Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Title: Roller Coaster Engineering Task: What is the BEST roller coaster design? Grade/Subject/Course: 8th/ Science/ Physical Time Allotment: 5 Days To extend and elaborate you might want to allow time at the end of multiple classes or add an additional day Big Idea: Energy is neither created or destroyed but can be transformed How is energy transformed and transferred? Author/School: Engineering Design -Kelli Kelley (Arnold Middle School) and Suzanne Evans (Secondary Education) Modification of GaDOE Task -Belinda Phillips (Baker Middle School), Michelle Hanley (Fort Middle School), Georgia Original Task – GaDOE Framework for Science (8th Grade) Primary Standard: S8P2 Students will be familiar with the forms and transformations of energy. b. Explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy. Correlated Vocabulary: scale, ratio, model, scale factor Materials: Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices: 1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering) 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Analyzing and interpreting data 5. Using mathematics and computational thinking 6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering) 7. Engaging in argument from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information SMART Board activities (See list in the 2.Engage portion of template) Group Vocabulary Tents (template included) Venn Diagram template (included) Group Vocabulary Tents (template included) Computers with Internet access Graph paper Stop watch or timing devise Scale (to mass the marble) Rubric: Roller Coaster Design (included) Blueprint handout of Project Rules (included) Roller Coaster Planning (included) Evaluation of Models Report (included) Items that may be selected to create a 3D roller coaster model: (cardboard tubes, foam/plastic tubing cut in half, etc.) masking tape (limited amount per group) marbles (1 per group to act as the roller coaster) Muscogee County School District 1 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b 7 E Model WholeGroup: Standards-Based Classroom Opening: Begin each session with an Opening to address vocabulary of the standards or prior knowledge. (See Elicit suggestions for Days 1-3. Teachers select other SBC Opening strategies for Days 4-5.) Day 1 Suggestion: Vocabulary of the Standards Students address the language of the content standard: S8P2d. Students work with partners to draft a T-chart about their preconceptions of potential vs. kinetic energy. Teacher leads sharing by partners to create a class chart. Day 2 Suggestion: Vocabulary of the Standards Review standards language and vocabulary through the use of Group Vocabulary Tents. Groups review language of S8P2 and element b. Groups select one term directly from the standard or from the Day 1 discussion and T-Chart. Students complete the Group Tent by recording the term, providing a short description or definition and an image to represent that term. 1. Elicit Note: The Group Tent template is included. The tents may be laminated for continued use. 2. Engage Task Scenario Day 3 Suggestion: Groups revisit the Group Vocabulary Tents to make any needed modifications or additions. Modifications may be needed from discoveries or clarifications made during Day 2. Additional tents may be needed to address vocabulary correlated to the standards. Day 1 Note: The teacher sets the learning stage by reading the scenario to the class on Day 1. Scenario/Challenge: Due to the increase in accidence involving roller coasters, Six Flags is replacing their older roller coaster this fall. The company is looking for a new unique design through the Design A Rollercoaster Contest. Our class is going to enter! Your task is to design a rollercoaster to mathematical scale that demonstrates potential and kinetic energy component as well as address safety issues. In addition, you will also evaluate models to determine the strengths and limitation of each design. Muscogee County School District 2 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Brainstorm: Questions for Students What are some different ways to tackle today’s challenge? Suggestions often spark great ideas. How creative can you be? What makes the ride fun? What is a safe roller coaster ride? Student helpers write on the board to provide time for the teacher to observe student conversations. Days 1-4 Overview of Engage section: Students collect research during the Engage activities and videos. Students record research on the individual Venn Diagram. Engage Research through Videos: (Daily listings are noted below.) During the first four (4) days of this task, students gather more information. Students look for interesting facts from different video clips to add design elements to their roller coaster. Video links are listed below and additional resources are listed in the Teacher Notes section. During the viewing, each student records 5 comments made in the videos concerning how potential and kinetic energy affect the design of a rollercoaster (fun element) AND ways to ensure safety. Pre-viewing question for each video used in Days 1-4 Q: How are roller coasters designed for fun and yet be safe? A: ( Answers will vary. ) Post-viewing question for each video used in Days 1-4 Q: How does potential energy differ from kinetic energy? A: Answers should relate to the specifics of the video clip. - Also known as stored energy, potential energy is the amount of energy an object has due to its position in the Earth’s gravitational field, whether it is moving or at rest. - An object’s kinetic energy is the energy it possesses because of its motion.) Engage Citation (APA) Discovery Education (Producer). (2004). Roller Coaster Physics. [Video Segment]. Available from Day 5 Overview: presentations *Teacher Note: During the five days for this task, students will be engaged in group and individual assignments. The teacher may decide the best integration of the next activities during this time period. Suggestions for each Day are provided. Muscogee County School District 3 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Engage Engage Research - Designing a Rollercoaster- videos: Day 1: Video- Roller Coaster Science: Howstuffworks: How Roller Coasters Work: Machines!: Rollercoaster: (The view of the designers is the focus of the video clip.) Day 2: Teaching Channel: STEM in Action: (5th graders discuss their designs. Students view the importance of group work in design.) During this clip, student record 5 strategies to improve their group collaboration process. Roller Coaster Database - This site lists various roller coasters around the world and provides facts about construction: date built, design type, date opened. There is also a list of Record Holders by top speeds. Day 3: Howstuffworks: Roller Coasters: (Potential and kinetic energy are identified and G-Force is noted on the screen.) Day 4: I Didn’t Know That: Roller Coaster Testing: Day 5 is for presentations and final selection of the model that best meets the challenge. Refer to Evaluation of Modules Report. Group Collaboration- Days 1-5 Overview: 3. Explore Class Discussions: Work Sessions Introductions OR Closings 1. Students will engage in teacher lead SMART Board Classification Activities. These may be used during the first four days as an Group introduction to the Work Session OR as a part of the SBC Closing Assignments: during Days 1-4. Muscogee County School District 4 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b 2. Titles from Smart Exchange are found at: Four example titles are: Kinetic and Potential Energy Exploring Potential and Kinetic Energy Potential and Kinetic Energy Forms Kinetic and Potential Energy (some calculations) Group Collaboration by Day: (The teacher may select to have students work as partners during Days 1-2. The partners can then join together on Days 3-4 to form Groups of Four.) Days 1-2: Groups review the task Overview instructions and Rubric. Groups discuss and record findings for Roller Coaster Planning. Groups make a 2D scale drawing, Roller Coaster Scale Drawing, of the first hill of their roller coaster. This is done on grid paper. The maximum height for any portion of the 3D model is limited to 1 meter. Students work in groups to complete Rollercoaster Blueprints. This is the design process. Students: Complete a scale model using graph paper and plan how to make the 3D model with materials provided. Students make a scale model of a 1 meter vertical drop with a 45 degree angle. (Teacher Note: Collaborate with the math teacher to review this content prior to this task.) The student instructions are provided later in this document. Group Members have specific duties: Recorder: Writes responses provided by the group. Encourager: Ensures that each member has an opportunity to contribute to the group and that each member stays on task. Materials Manager: Retrieves and returns materials. Facilitator: Leads the group discussions and reads any directions to the group. Days 3-4: Students collect more research during the Day 1-2 Engage activities and videos. Roller Coaster Ride instructions are needed for each group. Students are limited to two (2) days to complete and test their 3D models. Resources and time is limited for this task. (Design Teams in the work force must often meet timeline challenges.) Muscogee County School District 5 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Individual Assignment Overview: 4. Explain 5. Evaluate Day 5: Refer to Rubric and Evaluation of Modules Report. Group presentations of modules and data. Each group has 5 minutes on Day 5 to demonstrate their model and convince other groups that their design is the best. Each group will address the components of the challenge: fun and safety. They must share the data that was used to modify their designs to better meet the challenge. Days 1- 4 Venn Diagram (template included) Teacher Note: This is used as a graphic organizer to record information from the Engage activities and videos. It may be completed as a part of the Closing on Day 3 or 4 or may be assigned as a homework task. Each student will create their own Venn Diagram showing the similarities and differences between Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy to include accurate examples. Blueprint Each group member must contribute to the Blueprint and to the final presentation. Each member has assigned duties. Provide summary of solution and/or findings (Day 5) Students reflect and summarize findings on the last day. Refer to the Evaluation of Modules Report. The Rubric is used to make sure that the students complete all Blueprint, presentation components, and Evaluation of Modules Report. Varied Assessment Tools: (ie: rubric, solution) Days 3-4: Students continue to work with group members to complete the model, collect data from trial runs and prepare the presentation for Day 4. During this time, groups refer to the provided Roller Coaster Rubric as a tool for self-assessment. Students need to be reminded that they only have these 2 days make the model, run trials on their design, make modifications and complete the designs. Day 5: Students will be given 3-5 minutes to present their diagram to the class and explain each of the points identified in the rubric. The Rubric: Roller Coaster Design is needed for reference. The Evaluation of Modules Report is needed for each student during the presentations. This serves as a reflection of the process. Muscogee County School District 6 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b 6. Extend/ 7. Elaborate Students should be given multiple checks for understanding while completing their blueprints. (Thumbs up thumbs down, check individual steps of completion, etc.) Additional interaction may be provided: Students can play the Roller Coaster Game at Design a thrilling coaster to simulate the application of physics by using an exciting interactive tool and access to a wonderful reference source. Watch what happens when there is too much speed or not enough. Add hills and loops easily! Simulate the 3D model to add speed and additional variables. Amusement Park Physics, What are the forces behind the fun? by Annenberg Learner: (coaster design and physics glossary) (design simulator) Add hills and loops and receive your safety rating and fun rating! The Coaster Critic Thrill Scale: Students can rate the Thrill of their coasters! Muscogee County School District 7 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Teacher NOTES: This 7E Task, Roller Coaster, is designed to address the NGSS Engineering Practices. What are Engineering Practices (NGSS)? What components are needed in an Engineering 7E Task? 1. Students identify existing problems in the world around them that need to be solved. (This is provided in the challenge on Day 1.) 2. Students identify possible solutions (and limitations to the solutions) to the identified problems. (Students work together to create possible solutions and identify solutions.) 3. A design or model is created to support the solution. (Students work together to design models.) 4. The design or modeled is tested as part of the investigation process. (Students work together to test model designs on Days 3 and 4.) 5. Math is a part of the design. (Math content should be on-grade level and be more than just data collection.) (Students collect data and use the results to make modification. They also produce scale drawings for their designs.) References- Engineering Practices in the Classroom: Sadler, Philip, and Harold Coyle. "Engineering Competitions in the Middle School Classroom." Journal of The Learning Sciences. (2000): n. page. Print. It is important to expose children to the possibility of careers in science and technology. Our American students lag in the higher level thinking in science. The power of hands-on experiences is limited when used only to reinforce factual information. Design projects (engineering) help show students the connections between science concepts and solutions to the real world problems. Bybee, Rodger. "Scientific and Engineering Practices in K-12 Classrooms." National Science Teachers Association. (2011): n. page. Print. Engineering begins with a problem that needs to be solved. Engineering makes use of models and simulations to analyze and test possible solutions to existing problems. Investigations are designed to test proposed designs and solutions. Analysis of data collected during the testing of the design is imperative when identifying limitations to the proposed solutions. Mathematical representations are an fundamental part of the design process. * Usually there is NO ONE best solution, but a range of possible solutions with each having its own limitations or constraints. * Engineers need to be able to communicate their ideas and findings orally and in writing. (Literacy) * Technology provides tools for the 21st Century. Begin with the tools which are already familiar to students: microscopes, telescopes and computers. Build toward more advanced tools like temperature or pH probes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Muscogee County School District 8 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Roller Coaster Task Notes: Teacher instructions and student handouts are included. Background Teacher Information is included in the 8th grade Physical Science Unit 3: Energy, MCSD Curriculum Map. Look for the document titled U3 Stage3 Resource Background S8P2ab. Background Information: 1. Kinetic energy The standard definition of energy is the "ability to do work." We normally think of an object having energy as one that is moving. The energy of a moving object is called kinetic energy and is abbreviated as KE. The properties of kinetic energy are that the greater the mass of a moving object, the greater its energy will be. Also, the faster it goes, the greater its energy. That energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. The formula for calculating the kinetic energy of an object is KE = ½ mv² where: m is the mass of the object v is its speed of velocity and v² is the velocity squared or v times v ½ mv² is one-half times m times v² 2. Potential Energy There are situations when an object has the potential to start moving and gain kinetic energy. Often there are forces acting on the object, but the forces aren't yet sufficient to move the object. Potential due to gravity If you hold an object a distance from the floor, it has the potential to start moving, once you let it go. The force of gravity is pulling on the object, giving it potential energy. The equation is PE = mgh where: PE is the potential energy m is its mass g is the acceleration of gravity (32 ft/s² or 9.8 m/s²) mg is the weight of the object (m times g) h is the height of the object from the floor or ground 3. PE becomes KE If an object is dropped, its potential energy will become the kinetic energy of motion (PE = KE). Since PE = mgh and KE = ½ mv², then: mgh = ½ mv² Muscogee County School District 9 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b RESOURCES for Potential and Kinetic Energy: Potential and Kinetic Energy defined: An interactive graphic demonstrates for students. Animated Videos defines Potential and Kinetic Energy: Animated Video with formula explanation for Kinetic and Potential Energy Potential and Kinetic Energy Interactive Quiz RESOURCES for Scale Drawings What is a scale drawing? How to Make a Scale Drawing: Example of scale drawing on grid paper Muscogee County School District 10 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b FOLD Muscogee County School District 11 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Venn Diagram Roller Coaster Research Potential Energy Kinetic Energy Muscogee County School District 12 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Rubric: Roller Coaster Design Criteria Design Processes (Engineering Practices ID#) 1. Define the Problem (Blueprint) 3. Develop a Plan (Blueprint) 3. Develop a Plan (Blueprint) 2. Building A Model (prototype) 2. Building A Model (prototype) 4. Analyzing Data 5. Mathematical Thinking 8-10 points 5-7 points Blueprint includes a clear definition of the problem(s) and the challenges. Design met Blueprint requirements and rules. Addresses specific design requirements, including scaled model and safety concerns. Follows the initial team’s design. Modifications of initial design are listed with explanations. Design Team demonstrated collaborative work to design and create model. Analysis of roller coaster design includes mathematical formulas for PE and GE. 0-4 points Blueprint includes limited explanation of the problem(s) to solve. Needed lots of teacher direction to define the problem(s). Most Blueprint requirements and rules were met. Addressed some specific design requirements. Some explanation of why this design was selected. Very little evidence that design met Blueprint requirements and rules. Very little evidence that design requirements. Little to know explanation as to why this design was selected Has very little elements of the initial design. Very few or no modifications are listed. Students did not work as a team. Somewhat follows the initial team’s design. Some modifications are list. Design Team struggled to work as a team. Some members did not contribute to the plan or final product. Calculations for roller coaster improvements are complete but all or not correct. Total Very little evidence of calculations. Includes a clear visual representation of data collection for design or modifications. (i.e. graphs, charts, and diagrams) Some data has been collected but findings are unclear. Very little data collected. Written explanations refer to research and notes from roller coaster videos. Effectively communicated: the design of the model using the language of S8P2 and noted in reasons for changes in the original design. Effectively communicated the aspects of the project in the class presentation using the language of the standards. Research information is very limited. Less than two video clips are referenced. Effectively communicated the design of the model using the language of S8P2 No reference is made to research. Presentation included at least the vocabulary of S8P2b: kinetic and potential energy. The language of the standards is not included in the verbal presentation. Communication (Engineering Practices ID#) 8. Obtaining Information 6. Written Explanation 6. Presentation Written documentation is limited. Muscogee County School District 13 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Blueprints: Roller Coaster Design Instructions OVERVIEW of Day 1 and Day 2 Due to the increase in accidence involving roller coasters, Six Flags is replacing their older roller coaster this fall. The company is looking for a new unique design through the Design A Roller Coaster Contest. Our class is going to enter! Your task is to work with a Design Team to plan a roller coaster to mathematical scale that demonstrates potential and kinetic energy component as well as address safety issues. In addition, you will also evaluate models to determine the strengths and limitation of each design. Design Team Duties Your Design Team’s task is to design a new roller coaster ride for Six Flags. Read the Blue print Requirements carefully before beginning the task. Be sure each group member has an assigned duty: Recorder: Writes responses provided by the group. Encourager: Ensures that each member has an opportunity to contribute to the group and that each member stays on task. Materials Manager: Retrieves and returns materials. Facilitator: Leads the group discussions and reads any directions to the group. Blueprint Requirements in the Engineering Process: Step 1. Identify the problem (s) with the current roller coasters. Discuss relevant science principles that relate to the problem(s). Later, include this information in the Design Details written description portion of the Blueprint. Discuss how kinetic and potential energy information is needed to solve the problem. Later, include this information in the Design Details written description portion of the Blueprint. Step 2. Research: Include a scaled drawing, Blueprint Part I, as part of the design plan. The design is to be drawn on graph paper. Use the graph paper to indicate the dimensions of a vertical drop of 1 meter for your 3D model. Include: * the scale of 1 cm on the drawing equals 5 cm of the 3D model * a 45 degree downward slope for the 1 meter vertical drop (The angle of a roller coaster is formed from the steepest part of the track and the ground. ) * a label for the point of the highest Potential Energy * a label for the point of the highest Kinetic Energy Step 3. Design Ideas: After completing a scale drawing of a vertical drop (hill) discuss the design possibilities with your group members. (3D models are limited to a vertical drop of no more than 1 meter.) Decide on a roller coaster design which includes vertical drops and at least 1 loop. Making the Model in the Engineering Process (Steps 4, 5 and 6 will be completed after the Blueprint is approved.) Step 4. Build the 3D prototype model. This will be completed on Days 3 and 4. Step 5. Test/Evaluate and modify the 3D model to meet the challenge. (Be sure to keep detailed records of your trial runs.) This will be completed on Days 3 and 4. Step 6. Summarizing and Communicating Results: On Day 5, Blueprints with all findings are due and a 5 minute group presentation will be made. Muscogee County School District 14 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Roller Coaster Planning, Day 1 Discuss these questions with team members. Your responses will guide the design of your roller coaster. Response: Step 1. Problem: Step 2. More Research Prompts: Responses: 1. Can all the hills be the same height? If not, why? 2. Can the hills get bigger or must they get smaller? 3. How will you determine how big or how small the hills can be? 4. Does the steepness of the hills matter? 5. Is it better to make the hills steep or not so steep? Why? 6. Why is the height of the first hill important? 7. How curvy should the tops of the hills and the valleys be? Why? 8. Should you design sharp turns or smooth turns? Why? 9. What provides resistance on the roller coaster causing the marble to slow down? How can this resistance be reduced? 10. What materials can be used to create a 3D model? (A marble will be used to simulate the vehicle in the roller coaster. The Materials Manager obtains a specific marble and determines the mass.) marble mass _______g Muscogee County School District 15 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Blueprint Part I: Scale Drawing, Day 1 and 2 (Several copies of this cm grid may be needed.) Step 3. Design Ideas Muscogee County School District 16 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Roller Coaster Ride! Making the Model, Days 3 and 4 Modified from Prentice Hall Science Explorer copyright 2009 Your design is being reviewed by Six Flags! Now, they want to see a working model! Review your Blueprint Part I: Scale Drawing. If you worked as partners in Days 1-2, decide which would be the best plan to use when constructing a working model. Making the Model in the Engineering Process: Step 4. Build the 3D prototype model after approval of the Blueprint Part I, Scale Design. Step 5. Test/Evaluate and modify the 3D model to meet the challenge. (Be sure to keep detailed record of your trial runs.) Rules for 3D Model 1. Before you build your roller-coaster model, you must complete your design (scaled sketch). Be sure to refer to the Rubric. 2. Each ride must have at least one complete vertical loop. 3. After the first trial run, your Design Team will make several modifications to your track to get the best results for speed and safety. (safety = not flying off the track) The first set of modifications will be to determine the maximum height possible for your second and third hills. Remember you have a 1 meter height limit. The second modifications will be to add turns and or vertical loops to your track for maximum fun without flying off the track. That would be a big safety concern! 4. Your vehicle (marble) must complete the entire track without stopping or falling off. Once you have placed your vehicle on top of the first hill, you cannot add any energy to the system to help your vehicle complete its route. (Don’t touch it. Don’t blow on it…….) 5. No point of the roller coaster may be more than one (1) meter in height. 6. Your Design Team must keep detailed records of any modifications that you make to your track, including the success of your vehicle’s trial runs. A chart is suggested. Goal: Your goal is to build the best roller coaster possible, judged by the excitement and safety elements. 1.) time of the ride (excitement) 2. ) vertical drop (hills) and turns (excitement) and 3.) number of times the vehicle flies off the track (safety of the ride). Materials used but not limited to: 1. 3 meter length of tubing with top section removed (diameter must allow marble to roll freely) 2. Marble 6. Classroom tables 3. String 7. Instruction sheets 4. Books 8. Ruler (cm) 5. Ring stand 9. Stopwatch Step 5 Trial Number 1 2 3 4 Hills/Vertical Drops Loops Length of Track Time Marble Mass Muscogee County School District Modification Description 17 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Blueprint Part II: Design Details, Days 3-4 (written portion) Making the Model in the Engineering Process Step 6. Summarizing and Communicating Results: Provide a Blueprint Part II: Design Details written description to: Needed Details Responses Define the problem and challenge facing the Design Team. Explain relevant science principles that relate to the problem(s). Explain how kinetic and potential energy information is needed to solve the problem. Describe research or design ideas obtained from class video clips which assisted in your design. Describe where the highest levels of potential energy and kinetic are on the design and where the changes are occurring. Explain the mathematical formulas for PE and GE. Explain how the angle of the track at the vertical drop (hill) affects the roller coaster speed. Explain the relationship of energy to acceleration and how this applies to the model. What modifications were made to the 3D model and why? Apply key terms such as kinetic energy, potential energy, and energy transformation throughout this written description of your roller coaster. Trial Number 1 Vertical Drops Loops Modification Description 2 3 4 Muscogee County School District 18 Secondary Education Task: Roller Coaster Task: Unit 3 GPS: S8P2. b Evaluation of the Models: Presentations on Day 5 Making the Model in the Engineering Process Step 6. Summarizing and Communicating Results: On Day 5, Blueprints with all findings are due and a 5 minute group presentation will be made. Students record facts for of the models during group presentations to the class. A chart for each roller coaster is used to record strengths and weakness. Data used from trials to make any modifications for the final product are also noted. Model Name: Reasons for Modifications: Strengths: 1. 2. 3. Needs: Model Name: Reasons for Modifications: Strengths: 1. 2. 3. Needs: Model Name: Reasons for Modifications: Strengths: 1. 2. 3. Needs: Model Name: Reasons for Modifications: Strengths: 1. 2. 3. Needs: After all group presentations are completed, select the model that best meets the challenge. Write a detailed description to support your selection. Use the information from your charts to make a valid argument, in the description, which supports your findings. Be sure to refer to the Rubric. Muscogee County School District 19