Worship of the King

Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
Luke 7:36-47/Gen 12 – Gen 22
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
Returning to God a fraction of our possession
provides 3 things:
1. Defines our perspective of the relationship
2. Acknowledges God as the Source of all our
3. Demonstrates a willing heart of adoration &
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
• Honor is the prelude to Worship
 Defining Worship (homage):
o An attitude & activity designed to recognize and
describe the “worth of a person”
• Ryken, L., Wilhoit, J., Longman, T., Duriez, C., Penney, D., & Reid, D. G. (2000, c1998).
Dictionary of biblical imagery (electronic ed.) (970). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
• Worship (activity) – Physical Expressions
1. singing
2.bowing down,
3.lifting hands,
4.clapping hands,
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
A.Worship (attitude) – Heart Expressions
 Worship involves more than words – it
requires Our Heart
o Isaiah 29:13
• _ “Inasmuch as these people draw near
with their mouths And honor Me _with
their lips, But have removed their hearts
far from Me,
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
 Worship is validated by Visible expressions
of the HEART – Actions
o Our Action mimics Our Attitude!
o Example: Cain’s actions (wicked)
Abel’s actions (righteous )
 Defining Attitude:
o An outward expression of an inward disposition
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
A.Worship revolves around 3 essential
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
 Giving of our substance (wealth) shows honor
to God
o Isaiah 43:22-23
• “But you have not called upon Me, O
Jacob; and you _ _have been weary of Me, O
Israel. 23 _You have not brought Me the sheep
for your burnt offerings, Nor have you
honored Me with your sacrifices
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
A. Altars – to slay, or place of slaughter
• The Altar “represents” an intimate place of
interaction between God and Man
• Call: invoke (call upon) the presence of God
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
• The nature of the Sacrifices (which all had
an atoning attribute) demonstrates our
willingness to respond to the acute value
God places on relationship with Man
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
A.Types & Meaning of Sacrifice
1.Sin Offering – A purification or purge offering. It was
for anything or anyone that was ritualistically unclean,
i.e. lepers, priest, menstruated women etc.. (mandatory)
1.Trespass Offering – Restitution or reparations offering.
When we intentionally or unintentionally acted
irresponsible to God or others, i.e. slander, property
damage, false witness, etc..(mandatory)
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
A.Types & Meaning of Sacrifice
1.Peace Offering – An offering that valued peace with
God and fellowship with him, the priest and his
fellowman. (voluntary)
2.Meal Offering – A bloodless offering which showed
ones gratitude and thanks to God it would accompany
either the Peace offering or Burnt offering. (voluntary)
3.Burnt Offering – Most frequent, most expensive and
most expressive offering. It signified absolute
commitment, submission and reliance on God
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
I. Abrahams life defines worship
A. Abraham builds an altar at Shechem Gen 12:7
B. Abraham builds an altar between Bethel & Ai and
“calls upon the name of the Lord” Gen 12:8
C. Abram returns to the altar between Bethel and Ai
again called on the name of the Lord. Gen 13:1-4
D. Abraham builds an altar in Hebron. Gen 13:18
E. Abraham builds in altar to offer up Isaac. Gen 22:9
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
o Define Idol:
• Anything that we value more than our
relationship with God
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King
• Pure Worship involves:
o Honor (giving God something of Value)
o An Altar ( a Place where we can interact with God)
o A Sacrifice ( a willingness to respond to God)
Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt8
Worship of the King