20 Q Lisa & Dan

20Q With Board Members:
Lisa & Dan Hallet,
LOH Director
Getting to know your Eastside HOG Board:
20 Questions with Lisa and Dan Hallett
1) Give us some personal information about yourself:
What president was in office when you were born?
Truman but neither one of us voted for him.
Where were you born/raised?
D- Seattle WA, grew up mostly in Spokane but
parents were into horse racing so spent a lot of
time around major track on the west coast.
L- Bremerton WA, grew up in Port Orchard
How would friends in high school describe you?
D-Didn’t have many friends till the 5th grade (see
raised question above) but the ones that I had
probably would say big, shy, quiet.
L- Stuck-up, unpredictable, moody, mysterious
Where do or did you work?
D- 1st paying job was hauling Horse sh_t to the
neighbors for 25Cents a wheel barrow for fertilizer
(see above as to the source of product),
McDonalds so I could buy a truck and my first
motorcycle; Pacific Trail, sewing machine
repairman & down feather lead; Fiberform boat
builder night shift lead; Swedish Medical Center as
a Medical Photographer for the last 27 years.
L- I have been in healthcare since I was old
enough to volunteer as a candy-striper, then
nursing, then teaching nursing, and what ever I get
the urge to get involved with
L&D – 32yr daughter, 27 yr son, 21yr daughter
2) Give us your Favorites
Movie: L-Chicago D- Shaw shank Redemption
Bike Movie: L&D-Motorcycle Diaries
Book: L&D- Animal Farm
Vacation Spot:L- Rialto Beach, D-Dito what Lisa
said and any bike trip with just the 2 of us.
Actor: L&D- Jimmy Stewart and Lauren Becal
Food Dish: L-homemade pies, D- Lisa’s homemade
pies and breakfast
Athlete: L- Joe Montana D- any athlete that doesn’t
have his or her head up there butt.
Sport: L&D-Football mostly but have you ever
watched a motorcycle trials event amazing.
Musician: L&D- Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughn
Song: L&D- most 50’s 60’s and early 70’s music
although not a big Stones fan, “Give Me Shelter”
always sends me back.
TV Show: L&D- I Love Lucy
TV Bike Show: L&D- Was there any?
Day of the week: L- everyday I am alive. D-Sunday
Morning if all the weekend honey-dos are done
3) If you could have a life mulligan (do over) what would it
be ?
L- Get professional help sooner!
D- Get professional help.
4) What model was your first Harley?
L&D – 2004 Heritage softtail!
5) Why Harley and not another motorcycle brand.
L- I am a name brand kind of girl. I like its sound and
reputation. What other bike is there?
D- Now you know why I love that woman
6) Of all the rides you've taken, which one stands out the
most and why?
L-The first ride with a group through the woods and
over a pass on a very rainy day – going much faster
than I ever thought we could – whew! That was a
good one!
D- 05 State HOG Rally, made a lot of friends that trip.
7) What one ride do you want to take before you lower
your kick stand for the last time?
L- Can’t be just one: 101 along the coast, Hi-way 66,
Sturgeis, Trans-Canada
D- Route 66
8) What ride do you look forward to every year and why?
L- An overnighter with Jan Still. She always
coordinates a great ride and a very good time.
D- I agree, but any ride with the Mrs.
9) What Harley model would you buy next and why?
L-Anything without a big faring and hard bagssomething that looks like a “BIKER” would ride!
D- Ultra (obviously we are going to counseling on this
10) Who's the most famous person you've met?
L- The author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”
D- John Sexton (Ansil Adams Printer in his later yrs)
(Cont. - 20 Questions)
11) Who's the one person you would like to meet & why?
L- I enjoy meeting all people – because each is a
unique individual gleaming with knowledge and
experience that I may never have an opportunity to
again encounter.
D- I would have loved to have met my sister, she died
a day after she was born.
12) Who do you admire the most and why?
L- I admire everyone who sets a goal and tries like
hell to achieve it. AND, of course my husband who
miraculously has stayed with me for all these years!
D- People who try to make a difference and of course
my wife who has made a difference in my life.
16) What gets you fired up (angry)?
L- People that don’t follow the rules and don’t care
who it impacts
D- Our government’s priorities.
17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)?
L- Listening to my old rap music or playing my
D- Sleep, sitting and watching waves crash on the
beach and falling asleep with the ocean in the
18) What non-living person would you like to have a
conversation with and why?
GOD uh a little attention here would be nice!
13) What do you want to be doing in 5 yrs?
L- traveling more with Daniel
D- Stay healthy and travel with Lisa and friends… oh
and be rich.
19) What's your biggest mistake?
D- Not knowing how muck fun education is until I was
in my 20s
14) Besides riding motorcycles, what are your other
L- Nursing, writing, stamping, crafting, playing the
clarinet, learning about people, camping, rowboating, organizing, shopping, dancing, etc
D- Photography, computers, movies, and travel.
20) If you could, what one message would you like to
communicate to the world?
L – You can do WHAT EVER you put your mind to –
just do it!
D- Don’t under any circumstances do a 20 question
15) What don't most people know about you?
L- I am a woman of many personalities!
D- If I told you I would have to kill you.