HONORS/GIFTED CHEMISTRY COURSE DESCRIPTION Ms. Heather N. Watkins Brunswick High School hwatkins@glynn.k12.ga.us (912) 267-4200, ext. 6165 Room 1526 This course introduces chemistry to students. It covers science process skills, units of measurements, atoms, collection of atoms, periodicity, bonding, compounds, and reactions. In addition, the course will look at the characteristics of the different states of matter, acid/base chemistry, chemical equilibrium, and research skills. Appropriate labs will reinforce the concepts being studied. Research projects and other assignments will examine the important role chemistry plays in everyday life. Notebooks must be maintained throughout the course, and they are collected twice a semester to be grade as a test grade and a lab grade. A rubric will be provided for the notebook test grade portion. Prerequisites: 1. Successful Completion of Biology (grade ≥ 70) 2. Successful Completion of Algebra I/Math I (grade ≥ 80) Textbook: Modern Chemistry by Holt, Rinehart and Winston which costs $70 to replace should it get lost. UNIT TOPICS 1. Introduction to Chemistry and Matter (Chapters 1-2) 2. Organization of Matter (Chapters 3-6) 3. Nuclear Chemistry (Chapter 21) 4. Language of Chemistry (Chapters 7) 5. Chemical Reactions (Chapter 8, 18,19) 6. Stoichiometry (Chapter 9) 7. Phases of Matter (Chapters 10-11) 8. Solutions & Their Behavior (Chapters 12-13) 9. Acids and Bases (Chapters 14-15) 10. Intro to Organic Chemistry (Chapters 22) GRADING POLICY Tests, Midterm (when given) 50% SLO Exam (counts as Test grade) Notebooks (count as a Test grade) Science Fair (may or may not go on to Regionals) 20% Experimental or Research-based Daily Work (Quizzes, HW, CW, etc.) 10% R.A.s and C.E.s (count as HW) Laboratory Experiments/Small Projects 10% Lab sections of Notebooks (count as a lab grade) Final Exam 10%