men and women school dress code

A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD ...............................................................................................3
A MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT ..........................................................................4
A MESSAGE FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL ............................................................5
MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................6
VISION STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................6
PHILOSOPHY OF LIBERTY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY .............................................................6
LCA HONOR CODE ......................................................................................................................7
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................11
LCA CORE VALUES ...................................................................................................................13
ACADEMIC ACCOUNTABILITY ..............................................................................................13
ACADEMIC GUIDELINES .........................................................................................................14
ACCREDITATION .......................................................................................................................14
ADMISSION TO LIBERTY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY..............................................................14
AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................................15
ANNUAL ACADEMIC AWARDS ..............................................................................................15
ASSEMBLIES ...............................................................................................................................15
ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES..................................................................................................15
BUILDING AND GROUNDS ......................................................................................................17
CAFETERIA................................................................................................................................. 18
CHANGING COURSES .............................................................................................................. 18
CHAPEL ........................................................................................................................................19
CHRISTIAN SERVICE.................................................................................................................19
CLASS LOAD ...............................................................................................................................19
CLASS RANK ...............................................................................................................................20
CLASS STANDING ......................................................................................................................20
CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE ...................................................................................................20
CRISIS MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................20
DROPPING SUBJECTS ...............................................................................................................21
DUAL CREDIT COURSES ..........................................................................................................21
EDLINE .........................................................................................................................................21
EXAM EXEMPTION FOR SENIORS .........................................................................................21
EXAM POLICY ............................................................................................................................22
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................23
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ELIGIBILITY.......................................................................................23
DISCIPLINE ..................................................................................................................................24
DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................24
DISCLAIMER ...............................................................................................................................28
DRESS CODE ...............................................................................................................................29
DUE PROCESS .............................................................................................................................32
FIELD TRIPS ................................................................................................................................34
GRADING SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................34
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................35
GUIDANCE ...................................................................................................................................35
HALLWAYS .................................................................................................................................36
HEALTH AND MEDICAL INFORMATION ..............................................................................36
HOMEWORK PHILOSOPHY ......................................................................................................37
HONOR ROLL ..............................................................................................................................37
INCLEMENT WEATHER ............................................................................................................37
INTERSCHOLASTIC COMPETITIONS .....................................................................................38
LATE WORK POLICY .................................................................................................................39
LIBRARY POLICIES ...................................................................................................................39
LOCKERS .....................................................................................................................................40
LOST AND FOUND .....................................................................................................................40
LU LAHAYE POLICY .................................................................................................................40
MATTHEW 18 PRINCIPLE .........................................................................................................40
MUSIC CODE ...............................................................................................................................41
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY ..................................................................................................41
PARENT VISITATION ................................................................................................................42
RE-ENROLLMENT OF DISMISSED STUDENT.......................................................................42
REPEAT COURSES .....................................................................................................................43
SEARCHES ...................................................................................................................................43
SELF REPORT OPTION ..............................................................................................................43
SELF REPORT PROCEDURE .....................................................................................................43
SENIOR HONORS PROGRAM ...................................................................................................44
SENIOR PRIVILEGES .................................................................................................................45
SENIOR RELEASE.......................................................................................................................45
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ..................................................................................................................46
STATEMENT OF POLICY ON NON-DISCRIMINATION .......................................................46
STATEMENT OF POLICY ON RACIAL HARASSMENT .......................................................46
STATEMENT OF POLICY ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT ......................................................47
STUDENT AUTOMOBILE AND PARKING GUIDELINES .....................................................47
STUDENT BEHAVIOR ................................................................................................................48
STUDENT GOVERNMENT ........................................................................................................49
TARDIES .......................................................................................................................................49
TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY .........................................................................50
TELEPHONES AND MESSAGES ...............................................................................................55
TESTIMONY ................................................................................................................................55
TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................................................................56
TRANSPORTATION ....................................................................................................................56
TRANSPORTATION CODES ......................................................................................................56
WITHDRAWING FROM SCHOOL ............................................................................................58
YEARBOOK .................................................................................................................................59
PARENTAL STATEMENT OF COOPERATION.......................................................................60
Liberty Christian Academy is committed to providing a quality education that is distinctively
Christian. As members of the School Board, we are obligated to parents, students, teachers, and
church members to provide an academy that enhances the intellectual, social, spiritual, and
physical development of each student.
We are obligated to parents to ensure that they receive a legitimate return on the financial
sacrifices they have made to provide a Christian education for their children. We are obligated
to students to provide them an educational experience that is superior to what they could receive
elsewhere. We are obligated to teachers to maintain a professional environment that
compliments the teaching-learning process. We are obligated to the Thomas Road Baptist
Church to cultivate the appropriate spiritual emphasis. Ultimately, we are obligated to the Lord
to be faithful stewards of the opportunities He has given us.
Let us pledge our united efforts to making this new year the greatest one in the history of Liberty
Christian Academy.
Mrs. Macel P. Falwell, President
Dr. Gregg Albers, Vice President
Mrs. Becki Falwell
Pastor Jonathan Falwell
Mrs. Ruth Gomes
Dr. Todd Campo
Dr. Rick Rasberry
Mrs. Anita Askew
We are thrilled to have you as a student at Liberty Christian Academy. This handbook will help
give direction with various aspects of the Academy’s operations and procedures.
As Virginia’s largest private school, Liberty Christian Academy offers a skilled, experienced,
and caring faculty, giving you unparalleled advantages to excel in life. This is all provided in a
safe and secure environment.
The path to excellence requires that schoolwork and homework unite for a common goal. As
you read the pages of this handbook, I trust your heart will join ours in philosophy, doctrine,
discipline, and commitment. As you sign this agreement, we form a partnership – joining our
families and striving for excellence. May we work together in harmony to honor and glorify our
Lord. We covet your prayers and energetic support as we strive to develop each and every one
of you and exploit the perfect plan our Lord has for you!
Go Bulldogs,
John E. Patterson
Superintendent, Liberty Christian Academy
It is a great privilege to welcome you to a new school year at Liberty Christian Academy. Thank
you for your commitment to Christian education. Through the partnership of our Christian school
and your Christian home, our children will be equipped spiritually and academically. We look
forward to training each student as they grow in the wisdom and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
This handbook has been developed to help students and parents understand as much as possible
about school policies and procedures. We are committed to providing the resources and
programs that will contribute to the growth of our students. We are particularly excited about
our partnership with you in developing Christian leaders who are respectful and responsible
By signing the last page, you are pledging your support to the Academy’s policies and
procedures. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Have a great year!
Timothy R. Hahn
High School Principal
Associate Superintendent
Liberty Christian Academy exists to support parents and guardians in their Biblical
responsibility to nurture and train their children. Thus, the Academy provides opportunities that
allow students to realize their God-given potential and to live lives that glorify God in the
spiritual, academic, social, physical, and vocational realms.
“Educating for Eternity”
Liberty Christian Academy seeks to lead students to faith in Jesus Christ and to develop young
men and women who adhere to a Christian world view and think Christianly, prepared to
participate as Godly members of home, church, and society.
Liberty Christian Academy is a ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church. As such, it adheres to
the Doctrinal Statement of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Teachers and administrative staff at
Liberty Christian Academy must be born-again Christians who are consciously committed to
Jesus Christ, knowing their lives serve as examples to those whom they teach.
Recognizing that the primary responsibility for education rests with parents (Psalm 78:5, 6),
Liberty Christian Academy serves as an extension of the family to aid parents in this task. As
such, the Academy adheres to Biblical principles of child rearing and discipline (Ephesians 6:14; Proverbs 22:6; Colossians 3:20, 21).
The philosophy of Liberty Christian Academy is based on the premise that man's ultimate
purpose is to glorify God (I Corinthians 6:19, 20; 10:31). Liberty Christian Academy exists to
help each student reach his full potential by guiding him in developing spiritually, morally,
personally, socially, and academically (Luke 2:52). The faculty and staff recognize that only
when a student accepts Christ as Savior and yields to His Lordship can he realize his own unique
potential (Romans 10:10-13).
Education and learning are Biblical imperatives (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7; Proverbs 3:1-9); therefore,
all instruction at Liberty Christian Academy is Biblically based (Deuteronomy 4:2-9). The
specific content grows from the following:
God's mandate at creation for mankind to have dominion over the earth (Genesis
1:1; 26-28), requiring learning in the areas of language, mathematics, the physical
and natural sciences, technology, and the fine arts.
The hostile environment resulting from the fall of man (Genesis 3:9-24),
intensifying his need to understand more deeply all of the curricular areas, as well
as the social and health-related sciences and the study of God's written Word.
The command for Christians to evangelize the lost and to disciple believers
(Matthew 28:18-20), further elevating the need to master all of the above areas.
“Out of a desire to honor God, I commit to a lifestyle which reflects trust, honesty, and respect
for my peers, authority, and all property. I acknowledge this lifestyle does not condone lying,
cheating, stealing, or other dishonorable acts. Committing to this code demonstrates my
respect for Liberty Christian Academy as we strive to glorify God and love others.”
The Honor Code is not only at the core of the discipline system at Liberty Christian Academy, it
is also the foundation of our school community. The Honor Code begins with a commitment by
each student to personal integrity, is expanded by a refusal to condone dishonorable behavior,
and is strengthened by support of appropriate consequences for those who violate the Honor
Code. The system will be as successful as the members of the Liberty Christian Academy
community are willing to hold one another accountable. The desire of Liberty Christian
Academy is that its members individually and corporately strive to walk worthy of the calling to
faithfully follow Christ.
An honorable community is one of mutual trust, honesty, and respect. It is a community where
each individual is expected to live honorably and each individual is expected to encourage
his/her peers to live honorably as well. It is a community where students do not feel compelled to
keep their belongings locked up, where students do not feel the pressure from peers to lie and
cheat, and where students are not ridiculed for their commitment to live honorably.
An honorable community is more than a commitment to follow a set of rules. It is a commitment
to an honorable lifestyle. It is our expectation that our student’s commitment to an honorable
lifestyle will far outlive their time at Liberty Christian Academy. We trust that our students see
the benefits of an honorable lifestyle and allow the principles of the Honor Code to govern all
aspects of their lives.
The Honor Code is intended to work for the students, not against them. It is structured to
encourage them to live with integrity. The effectiveness of the Honor Code is directly
proportional to the level of student ownership. Ultimately, the strength of the Honor Code rests
with our students’ commitment to follow it and their commitment to hold each other
The following is a list of the most common Honor Code violations, including specific examples
of dishonorable behavior.
Definition: Any action, appearance, or statement, which an individual knows, or should
know, to be untrue, given with intention to deceive. Examples of lying include, but are
not limited to:
Making a false statement in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
Giving false excuses and explanations for being absent or tardy.
Bending the truth or pretending not to understand information that one is expected
to know.
Lying by omission.
Leaving out pertinent information in order to gain an unfair advantage or to
protect others.
Receiving permission from a teacher to go one place and going someplace else.
Definition: Taking or attempting to take property, whether physical or intellectual,
without right or permission. Examples of stealing include, but are not limited to:
Taking something without permission of the owner even if the intention is to
return whatever is taken.
Borrowing something without permission even if the intention is to return
whatever is borrowed.
Finding something and making little or no effort to locate the rightful owner.
Unauthorized removal of academic materials from a teacher.
Definition: Using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance or advantage in
academic work that is submitted as one's own individual efforts or the giving of such
assistance to others. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
Turning in work that was not entirely done by the student and giving the
impression that the work was done by the student.
Copying homework without the consent or approval of the teacher.
Using translation sites off the internet or software in foreign language classes.
Using workbooks from a previous year with answers already written in.
Working with others on any assignment which is intended to be an independent
Dividing up work among group members that was intended to be done together.
Using a similar assignment from a past class (book report, essay, etc.)
Allowing one’s academic work to be used in place of another’s.
Having notes or textbooks visible during tests or quizzes.
Giving or receiving information about a test, quiz, or other assignment prior to
starting the assignment.
This includes receiving from someone unauthorized specific test questions or
information about topics included in the assignment.
Glancing at someone else’s test or quiz or allowing someone to glance at your test
or quiz during the administration of the test or quiz.
Using a calculator when instructed not to use it.
Not telling your teacher that the score on your test is added wrong.
Not telling your teacher when a wrong answer was not marked wrong.
Instead of reading the original book or original literary work:
Reading a condensed version.
Seeing the film or video.
Using Cliff’s Notes without permission.
Reading an English version of a work assigned in a foreign language.
Definition: literary theft, misrepresentation, and falsification. Explanations of plagiarism
include, but are not limited to:
To plagiarize is to steal someone’s ideas or thoughts or to borrow dishonestly
from another.
To sign one’s name to a daily assignment or major work is to declare that work
totally one’s own. By not clearly marking the source of the information, thoughts
or ideas, a student commits plagiarism.
To copy directly, paraphrase, or summarize with premeditation and without
documentation is to deliberately plagiarize.
Inadvertent documentation mistakes that allow another’s words, thoughts, or ideas
to be credited as one’s own due to improper referencing are considered
“Plagiarism is a serious violation of another person’s rights, whether the material stolen is
great or small; it is not a matter of degree or intent” (“Academic Writing at WFU:
Statement on Plagiarism”).
Plagiarism is prevented when the proper form of documentation is followed.
Standards for Proper Documentation
Items that must be documented are facts, quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
Writing that expresses one’s own thoughts, experiences, or interpretations and is stated in
one’s own words does not require documentation. Also, when information is common
knowledge or is from a specific text, it does not need citation. As a standard for the
proper documentation, Liberty Christian Academy will use the MLA Handbook for both
middle and high school. Students will receive specific written instructions and examples
of appropriate and inappropriate referencing at the beginning of each school year.
Dealing With Suspected Honor Code Violations
If a student suspects a classmate has committed an Honor Code violation, he/she has several
1. Discuss the potential violation with the student and give the student an opportunity to
turn himself/herself in to the administration. *
2. Go to an administrator or a teacher with the suspected violation.
*If the violations are true and the violator makes any type of threat, the student being threatened
should report the violator to the administration.
Based upon the principles established in Galatians 6: “If another Christian is overcome by some
sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path”, this
conversation is best handled with an attitude of care and concern for the suspected violator and
not with an attitude of harshness or reprisal. In an honorable community, students have a
responsibility to “help each other back on the right path.” This policy does not leave room for
students to discuss (gossip) about suspected violations among themselves. Gossip falls under the
category of “other dishonorable behaviors” and is an Honor Code violation itself.
If a member of the faculty or staff suspects an Honor Code violation, after discussing the
incident with the student, he/she is obligated to turn in the violation to the administration.
Once an Honor Code violation has been reported, the administration will investigate and assign
disciplinary consequences to fit the violation and student.
The seriousness and nature of an Honor Code violation as well as the student’s previous
behavior, in large part, determines the consequences. Consequences for Honor Code violations
that do not warrant a dismissal include, but are not limited to:
First Offense:
Administrative Suspension
Second Offense:
Recommendation to the LCA Superintendent for dismissal. The
Superintendent may or may not dismiss the student at this time.
Probation from the National Honor Society
Because membership in the National Honor Society is based partially on character and integrity,
a student in the NHS that is found guilty of an Honor Code violation is placed on probation for a
period of 18 weeks. At the end of the 18 weeks, a student may make a written request to the NHS
sponsor and high school principal to be taken off probation. Provided the student’s disciplinary
record over the past 18 weeks has reflected honor and integrity, the student will be taken off
probation and reinstated as a member of the National Honor Society. Seniors that are in
violation of the LCA Honor Code within 18 weeks of graduation will be reviewed on a case by
case basis by the Superintendent to determine whether they will graduate with the National
Honor Society Status.
Removal from Student Leadership
Students who violate the honor code (first offense) will be removed from any position of student
leadership to include athletic leadership.
Academic Consequences
If the Honor Code violation involves academic work (homework, tests, quizzes, papers, projects,
etc.), the student will receive consequences as outlined in the Discipline section.
Any time a student is taking an assessment of any kind, the student will physically write the
following sentence at the top of their paper:
“I have neither given nor received any information on this assessment.”
Once a student decides to attend Liberty Christian Academy, certain responsibilities accompany
that choice. Attending Liberty Christian Academy means that wherever a student goes, the name
of Liberty Christian Academy goes with him/her. Each student’s actions will be judged as an
extension of the reputation of Liberty Christian Academy. That responsibility must be taken
seriously, especially since our name does include the name of Christ. It should be that members
of the Liberty Christian Academy community would always desire to conduct themselves in a
way that brings honor to the name of Christ. All individuals are responsible to conduct
themselves in a way that does not dishonor what Liberty Christian Academy desires to represent.
Bearing a name with honor is a grave responsibility and must be considered at all times. Hence,
Liberty Christian Academy must care what all its community members do both on and off
campus since an honorable reputation is to be highly valued. “A good name is to be more desired
than great riches.” Proverbs 22:1a
Violation of the Honor Code on or off campus will have consequences.
Students of LCA will always assume that the Honor Code is in effect. Whether openly stated or
not, the principles and policies of the Honor Code are continually applicable.
SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT: Liberty Christian Academy seeks
to make students aware of their sinful nature and God’s unconditional love for
them (Romans 3:23; John 3:16).
to lead students to an acceptance of Christ as their Lord and Savior (Romans
to help students recognize the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, authoritative
Word of God (II Timothy 3:16).
to develop in students a desire to know, love, and obey the will of God
through daily prayer and Bible reading and participation in a local church (II
Timothy 2:15; Hebrews 10:24-25).
to instill in students knowledge of the foundational truths and doctrines of
God’s Word and the desire to apply these in life (II Timothy 2:15; Ephesians
to help students realize the importance of recognizing and overcoming sin,
and of living godly, obedient lives (Ephesians 4:21-32).
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: Liberty Christian Academy seeks
to help students see and accept themselves as unique individuals, created in
the image of God with special gifts to be fully developed for His glory (Psalm
139:13-16, I Corinthians 12:7-11).
to develop in students habits of good stewardship over all that God has given
them—time, talents, material possessions, and the physical environment
(Luke 12:48; Ephesians 5:16, I Peter 4:10).
to teach students personal responsibility and accountability for their words,
deeds, and attitudes (Romans 14:12; Galatians 6:7-8).
to encourage in students physical fitness, good health habits and wise use of
the body as the temple of God (I Corinthians 6:19-20).
to develop in students the ability to make decisions based on Biblical
principles (Psalm 1:1,2; Psalm 119:105; I Corinthians 2:14-16).
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Liberty Christian Academy seeks
to encourage students to view all others as made in God’s image, and to treat
them with love and respect (Genesis 1:27; John 13:35; James 2:8-9).
to develop in students the skills, perspectives, and desire to function as
cooperative members of the larger society (Romans 12:18; Romans 13:1-7; I
Timothy 2:1-2).
to help students develop Biblical attitudes toward marriage and the family,
emphasizing the need to establish God-honoring homes (Psalm 127:1;
Ephesians 5:31).
to help students desire to lead others to a saving knowledge of Christ and to
disciple believers by precept and example (Matthew 28:18-20; I Timothy
to develop in students the desire both to lead and serve as circumstances and
God’s direction permit (Matthew 25:21).
ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT: Liberty Christian Academy seeks
to help students reach their full academic potential by providing a
developmentally appropriate instructional program with high academics.
to teach students to use good study habits to enhance their creative and critical
thinking (II Timothy 2:15; Proverbs 4:5-12).
to help students interpret and apply all knowledge from a Biblical perspective
(Isaiah 8:20; I John 4:1).
to develop in students independent study habits and foster in students a lifelong love for learning and personal excellence (Proverbs 4:5-8).
to help students identify and develop their gifts and talents in the areas of fine
arts, applied arts, and athletics (I Corinthians 12:4-11).
to prepare students for future educational or vocational experiences by
developing in them the necessary communication, thinking, and technological
skills (Proverbs 4:5-12).
to help students become aware of changing world events and interpret them
from a Biblical worldview (Hebrews 13:8).
to help students acquire knowledge and an appreciation of their Christian and
American heritage (Deuteronomy 4:2-9; Psalm 33:12a).
1. Commitment to scripture
2. Culture of prayer
3. Lifestyle of worship
4. Connection to community
5. Heart of serving
6. Passion for excellence
Liberty Christian Academy is dedicated to helping students succeed in all courses. We are
offering a Saturday Support Program for struggling students that is run by teachers and qualified
personnel with the intent to provide another opportunity to help our students. Student grades are
checked mid quarter and at the end of each quarter to maintain academic accountability. A point
scale of D=1 point and F=2 points will be used to determine if students are eligible for academic
accountability. Thus, students acquiring 2 points or more must attend Saturday Academic
Support Program a minimum of three times. Saturday school hours will be conducted from
8:30am – 11:30am. Students having conflict attending a Saturday school session must present
reasonable documentation as to why they cannot attend along with obtaining a signature from the
principal. Students will be required to attend two after school sessions per Saturday session
missed. Approved after school sessions are held on Wednesdays from 3:15pm – 4:45pm.
Liberty Christian Academy is dedicated to maintaining high academic standards within the
framework of a comprehensive academic program. The school believes in and is dedicated to
preparing young people to be able to serve Christ in all areas of life.
Liberty Christian Academy believes that a Christian atmosphere is of prime importance to all of
its students. Therefore, Christ is presented in all classes, and the Bible is the basis from which
all instruction generates. It is the policy of Liberty Christian Academy to hold all curriculum
materials against the Bible, the Word of God, for measurement. Historical facts are reported as
such, and all opinion/interpretation/editorializing must stand the scrutiny of God and His Word.
All teachers realize (aside from the Bible) that there is no infallible material, and as such, they
must use discretion at all times in the utilization of such material. It has never been the practice
of Liberty Christian Academy to support or perpetuate any principles not set forth in the Bible.
Therefore, information and principles in compliance with the Bible are taught, and notions which
conflict with Scripture are challenged and designated as error.
Liberty Christian Academy is accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International
(ACSI) and the AdvancEd/Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). It is
recognized by the Virginia State Department of Education as an accredited school through the
Virginia Council for Private Education.
Attending Liberty Christian Academy is a privilege, not a right. When a student is accepted to
attend Liberty Christian Academy, he agrees to abide by the standards and policies set forth by
the school.
A student is enrolled at Liberty Christian Academy by his parents or legal guardians. The school
regards the parents as having authority over their child with the school providing the academic
and spiritual support for the child's development.
LCA is regarded as a state-accredited school; therefore, LCA recognizes discipline decisions that
other school districts impose on their students. Students desiring to transfer to LCA must
complete their discipline requirements before applying to the Academy.
In compliance with Virginia Law, no student will be considered enrolled nor permitted to attend
for whom a certified copy of the student’s birth record (or affidavit explaining inability to
present a certified copy) and a complete school entrance physical (to include verification of
required immunization) have not been received. A late processing fee of $25.00 will be applied
to the account of any students for whom required documentation has not been received by June
30, or the fifteenth working day after notification of acceptance, or the first day of attendance,
whichever situation applies. The local law-enforcement agency may be notified of any person
who has failed to produce a certified copy of a student’s birth record by the first day of
All new students are placed on probation for the first quarter they attend LCA. As long as
a student is enrolled in the Academy, he represents this school both on and off campus. If
the testimony of the student is detrimental at any time to Liberty Christian Academy, he
may forfeit the privilege of being a student.
Students remaining after school for athletics, remediation, tutoring, club activities, and other
necessary reasons must report to their coach, teacher, or sponsor no later than 3:20 PM (or earlier
if the practice or the event requires). Any student staying after school should take all necessary
books and belongings to the activity area.
The following awards are given at the awards assembly each spring:
High Honors Certificate - Students who have an average of 93 - 96 for the 1st three
Highest Honors Certificate - Students who have an average of 97 or higher for the 1st
three quarters.
Academic Achievement Award - Student(s) with the highest academic average for
the 1st three quarters in the various academic areas (in the case of a tie a recommendation
will be made by the department).
Students are required to attend all assemblies unless specifically excused by the administration.
Students are to enter and exit the auditorium/gymnasium in a quiet and orderly manner, and are
to stay in their seats during the program. Students are to be courteous and respectful at all times,
clapping and talking only at appropriate times.
Liberty Christian Academy operates on an academic calendar that meets state
The school is in session between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 3:07 p.m.
Students are expected to be in attendance when the school is officially open.
Students should exit campus after school unless they are under the direct
supervision of school personnel, attending the after school program, or
attending supervised extra-curricular activities.
According to state law, whenever any pupil fails to report to school on a regular
scheduled school day and no notification regarding the student’s absence has been
received by school personnel, a reasonable effort to notify the parent or guardian
by telephone shall be made by school personnel. To assist school personnel in
implementing this policy, parents or guardians are encouraged to contact the
school if their child is going to be absent from school. The attendance clerk will
attempt to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) via telephone when their child is not at
In keeping with state attendance policies, a student who misses more than 9
days in a semester, except for hospitalization, documented illnesses by a
physician, funerals, or approved school-related trips, will not receive
academic credit for the course missed. Any absence not directly related to a
school activity will be counted as an absence on a student’s attendance record
for the semester.
Parents of students who have attendance problems will be notified
in writing when the student has 4, 7, and 9 absences.
Parents will be notified by administration when a student reaches
the 7 day absence level.
A parent conference is required when a student reaches the
9 day absence level (initiated by the parent).
Students with 10 or more absences must remain in the class, but
will receive no credit for the class.
Students may be given up to two days to make up work missed for each day of
absence with a maximum of one week.
** A student who misses an assessment on the day of absence will be expected to
make it up the day they return to class, unless required notes or information for
the assessment was given during the absence (class review for the assessment
does not count as required information.) If information such as notes were
missed, the student will have up to two days for each day missed to make up
the assessment.
Students are required to be in the cafeteria during their lunch period. Any
student who leaves school without permission during the school day will be
referred for disciplinary action.
A student who leaves early for any reason must have a note on file in the
attendance office at the time of his/her checkout. This note should include the
student’s name, date, time of dismissal, and parent signature (Forged notes for
early dismissals will result in disciplinary action). The note shall also be required
for students who are 18 years old and still living at home. A student who leaves
school early must be checked out by a parent/guardian unless the student drives to
school. Students who drive to school may check themselves out as long as they
have a note from a parent/guardian. Students who leave school grounds without
permission will be subject to disciplinary action. To receive an early dismissal
from the attendance office, students must meet the following requirements:
a. Acquire written permission signed by a parent
b. Request an early dismissal between 8:00 am and 8:15 am in the High School
c. Obtain signature approval of the early dismissal from an administrator or the
administrator’s designee.
d. Show the dismissal slip to the teacher prior to leaving class.
e. Be checked out by a parent/guardian at the time of leaving (for students
without driving privileges)
If a student has permission to leave campus they must sign out in the high school
office before leaving where they will obtain a pass to show the front desk upon
exiting the building. Upon their return, students should sign in at the high school
Planned absences, which are approved by the principal prior to the absence, will
be counted toward the student's total accumulated absences. A student should
bring his specific request in writing to the office for approval a minimum of one
week in advance.
For the health of all students, individuals who are absent from school due to
illness should not return to school until they have been free of fever, diarrhea, and
vomiting for twenty-four hours.
All school property was provided through the sacrificial gifts and labor of many parents and
friends and belongs to the Lord. He gave it to us to use for Him. Realizing this, it is of utmost
importance that we work together to keep the property in good condition. All students should
observe the following rules:
Pick up trash and place it in trash cans.
Protect the shrubbery and lawn. Please keep off the grass.
Help keep the property in good repair by never defacing or damaging it; report
anything that is broken or lost to the resource officer, teacher, or high school
office personnel.
Any damage done to the school facilities, caused by improper behavior, will be
repaired at the student's expense.
Students who willfully damage, deface, or destroy school property will face
appropriate disciplinary action and repairs will be made at the student’s expense.
Students are not to be in locker rooms or gymnasium without permission.
Skateboards, skates, and the like are not permitted on school property and may be
confiscated by school personnel.
A hot lunch program is available to students. Menus and prices are displayed in the cafeteria and
on the LCA website.
All food and drink (except water bottles) are to be consumed in the cafeteria.
Each student is responsible to be on time to lunch and keep their area clean.
Upon entering the cafeteria, students purchasing their lunch are to go to the end of
a particular line of choice. Students must not enter a serving line ahead of
students already in line.
Students are to remain in the cafeteria during the entire lunch period, unless
granted written permission to leave by a faculty member on duty.
Students are required to sign-out in order to go to the restroom. Upon return,
students must sign-in. Students are not permitted to go to the library during
their lunch period.
All students should leave the cafeteria when dismissed and go straight to their
next designated class.
Scheduling begins in the spring when course requests are sent home with the students. They are
returned with parental approval of the schedule. When schedules are completed, parents are sent
a copy for verification. Once parents and guidance approve the requests, students will register
for the classes online. If the Guidance Office is not notified of any further changes, this becomes
the student's schedule. Any change after the published schedule change dates will result in a $10
rescheduling fee.
The master schedule has been designed on the basis of student requests and needs; therefore,
teachers have been assigned teaching loads and duties based upon student requests. Schedule
changes should be addressed during the first two weeks of school. The administration will
approve schedule changes after school opens only to correct mistakes or for unusual
circumstances, and only when openings are available in requested classes. Parents who would
like to request a schedule change for their child are to complete a Drop/Add Course Request
Form that is available in the guidance office. No student is permitted to change classes without
written approval from the principal.
Chapel is normally held each Thursday at approximately 9:45 a.m. Chapel is a time for worship
and praise, thus students are asked to enter chapel in reverence for the God whom we serve.
During chapel, there is time for student participation in songs, testimonies, and special music.
Special speakers are invited to speak throughout the year. Students are encouraged to pray for
the speaker and the effect of the message on the hearts of unsaved peers prior to the beginning of
the service. Students are expected to demonstrate courtesy and respect by giving their undivided
attention to the speaker during the message. Parents are welcome to attend.
Students must sit in their assigned section of the auditorium, unless granted permission from
their teacher to sit with their parent. Students are encouraged to support peers who perform or
speak in chapel with attentive behavior, respectful silence, and words of encouragement
following the service. Students are to remain seated until dismissed. No one is to leave the
service unless the teacher grants permission.
Liberty Christian Academy desires its students to live out James 1:22 and James 2:17.
Therefore, Liberty Christian Academy has a Christian service requirement in order to graduate or
be promoted to the next grade level. LCA accomplishes this by requiring students in grades 9 –
12 to perform a minimum of 20 hours of Christian service per year. Christian service hours are
due by the second Friday in May. Any student who has not completed these hours will not
receive their transcripts until the hours are successfully completed. Christian service
information, evaluation forms, and pre-approved Christian service opportunities are posted on
the website.
Please Note: Students completing or submitting Christian Service hours after the second Friday
in May will not be awarded more than 20 hours of Community Service toward the Community
Service cord for graduation.
Liberty Christian Academy enrolls full time students on campus and part-time students through
the Home School Partnership Program. Full time students in grades 9 through 11 must be
enrolled in a minimum of seven classes [only one of which may be a learning lab]. Seniors may
be granted late arrival or early release if they have met all of their graduation requirements.
Class rank, final GPA and four year academic awards are figured using a 4.0 scale for regular
classes, a 4.5 scale for Honors classes, and a 5.0 scale for Dual Credit classes. Grade point
average is figured by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of
courses taken for graduation credit. The average is divided out to three decimal places and
rounded back to two decimal places. Class rank is determined by using grade point average
distributions. Valedictorian and salutatorian status is granted to the seniors graduating first or
second in the class based upon class rank using final grades for all graduation credit courses, at
the end of 3rd quarter, and a minimum attendance of two full years at the Academy.
For class standing the student…
9th - must have successfully completed 8th grade
10th - must have accumulated a minimum of 7 credits
11th - must have accumulated a minimum of 13 credits
12th - must have accumulated a minimum of 19 credits and have a
tentative plan to graduate in the immediate year.
Students who do not successfully complete the amount of credits for their current school year
may be required to attend summer school or repeat their current grade.
Students are given five minutes between classes in order to travel to their next
class. Students not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings are considered
tardy to class and an unexcused tardy will be reported to the office.
If a teacher or staff member detains a student, a tardy pass will be issued for the
next class and the tardy will be excused.
If a student skips a class, disciplinary action will be taken. Any student who
misses five minutes or more of class without a pass may be deemed to be skipping
and will be reported to the administration.
Any student in the building and not in a class must have a pass from his teacher.
Crisis management plans of action have been developed by the Academy administration and
approved by the School Board in order to provide for the safety of our students in the event of a
crisis. The plans will be followed by each member of the Academy and staff upon notification of
a crisis situation by the Academy’s Superintendent or his designee. Evacuation drills, severe
weather drills, and lock downs are practiced periodically throughout the school year.
With proper prior approval, a student may drop a course by having the guidance counselor issue
a Drop/Add Course Request form which must be signed by the parent, teacher, and school
guidance counselor before the course is officially dropped. The student must remain in the class
until the office notifies him that he may drop the course. Partial credit will not be given for any
class dropped. The following additional restrictions will be observed:
A course must be dropped during the first two weeks of the school year if a
student desires to add a new course in its place.
After the second week of the school year, a learning lab may be added in lieu of a
course dropped. Students can enroll in only one learning lab each school year,
unless approved by administration.
A student who drops a course at the conclusion of the first or third quarters will be
given a grade of W/D "F". The F will be averaged in the student’s final GPA and
class rank.
Dual Credit courses are considered to be advanced level coursework designed to prepare students
for the rigor of a college level curriculum and have weighted grades (e.g. A = 5.0, B = 4.0, C =
3.0, D= 2.0, F = 0). By offering dual credit courses, students are eligible to earn college credits
in high school. Course requirements and textbooks for these dual credit courses are set by
Liberty University. Textbooks for each course must be purchased by the student through the
Liberty University Bookstore. Students who complete the course with an 85% or higher will be
granted college credit. Dual Credit courses are offered in English, U.S. History, Pre-Calculus,
Biology, Education, and Information Technology.
Seniors also have the opportunity to apply for acceptance into the Senior Honors Program.
Please refer to the Senior Honors Program section of the student handbook for more information.
Edline is a technological based home/school communication program offered by Liberty
Christian Academy. Parents and students will have the opportunity to look up homework
assignments, check on the status of grades in each class, read school/class news, and email
teachers. Parents are expected to monitor their child’s Edline site. To activate the student and
the parent account, send an email to
To be exempt from final exams is a senior privilege, not a right. Any senior may be rewarded
with exemptions from their final exams if the following criteria are met for the school year:
1. The student may not accumulate more than four absences from the class.
2. The student must earn a final average of 93% or higher for the first semester and a
93% or higher in each of the third and fourth quarters of the course.
3. The student may not accumulate more than four unexcused tardies to the class.
4. The student may not receive any disciplinary referrals to the office from the class.
5. The student must be clear of textbooks, library fines and any financial obligations to
be exempt.
Absences for documented health care appointments for which a student has made up the required
work shall not be counted as absences for the purpose of determining exemptions under this
A total of two discipline referrals to the office shall make the student ineligible for an exam
exemption in any course.
Students will be notified by each teacher of their exemption status the day prior to the first day of
final exams. Absences will be counted through that day.
A student who meets the exemption requirements for a class may choose to take the exam
regardless of his/her grade in a particular class. However, if he/she takes the exam, the grade will
be counted and averaged with the semester grades in order to determine the final course grade.
A student taking a dual credit course shall take final exams in accordance with course guidelines
established between Liberty Christian Academy and Liberty University. Students who are
enrolled in dual credit courses will be required to take final exams if required to earn college
Parents have the option of choosing not to have their child exempt from final exam(s). If a
parent chooses this option, then they must inform the school in writing.
Administration has the discretion to make exceptions to the exam exemption guidelines based on
extenuating circumstances related to attendance, grades, and student behavior.
Semester exams are required for all students in grades 9 – 12. Therefore, exams will be
administered in all high school courses at the end of the first semester and at the end of the year.
Only seniors that meet the senior exam exemption requirements will be exempt from final
exams. The following policies will apply to exams:
Comprehensive examinations are worth 20% of the semester grade.
Exam periods will be approximately two hours in length.
Students will not be allowed to leave the room during the exam time except in the
case of an emergency.
Students must take their exams in the assigned exam periods. Conflicts will be
resolved by the principal.
Personal conflicts that require an exam to be taken at a time other than the
scheduled exam period must be approved by the principal. A $50.00 fee will be
assessed for each approved make-up exam.
Along with academic excellence, Liberty Christian Academy strives to provide additional
activities for student growth and enrichment. Any student involved in the school's extracurricular activities is expected to be an example of this school and more importantly of
Jesus Christ.
Students wishing to participate in academic and non-academic extra-curricular activities must
meet the following criteria (i.e. student government, drama, athletics, etc.):
Student grades are checked mid quarter and at the end of each quarter to
determine academic eligibility. A point scale of D=1 point and F=2 points will be
used to determine ineligibility. Students with a total of 4 or more points at the
mid-quarter point or report card will be notified (along with their parents) that the
student is on "academic probation." Such students will have two weeks to
improve their points. At the end of the two weeks, written verification, signed by
the student's teachers must be presented to the proper athletic director or activity
director indicating that the student has met eligibility requirements. Academic
probation is then removed.
Students failing to correct their academic status within the two-week time will be
declared "ineligible" until the next report card. If the student's subsequent report
card or interim check indicates the requirements for eligibility have been satisfied,
the student will be removed from ineligibility. Students remaining "ineligible"
after consecutively serving an "Academic Probation" and a period of ineligibility
will be removed from the team. Ineligible students may not travel with the team
nor participate in games.
Students cannot run for or be appointed to a position of leadership if suspended
from school within one full semester prior to the election or appointment.
Students suspended from school during their term of office or leadership position
forfeit the position for the remainder of their term.
All participants are expected to exhibit attitude and behavior which supports the
stated goals and expectations for LCA students. If the administration or the
coach/sponsor determines that a participant is not exhibiting a positive attitude
and/or behavior, that participant may either be removed from the activity or
placed on probation, with subsequent dismissal if improvement does not occur.
In addition to the above eligibility requirements, students must complete a
minimum of one full semester at LCA to be considered a possible candidate for a
class office, homecoming, winter festival, student government, or other leadership
Students must be re-enrolled for the next academic year to run for
class/student government offices or to participate in school sponsored
summer activities.
1. Students involved in extracurricular activities that return to LCA at 11:00 pm or
later may be allowed to come to school late the following day. The leader of the
extra-curricular activity should contact the principal or athletic director to confirm
an excused late arrival for the next day.
2. When a student is given the permission to come to school late (see #1), the
student must be on time for their 3rd period class in order to participate in the
extra-curricular activities for that given day.
Students must be in on time for 3rd period in order to participate in any extracurricular events for that given day (marching band practices and performances,
athletic practices, games, banquets, programs, play practices and performances, or
other such activities). Dental/doctor appointments are exceptions. The
administration will make the decision when questions arise. Students who leave
school due to illness may not participate in after school activities that day.
Discipline may be provided by any adult staff member, with the primary disciplinary officer(s)
being the Assistant Principal or Principal. This may include, but is not limited to, Detention,
Saturday Workday, Out-of-School Suspension, Dismissal, Expulsion, student asked to withdraw,
community service hours, probation, loss of leadership position, etc.
Teachers handle general classroom problems according to school guidelines. Parents will be
called if problematic behavior exists. Problems that continue may result in teachers assigning
after school detention. Parents must provide transportation home after detention is completed.
After school detentions are arranged at the teacher's convenience with prior notification to
Teachers refer more serious problems to the administration.
Students may not bring radios, video games, laptops, DVD players, MP3 players, Ipods, to
school unless they have prior permission. However, a student may request approval by
administration to use laptops, tablets, and reading devices for educational purposes. In addition,
students may not have cellular phones seen or heard once they enter the school building during
school hours (8:00am – 3:07pm). Those violating this policy may have disciplinary action taken
and their equipment may be confiscated and turned in to administration until a parent or guardian
can pick up the phone. Further infractions will result in the school confiscating the equipment
until the last day of the semester, and/or additional consequences.
A) Instruction – students are instructed by their teachers concerning the rules and regulations
they are expected to obey in the classroom. A student handbook can be found on the school
website for each student to read with their parents.
B) Warning – students are given warnings when they do not obey the rules.
They are spoken to privately when they have violated the rules. Some behavior does not
warrant a warning.
C) Correction –
1. Verbal correction – instructing the students as to what is expected of them.
2. Detention – assigned by the administration for minor infractions and matters regarding
classroom discipline. Detentions are served beginning at 3:15 pm and ending at 4:15 pm
every Tuesday and Wednesday. A one day notice will be required in assigning
detentions. Detentions are not designed for the convenience of the student or parent
schedules. They are to help deter improper behavior. Any missed detention will result in
a reassignment of the detention and an additional detention being assigned resulting in a
total of two days of detention. A second skipped detention will result in a Saturday
3. Saturday workday – Following three administrative detentions in a school year, students
continuing to exhibit behavior which qualifies for an administrative detention will be
given a Saturday workday. Students may also earn a Saturday workday for major
infractions. A Saturday workday is held on a scheduled Saturday from 8:00am-12:00pm.
After two Saturday workdays, students may be suspended from school for additional
offenses if deemed necessary. Additionally, a fine of twenty dollars will be added to the
student’s school bill.
4. Suspension - Suspensions are earned for very serious offenses and major infractions. On
matters of this nature, the student will be notified of the offense and given opportunity to
explain his actions. When a suspension becomes necessary, the parent will be contacted
by phone or in person followed by notice in writing. A parent conference with an
administrator may be required before the student may return to classes. All work and
tests missed during the suspension must be made up and will be granted full credit.
A suspension carries an academic penalty at the end of the marking period of one
(1) point deducted from the student's 9 weeks grade in each subject for each day
suspended. In addition to suspension, the student could forfeit his right to hold or
run for a position of student leadership.
Any student that participates in an extra-curricular activity and is assigned a disciplinary action
may forfeit the opportunity to participate in the extra-curricular activity.
We believe that Christian students should avoid practices which cause the loss of sensitivity to
the spiritual needs of the world and of the Christian's physical, mental, or spiritual well-being
(Rom. 12:1-2). In an atmosphere of definite and positive Christian standards of conduct, there is
an opportunity for the development of a strong and stable Christian character. Therefore,
Liberty Christian Academy will not tolerate any conduct that negatively impacts the safety,
order, and discipline of the school. Concerns will be investigated by the administration and
may be reported to the School Resource Officer.
Disciplinary consequences for serious offenses may include any of the following; suspension,
suspension and probation, dismissal, or recommendation for the LCA Alternative School.
If a student earns a second suspension in the same year, the principal will recommend to the
superintendent that the student be dismissed from the Academy or be placed on a prescribed
probation. Students violating probation will be recommended for dismissal.
Liberty Christian Academy will not tolerate individuals making life threatening statements
or gestures, whether given seriously or in jest, whether presented orally, written, on the
phone or Internet, or communicated by any other means. Students making life threatening
statements or gestures may receive a three (3) day suspension, and the incident will be
reported to the School Resource Officer. The School Resource Officer may refer the
incident to other law enforcement official agencies. Students could be placed on a
homebound program or in the LCA Alternative School until all legal investigations and/or
professional evaluations are completed. At the conclusion of investigations by the
administration, the School Resource Officer, and any other law enforcement agencies
involved, the student may be expelled from the Academy, recommended for the LCA
Alternative School, or allowed to return on probationary status.
Furthermore, any student who receives such threat, or hears of such threat being made, is
obligated to immediately report the incident to an appropriate school official. Students
who are proved to know of any life threatening statements or gestures and fail to report
such to the school authorities will be deemed in violation of this policy and may be
suspended for up to three (3) days.
Possession of a weapon (gun, knife, air rifle, B.B. gun etc.) while on campus or while
attending an extra-curricular activity may result in immediate suspension and a
recommendation for dismissal from the Academy.
The possession and/or use of illegal drugs and/or look alike drugs are prohibited. Random
drug testing and/or search may be administered periodically. The cost of required drug
testing will be the responsibility of the parent. Students possessing and\or using illegal
drugs and/or look alike drugs will be suspended and expelled from the school. Any student
failing to submit to a drug test will be dismissed from LCA. The possession and/or use of
prescription or non-prescription drugs is prohibited unless under the direct supervision of the
school nurse. If a student needs to take medication of any type during school hours, the
medication must be dispensed by the nurse or designated school personnel. There must be a
written request on file in the nurse’s office from the parent or physician. All medications should
be taken immediately to the nurse's office once the student enters school grounds. Medicine
should stay in the original container with a parental note containing the necessary dispensing
information. (A form for this information can be obtained from the nurse's office.) The
unauthorized distribution, possession, and/or use by students of nonprescription drugs or
medication may result in suspension or dismissal from the school.
As Christians we are commanded to "flee from all sexual immorality" (I Cor. 6:18-20).
Because of the destructive nature of all sexual immorality and its consequences, students
who are found to be involved in such practices may be suspended and/or dismissed from
Because of the adverse effect of the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products on our
Christian testimony and our physical well-being, the school has taken a strong stand
against their use. Student use or possession of any of the above while enrolled in LCA may
result in suspension, dismissal, or recommendation for the LCA Alternative School.
As we work together to develop consistent Godly character, it is important that we remember
that God expects us to be consistent in all we do. We cannot display positive character traits and
exemplary conduct during the time we are in school and then live something entirely different
when we are away from school. As we commit ourselves to a code of conduct that glorifies the
Lord no matter where we are, it will benefit others as well as ourselves. Students who are
involved in any violation of the public or civil law may be suspended, asked to withdraw, or
be dismissed from Liberty Christian Academy.
Classification of Misconduct
Minor Infractions: These include but are not limited to:
Dress code violations, hair cut violations, class disruption, failure to follow rules and regulations
including the Acceptable Use Policy, use of cell phones, use of electronic device during school
hours, sleeping in class or chapel, disorderly conduct, drinking anything other than water in class
or the hallway, being out of class without a pass, accumulation of five tardies, failure to return
forms with parent signature, loitering in the parking lot, failure to sign in or out of school, unsafe
driving practices.
Major Infractions: These include but are not limited to:
Direct disobedience, bullying, inappropriate behavior on school buses or at an activity, continued
classroom disruption, misbehavior in Detention or Saturday Workday, simulated weapons,
missing a detention, disrespect to faculty and staff, destruction or defacing property, leaving
campus without permission, skipping class, skipping school, profane language or gestures,
tobacco usage, fighting, lying, cheating, stealing, plagiarism, forgery, gambling, harassment,
alcohol usage, sexual or racial harassment, pornography, indecent exposure, inappropriate
display of affection, possession of obscene or anti-Christian literature/pictures, setting off smoke
bombs or stink bombs on campus, bringing a weapon or explosive device on campus or to a
school activity, threatening bodily harm to a peer or faculty/staff member, possession or use of
illegal drugs or alcohol on or off campus or at a school activity, possession of drug
paraphernalia, sexual immorality, distribution/possession/consumption of prescription or nonprescription drugs, unsafe driving practices, misdemeanor crime.
*With major infractions, students may be placed on probation and forfeit any leadership role.
Although administration attempts to list all possible infractions, it is impossible to note every
possible scenario/situation. Each situation will be dealt with on an individual basis with the
disposition for the situation being left to the discretion of the administration.
The purpose of probation is to provide an opportunity for a student to correct special problems.
Problem areas will be clearly communicated to both the student and his parents. Specific
guidelines for improvement will be presented in writing. To assist in this process, there will be a
weekly conference with the student. Probation will last for one nine week period. Student
activities may be limited and all positions of trust and responsibility may be relinquished for a
mimimum of one nine-week period or the remainder of the year.
At the end of the probationary period, the faculty and administration will evaluate the student's
progress. If the student has not met the required probation stipulations, he/she may be dismissed
or asked to withdraw from school.
The Academy reserves the right to deny admittance, dismiss, or ban any student or parent
deemed detrimental to the environment and/or the population of LCA or its surrounding
The following guidelines for male and female students have been prepared in a desire to promote
Christian modesty and personal grooming that is conducive to the learning environment. In a
school as large as LCA, not everyone will agree on what constitutes “modesty” or “good
grooming”. Given such a wide variety of views, it is necessary to establish rules for dress that
will apply to all students. What follows does not imply that those who disagree with these rules
are sinful or even wrong. These are simply the rules that Liberty Christian Academy authorities
believe are essential to promote a positive learning environment while maintaining a positive
Christian testimony. Questions regarding interpretation should be addressed to the school
principals or deans.
Liberty Christian Academy students are expected to wear the approved school uniform while on
campus during regular school hours. Copies of uniform options for various grade levels are
available in any Academy administrative office and on the LCA website.
A link to the LCA Uniform Store can be found at the LCA website:
Dress code can be somewhat subjective and is at the discretion of the administration to
approve. If a student is deemed out of dress code they will be required to change, sent
home, or disciplined. Discipline is based on the number of times asked, the situation, and
the attitude of the student’s response when addressed.
Must be Khaki or navy blue in color
Must be properly sized, not baggy or too tight (Pants should not be made with spandex)
Must be worn at the waist
Must not be frayed or have holes
Must not be altered or hemmed except for traditional pant hem
Must be worn with a traditional belt with a buckle in the belt loops
Must have no writing
Pants must be similar in style, material, and fit as the uniform pant. Pants that cannot be worn
include jeans or jean look-a-likes, corduroys, and cargo pants.
 Parents should look in the Lands End catalog to make sure the pants they order are of the
appropriate style. Before purchasing or wearing questionable pants, parents are encouraged to
check with the administration for approval.
 Throughout the school year male students are permitted to wear shorts and female students
may wear capris. Female students may not roll up the pant legs to make full-length pants into
capris. Approved colors are khaki and navy blue and these must be similar in style, material,
and fit as the uniform shorts/capris purchased through Lands End.
 Must be loose fitting and long enough to tuck into pants/skirts/shorts/capris without coming
untucked with hands extended straight above the head
 Bottom button on polo shirts must be buttoned at all times
 Oxford shirts may only have the top button unbuttoned
 Must be tucked in a manner that allows the belt to be visible around the waist
 Long sleeve shirts that are not part of the uniform cannot be worn under short sleeve uniform
 Headwear may not be worn in the building.
 Body piercings (aside from earrings on girls) are prohibited. This includes any kind of
 Tattoos are prohibited in areas of the body visible to normal school dress
 Students may wear athletic jackets or team/group apparel that has been approved. These items
must have a zipper. Sweatshirts, hoodies, etc. are not permitted.
 LCA uniform sweaters, designated fleece, jackets, etc. may be worn inside the
 Non-uniform outerwear may be worn only to and from school. This includes but is not limited
to sweatshirts, hoodies, etc.
 Hair must be well-groomed, not bushy, above the eyebrows, not over the collar, not one
length and no longer than the middle of the ears
 Hairstyles relating to rock cultures, cults, the occult, etc. are not permitted
 No odd hair colorings or unnatural colors or styles are permitted (unnatural tints, pointed
hair, spiked hair, dreadlocks, ponytails)
 No hair implements – beads, rubber bands, braids, head bands, extensions, etc.
 Must be clean shaven at all times – no mustaches, goatees, or beards
 Sideburns must be no longer than the bottom of the ear
 Must be tied if there are laces
 No flip flops, sandals, athletic shoes (other than tennis shoes) or bedroom shoes may be worn
 Uniform skirts may not be hemmed or altered
 Uniform skirts may not be higher than mid-knee when standing with the skirt around the
 Must be kept clean and neat at all times
 Hair must be natural in color and style
 Unnatural tints, painted hair, wide stripes, spiked hair, etc. are considered unacceptable for
school or school activities
 Hairstyles and dress accessories relating to the rock culture, cults, the occult, etc. are not
 Must be tied if there are laces
 May wear jeans, sweatshirts, and t-shirts to indoor/outdoor athletic events
 Modest shorts may be worn to outdoor sports events only
 Shorts may not be form-fitting and no shorter than the fingertips when standing straight
with arms at the side
 May wear loose fitting jeans and tops to indoor/outdoor athletic events.
 All tops must be long enough to cover torso with hands extended straight above the head
 Tops may not be lower in the front or back than one hand-width from the top of the
student’s collarbone
 Body suits, cropped tops, tank tops, and halter tops are unacceptable
 Pants/Shorts may not contain spandex in any form while attending indoor/outdoor athletic
 Modest shorts may be worn to outdoor sports events only
 Shorts may not be form-fitting and no shorter than the fingertips when standing straight
with arms at the side
Conventional dress suit or tuxedo with shirt and tie, dress shoes, and socks is required
Formal or semi-formal dress that is modest in neck, back, style, and fabric weight is
Backless, strapless, off-the-shoulder, and low-cut necklines are unacceptable
Dress length and/or slit length must not be higher than the middle of the knee
Serious violations of LCA’s handbook and Code of Conduct will be met with proper due
process. All disciplinary procedures shall be handled in accordance with the student’s right to
due process, which assures the student that he or she will be given:
 Oral or written notice of the charges brought against him/her.
 An opportunity to hear the evidence and an opportunity to present his/her side of the
 Written notice of the action to be taken in cases of suspension or expulsion.
 An opportunity to appeal the disciplinary disposition if any of the first three components
of due process have been violated.
 Academic or disciplinary appeals must be made within 48 hours of the posted grade or
the given disciplinary disposition.
 If a student or his/her parents believe that the school has denied the student’s due process
rights for any reason, he/she/they may call the matter to the attention of the school
principal within 48 hours of the situation. Appeals of site-based decisions may be made
sequentially to the Associate Superintendent.
A thorough investigation will be conducted and decisions will be made in accordance to the
sanctions set forth in the Handbook/Code of Conduct. Appeals to the Superintendent may or
may not be granted, contingent upon the case. Generally, appeals will be heard if (1) there is
new evidence, (2) there was failure of due process, or (3) the sanction was outside of that
delineated by LCA’s Handbook or Code of Conduct.
Fire Drills
State regulations require that fire drills be held periodically during the school year. The
following regulations apply to fire drills:
 To turn in a false alarm is a criminal offense and will result in criminal charges,
suspension, and recommendation to the Superintendent that could lead to dismissal.
 Every fire drill is to be regarded as if there were a real fire.
 The signal for a fire drill or actual fire is continuous short blasts of a fire horn. In case of
a power failure, the administration will use bull horns/whistles as the alarm signal.
 Fire drills will take place at any time, whether the students are in the gymnasium, in
assemblies, in the hallways, in classrooms, or in the cafeteria.
Students are to become familiar with the emergency exit routes. A copy of the emergency
exit routes has been placed on the wall near the classroom exit doors in all classrooms.
All students must vacate the buildings immediately during a fire drill. They must not go
to their lockers, and they must leave the buildings in an orderly manner.
All doors must be closed and lights turned out (except for rooms with no natural
lighting). Responsible students may be appointed to complete these tasks.
Students are to move rapidly, maintain silence and good order in the hallways, and are
not to run.
Students must follow their teachers to the designated areas outside the buildings, answer
to roll, and remain in the designated areas until given other instructions by school
An announcement will be made from the administration as a signal to return to the
building. Students are to move quickly, and roll is to be taken again after students are in
the classroom.
Bomb Threat Drills
The following regulations apply to bomb drills:
 To make a bomb threat is a criminal offense and will result in criminal charges,
suspension, and recommendation to the Superintendent that could lead to dismissal.
 The signal for a bomb threat will be an announcement on the Intercom.
 Students are to move rapidly, maintain silence and good order in the hallways, and are
not to run.
 If lights are on, they are not to be turned off. If doors are open, they are not to be shut.
 Students are to bring all items in their possession with them (e.g. book bags).
 No one is to use a cell phone or any electronic device.
 Students must follow their teachers to the designated areas outside the buildings, answer
to roll, and remain in the designated areas until given other instructions.
 An announcement will be made from the administration as a signal to return to the
building. Students are to move quickly, and roll is to be taken again after students are in
the classroom.
Lock Down Drills
Lock Down Drills will be announced via the intrusion alarm, through the Public Address system
or voice/megaphones, or the school alert system. Students are to then go to the nearest classroom
and teachers are to lock their doors. No student is to be released without administrative approval
until an announcement is made by an administrator that we are now resuming a normal schedule.
Severe Weather Drills
Severe Weather drills will be held periodically during the school year as directed by state
regulations. The signal for a severe weather drill or warning will be an announcement on the
school’s PA system by an administrator.
A Parent/Guardian Field Trip Permission Form must be on file for each student attending a field
trip. Students must meet eligibility requirements for attending individual field trips and must
obey instructions from sponsors and chaperones while on a field trip. The Code of Student
Conduct is in effect during all field trips. Students must pick up all their trash as they leave the
bus upon returning from a field trip. Students must complete work assigned by the sponsor as
part of the field trip activity. Such work will be included in the teacher’s evaluation of students’
progress. Alternative assignments may be given to students who do not attend the field trip.
Students are responsible to tell all their teachers when they plan to be out of class for a field trip.
Students are responsible to make up any work missed in their classes due to being on a field trip.
Academic grades are reported to parents every nine weeks using a percent scale. Yearly
averages and academic awards are calculated by averaging nine week and semester exam grades.
The grading scale is as follows:
93 -100
85 - 92
77 - 84
70 - 76
Below 70
Dual Credit
Honors courses at Liberty Christian Academy are offered in English, Chemistry, Human
Anatomy and Physiology, Physics, Biology, Algebra II, Geometry, Advanced Math, and
Dual Credit courses are offered in English, U.S. History, Pre-Calculus, Biology, Education, and
Information Technology.
Teachers use a total points basis for calculating grade averages. Each assignment, test, project,
or other gradable item is assigned a point value. At the end of the grading period, a weighted
grading system will be used to determine the student’s percent grade. Assessments will be worth
75% of the student’s grade and Classwork/Homework will be worth 25% of the student’s grade.
The number of points that can be earned in a grading period may vary. Teachers have the
latitude to assign point values as they deem appropriate for the work required. No single grade
may count for more than 15% of the total nine-week grade.
At the conclusion of each quarter, report cards are posted on Edline. If a student, parent, or
guardian questions a grade on the report card, that question should be presented to the teacher or
guidance office for clarification/correction. Unchallenged grades become the grade of record at
the beginning of the next school year and they are not subject to review after that time.
Liberty Christian Academy offers two diplomas - General Education and Advanced Studies.
General Education Diploma
Bible - 4 credits or 1 for each
year of attendance at LCA
English - 4 credits
History - 3 credits
Math - 3 credits
Science - 3 credits
Math or Science - 1 credit
Must be taken in Jr. or Sr. year
Health & PE - 2 credits
Electives - 6 credits
Fine or Practical Arts - 1 credit
Advanced Studies Diploma
Bible - 4 credits or 1 for each year of
attendance at LCA
English - 4 credits
History - 4 credits
Math - 4 credits: Alg. I and Geometry
(Alg. II, Advanced Math, College Math 128, Calculus)
Science - 4 credits: Earth Science &
Biology, (Chemistry, Physics or Advanced Biology)
Health & PE - 2 credits
Foreign Language - 3 credits in one
language or 2 credits in two languages
Electives - 2 credits
Fine or Practical Arts-1 credit
Total 26 credits
Total 28 credits
While enrolled as a student at LCA, all subjects required for graduation must be taken at the
Academy. Students, who fail a course required for graduation, will be given permission to take
the course in an approved summer school program. The grade and quality point assigned from
the course failed, and the grade and quality point assigned, earned in Summer School, will be
averaged independently of each other when computing GPA and class rank. During their
eleventh or twelfth grade years, all students are required to take a math or science course.
Electives may be taken at other schools in approved summer school programs with prior
approval from the administration of Liberty Christian Academy
In attempting to meet the divergent needs of our students, Liberty Christian Academy offers a
variety of guidance services.
Personal Counseling:
This is available when a student encounters problems that he feels he cannot solve
either by himself or with the assistance of parents, teachers, and friends. This
would include personal, emotional, spiritual, and crisis help.
Academic Guidance:
This is a cooperative effort on the part of the student, parent, teacher, and counselor:
to determine what level of performance should be expected of the student;
to assess his readiness for a new learning experience;
to enable the student and his teachers to determine whether or not the
student is making satisfactory progress;
to enable the student and teachers to identify, diagnose, and treat
learning problems; and
to identify exceptional students and thus attempt to accommodate them.
The Terra Nova Test is used at Liberty Christian Academy.
Career Development:
Both educational planning and vocational planning are continuing processes. Thus, in all
aspects of these areas, we attempt to listen to the interest of the student, exhibit respect
for him, encourage him to discuss his plans, and provide information to assist him in
finding answers to specific questions.
To be out of the classroom during class time, a student must have in his/her possession a
properly completed and signed pass. Students without possession of hall passes will be referred
to the Administration. Unauthorized student possession of hall passes is cause of disciplinary
Procedures in Hallways:
 Students are not to run in the hallways.
 Students are not to throw paper, drink cans, and other trash on the floor.
 Students are not to tamper with fire extinguishers, exit signs, etc.
 Students are to refrain from inappropriate displays of affection.
 Students are not to engage in unnecessary boisterous, yelling, unacceptable language,
 Students must obey instructions from faculty members on duty in the halls.
 Students must have a legitimate pass whenever they are in the hall, outside, etc., after the
tardy bell has rung.
 Students must give their first and last names to any staff member who asks for their
names. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
It is important that throughout the school year the nurse's office be informed of additional shots
or boosters your child receives to maintain current records. If your child has any chronic health
problem, notify the nurse's office so that in the event of an emergency, she will be aware of any
existing problem or treatment need. Health and medical records for all students are maintained
in the nurse's office in a locked file.
Students must take any medication directly to the nurse upon entering school grounds. The
student must also have a note from a parent to carry prescription or non-prescription
medication with them to school that day. This includes aspirin or Tylenol. If a student needs
to take medication of any type during school hours, the medication must be dispensed by the
nurse or designated school personnel. All medications should be sent to the nurse's office in the
original container containing the necessary dispensing information. (A form for this information
can be obtained from the nurse's office.)
Students should remain home if they have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher. All students
must be fever-free without taking medication (Tylenol or Ibuprofen) for 24 hours before
returning to school. Students must also be free of vomiting and diarrhea for a full 24 hours
before returning to attend classes. Parents, please help us eliminate the spread of illnesses by
keeping your child at home for an adequate length of time.
Homework is an integral part of academic instruction and is a valuable tool for teaching
responsibility. LCA’s homework policy is based on three important principles: (1) All assigned
work must be completed and turned in. (2) Every student is expected to complete every
assignment. (3) Homework should not be assigned as “busywork.” To merit the assignment,
that assigned work must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. Review of the class lessons to assess understanding of the material taught.
2. Preparations for a test or quiz.
3. Preparation for material to be covered in the next day’s class.
4. Special class projects.
Students who achieve an honor GPA for the first three quarters are awarded a certificate at the
end of the school year. The certificates noting special achievement are as follows:
Highest Honors:
High Honors:
3.7 and above
3.3 - 3.699
*Grades earned for courses carrying graduation credit are used in compiling honors for
Honors designations for graduation are as follows:
Highest Honors:
3.7 and above
High Honors:
3.3 - 3.699
Decisions concerning the closing of school, due to inclement weather or other emergency
situations, will be made by the Superintendent or his designee and will be announced through the
following means:
Radio station WRVL (88.3)
WSET-TV Channel 13
WDBJ-Channel 7
Radio Station WVTF (89.1 FM)
WSLS-TV Channel 10
Radio Station WRXT (90.3 FM)
Twitter: LCAbulldogs
Direct Texts
Please do not call teachers or the administration for information.
The athletic program at Liberty Christian Academy offers 6 - 12th grade students the opportunity
to participate in many different sports. The primary objective of athletics at Liberty Christian
Academy is to bring glory to Christ both on and off the court or field.
Liberty Christian Academy is a member of the Virginia Independent Conference (VIC) for boys'
athletics. This league includes many types of private schools in the central and western regions
of our state. The girls’ athletic teams are a member of the Blue Ridge Conference (BRC).
J.V. “B”, J.V. & Varsity Boys - Football
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Boys - Soccer
J.V. & Varsity Boys and Girls - Cross Country
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Girls - Volleyball
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Boys - Basketball
Varsity Boys - Wrestling
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Girls – Basketball
Indoor Track
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Boys - Baseball
Varsity Boys - Golf
Varsity Boys - Tennis
J.V. & Varsity Girls – Softball
M.S., J.V. & Varsity Girls - Soccer
Varsity Girls – Tennis
Outdoor Track
Cheerleading: Cheerleading is an extension of the athletic program with the
purpose of providing enthusiastic support of our athletic teams.
M.S., J.V., and Varsity squads cheer throughout the fall and winter
sports season. Tryouts for cheerleading are held in the spring for
the next year.
Students must turn in assignments on the date and at the time due. If a student fails to turn an
assignment in when it is due, a zero will be recorded in Grade Quick for that assignment.
The zero grade will have a footnote explaining that the assignment was not turned in when due
and grades will be exported to Edline on the date the assignment was due. Parents who have an
active Edline account will receive an automatic notification that new grades have been posted for
their student. Students who fail to turn in assignments when due will have two weeks, or
until the end of the current grading period (quarter), whichever is less, to turn in a late
assignment for up to 80% of the original point value.
Students may be given up to two days to make up work missed for each day of absence with a
maximum of one week.
*A student who misses an assessment on the day of absence will be expected to make it up the
day they return to class, unless required notes or information for the assessment was given
during the absence (class review for the assessment does not count as required information). If
information such as notes was missed, the student will have up to two days for each day missed
to make up the assessment.
The use of the library is a privilege for all Liberty Christian Academy students;
however, this privilege may be forfeited if the student misuses the library. Misuse
is defined as unnecessary or excessive noise, wasting time, destruction or loss of
library materials, and disrespect for library staff.
The library will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily unless otherwise
posted. School dress is required in the library. Cell phones are not permitted in
the library before, during, or after school.
Books may be checked out for a period of two weeks. Students may check out no
more than three books at a time, unless given special permission by the library
staff. Books must be brought back to the library for renewal. A fine of 10 cents
per day will be charged on overdue materials. This fine must be paid before any
other materials may be checked out. All library obligations must be cleared before
semester exams can be taken.
Students will be charged the full replacement cost, minimum $10, for lost or
damaged books. Students will be charged the retail value for lost or damaged
Borrowed materials should be properly taken care of and returned promptly so
that others may use them.
Reference books and periodicals may be checked out overnight with permission
from the library staff. Current issues of magazines are to be left in the library.
Students must properly check out any material before taking it from the library.
No one is allowed to check out material for someone else.
Students must have a pass for entering and leaving the library.
Students are not allowed to have food or drinks in the library. The library is not
to be used as a thoroughfare or for visiting with friends.
Each student is assigned a locker. Students are expected to place a lock on their lockers.
Students are to keep lockers locked at all times. Each student is responsible for keeping his
assigned locker clean and neat, inside and out. Students may not put any writing on the lockers
including the inside. Any locker malfunction should be reported to the office. Students should
not keep money or other valuables in their lockers unless it is locked. STUDENTS ARE NOT
ALLOWED TO CHANGE OR SHARE LOCKERS. School personnel will conduct periodic
inspections of all lockers.
**The school and/or staff will not be held responsible for any items damaged, destroyed, or
A “Lost and Found” department is maintained in the Office of Student Accounts area. Articles
may be claimed with proper identification. Articles that are not claimed within a reasonable time
will be turned over to the administration for disposal. Students should turn in any articles found
to the main office. The school is not responsible for any loss which a student may incur, but a
reasonable effort will be made to find the missing article.
The staff strongly recommends that all clothing, especially outer garments such as coats and
jackets, be marked with the student’s name. Gym clothing and tennis shoes should have proper
identification markings.
LCA students are prohibited from using the LaHaye Student Center unless there is a prescribed
event or a regularly scheduled family operation (such as family swim). This includes the Tolsma
track, workout and basketball areas, as well as the college student lounge.
Students at Liberty Christian Academy should strive to implement self-discipline in peer
relationships by following the Matthew 18 principle. This principle states:
If another believer offends you, go and tell them of the offense privately. Don't
share it with others (Matthew 18:15).
If he/she will not heed, take one or two persons with you to establish every word
before witnesses (Matthew 18:16).
If he/she refuse to make amends, explain the situation to the person who is in
authority over you for counselor intervention (Matthew 18:17a).
Philosophy, tastes, and personal convictions concerning music vary greatly among Christians.
Liberty Christian Academy encourages a conservative view of music endeavoring to maintain a
standard conducive to a healthy Christian atmosphere on campus. Liberty Christian Academy
discourages all students from attending un-Godly concerts or from listening to un-Godly music
or any secular music. Listening to such music at Liberty Christian Academy or LCA events
should not be allowed. Because of the negative connotation associated with dancing and the
"rock culture", parents are asked to please not sponsor dances for LCA students or allow their
child to attend rock concerts.
The purpose of the National Honor Society (NHS) is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to
stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the
students of secondary schools. To be eligible a student must:
1. Be a junior or senior with a maintained cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. (The GPA for
rising juniors will be calculated at the end of the 10th grade year; the GPA for rising
seniors will be calculated at the end of the 11th grade year.)
2. Be enrolled at LCA for at least one semester, or in the case of a transfer student, have
proof of Honor Society status.
3. Be able to demonstrate leadership and service through participation in extracurricular
4. Be involved in community activities.
5. Be an applicant, completing the application fully.
Students in the NHS will have their grade point averages computed each semester to determine
eligibility status for the next semester.
Additional NHS Information:
 The names of candidates should be available on or before September 1st.
 Candidates must fill out the activity form referred to as the NHS Form. The forms should
be returned to the advisor on or before the third Friday in September.
 Five faculty members appointed annually will serve on the selection committee known as
the faculty council.
 The NHS advisor will be the chairperson of the faculty council and will not vote on the
The faculty council must meet as a group to select student members. The faculty council
will follow the NHS guidelines.
All faculty members are invited to make comments on candidates. However, the faculty
council makes the actual selections.
Candidates must receive a majority vote of the faculty council to be inducted.
The principal should address appeals.
Selection of eligible students and induction should be completed prior to the
Thanksgiving break.
NOTE: Students must maintain criteria to remain in the NHS. Poor academic performance,
breaking the Code of Conduct, and not fulfilling community service requirements can jeopardize
continued membership.
All parents/guardians must always remember to check in at the front desk when visiting the
school and obtain a visitor’s badge before going anywhere on campus. Should parents/guardians
want to schedule conferences with teacher, they should email the teacher or call the high school
office at (434)832-2007 and leave a message with a secretary requesting that the specified
teacher return their telephone call. Before visiting a classroom or a teacher during the regular
school day, parents/guardians are to receive prior permission by the teacher and the
A student must report to school on time in order to participate in any extra-curricular
activities: marching band practices and performances, athletic practices, games, banquets,
programs, play practices and performances, or other such activities. Dental/doctor
appointments are exceptions. The administration will make the decision when questions
arise. Students who leave school due to illness may not participate in after school
activities that day.
While attending athletic contests:
Students are to conduct themselves as representatives of Jesus Christ and
model citizens of Liberty Christian Academy.
There is to be no booing at any time.
There is to be no complaining over the decision of the officials.
Those that violate these rules are subject to disciplinary action.
If a formerly dismissed student wants to re-enroll, they must petition for re-enrollment. This
means that they must submit a minimum of six letters and meet with the
Superintendent: One from the student, one from the parent(s) or guardian(s), one from a
pastor, counseling with a Virginia state licensed mental health provider, and two letters of
recommendation from people outside the family. The main areas that need to be addressed
in these letters are what they have done spiritually since the dismissal, what they have
learned, and how they intend to avoid such a situation in the future. These letters will be
reviewed by the principal and superintendent. If drugs were involved in any manner, a drug
test may also be required.
A student who fails a core course may repeat that specific course in Summer School. The grade,
and quality point assigned, from the course failed and the grade, (along with quality point)
earned in Summer School will be averaged independently of each other when computing GPA
and class rank. Students may not take LCA core courses in Summer School unless the course
has been failed during the regular year at LCA. Failure to receive credit for a course could result
in the student having to repeat a grade level.
When there is “reasonable suspicion,” school authorities have the right to search book bags,
lockers, cars, pocketbooks, etc. without a search warrant. Dogs may be used to detect any
contraband on school property. Contraband items may be seized by school authorities and may
be turned over to the appropriate authorities. Discipline may result for possession of contraband
or other items not accepted by this handbook.
In the early stages of adulthood, mistakes will often be made and as a result students are
encouraged to find restoration when this occurs. If the mistake is a violation of LCA’s code
of conduct, students have the option to begin the restoration process through the assistance
of a staff member by a self-report. Proverbs 28:13 states, "He who conceals his
transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find
A student has the option of self-reporting by doing the following:
The student must voluntarily approach and self-report to any Liberty
Christian Academy faculty member or administrator.
It is then the responsibility of the faculty member to whom the offense was
reported to accompany the student to the appropriate administrator as soon as
practical. If an administrator has prior knowledge of the incident and is
investigating, it will not be considered a self-report.
If deemed a self-report, the appropriate administrator will work with the
student in setting the necessary boundaries and accountability measures in
place to foster an environment for growth. This plan will not include
reprimands or punitary discipline. Students will not be allowed to self-report
the same behavior more than once.
Violations of criminal law may carry dispositions up to and including
dismissal even with a self-report.
The Senior Honors Program at Liberty Christian Academy is an educational enrichment program
developed in partnership with Liberty University. Students who apply and who are selected for
this program have the opportunity to take college courses at Liberty University for college credit
during their senior year of high school. Students entering this highly selective program must
meet the following admissions procedures and they should adhere to all of the program
The student should be a rising, registered senior who has attended LCA
for a minimum of one full year.
The student must have maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for
the three previous high school years (grades 9-11).
The student must be approved by the Senior Honors Program Acceptance
Committee composed of the principal, guidance counselor, and a core
class teacher. Criteria to be evaluated by the committee includes:
The student has demonstrated the ability to think in the abstract
and to reason logically in previously taken courses.
The student has shown a strong work ethic in class requirements.
Scores on standardized tests.
School attendance records.
School discipline records.
The student must complete the Senior Honors Program Application form
and return it to the LCA Guidance Office.
Upon approval from LCA, the student will complete the Resident Special
Student Application. The student will submit this form, along with the
Senior Honors Program Application, to the Admissions Office of Liberty
University for approval.
Honors program students must take a minimum of five courses at LCA.
A student may not take a college course that is offered as a high school
course at LCA.
LCA courses will receive scheduling priority.
The student must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher at LCA to
remain in the Honors Program for the next semester.
All transportation must be provided by the student's family. If you would
like to obtain a parking decal at Liberty University, please contact
Students who are off campus for the purpose of taking a course at Liberty
University are not under the legal jurisdiction of Liberty Christian
Students must sign out in the high school office before leaving campus to
attend LU classes.
The cost of tuition and books for the Senior Honors Program is not
included in the LCA tuition payment.
By special arrangement, LU tuition costs for students in the Senior Honors
Program are one-third the cost of regular LU students. Textbooks and
application fees are in addition to the tuition.
Senior Honors courses taken at LU will not be accepted for elective high school
credit and will not be used in figuring the student's final grade point average or
class rank.
Students must meet the criteria set by LCA Guidance and permission must be
granted by LCA in order for students to take courses at Liberty University.
Payment of tuition and purchasing books is the responsibility of the student
attending LU.
Seniors at Liberty Christian Academy have many privileges which include but are not limited to:
driving to school, late arrival/early release, extra-curricular activities, learning lab, exam
exemptions, etc. However, students may have these privileges revoked for disciplinary
infractions per administrative discretion.
Students are required to attend school a minimum of five periods per day. Senior release will be
based upon credits needed for graduation. Seniors, in good academic standing, may be
considered for late arrival or early release. The following stipulations must be met:
The student must maintain an overall average of 77% and cannot be failing any
The student must secure written parental and administrative approval for the late
arrival or early release.
Students may not remain on campus, in Main Street, or on LU property if late
arrival or early release is granted. They must leave campus.
Some of the social activities for the year include the following: Homecoming, Winter Festival,
Junior-Senior Banquet, Athletic Awards Night, Music Awards Night, and the school play.
Liberty Christian Academy operates in accordance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Both of these Acts, as amended, prohibit discrimination
on the basis of the applicant’s age, race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin, or physical
Liberty Christian Academy is a private religious-oriented institution of higher education. We
reserve the right to select all employees by specific religious preference who can contribute to
the stated religious objectives of the organization. This position is taken under the authority
granted within the provisions of Public Law 92-261 (Equal Opportunity Act of 1972), Section
702, 703 (e) and Title 41, chapter 60, Subpart 60-50.
No person shall be denied enrollment, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of,
or subjected to discrimination in any program or activity, on the basis of sex, race, color, national
origin or ethnic group. For the safety and well-being of our students and employees, students
and/or employees with a life threatening communicable disease may not attend or work at the
Academy. Decisions regarding attendance or employment will take into account multiple
medical professionals with expertise in the disease. As a Bible- based educational institution,
LCA adheres to the Biblical teaching that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle. LCA
does not employ teachers or accept students who are homosexual or bi-sexual.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all members of the Liberty Christian Academy
community understand the prohibition against racial discrimination or harassment. First and
foremost we are to treat each other with love and respect (Eph. 4:32, James 2:1, I Cor. 13). ALL
members of the Academy community are encouraged to reflect upon the issue of discrimination
and harassment as it might affect the lives and conduct of others. Further, anyone who may be
the victim of racial discrimination or harassment should be aware of the procedure for reporting
such incidents.
LCA asserts that all members of the Academy community are entitled to and shall be afforded an
environment devoid of overt or subtle racism. Therefore, members of the Academy community
will not tolerate racial discrimination or harassment in any form. Sanctions may include
detention, suspension or possible withdrawal. To this end, the Academy has adopted a policy
governing racial discrimination or harassment, which applies to all members of the Academy
Behavior that constitutes racial discrimination or harassment is prohibited by Title VII of the 1964
Civil Rights Act. This includes, but is not limited to: racial/ethnic slurs, coarse jesting with
racial/ethnic overtones and other forms of communication resulting in disparagement or
Reporting & Investigation Procedure
Report the incident to administration. This includes the administration or Guidance
Department. An investigator will be assigned.
The administration will review the racial discrimination/harassment policy with the
The administration will conduct a thorough investigation.
Complainant (anyone who may be the victim of racial discrimination or harassment)
must decide if he/she wants to pursue a formal complaint, which may result in
disciplinary action. Even if complainant does not wish to pursue the incident, sufficient
evidence may dictate an official report and disciplinary action.
The administration will examine the results of the investigation and determine the best
course of action
Any Academy student who commits racial discrimination or harassment is subject to disciplinary
action. This action may include accumulation of points, detention, suspension, or possible
withdrawal. Conversely, since the Academy takes such charges seriously, where the results of
an investigation reveal an investigation of racial discrimination or harassment to be frivolous or
groundless, the individual having made such a complaint may be subject to the same disciplinary
LCA is committed to maintaining an academic environment in which all individuals treat each
other with dignity and respect, an environment that is free from all forms of intimidation,
exploitation and harassment, including sexual harassment. The school is prepared to take action
to prevent and correct any violations of this policy, including but not limited to disciplinary
actions. Copies of the complete sexual harassment policy are available to read and/or may be
obtained in the office of each school division.
Students with valid driver's licenses are permitted to drive to school.
Students must register their vehicles and purchase a parking decal from the school
resource officer. Decals must be displayed on the front windshield while on
school campus.
The speed limit is 5 mph at all times. Students must observe all traffic regulations
and park only in those areas designated for student parking.
Buses are to be given the right-of-way at all times.
Students are not permitted to go to their cars during the school day without office
Students are to enter the school immediately after parking their vehicle. No
loitering is permitted at any time in the parking lots.
Once on school grounds, students may only leave campus after they have checked
out in the school office with the appropriate personnel.
Senior parking will be marked and reserved for seniors only.
Students are to park their vehicles properly in the parking spaces. Any vehicle
blocking the access lanes or parked improperly may be towed away at the
student’s expense.
Students who violate these guidelines may lose their school driving privileges.
Since 1967 when LCA first opened its doors to students, attendance in our school has always
been a privilege. Education at LCA involves more than just quality academics. Character
building is an integral part of our program. As Christians we operate from the premise that
living lives based on Biblical standards enables us to glorify and please God. Within the school
setting there are certain character traits that not only please God but also make for positive
relationships within the school community.
Courtesy - "Finally, all of you live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, live as
brothers, be compassionate and humble." I Peter 3:8 (NIV)
Our actions and our speech quickly convey to others the factors which motivate us in our
relationships. We must daily practice being courteous to those with whom we associate;
go out of our way to live in harmony with them. Simple actions and words can go a long
way to express our love and concern for others. Coupled with our desire to be courteous
should also be a desire to show respect for those in authority over us. We should respond
to them in a manner that shows our appreciation to them for accepting the responsibility
placed on them by God to assume a position of leadership.
Self-Control - "Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand."
Philippians 4:5 (KJV)
The quality of our school community is largely affected by our desire to practice
moderation in our behavior. We function best in a calm, quiet, controlled environment.
We must constantly recognize that our failure to practice moderation in our words,
actions and lifestyle, does impact the ability of those about us to realize their full
potential. Practicing self-control as a student body will create an environment that is
conducive to learning.
Integrity - "The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will
be found out." Proverbs 10:9 (NIV)
A school environment that is based on integrity provides a setting of peace and trust. We
must work to develop a school that is based on honesty of word and action. There should
be no hidden meaning in what we say and our actions must always be open to public
scrutiny. There is great comfort and a sense of security and peace in an environment
where practicing integrity is the norm.
Love - "Dear friends, let us practice loving each other, for love comes from God and
those who are loving and kind show that they are the children of God and that they are
getting to know (Him) better." I John 4:7 (LB)
Without question, one of the greatest strengths of LCA is the loving, caring atmosphere
which has been developed over the years. Loving others first is not a character trait that
comes easily for us. Our first desire is to put ourselves first. We must constantly strive
to "practice" loving one another, and to put the needs and well being of others first. To
maintain the uniqueness of LCA we need to make this recognized strength a constant
reality in our actions and words.
Responsibility - "Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful."
I Cor. 4:2, "...and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God." Micah 6:8
The only way the LCA school community can reflect the character of Christ inherent in
the qualities stated above is for each individual to accept the responsibilities of faithful
stewardship freely and fully. These include responsibility for one's own attitudes,
behavior and actions, learning, Spiritual growth-relationship with God, and our
relationships with others, and to follow God's principles in carrying out these
The Student Government is an important part of Liberty Christian Academy's overall program.
The officers and representatives seek to promote the programs and spirit of the school through
this leadership role. Suggestions from students are readily considered by the Student
Government. Activities sponsored by the school Student Government include: the annual
Homecoming activities, Winter Festival activities, leadership training for class officers, and other
periodic school socials.
When a student is tardy to school, he must report directly to the attendance office to sign in and
receive an admittance slip. Five tardies to school or any class will result in the assignment of an
administrative detention. In addition, a ten dollar fine will be assessed to students accumulating
five tardies to school. If a student misses twenty minutes or more of first period, it will be
considered an absence. A student is considered tardy if the student misses less than five minutes
of the required start time of class. A student who misses five minutes or more without a pass
will be considered skipping class.
Acceptable Use of LCA Computing, Telephone, and Electronic Information Environment
The LCA computing, telephone, and electronic information environment consists of a mixture of
LCA and Liberty University (LU) hardware, software, telephone, networking, and other
electronic information components. This environment exists to support the education and
business environment of LCA students, faculty, and staff. Any uses that are likely to pose a
security risk to the LCA computing/technology software or hardware environment, or are likely
to cause disruption or harm to teachers, other students, other users, or the classroom/teaching
environment are strictly prohibited.
LCA education and business related functions are its primary intended use, and all other uses are
secondary. Any secondary uses of the LCA computing, telephone, and electronic information
environment will be suspended or discontinued when and if they cause a disruption to its primary
purpose. In that respect, except for instances of legitimate emergencies, personal uses will
always be secondary to LCA education or business related purposes.
By using LCA computing, telephone, and electronic information systems, the user assumes
personal responsibility for their appropriate use and agrees to comply with this policy and other
applicable City, State and Federal laws and regulations.
This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and guests who may utilize LCA computing,
telephone, and electronic information systems.
1. All users will maintain compliance with all applicable local, state, federal, and
international laws and regulations.
2. All users will maintain truthfulness and honesty in personal and computer identification.
3. All users shall respect the rights and property of others, including intellectual property
rights and Copyright laws.
4. Users provided with LCA equipment will allow their systems to be monitored by all
appropriate LCA IT personnel and departments to ensure their systems are kept up to
date, and collect appropriate asset management data.
5. All users will report incidents such as stolen laptops or passwords, or severe virus
outbreaks that are not automatically cleaned by resident anti-virus software. Malicious
activity should be reported to LCA IT or to the Liberty University Help Desk.
6. All users will protect LCA sensitive information, such as passwords, Social Security
Numbers, Credit card numbers, etc.
7. All users of LCA computing, telephone, and electronic information systems are
responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use.
Such use must not interfere with official duties or violate appropriate use guidelines
elsewhere in this document.
8. All users consent that their use of the LCA network may be monitored for compliance
with this policy and applicable laws and regulations.
1. LCA will maintain filtering software which blocks user access to inappropriate sites to
the best of its ability. However, it is impossible for Liberty Christian Academy to restrict
access to all controversial materials.
2. It is the Liberty Christian Academy student or faculty member (or whoever the user is)
that is responsible for any and all content viewed on LCA technology.
1. Should a student or faculty member accidently view something that they deem
inappropriate or witness another person viewing information that could be deemed
inappropriate, the student or faculty member should report this to a faculty member or
administrator as soon as possible.
1. All LCA usernames and e-mail accounts are property of LCA and LU, and as such they
retain exclusive rights to the creation, assignment, revocation, usage and content
management of those accounts.
2. The following activities and behaviors are prohibited:
a. Interference with or disruption of the computer or network accounts, services, or
equipment of others, including but not limited to, the creation, installation,
transmission, or propagation of computer “worms” and “viruses”, or activities that
would result in a denial of service.
b. Revealing passwords to non-IT personnel (either your own or someone else’s) or
otherwise permitting the use by others of your accounts for computer and/or
network access.
c. Altering or attempting to alter files or systems without authorization.
d. Unauthorized scanning of the LCA network for security vulnerabilities.
e. Unauthorized network monitoring of other user activities.
f. Attempting to alter any LCA computing or network components (including, but
not limited to routers, switches, wireless access points, etc.) without authorization.
g. Unauthorized wiring, including attempts to create unauthorized network
connections, or any unauthorized extension or re-transmission of any network
service. For example, setting up your own wireless bridge is prohibited.
h. Intentionally damaging or destroying the integrity of electronic information.
i. Intentionally disrupting the use of electronic networks or information systems.
j. Intentionally wasting human or electronic resources.
k. In order to maintain the integrity of network performance, users are not to utilize
ad-hoc, peer-to-peer applications which are specifically used for file-sharing (such
as Kazaa, Vuze, BitTorrent, eDonkey, etc.) while on the LCA network.
l. All applications operated on the LCA network shall be properly licensed.
m. All 3rd-party software must be properly licensed. Each user accepts personal
responsibility for the legality of all software NOT installed by LCA IT personnel.
n. Students are allowed to access their private email only for the reason of sending
education links and educational files to themselves.
1. You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These
include (but are not limited to) the following:
a. Be polite. Do not send abusive messages to others.
b. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other
inappropriate language to include using the Lord’s name in vain.
c. Illegal activities are strictly forbidden.
d. Do not reveal your personal address or phone numbers of students or
e. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who
operate the system do have access to all mail. Messages relating to or in support
of illegal activities will be reported to the administration.
f. Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the
network by other users.
g. All communications and information accessible via the network is subject to
h. Controversial or argumentative subjects should be handled face to face.
1. Threats of violence / social bullying (cyber-bullying)
2. Sexting: Sending pictures of a sexual nature to another person
3. Any communication which violates the legal rights of others
4. Obscene and profane communications
5. Pornography
6. Harassing communications (as defined by law)
7. Defamatory communications
8. Transmitting unsolicited bulk messages or ‘spam’ on the LCA Network
9. Any communication which could be utilized for academic cheating
10. Selling or purchasing access to University computing resources
11. Any communication which introduces, installs, transmits or propagates a computer virus
12. Users are expected to use the internet appropriately inside and outside of school
1. Concerning the use of social networking sites (such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn,
Mindspring, etc.):
a. Due to the distraction that can naturally result from using such sites, faculty and
staff are generally discouraged from using such sites during instructional time. If
one of these sites is used as a staff or faculty member’s main personal
email/communication medium, they are urged to exercise much discretion as to
the amount of time they use such sites, in order to be good stewards of their time
and in order to properly fulfill their instructional duties.
Students are prohibited from accessing such sites during any instructional period
throughout the school day.
c. The LCA filter is designed to restrict all social media sites.
d. Students and staff members are reminded that regardless of where their posting
originates, any text, post, photography, video, etc., which one posts on a social
media site or similar sites which is derogatory to the school, school community or
threatens, demeans, or bullies students or faculty is prohibited and will be dealt
with in a professional manner by a school administrator.
1. LCA will maintain filtering software which blocks user access to inappropriate image
sites to the best of its ability (like Google Images and Bing Images). However, it is
impossible for Liberty Christian Academy to restrict access to all controversial image
2. Media sites (like You Tube) are restricted for students.
3. Media sites may be accessed by faculty if used for instructional purposes.
4. It is the Liberty Christian Academy student or faculty member (or whoever the user is)
that is responsible for any and all content viewed on LCA technology
5. Below are a number of websites that may be used at LCA. These sites are not 100%
foolproof, but they are safer than Google images, Bing images, etc.
iPAD, Kindle, Nook
1. These technology tools are allowed at LCA. However, these tools fall under the
guidelines specified in this policy.
2. The tools are to be used for academic purposes only inside the classroom at the discretion
of the teacher.
3. Students may not access the LCA wireless network without permission from a faculty
member or administrator.
4. The device must be checked by the LCA IT Department prior to being used on the LCA
campus. The IT department will check the devise and review the user agreement with the
5. Electronic devices that are not approved must not be seen from 8:00 am – 3:07 pm.
6. Should an LCA faculty/staff member or parent volunteer see any electrical device that is
not approved, the device may be taken and turned into the Dean’s Office.
1. Faculty and staff may use their personal cells phone during non-instructional hours.
2. Students must turn cell phones off and they must not be seen or heard from 8:00 am-3:07
3. Students caught using a cell phone will be disciplined appropriately.
1. All messages created, sent, or retrieved over the LCA Internet or on equipment owned by
LCA are the property of the school and may not be regarded as private information.
Liberty Christian Academy reserves the right to access the contents of any messages sent
over its facilities at its sole discretion.
2. All communications, including text and images, created, sent or retrieved over the LCA
Internet or on equipment owned by LCA can be disclosed to law enforcement or other
third parties without prior consent of the sender or the receiver. This means “don’t put
anything into your e-mail messages, texts or attachments that you wouldn’t want to see
on the front page of the newspaper or be required to explain in a court of law”.
3. Use of LCA technological resources by students will be supervised by a teacher, staff
member, student teacher, or trained parent volunteer. All efforts will be made to assure
that students visit appropriate internet sites (however, it is not possible to guarantee that
inappropriate sites will never be accessed by students).
1. Depending upon the nature of the infraction, the violator may be denied access to, or use
of, any or all LCA computing, telephone, and electronic information systems per the
LCA student and faculty handbooks.
2. Depending upon the nature of the infraction, the violator may also be subject to local,
state, federal or international penalties.
3. Should a student or faculty member commit any violation of the acceptable use policy,
appropriate legal action may be instituted, up to and including loss of employment or
attendance at LCA.
4. Administration reserves the right for additional disciplinary consequences to be taken for
severe infractions.
Parent Responsibilities
The parent should read and understand this policy and provide parental permission for their
student to use LCA technological resources. Parents must sign an agreement form declaring their
preference as to their child’s involvement with the internet, and have the right to change their
original agreement during the school year by filling out a new agreement form. Ultimately, the
parent is responsible for determining to what degree they want their student to have access to
LCA technological resources. Parents are expected to convey to their students what standards
they should use in addition to the items outlined in this policy.
Staff Responsibilities
Staff members who supervise students, control electronic equipment, or otherwise have occasion
to observe student use of said equipment online shall make reasonable efforts to monitor the use
of this equipment to assure that it conforms to the mission and goals of LCA.
Staff should make reasonable efforts to become familiar with the Internet and its use so that
effective monitoring, instruction, and assistance may be achieved. Staff will visit web sites
ahead of time to preview them before using them in class or sending students to the sites.
School Responsibilities
LCA will maintain filtering software which blocks user access to inappropriate sites to the best
of its ability. LCA will provide basic training for students that clearly define whatappropriate use
of LCA technological resources is and what is not. Students will be given general instruction
about what is available on the internet and how they can find what they are looking for through
searches. They will also receive instruction in proper citing of sources.
Use of LCA technological resources by students will be supervised by a teacher, staff member,
student teacher, or trained parent volunteer. All efforts will be made to assure that students visit
appropriate internet sites (however, it is not possible to guarantee that inappropriate sites will
never be accessed by students). LCA will not permit internet access to students who have not
signed this consent form. LCA will not permit students in grade 3 or lower to conduct
unsupervised independent searches of the internet. LCA will keep records of the incidences of
inappropriate LCA technological resources use. The school will take appropriate action against
such resources and will apply appropriate consequences.
Parents are not encouraged to drop off items for students during the day. If you must,
please drop off items for students at the main entrance (not individual offices) check in and
it will be delivered as quickly as possible.
Office telephones are for student use in case of emergencies. Parents are requested not to
call the school except in cases of an emergency. There are times when our office is inundated
with non-emergency calls; therefore, only emergency messages will be relayed to students.
Parents are requested to be judicious about calling with messages.
Students may not have cellular phones seen or heard once they enter the school building
during school hours (8:00a.m. – 3:07 p.m.). If a cell phone rings during the day or is a
disruption to the school environment, then school personnel may confiscate the cell phone.
A parent/guardian may be required to make arrangements to pick up the cell phone from
school. Parents are asked to contact their child through the main office phone and not
through their child’s cell phone.
Because we are new creations in Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 5:17) every area of our life should
manifest loyalty to Christ and should enable us to respond in our society as living testimonies.
Therefore, faculty and students at Liberty Christian Academy may not engage in immoral
practices, gambling, dancing, use of profanity, or attend rock concerts. Prayerful, careful
consideration should be given to the choice of music listened to and to movies attended. Faculty
and students should not listen to hard rock or heavy metal nor should they watch "R" rated
movies. Faculty, staff, and students may not partake of alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products, or
illegal drugs. Liberty Christian Academy faculty, staff, and students should avoid those things
which tend to identify us with the “counter culture”.
Students rent their textbooks from the school. Fees for the rental of books are assessed at the
beginning of the school year. Additional workbooks and some consumable textbooks are
purchased from the school. The classroom teacher will issue textbooks in each class. Books
must be handled with care, covered, kept in good condition, free from marks. The student must
pay for books that are stolen, damaged beyond repair, or lost. Students are encouraged not to
loan books or leave them lying around. Lost textbooks must be replaced by the student
according to the following scale:
New book
1 year old
2 years old
3-5 years old
- 100%
- 80%
- 60%
- 50%
Damaged textbooks will result in a damage charge based upon the age of the book and the
amount of damage assessed.
Students taking Dual Credit courses are required to purchase their own textbook. By purchasing
dual credit textbooks, the student will be able to write and highlight in the books, keep them as
resources, or resell them.
Students riding school vehicles are expected to obey all transportation codes as outlined in this
handbook. Ten minutes is allowed after the last period for boarding the buses. Students shall
not behave in a disruptive or distracting manner while riding school vehicles. School vehicle
transportation is a privilege that may be withdrawn due to inappropriate behavior. The driver is
in complete charge; students must comply with the requests of the driver. Student cooperation is
expected in helping the driver with younger children, being courteous, obeying bus regulations,
and being helpful to the driver. Should a student not follow the school vehicle rules the student
will be referred to the administration for appropriate disciplinary action.
The following rules will be observed on the bus:
Talking should be in quiet tones.
Nothing is to be thrown on the bus or out of the bus windows.
The windows are to be kept closed unless the driver grants permission to
open them.
The emergency door is to be used only in case of emergency.
Those riding the bus are to pick up any litter on the bus upon arrival at
All Liberty Christian Academy rules are to be observed at all times while
students are on the bus.
Students are to remain in their seats and not move around on the bus.
The following procedure may be followed when misconduct occurs:
The bus driver may send a misconduct note home to be signed and
returned the next day to the bus driver. A file will be kept on each
discipline problem in the bus supervisor's office.
A second incident may be handled with a second misconduct note being
sent home to be signed and returned to the bus driver. With this second
note the bus supervisor may also notify the appropriate division principal.
The bus supervisor will also call the parents of the child to notify them of
disciplinary action to follow upon another incident by the student.
Suspension of riding privileges.
a. First suspension - 3 school days
b. Second suspension - 5 school days
c. Third suspension - remainder of the semester without a refund for the
bus fee.
Drivers have the authority to report situations directly to the bus
supervisor and administration for discipline. Administration reserves the
right to revoke riding privileges if deemed necessary.
The following bus and van rules are to be enforced on school trips:
Talking should be in quiet tones.
The windows are to be kept closed unless the driver grants permission to
open them.
The emergency door is to be used only in case of an emergency, or when
permission is given to load equipment.
All Liberty Christian Academy rules are to be observed at all times while
the student is in the vehicle.
Students are to remain in their seats. Nothing is to be thrown in the
vehicle or out of the windows.
Boys and girls must be assigned separate sections of the vehicle after dark.
Students are required to ride the vehicle supplied for the trip.
Any exceptions to the above trip rules must be approved by the principal.
All students are expected to live above reproach and to maintain a strong Christian testimony
while out of school, on vacation, or on summer breaks. Any behavior occurring during these
times that would normally be considered a major infraction of Liberty Christian Academy
policy may result in a disciplinary disposition or jeopardize a person's status as a student.
LCA is a closed campus (parking lot included). All visitors must check in at the front desk
upon entering the school to receive a badge that must be worn on their person (chest area) to
remain on campus and must leave the school grounds when instructed to do so by a school
administrator, faculty member, or staff member. Visitors are expected to abide by all LCA rules
including dress regulations. Students that would like to shadow an LCA student must have prior
permission granted by administration in advance. (Permission to visit classes is limited to those
who are in the application process and are sincerely interested in attending LCA in the near
future.) If approved, the visitor must register in the school office the morning of the visit.
Administration has the right to give permission as deemed appropriate.
Visitation at LCA by students not enrolled at LCA is not permitted, except for schoolsponsored athletic and fine arts programs.
Visitation by students from other schools during exam days is not permitted.
Alumni are welcome to visit the business office or office of admission but, they are asked
to visit the other school staff after school hours (8:15am – 3:07pm) in order to preserve
instructional time.
Unauthorized visitors in the buildings or on school grounds will be asked to leave or be
subject to trespassing laws.
Parents and friends are always welcome at LCA chapels. Times for these services will vary and
may be obtained through the LCA website. Students are expected to demonstrate respect during
chapel services and guests are requested to do the same.
A parent/guardian who wishes to transfer his or her child to another school must take the
following steps:
Obtain a withdrawal form from the high school office.
Ensure that all books are returned to the appropriate classroom teachers.
Pay all outstanding fines and fees.
Return the withdrawal form completely filled out to the high school office.
The yearbook, “Retrospect”, is released at the end of the school year. Each full time student in
K-12 will receive a copy of the yearbook. Any 10 – 12th grade student willing to serve on the
“Retrospect” staff should apply to the faculty advisor the spring before the school year begins.
Part-time students or students who enroll after the first semester will need to purchase a
yearbook through the Office of Student Accounts if they wish to have one.
**The administration reserves the right to change or amend this
handbook, as it deems necessary.
Attendance at Liberty Christian Academy is a privilege and not a right. Privileges may be
forfeited by any student who does not conform to the standards of the school. The school may
withdraw a student at any time, who, in the opinion of the school, demonstrates an attitude
that is detrimental to the spirit of the institution, regardless of whether or not he/she conforms
to the specific rules and regulations.
The administration, faculty, and staff of Liberty Christian Academy have committed this
institution to the highest standards of Christian education and conduct. We believe that the
student will grow spiritually by abiding by the rules and regulations of Liberty Christian
Academy. The goal of this school is to develop young people of strong Christian character: to
see young people profess Christ as Savior, to allow Him to be their Lord as evidenced by
Scriptural baptism and regular church attendance, to desire to study the Word, to have a
compassion for souls, and to pursue a lifetime of service for Him.
The student who wishes to become a part of Liberty Christian Academy in the spirit of
enthusiastic participation will look back on memorable times and events. The values and beliefs
we communicate are of eternal significance in the lives of our students.
Please return the completed page to your student’s homeroom teacher.
Knowing that cooperation with the school system is necessary for a successful educational
experience at Liberty Christian Academy, we have reviewed this handbook and we understand
and support the Academy's philosophy and policies as outlined in this handbook. We pledge to
support them with our actions and attitudes.
Student Name (Printed)
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian