Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Bidder Name: Click here to enter text. Section 1.1 RMS RFP Functional Requirements RFP22798 Page 1 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Attachment 1.1 System Requirements Instructions: The following requirements are grouped by subject matter and preceded by a Vision; these Visions are intended to provide bidders with general understanding of the mindset for the creation of the requirements. Nothing in the Visions shall be construed as requirements and they are not being scored. For detailed definitions in this document, refer to Appendix D– Glossary of Terms. The following requirements are labeled as mandatory (M) or desirable (D) requirements. If a Bidder is unable to provide a feature identified as mandatory the proposal will not be further considered. For each requirement contained within this document a response is required even if the response is indicating the functionality is not offered For each requirement check the appropriate box: COTS - the feature is available as part of the baseline COTS RMS solution. Please note: Only if all components of a requirement are available in the baseline COTS should COTS be selected. Custom – the feature is not part of the baseline COTS RMS solution. Either it has to be developed special or while built for other customers it is not part of the base application. Not Offered – the feature is neither currently available nor can it be integrated through customization. Where indicated, responses to certain requirements shall include a comprehensive narrative to explain the solution proposed by the Bidder. If additional space is needed Bidder shall clearly label their response with the requirement identifier. NYS reserves the right to allow the Bidder to correct obvious errors of omission. RFP22798 Page 2 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Global System Requirements RFP22798 Page 3 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Functional Requirements Vision New York State is seeking an enterprise records management system, scalable for deployment to law enforcement agencies statewide, which provides for secure storage, retrieval, management, archiving, and viewing of information pertaining to law enforcement operations. It should be an automated, integrated information system that reduces paper usage, eliminates redundant data entry, and improves access to stored information. This automation and integration significantly reduces the manual nature of the existing process, thus allowing officers to utilize their time more efficiently for law enforcement matters. The proposed solution should have a consistent user interface, be easily supported, centrally managed, and allow for sharing of pertinent information within the State Police as well as other agencies. The proposed solution is expected to provide officers with remote access and investigative tools that enhance the ability of the New York State law enforcement to navigate the criminal investigation process, reduce the time to resolution, and improve public safety. RFP22798 Page 4 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 1 Requirement Name: General Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 1.1 M 1.2 M 1.3 M 1.4 M 1.5 M 1.6 M 1.7 M RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall allow the New York State law enforcement agencies to modify code table values without Bidder assistance including, but not limited to, the following: NYS Coded Law Table Case Types and Statuses Evidence locations NCIC code tables The proposed solution shall allow printing to be directed to network and local printers (including in-patrol car printer). The proposed solution shall issue a warning when the user attempts to close a record without saving it. The proposed solution shall have the ability to auto save transactions in process and not yet completed. The proposed solution shall provide users with a visual indicator of Agency defined mandatory fields. The proposed solution shall provide a validation process to identify that mandatory fields, as defined by the Agency, have been completed prior to submission. The proposed solution shall allow a user to override validation rules with proper authority based on role. Page 5 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 1.8 M 1.9 M 1.10 M 1.11 M The proposed solution shall provide the ability to view attachments. 1.12 D 1.13 D 1.14 D 1.15 D The proposed solution should allow for configuration based on user preferences regarding components of the look-and-feel (e.g. font size and magnification). The proposed solution should allow a user to enter attachment details including but not limited to attachment description, date and time created, and person creating. The proposed solution should provide the functionality to generate an attachment inventory log including but not limited to attachment description, date and time attachment was created, and person creating attachment. The proposed solution should provide the ability to playback audio and video attachments. 1.16 D RFP22798 The proposed solution shall have the ability to scan barcode information directly from a driver’s license and vehicle registration into the appropriate fields within the RMS. The proposed solution shall incorporate a flexible design allowing content to expand and contract depending upon the window size and display resolution of the devices accessing the proposed solution. The proposed solution shall have the ability to attach digital media to records such as pdf, .jpg, .avi., word or excel document. The proposed solution should provide the ability to print any of the RMS screens to a printer Page 6 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 1.17 D The proposed solution should provide the ability to use standard time or military time as determined by agency. 1.18 D The proposed solution administrator should have the ability to modify the data validation rules. 1.19 D The proposed solution should provide type-ahead functionality in all fields populated by code tables. 1.20 D The proposed solution should allow a user to filter and sort code table information while performing a look up. 1.21 D The proposed solution should allow cut, copy, paste, and undo functions. 1.22 D The proposed solution should allow the Agency to determine the default value for select date / time fields. RFP22798 Page 7 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 2 Requirement Name: Help Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 2.1 M 2.2 M 2.3 M 2.4 D RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall include a Help menu for all screens and forms accessible via hotkeys. The proposed solution shall provide searchable electronic help documentation on how to use the software available in online and offline capacities. The proposed solution shall provide a help function that is customizable to the agency to allow for agency specific definitions and language to include field level and screen level help. The proposed solution should provide a video help feature for each screen. Page 8 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 3 Requirement Name: Agency Definable Fields New York State Law Enforcement Agencies require a set of agency definable fields that can be configured to meet individual agency data collection needs. The bulk of the configuration of these fields will occur during implementation; however when trending issues arise the flexibility to configure fields to capture previously un-captured data may be needed. Some examples of the types of flexibility may include the ability to configure the type (free text vs. drop down), ability to enable and disable fields, the ability to enable fields based on a case type, and the ability to define a default value for a field. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 3.1 CUST M Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the ability to configure agency definable fields. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Agency Definable Fields including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Include in your response the number of fields available for configuration by New York State and what type (free text/drop down) are available for configuration. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 9 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 4 Requirement Name: User Dashboard Upon log-in to the Records Management System, the proposed solution shall provide the user with a personalized dashboard (see Appendix D - Glossary) based upon the user’s role, assigned unit, and access rights. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall provide a user dashboard based on user’s role, assigned unit and access rights. The user dashboard shall provide the following: 4.1 M 4.2 M 4.3 M 4.4 M 4.5 D 4.6 D 4.7 D 4.8 D RFP22798 The proposed solution shall provide clear identification of the user that is signed in. The proposed solution shall provide user access to open and unapproved work specific to the user or unit (e.g. “submitted cases”, “open cases”, “returned cases”, “open warrants”, “overdue assignments”). The proposed solution shall provide user access to their work directly from the dashboard. The proposed solution should display the day, date, and time. The proposed solution should display the status of their work (e.g. submitted, open, returned, overdue). The proposed solution should provide the ability for configuration by the user within the parameters of their role. The proposed solution should provide the user with the ability to see the total count of each item of work (e.g. “submitted cases”, “open cases”, “returned cases”, “open warrants”, “overdue assignments”). Page 10 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 4.9 D The proposed solution should provide a summary of each item of work (e.g. “submitted cases”, “open cases”, “returned cases”, “open warrants”, “overdue assignments”), consisting of a subset of fields from within the associated case. 4.10 D The proposed solution should provide the user the ability to sort their work (i.e. by priority, by date of entry, etc.). Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for User Dashboard including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 11 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 5 Requirement Name: Internal System Notifications As one of the primary information gathering and sharing tools to be utilized by law enforcement in New York, it is imperative that officers utilizing the system keep fellow officers informed of ongoing investigations. To this end, New York requires that users of the system have the ability to send out alerts and notifications to other RMS users. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the following level of functionality regarding internal system notifications: 5.1 M 5.2 M 5.3 M 5.4 M 5.5 D 5.6 D 5.7 D RFP22798 The proposed solution shall provide the ability to create, edit, and delete a notification. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to direct notifications to specific users and/or user groups. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to sort notifications by severity then by date of entry. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to delete messages sent by other users. The proposed solution should provide a summary of each notification with a link to the full notification. The proposed solution should provide the ability to remove notifications prior to expiration of said notification based on user action. The proposed solution should provide the ability to display a user-specified number of notifications, including the total number of notifications (with a link to a complete listing of notifications) if there are more notifications than specified by the user. Page 12 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 5.8 The proposed solution should provide the ability to deliver notifications to the user based upon the geographical location of the user. 5.9 D The proposed solution should provide the ability to automatically remove notifications upon expiration of said notification. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Internal System Notifications including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 D Page 13 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 6 Requirement Name: Electronic Signature A major component of this RFP is to create an environment in which New York State Law Enforcement Agencies can document and store as much information as possible within the RMS system. This includes signatures required of persons employed by these agencies, as well as members of the public. Currently signatures are captured for purposes such as: return of property to civilians, signatures on depositions and statements, chain of custody to document transfer of all property. Examples of methods of obtaining signatures include but are not limited to: electronic signature pad, user ID and password, biometric scanning, scan of ID card or barcode with password. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 6.1 M CUST The proposed solution shall allow for the capture of electronic signatures. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Electronic Signature including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 14 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 7 Requirement Name: Alerts As law enforcement officers interact with the public, they may find it necessary to provide fellow officers with alerts regarding interactions (i.e. combative, known drug user, known runner, drug house, weapons, hazardous materials, sex offender, etc.). These alerts serve to provide officer safety and other cautionary information about situations that could arise through interactions that they have. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the following level of functionality: 7.1 M 7.2 M Set multiple cautionary indicators on a record to alert user(s) of special circumstances associated with that record (i.e. combative, known drug user, known runner, drug house, meth lab, weapons, hazardous materials, sex offender, etc.). Provide immediate visible notification to the user regarding the alert. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Alerts including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Include in your description what types of records can include alerts and how many alerts can be placed on any one record. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 15 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 8 Requirement Name: Flagging New York State Law Enforcement Agencies acquire information on cases, people, places, vehicles, property, phone numbers and organizations during their daily course of business. These agencies have a need to be able to flag certain records as important to the investigative process. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the following level of functionality with regard to Flagging: 8.1 Set / remove a flag to notify user(s) to contact designated individual(s) or units. (e.g., Confidential Investigation contact Trooper Smith at 518-555-5555). 8.2 M Set a “blind” flag to notify specified user(s) that the record has been searched or accessed without alerting the user who has conducted the search or accessed the record. (e.g., Case investigator notified that confidential informant has been searched; the searching user is unaware of this notification). 8.3 D The proposed solution should provide the ability to set a start date for a flag. 8.4 D The proposed solution should provide the ability to set an end date for a flag. 8.5 D The proposed solution should provide the ability to select the method of contact when setting a flag (i.e. User dashboard or email). Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Flagging including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. RFP22798 M Page 16 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 17 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 9 Requirement: Form Creation New York State Law Enforcement Agencies have a myriad of responsibilities which shall be tracked within the records management system. Many of these responsibilities require the use of specialized forms. The following is a non-comprehensive sample list of forms currently used by NYSP (see Appendix G for pdf’s of these forms): Accusatory Instrument Supporting Deposition Domestic Incident Report Property Receipt Use of Chemical Agent / Taser X26 Consent Waiver to Intercept Audio/Video Communication Incident Verification Form Destruction Authority Memorandum Search Warrant Return Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 9.1 M 9.2 M 9.3 D RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall allow for agency specific customized forms to be created. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to populate forms with any information previously entered into the system, with the ability to edit and attach to a case. The proposed solution should allow for agency specific customized forms to be created without bidder involvement. Page 18 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Form Creation including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 19 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 10 Requirement Name: Multi-Tenant System New York State requires a multi-tenant system (state and local law enforcement) extensible to all Law Enforcement Agencies statewide while providing independence, flexibility, and security for participating agencies. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide independence and flexibility for any participating New York State Law Enforcement Agency including but not limited to: 10.1 M User Roles/Access Control 10.2 M System Administration 10.3 M Workflow 10.4 M Agency Definable Code Tables 10.5 M Report Creation 10.6 M 10.7 M Record Keeping (e.g. retention periods, sealing of records, requests for information) Ability to search Master Indices across tenants with proper authorization. 10.8 M 10.9 M RFP22798 CUST Ability to allow an agency to identify default cases, by statute or incident type to specific units within their respective agencies. Ability to perform updates as changes occur to local ordinances via a user interface. Maintenance of local ordinances shall be administered by the authorized user within the corresponding local law enforcement agency. Page 20 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 10.10 D The proposed solution should allow for agency specific User Dashboard configuration. 10.11 D The proposed solution should provide field labels to coincide with each agencies terminology. 10.12 D The proposed solution should provide the ability for each agency to specify Required Fields. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the requirement for Multi-Tenant System including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Also in the description for this requirement provide examples of your company’s experience with Multi-Tenant Systems (if applicable), including the number and sizes of the agencies utilizing the solution in a Multi-Tenant environment. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 21 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 11 Requirement Name: Narratives and Free Text Fields Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 11.1 M 11.2 M 11.3 M 11.4 D 11.5 D 11.6 D 11.7 D RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall provide a narrative function that allows user(s) to add narratives to assignments, calls for service, cases, arrests and warrants. The proposed solution shall allow multiple users to add multiple separate narratives to a single record. The proposed solution shall allow spell checking of all narrative and free text fields throughout the proposed solution. The proposed solution should support rich text formatting to assist in the of narratives and free text fields. The proposed solution should allow the user to maximize the narrative screen to a full screen. The proposed solution should enable the user to title narratives and display them in a browse list. The proposed solution should allow the user the ability to create a hyperlink in the narrative section to forms, attachments and other RMS cases. Page 22 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 12 Requirement Name: Remote Access New York State Law Enforcement Agencies have a need for field officers to access RMS functionality from outside the station environment. It is expected that officers will be able to complete significant portions of their reporting requirements from the patrol vehicle or other remote locations. (For example a temporary work location during a major crime investigation) Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 12.1 M 12.2 M CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide a mechanism to access RMS functionality from a computer device within the patrol car. The proposed solution shall be compliant with CJIS security policies ( ) and function wholly within the framework of the NYSP/ITS environment (Refer to Attachment 1.3 Technical Requirements and Appendix Q CJIS Security Policy). 12.3 M The proposed solution shall provide a mechanism to access RMS functionality by using Web based or other mobile devices. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the remote access requirements including a description of how the user experience differs when using a computer in the station versus the patrol car, Web based or other mobile devices: what features might be constrained, restricted, completely different, or behave differently, the types of reports that can be entered, searches performed, user interface differences, etc. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 23 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 13 Requirement Name: Off-line Capability New York State is a large and geographically diverse state, having a networked solution in all areas will not be feasible, therefore it will be necessary for the proposed solution to have off-line capability. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 13.1 M 13.7 M Calls for Service 13.8 M Case 13.9 M Assignment CUST The proposed solution shall provide off-line capability via a Microsoft Windows 7 PC from within the patrol car and field deployable laptops. 13.2 M The proposed solution shall be compliant with CJIS security policies ( ) and function wholly within the framework of the NYSP/ITS environment (Refer to Attachment 1.3 Technical Requirements and Appendix Q CJIS Security Policy. 13.3 M The proposed solution shall have the ability to auto-populate data across forms associated with a locally stored case. 13.4 M The proposed solution shall have the ability to automatically transmit completed work when a connection is re-established. 13.5 M The proposed solution shall provide the ability for users to electronically sign a record. 13.6 D The proposed solution should allow for electronic signatures to be captured from members of the public. The Proposed solution shall provide an off-line mode capable of initiating the following: RFP22798 Page 24 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 13.10 M Deposition 13.11 M Voluntary Statement 13.12 M Accusatory Instrument 13.13 M Appearance Ticket 13.14 M Domestic Incident Report The proposed solution shall be capable of printing the following in an off-line mode: 13.15 M Deposition 13.16 M Voluntary Statement 13.17 M Accusatory Instrument 13.18 M Appearance Ticket 13.19 M Domestic Incident Report The Proposed solution shall be capable of incorporating the following code tables in an off-line mode: 13.20 M New York State Laws 13.21 M Cities/Towns/Villages 13.22 M Court information of Cities/Towns/Villages 13.23 D NYSP Vehicle Numbers 13.24 M Call Type RFP22798 Page 25 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 13.25 M Person Type 13.26 M Property Type 13.27 M Vehicle Type 13.28 M Location Type The Proposed solution should provide an off-line mode capable of initiating the following: 13.29 D Field Contacts 13.30 D Vehicle Search Reports 13.31 D Vehicle Inventory Reports Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the off-line capability requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 26 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Audit\Security RFP22798 Page 27 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Audit and Security Vision On a daily basis New York State Law Enforcement Agencies deal with information that ranges from routine to highly sensitive. The Records Management System shall have the ability to strictly protect confidential and sensitive information from unintended or unauthorized release while still allowing for a broad range of information sharing among authorized users. The proposed solution shall be robust enough to allow for the ability to control user access to this information. The proposed solution shall provide a thorough audit mechanism that allows for the tracking of user activity that meets internal agency policy as well as external legal requirements. The following requirements explain in detail the expectations that the agency has for Audit and Security. RFP22798 Page 28 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 14 Requirement Name: Security Req. Req. No. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 14.1 M 14.2 M 14.3 M 14.4 M 14.5 M 14.6 M 14.7 M RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall fully comply with FBI CJIS security policies ( ). The proposed solution shall allow the System Administrator to set up agency defined user, role, unit and group based permissions. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to limit access by user, by role, by unit, or by group to create, view, search, edit, add, print, and/or delete specific types of records, narratives and reports. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to limit access to attachments associated with a case to specific users based on role. The proposed solution shall provide authorized users the ability to review at any time the user role, unit and group permissions granted within the system. The proposed solution shall provide a change password function that allows the user to change their login password without System Administrator intervention. The proposed solution shall provide authorized users the ability to grant and remove temporary access to individuals outside of the agency to a specific case. Page 29 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 15 Requirement Name: Data Level Security A role-based approach will provide adequate security for the majority of business scenarios envisioned by New York State Law Enforcement Agencies. However in certain circumstances there is a need to limit access to certain portions of a case. Req. No. Req. Status Mandatory Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 15.1 M 15.2 D Limit access to an assignment within a case. 15.3 D Limit access to specific narratives. 15.4 D Limit access to specific person records. 15.5 D Limit access to specific attachments. CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the ability to limit access to certain portions of a case. The proposed solution should provide the following level of functionality: Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the data level security requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 30 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 16 Requirement Name: Audit Retaining a detailed audit record of all activity involving RMS data is critical to meet internal agency auditing requirements and the New York State requirements for reporting under People v. Rosario (See Appendix D -Glossary). This law requires that any change to any RMS information is saved and made available for retrieval for criminal prosecution. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide authorized users the ability to view a detailed record of activities in the system that shall include the following information: 16.1 M ID of the User 16.2 M Date and Time of the Activity 16.3 M 16.4 M Actions taken (successful or unsuccessful) including, but not limited to, Entry, View, Modify, Delete and Print Before and after values of the changed field CUST The proposed solution should provide authorized users the ability to view a detailed record of activities in the system that should include the following information: 16.5 D The network access location of the activity Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Audit requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 31 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Master Indices RFP22798 Page 32 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Master Indices Vision The New York State Law Enforcement Agencies expect that the proposed solution will have basic Master Indices that correlate and aggregate information. Master Indices should eliminate redundant data entry by allowing the reuse of previously stored information and the automatic update of the Master Index upon the entry of report information. Master Index information should be captured in a variety of ways, such as through assignments, calls for service, arrests and cases. Additionally, Master Index data should be able to be imported from external sources such as, TraCS, electronic fingerprinting devices, and mug shot systems The RMS should not allow automatic updates to Master Indices from external systems without authorized user review and approval. If interfaces exist, a search of Master Index records can be conducted between the systems. The following requirements explain in detail the expectations that the New York State Law Enforcement Community has for Master Indices. RFP22798 Page 33 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 17 Requirement Name: Master Indices Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 17.1 M The proposed solution shall provide a Master Vehicle Index. 17.2 M The proposed solution shall provide a Master Person Index. 17.3 M The proposed solution shall provide a Master Organization Index. 17.4 D The proposed solution should provide a Master Property Index. 17.5 D The proposed solution should provide a Master Location Index. 17.6 D The proposed solution should provide a Master Telephone Index that captures: Telephone Number (inclusive of area code and country code) Type of Telephone (Home, Cell, Work, etc) RFP22798 CUST Page 34 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 18 Requirement Name: Master Indices The proposed solution shall have basic “Master Indices” that correlate and aggregate information from the following records: person, location, property, vehicle and organization. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall have the following functionality for all Master Indices: 18.1 M 18.2 M 18.3 M 18.4 M 18.5 M 18.6 M 18.7 M 18.8 D RFP22798 When a user is entering a new record the proposed solution shall search the proper Master Index to determine if a matching record already exists. The proposed solution shall provide the user with the option to choose a record from a list of possible matches to update or to add a new Master Index record. The proposed solution shall provide maintenance functions that permit a record to be disassociated from one Master Index record and associated to another Master Index record. The proposed solution shall provide functions that will allow two or more Master Index records to be merged into one record. Master Index information may change over time. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to maintain older information as new information is added. In querying a Master Index record, the proposed solution shall provide a user with the ability to view all related records except for those Master Index records designated by authorized users as confidential (e.g., Internal Affairs cases and other confidential investigations). Linkages among any information contained in the Master Indices (e.g., people to vehicle or person to person) shall be provided in the proposed solution. The proposed solution should allow the addition of key identification information, such as latitude/longitude/altitude coordinates and agency-defined Page 35 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System reporting areas to support GIS functionality. 18.9 D The proposed solution should provide from within the RMS the ability to search Master Index records between interfaced systems (e.g. TraCS, Livescan). Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Master Indices requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Also in the description for this requirement provide how the proposed solution satisfies Master Indices requirements(s) in a Multi-Tenant environment. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 36 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 19 Requirement Name: Additional Master Indices A Records Management System should have basic Master Indices that correlate and aggregate information to eliminate redundant data entry by allowing the reuse of previously stored information and the automatic update of the Master Indices upon the entry of report information. In addition to the most common Master Indices; people, locations, property, vehicles, organizations and telephone numbers, a records management system may support additional master index categories. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No Status COTS CUST Not Offered 19.1 D The proposed solution should provide Additional Master Indices as part of the RMS system. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Additional Master Indices requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 37 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Case Management RFP22798 Page 38 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Investigative Case Management Vision The Division of State Police is divided into specific geographic regions where Members of the Uniform Force and Bureau of Criminal Investigation are assigned and respond to all manner of calls. Investigations can range from a simple officer initiated assist to motorist to a complex long term multi-county homicide investigation involving multiple agencies and thousands of investigative leads. The Agency seeks to create an efficient workflow process through the records management system that will assist users at all levels in the completion of their jobs. Workflow should assist in all levels of investigations from a routine call for service being completed and forwarded for supervisor review to a criminal investigation started by a Trooper and turned over to an Investigator. All investigative steps and actions should be documented within the proposed solution, from the initiation of an assignment to the issuance and execution of search and arrest warrants. The Division of State Police utilizes CAD’s in only two of the 10 Troops and not all other NYS Law Enforcement Agencies utilize a CAD to document Calls for Service. This information is still required to be documented. Where CAD’s are utilized by the State Police, the call for service still needs to be completed within the current RMS. Where CADs are not utilized the documentation takes place in the current RMS. The following requirements define the specific needs of the New York State Police as well as other local law enforcement regarding Investigative Case Management functionalities. RFP22798 Page 39 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 20 Requirement Name: Call for Service Currently not all NYS Law Enforcement utilize a CAD to document Calls for Service, however this information is still required to be documented. Where a CAD is not utilized the documentation takes place in an RMS. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered 20.1 M The proposed solution shall have the ability to document Call for Service information when a CAD is not utilized. 20.2 M The proposed solution shall provide the ability for Supervisory review of all calls for service. 20.3 M The proposed solution shall provide a validation process to identify that mandatory fields have been completed prior to supervisory review. 20.4 M The proposed solution shall provide a header section that includes an automatically generated Call for Service number, and other information as defined by the agency including, but not limited to, ORI, TZS, Case #, TraCS ID #, Import Data Type, and CAD ID #. The proposed solution shall store extensive details pertaining to Calls for Service including the following at a minimum: 20.5 M Date\Time reported 20.6 M Time dispatched 20.7 M Time arrived 20.8 M Time cleared RFP22798 Page 40 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 20.9 M Date\Time of occurrence (to, from range) 20.10 M Call type 20.11 M 20.12 M Reporting method including, but not limited to, 911, cell phone, patrol, 7 digit phone line, in person Business name 20.13 M Street address including building # and unit/apt # 20.14 M City 20.15 M State 20.16 M Zip Code 20.17 M Location code (CTV) to include County 20.18 M Dispatcher 20.19 M Assigned officer 20.20 M Assigned Agency Vehicle 20.21 M Assisting officer (s) 20.22 M Other Agency Assigned RFP22798 Page 41 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 20.23 M Person(s) Involved 20.24 M Person (s) Type 20.25 M Vehicle(s) Information 20.26 M Narrative 20.27 M Case Status RFP22798 Page 42 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 21 Requirement Name: Confidential Investigations New York State Law Enforcement Agencies conduct confidential investigations which include but are not limited to Internal Affairs investigations, applicant background checks, sensitive investigations, undercover investigations (narcotics, terrorism, and organized crime) and State Fusion Center initiatives. These confidential investigative actions require the ability to limit access to records, associated attachments, and associated entries within the master indices. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the ability to: 21.1 M Limit Record Access to Authorized Users 21.2 M Conceal the Existence of a Record from Unauthorized Users 21.3 M Control Access to Individual Components of an Investigation 21.4 D The proposed solution should document and track money used to buy contraband Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Confidential Investigations requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 43 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 22 Requirement Name: Confidential Informants New York State Law Enforcement Agencies utilize Confidential Informants in the course of conducting business. It is necessary to provide safeguards for these informants to protect their identities both from the public and from individuals within police organizations. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the ability to: 22.1 M Allow for the Creation of a Confidential Informant within the system. 22.2 M Track all Contact with the Confidential Informant within the system. 22.3 M Protect the Identity of Confidential Informants and Sources. 22.4 D The proposed solution should document and track payments to confidential informants. 22.5 D The proposed solution should document signatures of those involved in the transaction (officers and civilians). Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Confidential Informants requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 44 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 23 Requirement Name: Field Contact New York State Law Enforcement Agencies conduct interviews either in the field or as a result of an arrest that generate information that needs to be captured and forwarded for further analysis. A field interview card (FIC) is currently used to document non-criminal contacts as well as suspicious activity. This information serves as a key input to analytical support (crime analysis) and other investigative processes. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the following level of functionality: 23.1 Ability to document information obtained by officers that is not related to a specific call for service or case. 23.2 M Ability to add Field Contact information into a call for service and or a case if necessary to continue an investigation. 23.3 M Allow for workflow to forward Field Contacts to agency specified personnel or units. 23.4 M Aggregate Field Contact information to allow for searching and analysis whether it is linked with an investigation or not. 23.5 D The proposed solution should have the ability to designate specific Field Contact data as confidential, viewable only to authorized users. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Field Contact requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 M Page 45 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 24 Requirement Name: Assignments New York State Law Enforcement Agencies require the ability to create and delegate assignments. These assignments may be standalone (i.e. administrative relays, critical infrastructure checks, or speech assignments) or conducted within an active investigation (i.e. investigative lead, area search for evidence, or K9 search). In certain cases multiple users are delegated to a given assignment. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall have the following level of functionality: 24.1 M Ability for an assignment to be stand-a-lone or part of an active investigation. 24.2 M 24.3 M Provide workflow allowing for the assigned individual to report back on the outcome and status of the assignment. Allow for the designation of an assignment type. 24.4 M Provide an assignment description field. 24.5 M Allow for the documentation of the assignment outcome. 24.6 M Create a unique number for each assignment. 24.7 M Denote the user initiating the assignment and the user or users assigned. 24.8 D 24.9 D The proposed solution should create a unique sequential number for an assignment within an active investigation. The proposed solution should provide the ability to link multiple assignments that are either stand alone or part of an investigation. RFP22798 Page 46 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 24.10 D The proposed solution should create recurring assignments. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Assignments requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 47 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 25 Requirement Name: Workflow New York State Law Enforcement Agencies have a vast array of responsibilities which will be tracked within the records management system. The proposed solution shall support a concurrent non-linear workflow process. The workflow for these processes can be simple, such as a single level of review in a linear fashion, or highly complex requiring multiple, concurrent, non-linear reviews. The workflow process should also allow for rejection and resubmission of work. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the following level of functionality: 25.1 M 25.2 M Allow workflow steps to be directed to the appropriate personnel based on agency defined criteria such as record type, Penal Law charge, or unit of assignment. Maintain workflow history within the system for an agency defined timeframe. 25.3 M Provide a comment field. 25.4 M Allow for review at multiple levels. 25.5 M Allow for submitted work to be forwarded for further review or returned to submitter for correction. 25.6 M Apply workflow to all areas within the system (i.e. calls for service, assignments, case management, property/evidence). 25.7 D The proposed solution should allow workflow steps to have agency defined timeframes that can trigger alerts to users. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Workflow requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, limitations, and number of levels of workflow. Reference additional pages, if necessary. RFP22798 Page 48 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 49 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 26 Requirement Name: Warrant Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 26.1 M The proposed solution shall be capable of tracking warrants. 26.2 M 26.3 M 26.4 M 26.5 M 26.6 M The proposed solution shall create a link between a warrant and the original investigation. The proposed solution shall populate a warrant with defendant information previously documented in a linked investigation including mug shot photo when available through the Person Record. The proposed solution shall alert users to the presence of the warrant when conducting a search of the defendant, associated persons, vehicles, and property. The proposed solution shall be capable of tracking multiple warrants for the same defendant across multiple jurisdictions. The proposed solution shall create a unique number for each warrant entered. 26.7 M 26.8 M Issuing Court 26.9 M Warrant Charges CUST The proposed solution shall provide the ability to add multiple narratives for a warrant. The proposed solution shall, at a minimum, allow for the documentation of the following information: RFP22798 Page 50 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 26.10 M Docket Number 26.11 M Issuing Judge 26.12 M Date Issued 26.13 M Date Received 26.14 M Date / Time Executed/Disposed 26.15 M Status/Disposition 26.16 M Court of Arraignment 26.17 M Assigned Officer 26.18 M History of Assigned Officers RFP22798 Page 51 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 27 Requirement Name: Arrest Processing Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 27.1 M CUST The proposed solution shall have the ability to document arrests in accordance with New York State UCR / IBR data requirements (See UCR\IBR Requirement in Attachment 1.2). ( 27.2 M 27.3 M 27.4 M 27.5 M 27.6 M The proposed solution shall interface with the agency’s automated fingerprinting and mug shot system to send and receive all necessary data elements (Refer to Live Scan Requirement in Attachment 1.2). In the event Live Scan is unavailable, or in cases where ink and paper is utilized, the proposed solution shall have the ability to print and pre-fill DCJS and FBI finger print cards utilizing data captured during arrest processing. (See Appendix H - FBI DCJS Cards). The proposed solution shall utilize the enact date and repeal date columns of the New York State coded law table to determine if the offense is applicable in comparison to the incident occurrence date. The proposed solution shall allow for the designation of offenses as attempted. The proposed solution shall recognize an attempted offense and its effects on the degree of crime as per article 110.05 of the New York State Penal Law. ( The proposed solution shall provide for the collection of the following information: RFP22798 Page 52 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 27.7 M Date / Time of Arrest 27.8 M Arrest Location 27.9 M Court of Arraignment 27.10 M Return Court 27.11 M Date / Time for Return Court 27.12 M Case Number 27.13 M System Generated Arrest Number 27.14 M Arresting Officer 27.15 M Assisting Officers 27.16 M Criminal Offenses 27.17 M Criminal Offense Title / Section / Subsection of Law 27.18 M Criminal Offense Description 27.19 M Criminal Offense Degree 27.20 M Counts of Each Criminal Offense RFP22798 Page 53 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 27.21 M Crime Completed / Attempted 27.22 M Criminal Offense Class 27.23 M Criminal Offense Category 27.24 M Arrest Type as Defined by Agency 27.25 M Arrestee Status (e.g. held, bail bond, appearance ticket) 27.26 M Bail Amount 27.27 M 27.28 M Juvenile Status (e.g. held, family court appearance ticket, release to parents) Disposition RFP22798 Page 54 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 28 Requirement Name: Arrest Debriefing New York State Law Enforcement Agencies conduct interviews as a result of an arrest that generate information that needs to be captured and forwarded for further analysis. This information serves as a key input to analytical support (crime analysis) and other investigative processes. Officers conducting these interviews need to have the ability to document any pertinent information that is developed separately from the current arrest charges. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall provide the following level of functionality related to Arrest Debriefing: 28.1 Allow for workflow to forward debriefings to agency specified personnel or units. 28.2 M Allow for the documentation of information related to a debriefing separate from current arrest. 28.3 D The proposed solution should provide a system generated alert to remind officers to conduct an arrest debriefing. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Arrest Debriefing requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 M Page 55 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 29 Requirement Name: Multi-Jurisdictional Investigations and Arrests New York State law enforcement agencies, specifically the New York State Police and county sheriff departments often conduct investigations that encompass multiple jurisdictions and can result in the arrest of an individual on charges in these different jurisdictions. Currently, the New York State Police conducts one investigation for these incidents; however, a Member must enter multiple incidents and arrests not linked within the current RMS except for references in the incident narrative. This requires the Member to rekey the same information multiple times which can result in errors and conflicting information. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 29.1 M CUST Not Offered To more accurately reflect the Agency’s investigative process, the proposed solution shall have the ability to document a single investigation that includes the arrest of an individual for multiple charges across multiple jurisdictions (Courts and District Attorney’s Offices). Each jurisdiction must have a unique arrest record. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Multi-Jurisdictional Investigations and Arrests requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Also in the description for this requirement provide examples of your company’s experience with multi-jurisdictional agencies (if applicable), including the size of the agencies using the solution to satisfy Multi-Jurisdictional Investigations and Arrests. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 56 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 30 Requirement Name: Arrests – Other Agency Offenses New York State Law Enforcement Agencies arrest numerous persons wanted by other law enforcement agencies. In these instances, the arresting agency is not the New York State UCR/IBR reporting agency for these offenses. The arresting agency has a need to document the circumstances of the arrest. There may also be some instances where these arrests coincide with the arrest of the subject for separate and distinct reportable offenses. For example, the State Police arrests a subject for a controlled substance offense and also for a warrant from another agency. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 30.1 M CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall allow agencies to identify offenses that will not be captured for UCR/IBR reporting purposes, but can be used by the agency for analysis purposes. The arresting agency shall be able to properly document the transfer of custody of the arrested person by capturing at a minimum: 30.2 M Date and time of the transfer 30.3 M The accepting agency and officer Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Arrests – Other Agency Offenses requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 57 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 31 Requirement Name: Investigative Case Management Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 31.1 M 31.2 M 31.3 M 31.4 M 31.5 M 31.6 M 31.7 M 31.8 M 31.9 M 31.10 M RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall provide investigative case management resources that allow for case tracking from initiation to conclusion. The proposed solution shall have the ability to create cases from assignments and calls for service. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to allow an agency to identify default cases, by statute, to specific units within their respective agencies. The proposed solution shall allow for the ability to enter a date/time range for incident occurrence. The proposed solution shall have the ability to capture the date an officer is assigned to a case. The proposed solution shall have the ability to reassign cases (e.g. by TZS, Member, etc). The proposed solution shall capture and display the date a case is reassigned. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to add multiple assisting officers to a case. The proposed solution shall provide a history of all officers assigned to and assisting in a case. The proposed solution shall include the ability to assign a case status from a list as defined by the Agency. Page 58 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 31.11 M 31.12 M The proposed solution shall have the ability to link multiple master indices within the same case (e.g., multiple occupants in single vehicle). The proposed solution shall allow users to link associated cases. 31.13 M The proposed solution shall allow users to create assignments within a case. 31.14 M 31.15 M 31.16 M 31.17 M 31.18 M 31.19 M 31.20 M 31.21 M 31.22 M The proposed solution shall allow the linking of all related documents and attachments within a case. The proposed solution shall provide users the ability to view a list of all forms and attachments associated with a case. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to assign a person type based on an agency defined list (e.g. complainant, driver 1, person interviewed, etc). The proposed solution shall provide the ability to assign a vehicle status based on an agency defined list (e.g. stolen, recovered, used in crime, etc). The proposed solution shall provide the ability to assign a property status based on an agency defined list (e.g. stolen, recovered, seized, found, etc). The proposed solution shall provide the ability to designate a case as “no media” preventing its release to media outlets via the NYSP Newsroom. The proposed solution shall have the ability to create automatic reminders to users regarding updates based on case status and submission due dates as defined by the Agency. The proposed solution shall provide the user with the ability to track a closed case with property pending disposition. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to document cases and associated fields in accordance with New York State UCR/IBR data requirements. 31.23 D ( RFP22798 The proposed solution should provide users the ability to sort and organize a list of all forms and attachments associated with a case. Page 59 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 31.24 D 31.25 D RFP22798 The proposed solution should have the ability to electronically compile user defined court case related documents (e.g. accusatory instruments, depositions, statements) within a specific case to be sent electronically or printed. The proposed solution should provide the ability to assign multiple person types to the same individual in one incident based on the agency defined person type list. Page 60 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 32 Requirement Name: Station Bail New York State Law Enforcement Agencies often arrest individuals for low level offenses that do not require arraignment in criminal court, but need to take bail to ensure the arrestee appears in court as specified. These agencies need a method to account for and track this bail. Req. No Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution should provide station bail features including, but not limited to, the following: 32.1 D Name and Date of Birth of Arrestee 32.2 D Offense / Charge 32.3 D Date and Time Bail was Accepted 32.4 D Amount of Bail 32.5 D Court of Jurisdiction 32.6 D Production of Receipts 32.7 D Date and Time Bail was Turned Over to Court RFP22798 Page 61 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 33 Requirement Name: Person Record Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 33.1 M 33.4 M Suffix 33.5 M Alias(s)\AKA\Previous Name 33.6 M Place of Birth – country, city, state 33.7 M Date of Birth 33.8 M US Citizen (Y or N) 33.9 M Country of Citizenship 33.10 M Resident Status 33.11 M Age/Age Range 33.12 M Marital Status CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall associate Person Records with an assignment, call for service, or a case. 33.2 M The proposed solution shall incorporate a Person Record into the Master Index upon the entry of uniquely identifiable information. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for Person Records including, but not limited to: 33.3 M First, Middle, Last RFP22798 Page 62 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 33.13 M Gender 33.14 M Race 33.15 M Ethnicity 33.16 M Height 33.17 M Weight 33.18 M Build 33.19 M Hair Color (includes bald) 33.20 M Eye Color 33.21 M Eyeglasses/Contacts 33.22 M Facial Hair 33.23 M Scars/Marks/Tattoos/Piercings 33.24 M Location of Scar/Mark/Tattoo/Piercing 33.25 M Description of Scar/Mark/Tattoo/Piercing 33.26 M General Appearance 33.27 M Distinguishing Features text field 33.28 M Skin Tone 33.29 M Social Security Number (multiple) RFP22798 Page 63 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 33.30 M Driver’s License Number with Issuing State (multiple) 33.31 M FBI Number/State ID number (multiples) 33.32 M Address - (allow for multiple per person, with type) - (Street Address, Apartment, PO Box, City, State, Postal Code, County, Country) 33.33 M Telephone Numbers (inclusive of area code and country code) (allow for a minimum of three per person with type) 33.34 M 33.35 M Employment/School (multiple) Employed (yes, no, retired) Occupation Employer/School Employer Address City, State, Postal Code Telephone Number Veteran Status (active, reserve, discharged, none) 33.36 M Known Affiliations (organizations, gangs) 33.37 M 33.38 M Associated Persons (multiple with type of association such as parents, spouse, guardian) Associated Persons Address(es) 33.39 M Associated Persons Telephone Number(s) 33.40 M eMail Address – (allow for multiple per person with type) 33.41 M Social Network IDs (multiple and type: Facebook, Twitter, etc) 33.42 M Miscellaneous Narrative Information Field RFP22798 Page 64 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 33.43 M Display Most Recent Mug Shot Photo if Applicable In addition the proposed solution should maintain at a minimum the following information for Person Records: 33.44 D Maiden Name 33.45 D Fictitious Date(s) of Birth 33.46 D Religion 33.47 D Condition of Teeth 33.48 D Left or Right Handed 33.49 D Alias Social Security Number 33.50 D 33.51 D Miscellaneous Identification Numbers with ID Type and ID Issuer for each Miscellaneous Identification Record (including but not limited to probation, corrections, DNA, fingerprint, Passport, Alien Registration) Branch of Service 33.52 D NCIC Fingerprint Identification (HPC Codes) RFP22798 Page 65 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 34 Requirement Name: Organization Record (e.g. Business, Gang, School, Shopping Center) Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 34.1 M 34.4 M Organization/Facility Type 34.5 M Location 34.6 M Associated Person Name(s) 34.7 M Associated Organization(s) (multiple and type) 34.8 M Miscellaneous Narrative Information Field CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall associate Organization Records with an assignment, call for service or a case. 34.2 M The proposed solution shall incorporate an Organization Record into the Master Index upon the entry of uniquely identifiable information. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for Organization Records including, but not limited to: 34.3 M Organization/Facility name In addition the proposed solution should maintain at a minimum the following information for Organization Records: 34.9 D Doing Business As 34.10 D 34.11 D Telephone Number (multiple) inclusive of area code, country code and extension Telephone number by Type (Home, Cell, Work, etc) RFP22798 Page 66 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 35 Requirement Name: Vehicle Record Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 35.1 M 35.4 M Model 35.5 M Vehicle type (automobile, motorcycle, watercraft, snow mobile, ATV) 35.6 M Vehicle style 35.7 M Color (multiple) 35.8 M Year 35.9 M Vehicle Identification Number 35.10 M Registration number 35.11 M State of registration 35.12 M Indication if Registration Number is full or partial CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall associate Vehicle Records with an assignment, call for service or a case. 35.2 M The proposed solution shall incorporate a Vehicle Record into the Master Index upon the entry of uniquely identifiable information. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for Vehicle Records including, but not limited to: 35.3 M Make RFP22798 Page 67 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 35.13 M Associated Person Name(s) 35.14 M Miscellaneous Narrative Information Field RFP22798 Page 68 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 36 Requirement Name: Location Record Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 36.1 M 36.4 M Apartment/Lot/Suite # 36.5 M City 36.6 M County 36.7 M State 36.8 M Postal Code 36.9 M Business or Facility name 36.10 M Location type (residential single family, duplex, multi unit, commercial….) 36.11 M Phone # 36.12 M CTV code (see Appendix D - Glossary) CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall associate Location Records with an assignment, call for service or a case. 36.2 D The proposed solution should incorporate a Location Record into the Master Index upon the entry of uniquely identifiable information. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for Location Records including, but not limited to: 36.3 M Street Address RFP22798 Page 69 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 36.13 M Associated Person Name(s) 36.14 M Miscellaneous Narrative Information Field In addition the proposed solution should maintain at a minimum the following information for Location Records: 36.15 D Intersecting Street(s) 36.16 D Common name 36.17 D Mile Post Marker # 36.18 D Latitude and Longitude RFP22798 Page 70 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 37 Requirement Name: Property Record Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 37.1 M 37.4 M Model 37.5 M Description 37.6 M Serial Number 37.7 M Owner Applied Number (OAN) 37.8 M Property Type Code 37.9 M NCIC Property Codes 37.10 M 37.11 M Property Category / Status (e.g. stolen, stolen and recovered, lost, evidence, nuisance, seized, found, and safe keeping) Type of Firearm 37.12 M Caliber of Firearm CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall associate Property Records with an assignment, call for service, or a case. 37.2 D The proposed solution should incorporate a Property Record into the Master Index upon the entry of uniquely identifiable information. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for Property Records including, but not limited to: 37.3 M Make RFP22798 Page 71 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 37.13 M Drug Type 37.14 M Drug Quantity 37.15 M Unit of Measurement 37.16 M Monetary Value 37.17 M Associated Person Name(s) 37.18 M Additional Information Field (narrative) In addition the proposed solution should maintain at a minimum the following information for Property Records: 37.19 D Barrel Length of Firearm 37.20 D Finish of Firearm 37.21 D Drug Packaging 37.22 D Distinctive Markings on Packaging RFP22798 Page 72 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 38 Requirement Name: Orders and Civil Process Management Some New York State Law Enforcement Agencies have the responsibility to serve legal papers and execute legal processes. These documents may include writs, summons, subpoenas, judgment orders, civil warrants and orders of protection. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered 38.1 D The proposed solution should record orders of protection. 38.2 RFP22798 D The proposed solution should track the service of legal papers and execute legal processes as required. Page 73 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 39 Requirement Name: Collision Investigation / Ticketing / DWI Enforcement One of the primary missions of New York State Law Enforcement is highway safety. As part of that mission, agencies are required to investigate collisions, issue tickets, and enforce DWI laws. These functions are currently handled by the Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) application. TraCS also interfaces to the Dräger Breath Test Instrument utilized for measuring blood alcohol content for impaired driving. TraCS Ticket and accident information is transmitted to appropriate external destinations (NYS DMV, courts) utilizing the Statewide Police Integrated Data Exchange Router (SPIDER). Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 39.1 D CUST Not Offered The proposed solution should provide functionality to investigate collisions, issue tickets, and enforce DWI laws, including the generation of documents related to these activities in a form compatible with New York State Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) and Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Requirements (See Appendix I - NYS DMV Requirements). Ideally, collision investigations, ticketing, and DWI enforcement would be supported within the records management system; these features require remote and off-line capabilities, an interface to the Dräger Breath Test Instrument, and transmission to courts and the NYS DMV. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Collision Investigation / Ticketing / DWI Enforcement requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 74 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 40 Requirement Name: Lock-up / Jail Management Jail management throughout New York State is primarily the responsibility of the corresponding County Sheriff’s Office, however Local Law Enforcement agencies do have temporary Lock-Ups. These facilities are overseen by the New York State Commission of Corrections (NYSCOC). Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 40.1 D 40.3 D Cell / Housing Information 40.4 D Visitor Logs 40.5 D Medical Alerts 40.6 D Account 40.7 D Historical Booking Data for each Prisoner CUST Not Offered The proposed solution should be capable of tracking the intake, detention, release, and / or transfer of prisoners throughout each facility. 40.2 D The proposed solution should be able to transfer information previously entered into other parts of the system into the Lock-up / Jail Management function. The proposed solution should be capable of capturing, at a minimum, the following information specific to lock-up / jail management: RFP22798 Page 75 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 41 Requirement Name: Pawn New York State Law Enforcement Agencies identify and recover personal property that has been reported stolen. Many jurisdictions require pawnshops to register the items they receive and sell to facilitate this tracking process. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered 41.1 D The proposed solution should have the ability to automatically check pawned items against stolen property files as soon as pawn shop data is uploaded to the proposed solution (either from disk or electronically). The proposed solution should have the ability to capture and track the following information: 41.2 D Pawn shop ID number or shop name 41.3 D Pawn clerk name 41.4 D Name and address of person pawning items 41.5 D Items pawned 41.6 D Date of transaction 41.7 D Person ID and type of ID used 41.8 D Value of items pawned 41.9 D Item descriptions (including any ID/serial numbers) RFP22798 Page 76 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 42 Requirement Name: Sex Offender Registry New York State Law Enforcement Agencies are required to manage and track sex offenders. Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 42.1 D 42.2 D 42.3 D 42.4 D RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution should have the ability to add Sex Offender Registry (SOR) information. The proposed solution should have the ability to import or upload SOR information. The proposed solution should have the ability to Auto Alert when lacking registration and generate appropriate letters for the alert. The proposed solution should have the ability to print a change of address report. Page 77 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 43 Requirement Name: Permits / Licenses Some New York State Law Enforcement Agencies are involved in the issuance and management of permits and licenses for certain activities. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered 43.1 D The proposed solution should generate alerts to the permit\license bureau that permit\license holder had been arrested or received a qualifying traffic infraction that required review and determination of suspension or revocation. The proposed solution should track the issuance of a permits and licenses (e.g. alarms, parades, demonstrations) including but not limited to: 43.2 D Application process 43.3 D Documentation and collection of payment 43.4 D Suspension and revocation 43.5 D Notifications to permit\license holder (status, expiration dates, suspensions or revocations) RFP22798 Page 78 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Property Management RFP22798 Page 79 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Property / Evidence Management Vision New York State Law Enforcement Agencies routinely deal with assorted types of property. Property comes into the different agencies possession as evidence, found property, turned over for safekeeping, or surrendered as nuisance. New York State Law Enforcement Agencies require a system in which these types of property are documented within the proposed solution. Property coming into the agencies possession is expected to be subsequently tracked from inception to its final disposition without duplicative data entry and minimal use of paper forms. It is expected the proposed solution would have capabilities to track, accurately inventory, and report on all property physically possessed by the agencies. The actual physical location of property can range, based on the law enforcement agency, from one physical location to more than 200 locations throughout the State, including the State’s regional crime laboratories. Tracking of this property is expected to be in “real time” so that a user would be able to ascertain a location and status of either an item of property or multiple items of property grouped together at any given time. The following requirements define the specific needs of New York State Law Enforcement Agencies regarding Property / Evidence Management functionalities. RFP22798 Page 80 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 44 Requirement Name: Property / Evidence Management - Batching New York State Law Enforcement Agencies are required to transfer, transport or change the disposition of large quantities of property, for example a transfer of multiple items of evidence from multiple cases located at a station to a lab for analysis. This process is currently manual and time consuming. The system shall allow for the batching or the grouping of property for the purpose of transfer, transport or change in disposition. Req. Req. Requirement Description Bidder Responses No. Status COTS CUST Not Offered 44.1 M The proposed solution shall support the transferring of multiple items of property from one case at a time. 44.2 M The proposed solution shall support the transferring of multiple items of property from multiple cases at one time. 44.3 M The proposed solution shall support the updating of disposition for multiple items of property at one time. 44.4 D The proposed solution should support transferring/linking items of property to another case. 44.5 D The proposed solution should support grouping and ungrouping of multiple items of property. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Property / Evidence Management - Batching requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 81 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 45 Requirement Name: Property / Evidence Management – Quality Control New York State Law Enforcement Agencies take into their possession large quantities of property for various reasons; however each piece of property has its own value and must be cared for and protected. Therefore, these agencies have a strong need to maintain the integrity of all property that comes into their possession. The system shall allow for quality control functions to include validations of entries, review of changes, and the ability to take corrective actions as required. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall permit extensive controls of all property entered including but not limited to: 45.1 M 45.2 M 45.3 M 45.4 M 45.5 M 45.6 M 45.7 M Providing a mechanism to prevent duplicate use of a user assigned alphanumeric property identifier within the same case. Providing a mechanism to prevent the duplicate entry of the same item of property within a case. Requiring a user to document a reason for changes to certain agency defined property data fields after saving the record. Allowing a user with the proper authority to delete a saved property record which must be accompanied with a reason for deletion. Providing the ability for notification to proper authority for approval of changes to saved property records. Allowing a user with proper authority to manually correct an error in the chain of custody of an item of property. Providing a validation process to verify mandatory fields have been completed. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Property / Evidence Management – Quality Control requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. RFP22798 Page 82 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 83 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 46 Requirement Name: Property / Evidence Management New York State Law Enforcement Agencies take into their possession large quantities of property that must be tracked from initial entry through disposition (i.e., chain of custody) for a given case. This property can be categorized as evidence, nuisance property, seized assets, found property or property retained for safe keeping. Having a records management system that allows users to properly document, track, and inventory property is of the highest priority. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 46.1 M The proposed solution shall track property utilizing a 2D barcode. 46.2 M 46.3 M 46.4 M 46.5 M 46.6 M 46.7 M The proposed solution shall track property/evidence from initial entry through disposition (i.e., chain of custody) for a given case. The proposed solution shall allow for the use of bar codes and scanners, as well as manual entry to track property from initial entry through disposition (i.e., chain of custody). The proposed solution shall allow authorized users to print copies of the chain of custody for each case and for individual property items. The proposed solution shall be able to generate and print/reprint a bar coded property tag containing a 2D bar code and agency specified information from previously entered data. The proposed solution shall provide an audited method or mechanism for conducting a physical inventory of all items assigned to a storage location, including multiple nested levels: (e.g., Vault, Area within Vault, Shelf, SubSection of Shelf). The proposed solution shall incorporate timers / notifications, based on agency defined criteria (e.g., to notify appropriate users when property is eligible for release, sale, or destruction). RFP22798 CUST Page 84 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 46.8 M The proposed solution shall support the treatment of vehicles as evidence when required. When a vehicle is evidence, the vehicle information shall appear along with the other evidence items within a case. 46.9 D The proposed solution shall require a user to document a reason for reprinting a property tag. The proposed solution shall permit a wide variety of detailed information to be maintained for all property possessed by an agency including but not limited to: 46.10 M Case Number(s) 46.11 M Station Name / Other Agency Name 46.12 M Offense Type / Classification 46.13 M Offense Date 46.14 M County of Occurrence 46.15 M Investigating Officer 46.16 M System Generated Property Number 46.17 M 46.18 M User Assigned Alphanumeric Property Identifier Specific to an Individual Case Property Description 46.19 M 46.20 M 46.21 M RFP22798 Property Category / Status (e.g. evidence, nuisance, seized, found, and safe keeping) Initial Instruction (Hold at Station, To Troop, To Lab) Storage Location Consisting of Multiple Nested Levels: (e.g. Vault, Area within Vault, Shelf, Sub-Section of Shelf) Page 85 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 46.22 M Collected By 46.23 M Collection Location 46.24 M Collection Date / Time 46.25 M Link(s) to Associated Person(s) 46.26 M Transferred From (name or location) 46.27 M Transferred To (name and location) 46.28 M Transfer Date / Time 46.29 M Transfer Reason 46.30 M Multiple Electronic Signature(s) for Each Transfer 46.31 M Text field for “Disposition Instructions to Evidence Custodian” 46.32 M Disposition 46.33 M Disposition Type 46.34 M Disposition Date 46.35 M Disposition Authorized by 46.36 D RFP22798 The proposed solution should track property that may be associated with multiple cases. Page 86 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Reporting\Searching RFP22798 Page 87 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Searching, Reporting, and Crime Analysis Vision An essential aspect of New York State Law Enforcement Agencies is capturing, processing, and storing detailed information on law enforcement-related criminal and non-criminal events. Agencies need to be able to standardize the reporting and analysis of a majority of the data it collects. To this end, the proposed solution shall support robust searching, reporting, analytical and investigative tools for all system users, utilizing information from any area within the system. These tools shall provide the flexibility to aid all Agencies in the completion of their duties, from a Trooper or Patrolman investigating crimes within a small geographic area, to a NYSIC Investigator providing a state wide analysis of crime trends. The following requirements explain in detail the expectations that the agency has for Searching, Reporting and Crime Analysis. RFP22798 Page 88 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 47 Requirement Name: Reporting Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 47.1 M 47.2 M 47.3 M 47.4 M 47.5 M The proposed solution shall provide standard reports (see Appendix J Standardized Reports for list of the minimum expected standard reports). The proposed solution shall provide for a report authoring environment within the system allowing for the creation of custom agency reports that can be integrated in the system (e.g. adding logos, changing fonts, standardize lookand-feel). The proposed solution shall provide the ability to create graphs, maps, and timelines using data from the agency’s records and GIS data. The proposed solution shall allow the user to export all data in the system to standard file formats including, but not limited to, CSV, Excel, Word, Text, and XML. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to print reports to PDF files. 47.6 M The proposed solution shall provide a print preview function for all reports. 47.7 M 47.8 M 47.9 M The proposed solution shall support scheduled batch reporting and the electronic delivery of reports. The proposed solution shall provide ad hoc reporting functions that allow the user to create, customize, and save reports for future use without requiring programming or SQL code. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to save and share queries used to generate ad hoc reports. RFP22798 CUST Page 89 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 47.10 D 47.11 D 47.12 D RFP22798 The proposed solution should allow the user to export all data in the system to standard XML through a supported SOAP web service API. The proposed solution should incorporate crime scene pictures, crash photos, or other files attached to records or cases. The proposed solution should provide automatic consecutive numbering of pages when all reports authored under the case number requested are run electronically or printed that would identify and show the completeness of the record. Page 90 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 48 Requirement Name: Advanced Report Creation Tools The proposed solution shall provide advanced reporting tools that allow authorized advanced users within the agency to modify existing reports and create new reports with no restrictions as to which database objects can be accessed within the system allowing these reports to be made available to system users. In addition, there is a need for data to be extracted from the system to utilize 3 rd party tools to create reports. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 48.1 CUST M Not Offered The proposed solution shall allow the use of field data and metadata across all functional areas and indexes in reports. 48.2 M The proposed solution shall allow combining results from complex queries that span many record types and indexes. 48.3 M The proposed solution shall allow standard content reports that accept definable parameters at report run time. 48.4 M The proposed solution shall allow 3rd party reporting tools to be used to extract data and create reports. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Advanced Report Creation Tools requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 91 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 49 Requirement Name: Searching Req. Req. Requirement Description No. Status Bidder Responses COTS 49.1 M 49.2 M 49.3 M 49.4 M 49.5 M 49.6 M 49.7 M RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall allow the user to search any field or any combination of fields within the system. The proposed solution shall allow searches or queries that (a) do not restrict results by case sensitivity, (b) allow for exact matches of specific data or data meeting a range of parameters including greater than, less than, between, contains, and/or, wildcard and fuzzy search and (c) save and share those search criteria. The proposed solution shall allow for advanced search capabilities including, but not limited to, the following: Soundex search on all names, monikers and aliases Phonetic replacement in name searches Diminutive and common variations on names (e.g. Bill for William) The proposed solution shall provide the ability to print search results. The proposed solution shall provide ad hoc query capability that allows the user to choose fields, apply filters, define the sort order and save the queries for future use. The proposed solution shall allow for attachments saved in standard formats (i.e., text delimited, comma delimited, HTML, PDF, and Excel) to be included in search results. The proposed solution shall support the export of search results in standard formats including but not limited to text delimited, comma delimited, HTML, PDF, Excel and Access. Page 92 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 49.8 M 49.9 M 49.10 M 49.11 M 49.12 M RFP22798 The proposed solution shall provide a means to restrict search results based on security settings within the agency. The proposed solution shall allow for a summary and an expanded view of search results. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to navigate from summary search results to individual records displayed within the search and back to the summary results. The proposed solution shall allow an existing query to be modified. The proposed solution shall provide for the ability to limit searches based on geographical proximity (i.e. within 30 miles of a specified location). Page 93 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 50 Requirement Name: Crime Analysis / Analytical Support New York State Law Enforcement agencies currently utilize crime analysis to collect, collate, analyze, and disseminate timely, accurate, and useful information on a daily basis as an investigative tool. These agencies are also required to collect and provide statistical and tactical analysis for internal administrative reporting purposes and external requests. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 50.1 M 50.2 M 50.3 M 50.4 M 50.5 M 50.6 M 50.7 M 50.8 M 50.9 M RFP22798 CUST The proposed solution shall support the collection and reporting of information to conduct Crime Analysis (e.g. By Troop, Time, Date, Day of Week, Incident Report Number, Field Contact Data, Type of Offense /Section of Law). The proposed solution shall support reporting to satisfy NYS UCR/IBR requirements. The proposed solution shall support reporting required under the Clery Act (Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act: 20 U.S.C. § 1092). ( The proposed solution shall provide validation of addresses and distinguish between addresses that have been validated and addresses that have not. The proposed solution shall allow addresses to be geo-coded upon entry utilizing the NYS GIS Geo-coding Service (See Appendix F - NYS GIS Program Office Geocoding Services). The proposed solution shall create graphs, charts, maps and timelines using data from the agency’s records and GIS data. The proposed solution shall allow navigation between linked records within the system (calls for service, incident reports, arrests, master indices etc.). The proposed solution shall provide the ability to store the results of the analysis within the system for a time period as defined by the agency. The proposed solution shall provide the ability to manually enter x and y Page 94 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System coordinates into the proposed solution. 50.10 D 50.11 D The proposed solution should support the collection and reporting of Citation information to conduct Crime Analysis. The proposed solution should interface or incorporate analytical support tools in real time, such as crime mapping software, and link-analysis (e.g. i2 Analyst’s Notebook), data mining, spatial and temporal tools. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Crime Analysis requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 95 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 51 Requirement Name: Telephone Call Record Analysis Many investigations involve the collection of telephone call records from land-line, wireless, and VOIP service providers. Depending upon the provider, these call records may be received in wide variety of formats and contain thousands of connections. Connection information may include meta data such as the target phone number, associated phone number, incoming / outgoing information, time and date of the call, call duration, tower information, and GPS information. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution should have the following Telephone Call Record Analysis functionality: 51.1 D Ability to import and analyze call records. 51.2 D Distinguish between call, text message, and voicemail transmissions. 51.3 D 51.4 D Cross reference phone numbers with names and organizations within the master indices. Identify relationships between phone numbers (link analysis). 51.5 D Develop comprehensive reports, including charts and graphs. 51.6 D Ability to map GPS data from call records. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Telephone Call Record Analysis requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 96 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 52 Requirement Name: Criminal Intelligence The New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC) is an all-crimes, multi-agency fusion center responsible for the collection, analysis, and timely dissemination of criminal and counterterrorism intelligence to Federal, State, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies outside of the New York City area. The main objectives of the NYSIC is to consolidate statewide activities associated with preventing, investigating, and responding to criminal activity and terrorism; coordinate the State’s intelligence efforts; and liaison with the New York State Office of Homeland Security, and Federal, State, and local emergency management officials. The NYSIC provides information and support in several capacities to include but not be limited to: Investigative Support (e.g. link charts, timelines, case and target information packets, toll analysis, maps, detailed case analysis) Strategic Analysis and Report Writing (Vigilance Project, Suspicious Activity Report analysis) Tactical Analysis and Report Writing (e.g. intelligence and officer safety bulletins, command post support) Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 52.1 D 52.2 D CUST The proposed solution should provide the ability for NYSIC records to comply with Federal Regulations (28 CFR Part 23). The proposed solution should have the ability to create and label records to indicate levels of sensitivity such as sensitive, restricted, and unrestricted records. 52.3 D The proposed solution should provide a mechanism for removing intelligence information from the system based on an agency defined timeframe. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Criminal Intelligence requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 97 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Records RFP22798 Page 98 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Records Vision New York State Law Enforcement Agencies currently retain a wide variety of records associated with law enforcement activities as required by New York State and Federal Regulations. The proposed solution shall be able to identify juvenile, sealed, and purged records. New York State Law Enforcement Agencies frequently receive requests for information from numerous individuals and organizations. Therefore, the proposed solution shall be able to document the request process as well as be able to redact information from an incident or case prior to its distribution. The following requirements define the specific needs of New York State Law Enforcement Agencies regarding Records functionalities. RFP22798 Page 99 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 53 Requirement Name: Sealing New York State Law Enforcement Agencies receive sealing\unsealing orders from courts pursuant to New York State Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) Sections 160.50 (, 160.55 ( and 375.1 Family Court Act ( Sealing applies to a specific person and all mention of that person throughout the associated case record. Access to sealed records is limited to a small set of an agency’s personnel. There are some instances where sealed records may be seen by other personnel (e.g. police officer applicants). The sealing process within the New York State Police involves multiple units\levels throughout the agency. The process is currently linear, cumbersome, time consuming and does not provide any tracking ability for the person initiating the seal. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall provide the ability to: 53.1 M Allow access to sealed records to limited agency personnel. 53.2 M Seal and unseal records with the proper security access. 53.3 M Seal an existing juvenile arrest record. 53.4 M 53.5 M Track sealing workflow within the system allowing for multiple users to perform the necessary steps in the process simultaneously. Allow temporary access to sealed records to select personnel. 53.6 M Partially seal a record involving multiple defendants. 53.7 M Produce reports indicating records that have been sealed or unsealed. RFP22798 Page 100 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System 53.8 RFP22798 M Allow sealed records to be counted in statistical reporting (e.g., There were 100 burglaries in 2013, 95 can be reviewed, 5 are sealed). Page 101 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 54 Requirement Name: Minimum Retention Period / Purging Records Per New York State Police policy, a minimum record retention period is currently entered in to the Criminal Records System. These minimum retention periods are determined by internal policy utilizing the Penal Code Law or type of case. If a request for information is submitted for a case, the minimum retention period will be extended. Currently the NYSP maintains an Index of limited information for the sole purpose to document that a record did once exist but has subsequently been purged. Req. No. Req. Status Mandatory Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall provide the ability to: 54.1 M 54.2 M 54.3 M 54.4 M Produce reports indicating records that had their minimum retention period updated. Support purging of records with authorized user approval. 54.5 M Utilize batch processing functionality to purge records. 54.6 M Produce reports indicating records that have approaching purge dates. 54.7 M Produce reports providing a list of records that are purged. 54.8 D The proposed solution should provide the ability for authorized users to search and identify records as purged and view minimal record data (e.g. Case Number, Name, Incident Date, Arrest Date, Reporting Officer, Purge Date) for the sole purpose to document that a record did once exist but has subsequently been purged. RFP22798 Create or generate a minimum record retention\purge date for each record based on business rules. Update retention period date for a specific record. Page 102 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 55 Requirement Name: Juvenile Arrests The State of New York requires special handling of information related to juvenile arrestees. A juvenile arrestee is someone who was less than sixteen years old at the time of the offense. Juvenile arrest records shall be distinguishable from adult arrest records and clearly defined within the proposed solution. There are some instances where juvenile records may be seen by other personnel for specific situations (e.g. review of police officer applicants). Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall provide the ability to: 55.1 M Distinguish juvenile arrests records from adult arrest records. 55.2 M Allow temporary access to juvenile records to select personnel. 55.3 M Restrict access to juvenile arrest records based on system security access. 55.4 M 55.5 M 55.6 M Provide safeguards to prevent the unintentional release of protected juvenile arrest information. Allow a juvenile arrest record to be part of summary search results but restrict access to the detailed arrest record. Allow juvenile arrest records to be counted in statistical reporting (e.g., There were 100 arrests for burglary in 2013, 95 are adults, 5 are juveniles). RFP22798 Page 103 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 56 Requirement Name: Youthful Offender Status New York State Law Enforcement Agencies receive adjudications for some defendants of Youthful Offender status pursuant to New York State Criminal Procedure Law (CPL) 720.35. ( Access to Youthful Offender records is limited to a small set of police personnel. There are some instances where youthful offender records may be seen by other personnel for specific situations (e.g., for police officer applicants). Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST The proposed solution shall provide the ability to: 56.1 M Restrict access to youthful offender records based on system security access. 56.2 M Clearly define youthful offender records within the system. 56.3 M Allow temporary access to juvenile records to select personnel. 56.4 M Allow youthful offender records to be counted in statistical reporting (e.g., There were 100 assault arrests in 2013, 95 can be reviewed, 5 are adjudicated youthful offender) RFP22798 Page 104 of 110 Not Offered Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 57 Requirement Name: Records Requests – Redaction New York State Law Enforcement Agencies receive requests for records pursuant to state statutes, including the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) ( and NYS Public Officers Law Article 4 Section 66-a ( Additionally, other government agencies and law enforcement entities may request criminal and non-criminal records. The majority of records requested reside within the records management system but some do not. Each state statute dictates processing requirements (e.g., FOIL requests are date sensitive). The requests received pursuant to law are tracked. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the ability to provide redaction functionality including but not limited to: 57.1 M Create a “redline” or draft version of the redaction of reports within the system 57.2 M Allow a supervisor to review draft redactions via workflow 57.3 M Save copies of the redacted versions 57.4 M Allow for printing of a certified copy of a record RFP22798 Page 105 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 58 Requirement Name: Records Request - Management New York State Law Enforcement Agencies receive requests for records pursuant to state statutes, including the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) ( and NYS Public Officers Law Article 4 Section 66-a ( Additionally, other government agencies and law enforcement entities may request criminal and non-criminal records. The majority of records requested reside within the records management system but some do not. Each state statute dictates processing requirements (e.g., FOIL requests are date sensitive). The requests received pursuant to law are tracked. Req. No. Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS CUST Not Offered The proposed solution shall have the ability to track requests for records including but not limited to: 58.1 M Receipt of request (e.g. request type, status, date of request, due date) 58.2 M Response (e.g. decision type, actions taken date of completion) 58.3 M Appeal& Lawsuit (e.g. date, decision type, resulting action) 58.4 M Due dates and reminders 58.5 M Creation of form letters 58.6 D The proposed solution should have the ability to track fees / payments (e.g. fee amount, notification of fee, payment, date received) Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Records Request - Management requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. RFP22798 Page 106 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 107 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Additional Desirable Functionality RFP22798 Page 108 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 59 Requirement Name: Additional Desirable Functionality Req. No Req. Status Requirement Description Bidder Responses COTS 59.1 D CUST Not Offered New York State has an interest in learning of any other application capabilities available from Bidders above and beyond functionality needed to meet the requirements contained within this RFP. Please provide in the space below and on additional pages, if needed, a description of any solutions that could be made available to New York State that that have not been put forth in this document. Please note that any costs associated with these capabilities shall be itemized in the Bidder’s cost proposal. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Additional Desirable Functionality requirement(s) including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 109 of 110 Attachment 1.1 - RMS Functional Requirements New York State Law Enforcement Records Management System Requirement Number: 60 Requirement Name: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) The New York State Police currently has two Troops utilizing two different computer aided dispatching systems (Valor and HTC). In addition to Valor and HTC, the New York State Police receives CAD information from several county-owned CADs. The New York State Police is expecting to undertake an initiative in the future to consolidate its current CAD operations into one system and expand CAD capabilities to all New York State Police dispatch centers and vehicles. Req. No Req. Status Requirement Description COTS 60.1 Bidder Responses Not Customer CUST Offered Site D With this in mind, New York State is requesting information regarding the Bidder’s CAD functionality. If the Bidder is interested, provide licensing types, implementation options and features for your system and/or each of the system’s components including scenarios for a multi-tenant system taking into account the potential large variation in the size of each agency that may be supported from 5,000+ people to under 50. Please do not include cost information in this section. Please note that any costs associated with these capabilities shall be itemized in the Bidder’s cost proposal. Provide a comprehensive description of how the proposed solution satisfies the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) requirement including capabilities, features, considerations, constraints, and limitations. Reference additional pages, if necessary. Click here to enter text. RFP22798 Page 110 of 110