Thesis Statements

Thesis Statements
• The thesis statement is the most important
sentence in your entire essay/research
• All other statements and concepts must be
directly connected to it.
• The thesis will function as a roadmap for
your paper, showing the readers what you
have to say and how you will support your
Elements of a Thesis Statement
• You should tailor your thesis to the specific
assignment, but typically, a good thesis
1. State an Assertion
2. Set Limits on the Topic
3. Indicate Organization
State an Assertion
• Your thesis should set forth the main idea of the
• Take a stand; don’t just state a fact or an
• Make sure your argument can be adequately
OBSERVATION: The gun control debate has
many sides.
ARGUMENT: The United States needs stricter
gun control laws.
Set the Limits on the Topic
• Your thesis should clearly introduce the
single, main argument of the paper and all
of the major supporting points, showing
the paper’s scope.
VAGUE: Gun control is beneficial to
SPECIFIC: Congress should pass stricter
gun control laws because such laws would
reduce accidental shootings and violent
Indicate Organization
• In your thesis, the major points should be
listed in the same order as they are
discussed in the paper.
Indicate Organization
THESIS: Congress should pass stricter,
more specific gun control laws that will
prevent both accidental shootings and
violent crimes.
I. Introduction
II. In the past, Congress has passed vague,
lenient gun control laws.
Indicate Organization
III. Accidental shootings could be
prevented by better gun safety laws.
IV. Crime would decrease if people with a
history of violence could not legally buy
a gun.
V. Conclusion
How to Write a Thesis Statement
• Traditionally, a thesis is
– No longer than one or possibly two sentences
– Found at the end (last sentence of the
How to Write a Thesis Statement
• Form your thesis by
– Asking what you want to prove and how you
intend to prove it.
– Combining the argument and main supporting
points from your outline into one sentence.
How to Write a Thesis Statement
• A thesis should answer these questions:
– What am I trying to say?
– What are the main ideas and major points of
my paper?