Gun Control in the US

Gun Control in the U.S.
Jake, Garrett, Ali, and
1. Handguns
2. Rifles
3. Shotguns
With a Gun
Adults Owning a Adults Owning a
Percentage 40-45%
Crime and Self-Defense
16,272 murders were
committed in the
United States during
Right-to-Carry Laws
Each state has its own laws regarding
right-to-carry and falls into one of three
main categories:
1) "shall-issue" states, where concealed
carry permits are issued to all qualified
Right-to-Carry Laws
2) "may-issue" states, where
applicants must often present a
reason for carrying a firearm to an
issuing authority, who then decides
based on his or her discretion
whether the applicant will receive a
Right-to-Carry Laws
3) "no-issue" states, where
concealed carry is generally
As of January 2012…
40 states are shall-issue
9 states are may-issue
In the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment to the Constitution
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to
keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
Supreme Court Decisions
D.C. v Heller
McDonald v Chicago
Against Gun Control
Current law
Crime statistics
Personal protection
The Law
2nd amendment gives American citizens
the right to bare arms (est. December 15, 1791)
The National Firearms act makes it
unlawful for a person to have a firearm
that they are not properly registered to
Background checks
The Law
Under the
Brady Act (February 28, 1994), you cannot own a gun if
1. Were convicted of a crime punishable by being in prison for
more than one year
2. Are a fugitive from justice
3. Are addicted to, or illegally use, any controlled substance
4. Have been ruled mentally defective by a court
5. Are an illegal alien living in the United States unlawfully
6. Received a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Armed
Crime Increase
Illegal guns = illegal tactics
Illegal tactics = more crime
Since the outset of the Florida right-to-carry law, the Florida murder
rate has averaged 36% lower than it was before the law took effect,
while the U.S. murder rate has averaged 15% lower
• Since the outset of the Texas right-to-carry law, the Texas murder rate
has averaged 30% lower than it was before the law took effect, while the
U.S. murder rate has averaged 28% lower
Protect themselves
No protection from government
Pro Gun Control
People rarely actually need to use guns for
self defense
– According to the NCVS, guns are only used
defensively about 100,000 times each year,
and I’m sure in some of these cases they
aren’t even really necessary
– Also says that guns are much more likely to
kill an innocent person (in the house) than a
thief or intruder
Pro Gun Control
Keeping a gun in the home actually
increases chances of violence
– A study by the New England Journal of
Medicine concluded that having a gun in the
household increases the chance of homicide
by 2.7 and the chance of suicide by 4.8
Pro Gun Control
Countries such as the UK, Japan and
Australia ban guns and have significantly
lower gun crime rates than the US
Violence is associated with guns, guns
promoted, violence promoted
Pro Gun Control
Moderation is always good
– nobody needs a high power assault weapon
– If it becomes harder to be able to buy a gun
(more background checks), the likelihood of
bad natured people buying them has to go
down somewhat
Pro Gun Control
Currently in 33 states, people can buy
guns at gun shows WITHOUT a
background check
Interest Groups Pro Gun
Children’s Defense
– Thinks that gun control has to do with
protecting the children of the US
– 3,184 children died from guns in 2006
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
– Promote banning guns but know that is not
completely realistic
– Try to do everything to put more control on
Republican Viewpoint
Republicans as well as presidents such as
George W. Bush agree with the individual
right to own a gun.
Libertarian Viewpoint
Libertarians as well as Republicans are
against gun control.
They believe it is an outdated and
unnecessary prohibition effort.
Democratic Viewpoint
They want to protect the 2nd amendement
right, and keep firearms out of the wrong
Reauthorize the assault weapons ban
Close the gun show loophole
Want ID required at purchase, background
check and a gun safety test
Reduced gun crime by 35% since 1992
Public Opinion Poll
Gun Control
Discussion Question
Do you think there should be gun control
in the U.S. today?
Discussion Question
Which political party’s views do you most
agree with?
What is the Libertarian Viewpoint on gun
Which bill gave details to “background
Is Obama for or against gun control?
What decision was made in the
D.C. v. Heller trial?