to produce? If they struggled, did they lack computational skills or problem solving
techniques? Write a reflection about your students’ work - addressing both successes and problems –
and state any changes needed.
Adapted from SD Reading Up
DWU Lesson Plan Template
Revised June 2011
This Section is for the Evaluator
Performance Rubric
(Adapted from Marzano ASCD EL 2010)
Appropriate and consistent
application, with a high
degree of competence and
Appropriate and consistent
Appropriate application
Beginning to apply
Verbal and Cognitive Ability
INTASC STANDARD 1 Content Knowledge; 6 Technology and Communication; 7 Instructional Planning
Content Knowledge
INTASC STANDARD 1 Content Knowledge;
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
INTASC STANDARD 1 Content Knowledge; 6 Technology and Communication; 7 Instructional Planning
Classroom Management
INTASC STANDARDS Instructional Planning; 5 Learning Environment
DWU Lesson Plan Template
Revised June 2011
Not yet developed